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Indonesia Defence Forum

India Eyes Air-Borne Early Warning And Control System Export To Indonesia

DRDO's EMB-145SA AEW&C (photo : DID)

India is in talks with Indonesia to export indigenously-made Air Borne Early Warning and Control System (AEWAC).
“The AEWAC exports would be the first major export of defense systems from India under Prime Minister led government and the move fits into the government’s push to reduce import of weapon systems and increase exports,” Dr Christopher Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Director General told NDTV Monday.

“The government has clearly told us that expect technology and system that fall in the strategic we are free to export,” Dr Christopher said.

On being asked how he rated the Indian Private sector and its contribution to defense research and development, Dr Christopher said that for Make in India to be successful in defense systems with the private sector taking the lead “there is need to hand hold” the private companies. Development of defense systems is time consuming and costly. “The government could consider a fund to help out the private sector,” he said,

Indonesia to retire military aircraft that are more than 30 years old: Defence minister

Indonesia will decommission all military aircraft more than 30 years old, the Defence Minister said on Tuesday, as part of a push to modernise is fleet after the crash of an air force plane killed about 140 people last month.
Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu declined to give details about how many aircraft would be retired or how much would be spent procuring new equipment.

"We have equipment that is 30, 40, 50 years old, planes and helicopters ... and we want to replace those with better aircraft," Mr Ryacudu told reporters after meeting the President in the capital, Jakarta.

Indonesia to retire military aircraft that are more than 30 years old: Defence minister, SE Asia News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

Including F-5 tiger replaced with SU-35 :cheers:
All old amphibious tank with Bmp-3F
Van speijk class with PKR 10514
C130B to J super hercules
And many more :lol:
Including F-5 tiger replaced with SU-35
All old amphibious tank with Bmp-3F
Van speijk class with PKR 10514
C130B to J super hercules
And many more

I'm a strong supporter for national defense industry.
- Marines should try to incorporate Anoa amfibi & SBS to their inventory, replacing old stock BTR-50
- Army should replace all the old armor vehicles with Anoa, Komodo, Badak & SBS
- Navy should replace all their old patrol boats with KCR-40, KCR-60 and their derivatives
- Navy should replace their old LST with Teluk Bintuni Class LST
- etc
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Korps Pasukan Khas - (Air Force Special Forces Corps) is the Special Forces corps of the Indonesian Air Force(IAF) or TNI-AU in Indonesian. In Indonesia, this unit also sometimes called Orange Berets (Baret Jingga in Indonesian) because of the color of their service headgear.

Paskhas is trained to seize and defend airfields from enemy forces, and then prepare the airfields to be able to facilitate friendly airplanes to land. This capability is known as Frontline Air Base Establishment and Management Operation.

Paskhas has the only IAF special forces and has many air-oriented combat abilities, such as combat-control team, airfields control, combat SAR, jump master, or ground-forward air control. They can also operate as air traffic controllers (ATC).








Oerlikon Skyshield
. . . . .
Old Pictures of Indonesian Air Force F-16A painted with Blue Eagle color scheme for Jupiter Acrobatic Team.

credit to original uploader






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Training of Trainer for Terrex AV81? (picture from Kaskus @chendole)


(c) Military-Today
C130 Hercules A-1314, Interiornya tidak seperti hercules pada umumnya karena tugasnya sebagai angkut vip, kursi menghadap ke depan, toilet, oven, tempat cuci piring, LCD TV ada di dalamnya, yang paling unik yaitu adanya kursi menghadap ke belakang yang posisinya di paling depan kabin, asiknya saat pesawat full power untuk take off, badan harus ditahan agar tidak merosot

I'm a strong supporter for national defense industry.
- Marines should try to incorporate Anoa amfibi & SBS to their inventory, replacing old stock BTR-50
- Army should replace all the old armor vehicles with Anoa, Komodo, Badak & SBS
- Navy should replace all their old patrol boats with KCR-40, KCR-60 and their derivatives
- Navy should replace their old LST with Teluk Bintuni Class LST
- etc
Agree with u...but if we talk about retired old aircraft (air force) it would be a big job for our ministry..check this

boeing 737 2X9 Surveiller (33 tahun)
Fokker F28 Fellowship (45 tahun)
KC-130B Hercules (55 tahun)
C-130H (36 tahun)
C-130B (55 tahun)
L-100-30 (36 tahun)
NC-212-100 (39 tahun)
CN-235-100/110 sudah 27 tahun
F16 Blok OCU sudah 26 tahun
NAS 330J sudah 26 tahun
NAS-332 Super Puma sudah 28 tahun
N24A Nomad 30 tahun
NAS-332 Super Puma VVIP sudah 28 tahun
Some pictures from Airliners.net, all picture belong to original uploader


PK-PLR (cn 382-4889) Seen here soon after beginning UK lease, still in basic Pelita colours along with PK-PLW, this Hercules later appeared in full HeavyLift colours and was used for the Oil Spill contract after a period in Cambodia with the UN. Returned to Indonesia in 1.94 and to the TNI-AU as A-1327 from 2.97


PK-PLR (cn 382-4889) After repaint from basic Pelita colours, during the Oil Spill contract period. Following lease, returned to Indonesia in 1994 and now A-1327 with the Air Force


PK-PLW (cn 382-4828) Pelita had a total of six L100s, of which two were operated by Merpati in a 97-pax config after modification by ITPN using B727 windows. The other four were all leased to HeavyLift in the early 90s, three later going on to the Indonesian AF and one crashing into the sea on take-off from HKG in 9.94. PK-PLW became A-1328 on joining the TNI-AU in 2.97


A-1321 (cn 382-4925) Joined the TNI-AU's SkU 31 in 10.80. Based at Halim and nowadays flies in semi-gloss brown/green camo. This serial was initially used by VIP Hercules c/n 4870 which changed to A-1341
News in Bahasa Indonesia

Ukraina Siap Laksanakan ToT Produksi Radar Bersama


Jakarta, DMC Meskipun situasi dalam negeri Ukraina sedang mengalami masalah atau konflik namun hal tersebut tidak mengganggu hubungan antara Indonesia dan Ukraina yang telah berjalan dengan baik. Projectantara kedua negara tetap berjalan dengan baik. Demikian disampaikan Dubes Ukraina untuk Indonesia Mr. H.E. Volodymyr Pakhil saat melakukan kunjungan kepada Menhan Ryanizard Ryacudu, Jumat (10/7), di kantor Kemhan Jakarta.

Dalam kesempatan ini Dubes Ukraina mengatakan bahwa hubungan di bidang pertahanan dengan Indonesia telah berjalan dengan baik dan belum ditemukan masalah yang berarti selama ini. Untuk itu seperti disampaikan Dubes Ukraina bahwa pemerintahnya menyampaikan keinginannya untuk memperluas kerjasama dengan Indonesia.

Dubes Ukraina meyakinkan bahwa Ukraina adalah negara bersahabat dan partner yang dapat dipercaya di bidang pertahanan.

Saat ini di Kemhan terdapat draft memorandum kerjasama di bidang pertahanan yang sedang dilakukan pembahasan. Untuk itu Dubes Ukraina memomohon dukungan Menhan agar dilakukan pembahasan lebih lanjut dalam waktu dekat. Disampaikan juga bahwa perwakilan delegasi Indonesia beberapa kali melakukan kunjungan ke Ukraina untuk melanjutkan project-project yang sedang berjalan. Kerjasama yang telah berjalan diantaranya produksi bersama dengan PT Pindad di Bandung.

Ukraina menyatakan kesiapannya untuk melakukan transfer teknlogi dalam memproduksi radar secara bersama-sama dimana 60 % diantaranya dapat diproduksi di Indonesia. Untuk kedepannya Ukraina dapat memberikan teknologi tentang radar secara penuh.

Disela-sela kunjungannya kepada Menhan, atas nama pemerintah dan rakyat Ukaina, Dubes menyampaikan bela sungkawa yang mendalam atas musibah jatuhnya pesawat Hercules milik TNI AU.

Menanggapi hal tersebut, Menhan menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada pemerintah Ukaina untuk simpatinya atas musibah jatuhnya pesawat Hercules TNI AU. Sementara itu di bidang pertahanan, Menhan menyetujui kerjasama yang telah dijalin kedua negara dan langkah-langkah yang telah dijalankan serta keinginan Ukraina untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih erat dengan Indonesia. Semoga kedepannya hubungan kedua negara semakin baik. (ERA/ACP)

It warms my heart when I see Indonesia moving forward as a country.

I wish that KSA, GCC and the Arab world as a whole increased our cooperation and ties with Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. We have very old religious and cultural ties aside from ancient trade relations.

Not only that but millions of Indonesians and Malaysians (South East Asians in general) have Arab ancestry and many South East Asians (mainly Indonesians from Sumatra and Java) also settled in Arabia and parts of the Arab world, mainly in Hijaz.

I just wanted to extend my greetings to the Indonesian users here and I at least am hoping for closer ties between the Arab world and South East Asia in the future.

Especially military cooperation.

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