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Indonesia Defence Forum

In Papua before patrol duty, thanks for original uploader

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While in patrol training
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In training
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In training
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Thanks for the compliments

Fifteen years ago, Indonesian Police is part of Armed Forces, but after Reformasi era, Government made a decision to separate them and give more support for Police to grow and adequately equip them so they can handle domestic security issue in which had been domain for the Armed forces for so long. Until now, Indonesian Police still retain harsh curriculum and training session like the armed forces do. They preferred weapons is too the same, in Indonesia you will find it hard to see Police just with their revolver or hand gun, at least they will carry an Assault or battle rifle even when they doing some patrol routine in big cities.

Guard duty
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Menpor with their distinctive Jungle camo, usually they will be send to Border doing patrol duty

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Really impressive..!! I like the Camo of armoured car... :D
BTW.. Menor= ?
Menpor is abbreviate of Resimen Pelopor, roughly be translated in English as Pioneer Regiment an Ranger equivalent units within Police departments. Their task is more like counter insurgent and counter terror but in peace situation right now in Indonesia their duty is more to watch the border line in Papua and Kalimantan together with Army units such as from Kostrad and Koramil. They (Menpor) have the same capability as Air Cavalry (Raider in Indonesia) in army as they work together with Police Aviation units.
Menpor is abbreviate of Resimen Pelopor, roughly be translated in English as Pioneer Regiment an Ranger equivalent units within Police departments. Their task is more like counter insurgent and counter terror but in peace situation right now in Indonesia their duty is more to watch the border line in Papua and Kalimantan together with Army units such as from Kostrad and Koramil. They (Menpor) have the same capability as Air Cavalry (Raider in Indonesia) in army as they work together with Police Aviation units.

thz... :D
Hi guys.. I'm new member :-)
just wanna share some pics of Indonesian Special Police operator :police:

Gegana Tier one operator during jungle patrol at .....


Delta 88 operator

Gegana Tactical EOD team
Gegana Tactical EOD team.jpg
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Zur-23 AA gun system in Indonesian army inventory


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LSU-02, Indonesian made UAV :Naval Specialist UAV




Dari segi payload, Wulung UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) besutan PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, LEN (Lembaga Elektronik Nasional), dan BPPT, lebih unggul ketimbang UAV atau drone lain yang juga buatan dalam negeri. Maklum saja, Wulung yang jadi maskot UAV nasional bisa memuat payload sampai 25 kg. Tapi, dengan ukuran dan payload yang lebih kecil, ada penanding Wulung yang punya kemampuan jarak terbang lebih jauh.

Yang dimaksud adalah LSU (LAPAN Surveillance UAV)-02 buatan Pusat Teknologi Penerbangan LAPAN (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional). Dengan dapur pacu mesin tunggal 10 hp/5 liter, plus bahan bakar Pertamax Plus (RON 95), LSU-02 secara teori dapat menempuh jarak maksimum 450 Km, meski realitasnya baru bisa dibuktikan hingga jarak 200 Km. LSU-20 yang punya bobot total 15 Kg ini punya kecepatan terbang hingga 100 Km per jam. Lamanya terbang (endurance) juga terbilang lumayan, hingga 5 jam, ideal untuk misi intai jarak jauh.

Seperti layaknya UAV yang lain, LSU-02 dapat diterbangkan secara remote dan terbang secara otomatis (autonomous flying). Meski secara performance masih di bawah Wulung, tapi karena dimensi dan bobotnya yang cukup ringan. LSU-02 sempat di daulat untuk take off dari deck helikopter di korvet SIGMA Class KRI Frans Kaisiepo 368, LSU-02 mendapat peran sebagai pengintai obyek dari sasaran tembak rudal Exocet MM40 pada Latihan Gabungan (Latgab) TNI 2013 di Laut Bawean.

Uji coba tersebut, terkait dengan perjanjian kerja sama antara LAPAN dan TNI AL mengenai penggunaan teknologi untuk kepentinganTNI AL. Salah satunya adalah aplikasi UAV dalam operasi Latgab TNI 2013 ini. Dalam Latgab, pesawat LSU-02 diterbangkan setengah jam sebelum penembakan rudal Exocet. Pesawat diarahkan ke sasaran tembak sejauh 20 nautical mile atau sekitar 36 km. Sesampainya di lokasi, pesawat memonitor dengan cara loiter (berkeliaran) di atas sasaran dan merekam setiap tembakan rudal Exocet. Setelah selesai bertugas, LSU-02 kembali ke posisi penjemputan di KRI Frans Kaisiepo, dengan koordinat dan waktu yang telah ditentukan.

Dalam Latgab ini, pesawat dengan panjang badan 200 cm (composite) dan bentang sayap (wing span) 250 cm ini mampu terbang sekitar 2 jam 45 menit, dengan kecepatan rata-rata 70 km per jam. Secara keseluruhan, jarak tempuh LSU untuk kembali ke sasaran diperkirakan sekitar 200 km.

in English

In terms of payload, Wulung UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) made by PT. Indonesian Aerospace, LEN (National Electronic Institute), and BPPT, superior than other UAVs or drones were also made in the country. Understandably, Wulung so mascot national UAV can carry a payload up to 25 kg. But, with a payload size and smaller, there penanding Wulung who has the ability to fly farther distances.

The definition is LSU (LAPAN Surveillance UAV) artificial -02 Space agency Aviation Technology Center (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space). With kitchen runway single engine 10 hp / 5 liters, plus fuel PERTAMAX Plus (RON 95), LSU-02 could theoretically maximum distance of 450 km, although the new reality can be proved up to a distance of 200 Km. LSU-20 which had a total weight of 15 kg this has a cruising speed of up to 100 km per hour. Flight duration (endurance) is also fairly decent, up to 5 hours, ideal for long-range reconnaissance missions.

Like all the other UAVs, LSU-02 can be flown remotely and automatically fly (autonomous flying). Although the performance is still under Wulung, but because of the dimensions and weight are fairly mild. LSU-02 was in the good fortune to take off from a helicopter deck SIGMA Class corvette KRI Frans Kaisiepo 368, LSU-02 got a role as a reconnaissance of the target object MM40 Exocet missiles at Joint Exercises (Latgab) TNI 2013 Bawean Sea.

These trials, associated with the cooperative agreement between Space agency and the Navy regarding the use of technology to kepentinganTNI AL. One is the application of UAVs in military operations Latgab 2013. In Latgab, LSU-02 aircraft flown half an hour before the shooting Exocet missile. The aircraft is directed to a target as far as 20 nautical miles or about 36 miles. Arriving at the location, the best way to monitor your loiter (wandering) above the target and record every shot Exocet missile. After completion of duty, LSU-02 back to the pick-up position in KRI Frans Kaisiepo, with coordinates and time specified.

In this Latgab, aircraft with a body length of 200 cm (composite) and wingspan (wing span) 250 cm is able to fly about 2 hours 45 minutes, with an average speed of 70 miles per hour. Overall, mileage LSU to return to the target is estimated at around 200 km.

LSU-02 LAPAN : UAV Pertama yang Take Off dari Kapal Perang TNI AL | IndoMiliter
TNI overall champion at BISAM 2015

THE Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) was yesterday crowned the overall champion of the 11th Brunei International Skill at Arms Meet (BISAM), winning the BISAM Sultan Cup Trophy for the fourth consecutive year.




The ‘Individual Rifle Match’ was won by Brunei, while the ‘Overall Team Rifle Match’ was won by the Republic of Indonesia.

The ‘Overall Individual Pistol Match’ was won by the Republic of Indonesia, while the ‘Overall Team Pistol Match’ also went to the Republic of Indonesia.

The Republic of Indonesia also won the ‘Overall GPMG Pair Match,’ ‘Overall Team GPMG’ and ‘Rifle Falling Plate’, earning them this year’s championship title based on the most aggregate match point.

In the ‘Rifle Falling Plate Match Finals’ held at the 11th BISAM closing ceremony, the first place went to the Republic of Indonesia, while Brunei ‘B’ RBAF ranked in second.


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