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Indonesia to continue CN-295 project with Spain

Kerjasama Pesawat CN 295 Indonesia - Spanyol Dilanjutkan

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

Jakarta, Menteri Pertahanan Republik Indonesia Jenderal TNI (Purn) Ryamizad Ryacudu menerima kunjungan kehormatan Duta Besar Spanyol untuk Indonesia HE Mr. Francisco Jose Viqueira, Selasa (10/2) di kantor Kementerian Pertahanan, Jakarta. Kunjungan ini dimaksudkan untuk membicarakan kerjasama pertahanan kedua negara.

Dalam pertemuan ini, Menhan RI dan Dubes Spanyol membicarakan berbagai hal terkait kerjasama pertahanan kedua negara baik program – program yang telah berjalan maupun yang akan dilakukan kedepannya sebagai bagian upaya meningkatkan kerjasama yang telah terjalin baik selama ini.

Dubes Spanyol menyampaikan bahwa Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) kerjasama pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Spanyol sudah ditandatangani pada bulan Februari 2013. MoU tersebut sebagai dasar bagi kedua negara untuk meningkatkan kerjasama di bidang pertahanan.

Kerjasama yang sudah ditindaklanjuti diantaranya kerjasama pertukaran siswa. Selain itu, kedua negara sudah melakukan kerjasama di bidang industri pertahanan melalui program kerjasama pembangunan pesawat CN 295 antara Airbus Military dengan PT Dirgantara Indonesia. Sampai dengan saat ini, melalui kerjasama tersebut kedua negara sudah berhasil membangun sebanyak sembilan pesawat CN 295 untuk TNI AU.

Terkait kerjasama ini, Dubes Spanyol menyampaikan bahwa pihak Spanyol sangat berharap kerjasama pembangunan pesawat CN 295 ini diharapkan dapat terus dilanjutkan, sehingga proses transfer teknologi dapat berjalan sesuai yang diharapkan.

Menanggapi apa yang disampaikan Dubes Spanyol, Menhan RI memastikan bahwa pihak Indonesia juga menginginkan kedepan kerjasama pembangunan pesawat CN 295 akan terus dilanjutkan. Turut mendampingi Menhan dalam kesempatan tersebut Direktur Kerjasama Internasional Direktorat Jenderal Strategi Pertahanan Kemhan dan Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kemhan.

Philippine Plans to purchase aircraft from PT Dirgantara Indonesia

Ni Kumara Santi Dewi
Monday, February 9th, 2015, 23:43 pm

VIVA.co.id - President Joko Widodo on this night has returned to the country of his visit to the three countries in Southeast Asia, namely Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines. In her last trip to the capital of the Philippines, Manila, former Governor of Jakarta was welcomed Philippine government plans to buy 2 plane N212i from PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

In addition, the Philippines also bought two landing platform dock ship of PT PAL. According to a press release received VIVA.co.id of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday, February 9th, 2015.

"The two Presidents also agreed to enhance cooperation in the field of maritime prevention and prevention of illegal fishing (IUU)," Foreign Ministry wrote in a press release.

In fact, to improve connectivity, Jokowi President and President Benigno Aquino agreed to open a new flight routes and operation of container ships. In May 2015, the national airline, Garuda Indonesia, open lines of flight from Jakarta to Manila and Jakarta.

Jokowi Arriving in the Philippines Today

With direct flights is expected to increase the number of tourists visiting the Philippines to Jakarta. Based on data from the Foreign Ministry, the total number of tourists Philippines to Indonesia in 2013 reached 247 573 people.

Both President also witnessed the signing of four cooperation framework.
"First, the declaration together with the Government of Indonesia and the Government of the Philippines regarding the protection of migrants and migrant workers. Second, a memorandum of understanding on technical education and vocational training between the two governments. Third, a memorandum of understanding between the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and, Fourth, a memorandum of understanding between the Institute of National Defence to the National High School of the Philippines in the field of education, training and research defense and security, "said Foreign Ministry.

In the field of trade, the two countries have had an action plan to strengthen bilateral relations in 11 fields, including trade and investment cooperation. Total bilateral trade in 2013 reached US $ 4.59 billion, with a surplus of US $ 3.04 billion for Indonesia.

In the field of investment, the Philippines is the fourth investor in ASEAN. In three quarters in the last 2014 years, the Philippine investment in Indonesia reached US $ 11.5 million and an increase over the year 2013 ie US45,8 million.

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She is half Minang, that's should smooth things out... C'mon won't you do anything for love? hekeke :D


Yup, She is Okay, but my favorite is 100 % Minang bro..... :ph34r:

Just kidding bro :cool:

These guys are solid , bro.....

Yup, mentality is the important things to make a soldier become a real warrior, it is a work at "soul" level.
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@NarThoD that's Chinese Norinco made, local companies along with some lecturer from ITS made joint effort to introduce them for Marine corps and call them Indonesian made.
Type 63 light tank isn't it? seems familiar.
And actually also doubt a college student capable to design and create such complex vehicle without other help

according this local media, Indonesia want to make a repeat order for one battalion CAESAR Nexter, and ordering at least two battalion Nexter LG-1 Mk III towed howitzer.

ARCinc.ID - Meriam Nexter LG1 Mk III, calon andalan Para Ranger

Indonesia-France has a strong bilateral relationship. We had ordered numerous number of Exocet missile, Thales and Thompson made radar, Naval ships, Helicopters, aircraft and even considering to made an strategic relation with France.

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