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My one hope (that would probably not be realized) is that the TNI would further empower the NCO corps. Right now we're experiencing the same problems that the Russian military had from the 1990's-to the late 2000's, in that we have too many officers doing jobs that is better suited for an NCO simply because of cronyism.

Publicly claimed responsibility for shooting UGM lecturer (civilian)
Good shooting tgpf member. Now they can get fact that yeah they are stupid. It is the fact
Shooting tni/polri maybe they are combatant. target shooting the people that working for fact etc ? Yeah they can get bad fact
My one hope (that would probably not be realized) is that the TNI would further empower the NCO corps. Right now we're experiencing the same problems that the Russian military had from the 1990's-to the late 2000's, in that we have too many officers doing jobs that is better suited for an NCO simply because of cronyism.

Need an active reserve programme to do so, and there is a lot of thing to do to streamlined TNI officer corps by offering early retirement programme. And i believe the formation of KODAM, Koramil and Korem had a lot to do with the officer appointment and structural units.

Air Force doesn't have much asset to begin with especially tanker for long range deployment if you want to joint red flag exercise, for the Navy they had joint CARAT and other exercises. BTW, our Army camo uniform is quite contrasting with the rest of the background. Hope those guys learn a lot from best of the best out there.
My one hope (that would probably not be realized) is that the TNI would further empower the NCO corps. Right now we're experiencing the same problems that the Russian military had from the 1990's-to the late 2000's, in that we have too many officers doing jobs that is better suited for an NCO simply because of cronyism.
I think it is an aftereffect of Dwifungsi abolishment. Back in Suharto days there were an en masse recruitment of civil servants and ABRI behind the thinking that they will be Golkar minion and that's also extend to how ABRI behaves. There were a bit too many Akmil recruits and it is always be a permanent lifelong career, so we have a heckload of officers waiing to get job, but back then TNI Officers can be positioned into a civilian job like Bupati, Gubernur etc as they serve political role also, that is to maintain Orba's control over the country. But then after Reformasi prohibits TNI Officers from entering civilian positions, there's a situation of too many officers still non-job and there's not enough position to fill, but then the recruitment continued in the same pace, make the situation even more pressing. Most people think Bintara (NCO) recruitment is "nanggung" that is they rather enter Akmil or PK, making NCO branch a bit overlooked and not empowered, yet the Tamtama (Private) branch has always been in a shiet condition, the regular promotion system with lack of lucrative benefits made them unambitious to rank up to fill in NCO role, and if they were reach Bintara, they will be too old and unqualified for field tactical command, being as fat and old as the non-job officers.

I think we can in some way copy US recruitment system, albeit many people will disagree with the thinking that "kontrak" job is a no no compared to permanent lifelong job, i can only hope that TNI management can take care of this problem
I think it is an aftereffect of Dwifungsi abolishment. Back in Suharto days there were an en masse recruitment of civil servants and ABRI behind the thinking that they will be Golkar minion and that's also extend to how ABRI behaves. There were a bit too many Akmil recruits and it is always be a permanent lifelong career, so we have a heckload of officers waiing to get job, but back then TNI Officers can be positioned into a civilian job like Bupati, Gubernur etc as they serve political role also, that is to maintain Orba's control over the country. But then after Reformasi prohibits TNI Officers from entering civilian positions, there's a situation of too many officers still non-job and there's not enough position to fill, but then the recruitment continued in the same pace, make the situation even more pressing. Most people think Bintara (NCO) recruitment is "nanggung" that is they rather enter Akmil or PK, making NCO branch a bit overlooked and not empowered, yet the Tamtama (Private) branch has always been in a shiet condition, the regular promotion system with lack of lucrative benefits made them unambitious to rank up to fill in NCO role, and if they were reach Bintara, they will be too old and unqualified for field tactical command, being as fat and old as the non-job officers.

I think we can in some way copy US recruitment system, albeit many people will disagree with the thinking that "kontrak" job is a no no compared to permanent lifelong job, i can only hope that TNI management can take care of this problem

If i was youth under 25 that get offered as a contract employee with death associated working hazard . Without some sort of pentions benefits afterword that would be a no no ...
Throw some college financing scheme and specialized skillset during the contract then i will think some more .
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belum sempat merdeka udah pecah fraksi aja antar kelompok :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

TNI should exploit this tho. Endulge them to fight and exhaust their ressources while the government keeps the spotlight on their atrocities which will likely to happen. The international community would then press the government to establish stronger control measures and buttfuck those terrorists once and for all.
Wamenhan RI Terima Kunjungan Kehormatan Dubes Belarus Bahas Kerjasama Industri Pertahanan
Selasa, 29 September 2020

– Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Republik Indonesia (Wamenhan RI) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono menerima kunjungan kehormatan Duta Besar (Dubes) Republik Belarus untuk Indonesia H.E. Valery Kolesnik, Selasa (29/9) di Rumah Dinas Wamenhan, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jakarta Pusat. Kunjungan ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan hubungan kerjasama kedua negara khususnya di bidang pertahanan.

Kepala Biro Hubungan Masyarakat Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan (Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan) Brigjen TNI I. E. Djoko Purwanto, S.E.,M.M mengungkapkan, pertemuan Wamenhan RI dan Dubes Belarus diantaranya membicarakan peluang – peluang yang dapat dikerjasamakan kedua negara khususnya di bidang industri pertahanan.

“Kunjungan ini dalam rangka menindaklajuti kesepakatan kerjasama kedua negara di bidang industri pertahanan”, ungkap Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan.

Lebih lanjut Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan mengatakan, bahwa kesepakatan kerja sama di bidang industri pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Belarus telah diwujudkan melalui pendatanganan dokumen kerjasama Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and Government of the Republic of Belarus on Defense Industry Cooperation.

Dokumen kerjasama yang ditandatangani di Jakarta pada tanggal 19 Maret 2013 tersebut juga telah diratifikasi dengan Undang Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2019 tanggal 15 Maret 2019 tentang Pengesahan Persetujuan Antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Republik Belarus tentang Kerja Sama Industri Pertahanan.

Dejelaskan Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan, kerja sama tersebut meliputi kerja sama alih teknologi, pengembangan dan produksi bersama, pembekalan, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan serta peningkatan kerja sama dalam bidang ilmu dan teknologi pertahanan kedua negara. (Biro Humas Setjen Kemhan)

Menhan Memeriksa Kesiapan Penyerahan Rantis Maung Produksi PT. Pindad
Kamis, 8 Oktober 2020

– Menteri Pertahanan Republik Indonesia Prabowo Subianto, Kamis (8/10) memeriksa kesiapan kendaraan taktis 4×4 Maung buatan PT. Pindad yang akan diserahkan secara simbolis dari Kementerian Pertahanan kepada Mabes TNI. Kendaraan taktis Maung ini akan digunakan dalam operasi-operasi TNI di seluruh Indonesia. Rencananya penyerahan kendaraan taktis Maung ini akan diserahkan secara simbolis kepada Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto.

Sebelumnya, pada bulan Juli (12/7) di sirkuit Sentul Bogor, Menhan RI telah melakukan uji coba kendaraan taktis ini yang pada saat itu langsung diberi nama Maung oleh Menhan RI. Direktur Utama PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose pada saat itu mempresentasikan kendaraan taktis Maung yang ditujukan untuk pasukan infantri.

utama dari Maung adalah mampu menerjang medan-medan sulit dan beroperasi lepas ruas jalan aspal. Meskipun begitu, Maung tetap prima dioperasikan di ruas jalan aspal dan mampu bermanuver dengan baik. Maung memiliki kecepatan aman 120 km/jam, transmisi manual 6 speed dan mampu menjangkau jarak tempuh hingga 800 km. Maung dapat dilengkapi dengan braket senjata 7,62 mm, konsol SS2-V4, perangkat GPS navigasi dan tracker kendaraan serta perlengkapan lainnya.

Mid July order being Made and tested, early October at least 40 samples ready to be delivered.
Army look like very fond of their Kaiser Jeep, very well maintained albeit much of them more older than the soldier itsel

Menhan Memeriksa Kesiapan Penyerahan Rantis Maung Produksi PT. Pindad
Kamis, 8 Oktober 2020

– Menteri Pertahanan Republik Indonesia Prabowo Subianto, Kamis (8/10) memeriksa kesiapan kendaraan taktis 4×4 Maung buatan PT. Pindad yang akan diserahkan secara simbolis dari Kementerian Pertahanan kepada Mabes TNI. Kendaraan taktis Maung ini akan digunakan dalam operasi-operasi TNI di seluruh Indonesia. Rencananya penyerahan kendaraan taktis Maung ini akan diserahkan secara simbolis kepada Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto.

Sebelumnya, pada bulan Juli (12/7) di sirkuit Sentul Bogor, Menhan RI telah melakukan uji coba kendaraan taktis ini yang pada saat itu langsung diberi nama Maung oleh Menhan RI. Direktur Utama PT Pindad (Persero), Abraham Mose pada saat itu mempresentasikan kendaraan taktis Maung yang ditujukan untuk pasukan infantri.

utama dari Maung adalah mampu menerjang medan-medan sulit dan beroperasi lepas ruas jalan aspal. Meskipun begitu, Maung tetap prima dioperasikan di ruas jalan aspal dan mampu bermanuver dengan baik. Maung memiliki kecepatan aman 120 km/jam, transmisi manual 6 speed dan mampu menjangkau jarak tempuh hingga 800 km. Maung dapat dilengkapi dengan braket senjata 7,62 mm, konsol SS2-V4, perangkat GPS navigasi dan tracker kendaraan serta perlengkapan lainnya.

Mid July order being Made and tested, early October at least 40 samples ready to be delivered.
Compared to anoa and komodo, maung is the best options to be used in Papua, Its just like SUV but with protection against small arms, and doesn't consume much fuel compared to komodo.
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