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Aside from whether this news is true or just "testing the water" kinda news I am wondering (for discussion purposes) if any of you have some informations on how much its going to cost upgrading this from tranche 1 to tranche 2 or even tranche 3? I try to google it but couldnt find any information, just trying to calculate cost estimation for it. Theres an information about how Tranche 1 couldnt be upgraded to Tranche 3, but somehow I couldnt find and sources to back it up as well.
Aside from whether this news is true or just "testing the water" kinda news I am wondering (for discussion purposes) if any of you have some informations on how much its going to cost upgrading this from tranche 1 to tranche 2 or even tranche 3? I try to google it but couldnt find any information, just trying to calculate cost estimation for it. Theres an information about how Tranche 1 couldnt be upgraded to Tranche 3, but somehow I couldnt find and sources to back it up as well.
try the spain case , they are upgrading all of their tranche 1 fleet to tranche 3a standard for 8$ billion but not specified , that 8$ billion including new warship and armored vehicle + Typhoon Upgrades

looks like CASA have a role in this case , spaniards are already trying to offer Typhoon since 5 years ago .
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try the spain case , they are upgrading their all of their tranche 1 fleet to tranche 3a standard for 8$ billion but not specified , that 8$ billion including new warship and armored vehicle

looks like CASA have a role in this case , spaniards are already trying to offer Typhoon since 5 years ago .
To be precise.
“The replacement of Tranche 1 EURO-FIGHTERs is not an issue at the moment. Tranche 1 fleet has just started a modernisation programme, which includes hardware and software upgrades, taking care of obsolescence issues by integrating Tranche 2 hardware.

The upgrade developed by Airbus includes modifications that integrate Tranche 2 and Tranche 3 equipment on the aircraft, such as a Computer Symbol Generator, Digital Video and Voice Recorder, Laser Designator Pod and Maintenance Data Panel.

3 Masalah Besar yang Bikin Prabowo Batalkan Kontrak Rp 50 T
Achmad Dwi Afriyadi - detikFinance
Senin, 20 Jul 2020 17:00 WIB


Foto: dok. TNI AD
Jakarta -
Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra Hashim Djojohadikusumo membeberkan keputusan Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto membatalkan kontrak alutsista (alat utama sistem persenjataan). Adik Prabowo ini menilai aksi kakaknya ini heroik karena kontrak yang dibatalkan senilai Rp 50 triliun.

Menurut Hashim kontrak tersebut bermasalah sehingga Prabowo menolaknya. Selain Hashim, anggota Komisi VI DPR dari Partai Gerindra, Andre Rosiade juga membeberkan masalah yang membuat Prabowo membatalkan kontrak tersebut.

Berikut rangkuman masalah tersebut:

(1) Berujung korupsi

Menurut Hashim, Prabowo menegaskan tak ingin terlibat dalam korupsi. Maka itu, Prabowo membatalkan kontrak-kontrak tersebut.

"Dia batalkan tidak mau, dia bilang ke saya, 'Saya tak mau terlibat korupsi, ini kontrak-kontrak korup saya tidak mau terlibat'. Saya kaget, saya dengar menteri keuangan juga kaget," ujar Hashim saat membahas masalah ekspor lobster seperti dikutip dari video Youtube, Senin (20/7/2020)..

"Saya hitung-hitung kursnya waktu itu Rp 50 triliun, Rp 50 triliun dia tidak mau tandatangani ia batalkan uang itu dikembalikan ke Menteri Keuangan," sambung Hashim.

(2) Alutsista tersebut kemahalan dan tak cocok di Indonesia

Anggota Komisi VI DPR Andre Rosiade mengatakan Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto membatalkan kontrak alutsista tersebut karena dinilai kemahalan dan tidak cocok digunakan di Indonesia.

"Sehingga beliau membatalkan pembelian itu Rp 50 triliun," ungkapnya.

(3) Bisa menimbulkan kebocoran uang negara

Andre Rosiade tak memaparkan secara rinci alutsista apa saja yang dibatalkan. Meski demikian, dia mengatakan, dari awal Prabowo berkomitmen untuk menghentikan kebocoran anggaran negara.

"Kita semua tahu Pak Prabowo dari dulu punya komitmen membantu Pak Jokowi, pertama Indonesia tetap bersatu. Kedua membantu pemerintahan sukses dalam tujuan pemerintah. Ketiga komitmen Pak Prabowo menghentikan kebocoran-kebocoran anggaran negara," ungkapnya.

3 Masalah Besar yang Bikin Prabowo Batalkan Kontrak Rp 50 T
Achmad Dwi Afriyadi - detikFinance
Senin, 20 Jul 2020 17:00 WIB


Foto: dok. TNI AD
Jakarta -
Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra Hashim Djojohadikusumo membeberkan keputusan Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto membatalkan kontrak alutsista (alat utama sistem persenjataan). Adik Prabowo ini menilai aksi kakaknya ini heroik karena kontrak yang dibatalkan senilai Rp 50 triliun.

Menurut Hashim kontrak tersebut bermasalah sehingga Prabowo menolaknya. Selain Hashim, anggota Komisi VI DPR dari Partai Gerindra, Andre Rosiade juga membeberkan masalah yang membuat Prabowo membatalkan kontrak tersebut.

Berikut rangkuman masalah tersebut:

(1) Berujung korupsi

Menurut Hashim, Prabowo menegaskan tak ingin terlibat dalam korupsi. Maka itu, Prabowo membatalkan kontrak-kontrak tersebut.

"Dia batalkan tidak mau, dia bilang ke saya, 'Saya tak mau terlibat korupsi, ini kontrak-kontrak korup saya tidak mau terlibat'. Saya kaget, saya dengar menteri keuangan juga kaget," ujar Hashim saat membahas masalah ekspor lobster seperti dikutip dari video Youtube, Senin (20/7/2020)..

"Saya hitung-hitung kursnya waktu itu Rp 50 triliun, Rp 50 triliun dia tidak mau tandatangani ia batalkan uang itu dikembalikan ke Menteri Keuangan," sambung Hashim.

(2) Alutsista tersebut kemahalan dan tak cocok di Indonesia

Anggota Komisi VI DPR Andre Rosiade mengatakan Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto membatalkan kontrak alutsista tersebut karena dinilai kemahalan dan tidak cocok digunakan di Indonesia.

"Sehingga beliau membatalkan pembelian itu Rp 50 triliun," ungkapnya.

(3) Bisa menimbulkan kebocoran uang negara

Andre Rosiade tak memaparkan secara rinci alutsista apa saja yang dibatalkan. Meski demikian, dia mengatakan, dari awal Prabowo berkomitmen untuk menghentikan kebocoran anggaran negara.

"Kita semua tahu Pak Prabowo dari dulu punya komitmen membantu Pak Jokowi, pertama Indonesia tetap bersatu. Kedua membantu pemerintahan sukses dalam tujuan pemerintah. Ketiga komitmen Pak Prabowo menghentikan kebocoran-kebocoran anggaran negara," ungkapnya.

But of course which program buying which armaments is very much ambiguous...
. .
I don't know about that man...
Bahkan sampai bisa ngelirik EF Austria, itu kan tandanya mereka benar2 ga berharap sama flanker. CAATSA is so effective, at least on us.
The thing is, user (airforce)s want SU-35 to be procured and to increase it's number to 16 (1 sq) same with pantsir, it's user desire.
Are you sure about that? The Air Force people I've talked to said the opposite and are pretty much ambivalent about the whole thing.
The thing is, user (airforce)s want SU-35 to be procured and to increase it's number to 16 (1 sq) same with pantsir, it's user desire.
From the way I see it the air force want double engine fighter, if we put price/life cycle cost aside. This also true when KFX first intention was to put single engine, we rejected it cuz we said we need double engine. So strategically double engine fighter is in their posture plan. SU35 being a heavy fighter can only be matched (range/carrying capacity) to F15. But can we afford F15 along side our current sukhoi? I doubt it. Thats why some people here suggest we just stick to single engine to maintain low cost and increase readyness.
The thing is, user (airforce)s want SU-35 to be procured and to increase it's number to 16 (1 sq) same with pantsir, it's user desire.

No one desire Pantsir as long as my brain still functioning when talked to them during the last Indo Defense
No one desire Pantsir as long as my brain still functioning when talked to them during the last Indo Defense
Well, atleast that's what i saw. Pantsir has been requested by Marines and waiting for further situation even tho i would suggest marines and army to operate k30 together

Looking at current situation on us, procuring refurbished typhoon instead of F15 on boneyard/NGA really confused me tho. Noone in MoD has such idea? In terms of commonality, feature and long term avaibility it's much better to procure refurbished eagle or falcon tho:disagree:

Let's just wait the situation, does viper, osprey and other possible procurement from US like awacs, SAM system, Poseidon could provide us caatsa waiver?

Atleast for now what i know is we're going to contract MRTT this year
Well, atleast that's what i saw. Pantsir has been requested by Marines and waiting for further situation even tho i would suggest marines and army to operate k30 together

Looking at current situation on us, procuring refurbished typhoon instead of F15 on boneyard/NGA really confused me tho. Noone in MoD has such idea? In terms of commonality, feature and long term avaibility it's much better to procure refurbished eagle or falcon tho:disagree:

Let's just wait the situation, does viper, osprey and other possible procurement from US like awacs, SAM system, Poseidon could provide us caatsa waiver?

Atleast for now what i know is we're going to contract MRTT this year

Where the prove Marines stated they ask for Pantsir , lol. Even the funds they requested is still a big question right now
Where the prove Marines stated they ask for Pantsir
Asking the same question as you the first time i heard this, Marines planned for pantsir while army planned for Biho the obstacles is caatsa which is i hope even after we procure many weaponry from US there's no waiver so we can reach better interopability for everya matra

Everything is unexpected for this mef phase, we don't know what MoD decision in the future. Noone even expect this Typhoon procurement lmao

Atleast for spaag Marines lean toward to 2 products. Either pantsir or korkut
Indonesia approaches Austria for potential sale of Eurofighter Typhoons
by Ridzwan Rahmat


Austria’s first Typhoon, which landed in the country in 2007. (Austrian Air Force)

Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto has written to his Austrian counterpart, Klaudia Tanner, expressing an interest in acquiring Eurofighter Typhoon multirole fighter aircraft from the latter.

The Austrian Air Force operates a fleet of 15 Typhoons, which achieved operational capability in mid-2008.

“To achieve my target to modernising [sic] the Indonesian Air Force, I would, therefore, like to propose to enter into official deliberations with you, your excellency, on purchasing all 15 Eurofighter Typhoon from Austria for the air force of the Republic of Indonesia,” said Prabowo in his letter dated 10 July.

In the letter, a copy of which was sent electronically to Janes on 19 July, the Indonesian defence minister also alluded to apparent service issues faced by the Austrian Air Force on its Typhoons.

Since entering service, budgetary constraints have limited usage of the aircraft use to just 1,500 hours per year across all airframes. As such, Austrian Typhoon pilots fly just 70–80 flight hours annually, instead of the planned 110 hours. The NATO standard for combat pilots is 180 flight hours per year, according to Janes All the World’s Aircraft.


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