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"Night time when everything looks black, we make it looks green"
Indonesian Police Special Anti Terror Task Force
photo credit : SW04

Air to air Shoot :tup:
Credit to jeff
air to air.jpg

"Night time when everything looks black, we make it looks green"
Indonesian Police Special Anti Terror Task Force
photo credit : SW04

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Talk about kosmetik SF kita
di asean sf kita menurut ane kosmetiknya ktika full gear gak kalah lah sama sf nya yg di amrik ato ngeropah sana malah ampe ada yg gk percaya ktika kopaska full gear kek komen dibawah ini :D
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Talk about kosmetik SF kita. di asean sf kita menurut ane kosmetiknya ktika full gear gak kalah lah sama sf nya yg di amrik ato ngeropah sana malah ampe ada yg gk percaya ktika kopaska full gear kek komen dibawah ini

These kind of gears are pretty standart for elite units. Btw, which one is bigger? the number of singapore's active soldiers(around 70.000) or Indonesia's elite soldiers?

Some people often say that singapore soldiers are the best equipped in ASEAN, but i dare to say that our elite soldiers are not inferior in term of equipment & military gears from them. If we have bigger number of elite soldiers than singapore's active soldiers, then we clearly in upper hand, arguably since we have the best trained and the most professional soldiers in ASEAN.
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Indonesia’s Asian Fulcrum Idea
A new proposal of Jakarta’s worldview.


Recently, Rizal Sukma, a noted Indonesian expert and foreign policy advisor to the current government led by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, proposed the idea of an Asian Fulcrum of Four. According to Rizal, four Asian powers – China, India, Indonesia and Japan – would seek to build and shape a pan Indo-Pacific (or Pacindo).
This is very similar to the idea of an Asian coalition of five put forth fifteen years ago by Indonesia’s then-president, Abdurrahman Wahid. Wahid had suggested a coalition comprised of China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Singapore. The group would not be a security pact, but an arrangement to facilitate political, economic and cultural cooperation that would allow three big countries to rise with the assistance of Japan and Singapore.

Rizal’s idea of Asia’s own G-4 rests on five assumptions. First, it is predicated on the idea of Asian solidarity and an Asian Century that may have received new momentum from the recently concluded Afro-Asian conference in Indonesia in April 2015. Leaders of nearly 100 countries from Asia and Africa gathered in Indonesia to celebrate seven decades of Afro-Asian solidarity.

Second, it seeks to build on the Indonesian experience as a regional architect. This is Jakarta’s key competency, as evidenced by its role in the growth and mushrooming of ASEAN-led initiatives for cooperation. Moreover, Indonesia is arguably positioned relative to the other three Asian powers. It has signed strategic partnerships with all these powers and sought to multi-align with them on the basis of parity and equidistant engagement.

Third, it places the responsibility of order-building in the region in the hands of four major players within it, rather than parties from without. Indeed, the essence of the idea is that Asia’s key actors should jointly take charge of constructing regional order, rather than leave it up to external forces.

Fourth, it builds on recent attempts among major Asian leaders to sustain dialogue and communication. Rizal notes that major powers are taking steps to address issues among them, including the U.S. and China, India and China, Japan and South Korea and Japan and China.

Finally, it plays on the fear of deterioration in great power relations between the United States and China under what is called the “Thucydides Trap.”

While the first three assumptions appear palpable and logical, the last two appear problematic. On the fourth assumption, to take just one example, India and China seem to have downgraded their strategic partnership of 2005 to a developmental partnership. And on the final assumption, it might be difficult for Jokowi to convince both Abe and Modi to work together with Xi just because China and the United States are caught in the “Thucydides Trap.”

This proposal is a departure from current regional trends on four counts. First, it stands apart from current trilateral arrangements – Australia-Japan-U.S.; India-Japan-U.S.; and Australia-India-Japan – in that it includes China. Second, it does not involve any extra-regional powers, excluding both Russia and the United States, engaging China – probably the only player that seems to be adamant about changing the status-quo. Third, this arrangement is not anchored on the region’s most successful cooperative platform – the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and ASEAN-led initiatives. Finally, the proposal excludes three other important middle powers of the region – Australia, South Korea and Vietnam.

What does the proposal mean for Indonesia and ASEAN? For some, it can be viewed as yet more evidence of the increasingly marginal position of ASEAN in Indonesia’s strategic thinking under Jokowi. As Endy Bayuni, a noted Indonesian journalist and senior editor of The Jakarta Post, wrote in the Straits Times: “Under Jokowi, Indonesia is becoming more assertive, and perhaps a little too confident for its own good. And it is going it alone without ASEAN.”

Reiterating his idea of ASEAN as a confinement, Rizal downplays the role of ASEAN and underscores the strategic importance and necessity of the East Asia Summit (EAS). With respect to ASEAN, Rizal makes it clear that the grouping cannot maintain its centrality unless it sees the need for reform and initiates greater institutionalization. This line of strategic thinking suggests that while Jakarta may not be ditching ASEAN per se, it is going big and in a different direction. It is giving up what once former Indonesian President Yudhoyono called ‘geopolitics of cooperation’ and engaging in major power politics. As Barry Desker once put it, Indonesia as an emerging power is outgrowing ASEAN.

Since Wahid’s proposal of an Asia-5, much has changed both in the region and in Indonesia. Rizal Sukma’s somewhat sibylline remark in 2009 that Indonesia was ‘punching below its weight’ due to its ASEAN confinement has led to an important debate within the country about its regional aspirations and status-consistent behavior. Indonesia has risen to become an Indo-Pacific power and an emerging power seeking parity in the regional echelon of major powers. Experts have bestowed various epithets on Indonesia – including emerging power, global swing state, emerging democratic power, the first Muslim democratic superpower, and ascending Indonesia.

However, the proposal also exposes the inconsistency between entitlement and status-signaling in Indonesia’s own regional aspirations. While the idea of big-4 places Indonesia in the big leagues as an emerging power together with the likes of India, China and Japan and ensconces Indonesia’s pan-Indo-Pacific worldview, its continued adherence to its middle power approach effectively relegates Indonesia to a second-tier power status. If Indonesia can be part of this group as a middle power, then why can’t other Asian middle powers like South Korea, Australia, or even Vietnam also join as well?

In short, it appears that Indonesia is thinking like a major power and acting like a middle power. This middle power approach is a step backward when the country is being recognized – or if it wants to be recognized – as an emerging power. All other three Asian powers, meanwhile, claim at least regional major power status. This inconsistency of aspiration also contradicts Rizal’s own caution against Indonesia punching below its weight. One may argue that it is not ASEAN confinement that compels Indonesia to punch below its weight, but rather its own self-imposed and restrictive middle power approach that limits Indonesia’s regional profile.

If it is time to set up a group of big-4 in Asia that includes Indonesia, it is imperative that Jakarta first reset its regional demeanor. If Indonesia seeks parity with major powers, it must make up its mind about the status it seeks instead of floating between being a major and middle power. This confusion has dogged Indonesian leadership at least for the last five years. It is time rising Indonesia spells out an emerging power’s grand strategy. That would lend extra punch to Rizal’s idea of Asian Fulcrum of Four.

Vibhanshu Shekhar is Asia Fellow at East West Center, Washington DC and Visiting Fellow at Paramadina University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Indonesia’s Asian Fulcrum Idea | The Diplomat
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Satgas Batalyon Komposit TNI Kontingen Garuda (Konga) XXXV-A/Unamid (United Nations Mission In Darfur) atau Indonesian Battalion (Indobatt), yang tengah bertugas sebagai Pasukan Perdamaian PBB memberikan pengobatan massal gratis bagi warga lokal di area El Riyad, Darfur Barat, Sudan, Afrika. Pengobatan gratis itu dilakukan pada Rabu, 22 Juli 2015.
Republic of Djibouti Keen Warship Made in Indonesia
Republik Djibouti Minati Kapal Perang Buatan Indonesia

Jakarta - KRI Banjarmasin-592 yang berlayar menuju Italia juga sempat singgah di Negara Republik Djibouti. Saat bersandar, negara yang terletak di Afrika Timur itu ternyata tertarik pada kapal perang buatan Indonesia tersebut.

Berdasarkan informasi dari Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Laut yang diterima detikcom, Senin (1/6/2015), KRI merapat di Dermaga Doraleh, Djibouti untuk menambah bekal berupa pengisian ulang bahan bakar dan air tawar. Saat bertemu dengan Dubes RI Luar Biasa Berkuasa Penuh untuk Ethiophia, Imam Santoso dalam acara Cocktail Party, Imam menyampaikan bahwa Negara Republik Djibouti meminati kapal perang buatan Indonesia seperti KRI Banjarmasin-592.

"Kapal perang sejenis KRI Banjarmasin-592 memiliki multifungsi yang dapat membawa pasukan, kapal kecil atau LCU (Landing Craft Unit) untuk menggeser pasukan dan memiliki Helly Deck yang dapat memuat lima pesawat helikopter," kata Imam Santoso seperti disampaikan Kepala Dispenal, Kolonel Laut (P) Suradi Agung Slamet.

Ditambahkan Imam, produk alutsista dan nonalutsista buatan Indonesia lebih bagus secara mutu dan harganya terjangkau bila dibandingkan dengan produk Eropa yang bagus, namun harga mahal dan biaya perawatan mahal. Sedangkan produk Cina harganya murah namun kualitas kurang bagus.

Republik Djibouti Minati Kapal Perang Buatan Indonesia

TNI AL Latihan Lawan Penyusup di KRI Banjarmasin yang Berlayar ke Italia

- KRI Banjarmasin-592 sedang berlayar menuju Italia guna mengikuti World Expo Milano (WEM). Pasukan Khusus TNI Angkatan Laut (Passusla) sempat melaksanakan latihan Close Quarter Combat (CQC) di atas kapal perang buatan Indonesia yang di Komandani Letkol Laut (P) Rakhmat Arief Bintoro itu saat melintas di Laut Merah, Arab.

Berdasarkan informasi dari Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Laut yang diterima detikcom, Senin (1/6/2015), latihan diawali dengan latihan peran darurat dengan simulasi KRI Banjarmasin-592 disusupi oleh sekelompok orang tidak dikenal (OTK). Kelompok bersenjata yang terdiri dari 3-4 orang itu berhasil menguasai anjungan KRI Banjarmasin-592 dan berusaha menguasai kapal.

Selanjutnya, Tim Passusla yang onboard di KRI Banjarmasin-592 yang terdiri dari prajurit Komando Pasukan Katak (Kopaska) Armatim, Intai Amfibi (Taifib) Brigib I Marinir Surabaya dan ABK KRI Banjarmasin-592 melaksanakan negoisasi. Negosiasi dilakukan untuk mengulur waktu guna menyusun strategi dan berusaha mengetahui jumlah OTK dan persenjataannya.

"Setelah strategi dan kekuatan lawan diketahui, tim Passusla melaksanakan Ship Movement atau pergerakan kelompok menyusuri lorong dan tangga menuju anjungan dari lambung kiri geladak sekoci," kata Kepala Dispenal, Kolonel Laut (P) Suradi Agung Slamet.

Setelah kondisi lorong dan tangga telah dikuasai, lanjut Suradi, Tim Passusla dengan tangkas melumpuhkan OTK dan berhasil menguasai anjungan.

TNI AL Latihan Lawan Penyusup di KRI Banjarmasin yang Berlayar


From Kartika Jala Krida: Sail to Milano 2015



The Naval Academy Midshipman ( AAL ) which is incorporated in the Genderang Seruling Gita Jala Taruna doing performance in front of hundreds of visitors in Alexandria Beach, Egypt.


Menengok tata cara makan para Taruna AAL selama KJK.


Aksi marching band Taruna AAL.
Sumber: Jurnal Maritim




Satgas Kartika Jala Krida Sukses Tunaikan Tugas di Italia
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Dalam rangkaian persiapan latihan bersama CARAT 2015 antara TNI AL dengan US NAVY, KRI John Lie-358 yang tergabung dalam latihan tersebut melaksanakan beberapa rangkaian kegiatan persiapan, salah satunya adalah melaksanakan Tactical Floor Game (TFG) di anjungan KRI John Lie-358 yang sedang berada di pangkalan Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur (Koarmatim), Senin, (20/07).

Selain KRI John Lie-358, ikut pula dalam rangkaian kegiatan Latma CARAT 2015 yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365, KRI Sultan Hasanudin-366 dan KRI Makasar-590. Keempat unsur tersebut saat ini dalam kondisi siap tempur untuk mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan mulai tahap Harbour Phase hingga Sea Phase. Ke-empat KRI yang masuk dalam jajaran Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur tersebut, merupakan kapal-kapal berteknologi terbaru dan tercanggih yang dimiliki oleh TNI AL. Selain memiliki kemampuan sistem deteksi yang canggih, kapal-kapal tersebut diklengkapi pula oleh sistem senjata yang memiliki daya hancur dan akurasi yang dapat diandalkan.

Kegiatan TFG yang dilaksanakan dipimpin oleh Komandan KRI John Lie-358 Kolonel Laut (P) Antonius Widyoutomo, S.H. dan dihadiri pula oleh ke-3 Komandan KRI lainnya yang bertujuan untuk menguji pemahaman dari masing-masing unsur terhadap perencanaan latihan yang telah disusun. Hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut Seluruh perwira operasi yang terlibat dalam Latma CARAT 2015. Dalam TFG tersebut, diberikan pula dinamika permasalahan-permasalahan yang harus dipecahkan oleh masing-masing perwira operasi dengan tujuan agar kegiatan latihan yang akan dilaksanakan dapat berjalan dengan aman dan lancar.

National scene: Marine Corps to realize maritime axis plan
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Fri, July 24 2015, 2:40 PM

JAKARTA: Marine Corps Commander Maj. Gen. Buyung Lalana has announced that the marines will support President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s maritime axis plan through the implementation of four specific programs.

According to Buyung, the four programs are: Save Our Littoral Life, a program to revitalize coral reef ecosystems across the archipelago, Marine Corps training on Damar Island in the Thousand Islands, trial use of flame retardant munitions by PT-76 Amphibious Tanks to help fight forest and landfires; and a symbolic expedition to the top of the Cartenzs Pyramid in Puncak Jaya, Papua.

“In the ‘Save Our Littoral Life’ program, the Marine Corps will plant 28,000 substrates of coral reef in 235 locations across the country, determined by GPS and placed under the care of the local marines,” he said in a press release on Thursday.

To officiate the program, Buyung continued, the Marines would be hosting a simultaneous reef-planting activity in several locations, including Sabang in Aceh, Manado in North Sulawesi and Ambon, Maluku, to coincide with the 70th commemoration of Indonesia’s Independence Day this August.

Furthermore, the corps plans to send a marine trooper to pitch the Indonesian flag at the top of the 4,884-meter high Carstensz Pyramid to also coincide with the Aug. 17 celebrations.

Apart from that, Buyung said that his forces would conduct a trial of chemical flame retardants for use with the PT-76 units’ cannons, in order to anticipate the spread of forest fires in the country.

National scene: Marine Corps to realize maritime axis plan | The Jakarta Post

National scene: Govt to hold UN peacekeeping meeting
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Fri, July 24 2015, 2:40 PM

JAKARTA: The Foreign Ministry is holding the Asia-Pasific regional meeting on peacekeeping next Monday and Tuesday to strengthen support from each country for the UN peacekeeping program, particularly to close the gaps in their contributions.

“This meeting is being held because of the high demand from the UN for its country members to contribute peacekeepers to conflict countries. There is a significant gap between contributions and demand,” said Andy Rachmianto, the International Security and Disarmament Director with the ministry.

According to the ministry, the meeting will be attended by 28 peacekeeper-contributing countries from the Asia-Pacific region.

Besides that, Singapore, Laos and Myanmar, who have yet to contribute any personnel will also attend to talk about potential contributions in the future. UN Security Council members, the US, England, France and Russia will also be present at the meeting.

The second day of the meeting will be a field-visit session to the Indonesian Peacekeeping Center in Sentul, West Java.

“Indonesia has deployed at least 2,700 personnel to 10 conflict areas. We are aiming to send 4,000 in total by 2019. Hopefully our contribution and the hosting of the meeting can be a good sign to support the nomination of Indonesia as an impermanent member of UN Security Council 2019 to 2020,” Andy said.

National scene: Govt to hold UN peacekeeping meeting | The Jakarta Post
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