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Why does Indonesia want to buy Kilo submarines at this point ?
22/10/2014 » military » Tổng Hợp »

Wednesday, 10/22/2014 07 06 Why Kilo submarines Indonesia wants to buy at this point ? , Joko Widodo new Indonesian President was considering resuming the purchase of the Russian Kilo class submarines was canceled early 2014, This information is +++++ Voice of Russia dated 21/10 quoted the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov Russia announced after the new president is Joko Widodo Indonesia, +++++ In Russian Kilo submarine photos, +++++ Russian Federation and Indonesia in the next two years, +++++ They also consider the possibility of cooperation in energy as Russian companies to build factories in Indonesia refinery, Discuss +++++ expanding supply of military equipment to Indonesia , namely 636 projects, Said Minister Denis Manturov, +++++ In Russian Kilo submarine photos, However +++++ sources did not say how many submarines the two countries will be discussed in this discussion, But +++++ planned submarine is equipped with Indonesia revealed in late 2013 showed that, most likely it will buy no less than 10 636 units of the Russian Kilo, However +++++ sources did not disclose Indonesia will purchase new submarines used by the previous Russian submarine deal between Jakarta and Moscow older Indonesia has been canceled due to quality assurance, Indonesia +++++ If successful negotiations with Russia , +++++ In class submarine Cakra image of Indonesia, Known +++++, Indonesia is the first country in Southeast Asia owned by its submarine fleet since 1967, Indonesia has received a lot Whiskey class submarine of the Soviet Union, +++++ To 1981, Indonesia bought 2 Cakra Type 209 submarines to replace the purchase of German submarines Whiskey, +++++ But in Indonesia for decades can not be expanded unit is particularly important, +++++ In class submarine Cakra image of Indonesia, +++++ Until May 1/2012, due to the unstable situation in the region complicated, Indonesia has decided to buy another 3 Chang Bogo class submarines from South Korea worth 1.07 billion dollars, Expected +++++, all been transferred to stage 2015 2016, So far +++++, Indonesia has always stood outside the territorial disputes in the South China Sea, However +++++, now, While the sovereignty dispute between China Sea islands, Vietnam, Philippines increased, Jakarta forced to change military strategy, +++++ In Chang Bogo class submarines image, +++++ While inaugurating a conference on early warning systems in the field of maritime security was held in Batam, Riau Islands Province, 9/2014 earlier this month, the head of the Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating, Vice Admiral Albert Mamahit Desi warns, territorial disputes in the South China Sea is a real threat and sooner or later will affect this country, +++++ In class submarine Cakra image of Indonesia, Desi Albert Mamahit +++++ He said that the waters around the Natuna Islands of Indonesia are not directly related to the dispute over the South China Sea, But +++++, seems to dispute came close to this area and China has yet to clarify the statement concerning the exclusive economic zones of Indonesia, +++++ In class submarine Cakra image of Indonesia, +++++ This is clearly a real threat to Indonesia, +++++ Problem becomes more complex when disagreements arose between ASEAN member countries and China, Will +++++ difficult to find common ground so far although ASEAN solidarity always maintained he says Desi Albert Mamahit, +++++ In Chang Bogo class submarines image, According +++++, Indonesia should be prepared to deal with every move of any interested party in the dispute in the South China Sea, +++++ In Chang Bogo class submarines image, +++++ 1/12 \u0026 nbsp, \u0026 nbsp,

Why does Indonesia want to buy Kilo submarines at this point ? | DBV | VietNam News
Why does Indonesia want to buy Kilo submarines at this point ?
22/10/2014 » military » Tổng Hợp »

Wednesday, 10/22/2014 07 06 Why Kilo submarines Indonesia wants to buy at this point ? , Joko Widodo new Indonesian President was considering resuming the purchase of the Russian Kilo class submarines was canceled early 2014, This information is +++++ Voice of Russia dated 21/10 quoted the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov Russia announced after the new president is Joko Widodo Indonesia, +++++ In Russian Kilo submarine photos, +++++ Russian Federation and Indonesia in the next two years, +++++ They also consider the possibility of cooperation in energy as Russian companies to build factories in Indonesia refinery, Discuss +++++ expanding supply of military equipment to Indonesia , namely 636 projects, Said Minister Denis Manturov, +++++ In Russian Kilo submarine photos, However +++++ sources did not say how many submarines the two countries will be discussed in this discussion, But +++++ planned submarine is equipped with Indonesia revealed in late 2013 showed that, most likely it will buy no less than 10 636 units of the Russian Kilo, However +++++ sources did not disclose Indonesia will purchase new submarines used by the previous Russian submarine deal between Jakarta and Moscow older Indonesia has been canceled due to quality assurance, Indonesia +++++ If successful negotiations with Russia , +++++ In class submarine Cakra image of Indonesia, Known +++++, Indonesia is the first country in Southeast Asia owned by its submarine fleet since 1967, Indonesia has received a lot Whiskey class submarine of the Soviet Union, +++++ To 1981, Indonesia bought 2 Cakra Type 209 submarines to replace the purchase of German submarines Whiskey, +++++ But in Indonesia for decades can not be expanded unit is particularly important, +++++ In class submarine Cakra image of Indonesia, +++++ Until May 1/2012, due to the unstable situation in the region complicated, Indonesia has decided to buy another 3 Chang Bogo class submarines from South Korea worth 1.07 billion dollars, Expected +++++, all been transferred to stage 2015 2016, So far +++++, Indonesia has always stood outside the territorial disputes in the South China Sea, However +++++, now, While the sovereignty dispute between China Sea islands, Vietnam, Philippines increased, Jakarta forced to change military strategy, +++++ In Chang Bogo class submarines image, +++++ While inaugurating a conference on early warning systems in the field of maritime security was held in Batam, Riau Islands Province, 9/2014 earlier this month, the head of the Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating, Vice Admiral Albert Mamahit Desi warns, territorial disputes in the South China Sea is a real threat and sooner or later will affect this country, +++++ In class submarine Cakra image of Indonesia, Desi Albert Mamahit +++++ He said that the waters around the Natuna Islands of Indonesia are not directly related to the dispute over the South China Sea, But +++++, seems to dispute came close to this area and China has yet to clarify the statement concerning the exclusive economic zones of Indonesia, +++++ In class submarine Cakra image of Indonesia, +++++ This is clearly a real threat to Indonesia, +++++ Problem becomes more complex when disagreements arose between ASEAN member countries and China, Will +++++ difficult to find common ground so far although ASEAN solidarity always maintained he says Desi Albert Mamahit, +++++ In Chang Bogo class submarines image, According +++++, Indonesia should be prepared to deal with every move of any interested party in the dispute in the South China Sea, +++++ In Chang Bogo class submarines image, +++++ 1/12 \u0026 nbsp, \u0026 nbsp,

Why does Indonesia want to buy Kilo submarines at this point ? | DBV | VietNam News
Indonesia can buy new Amur class submarines and should also replace Ahmed Yani class frigates maybe with Type 54 A Frigates from China
. . .
Indonesian Army Pusdikkav (Cavalry training center) conducting performance test on the newly acquired M-113 APC.
This vehicle was procured from Belgia and Indonesian Army plans to acquire 80 units of M-113.
The vehicles are in good condition since its from the late 80's series (still under 10.000 km mileage)
Result of the test was good.

Hi Jakartans@PkDef,

I'm difficult to Google the history of these 80 Belgium M-113.
How much USD the DoD spent to procure all these 80 M-113?
Does all these 80 M-113 arrived in single batch?
Is it "grant + retrofit", or simply procure used M-113?

Many of my friends dislike the acquisition of these "ancient APC".
Hi Jakartans@PkDef,

I'm difficult to Google the history of these 80 Belgium M-113.
How much USD the DoD spent to procure all these 80 M-113?
Does all these 80 M-113 arrived in single batch?
Is it "grant + retrofit", or simply procure used M-113?

Many of my friends dislike the acquisition of these "ancient APC".
Indonesian Armed Forces are on way to recovery but its still long way to go from increasing size of there Armed Forces to getting lot of new equipment for all three forces, Indonesia needs to increase its budget and order lot of new things but I hope your new president will soon do it
Hi Jakartans@PkDef,

I'm difficult to Google the history of these 80 Belgium M-113.
How much USD the DoD spent to procure all these 80 M-113?
Does all these 80 M-113 arrived in single batch?
Is it "grant + retrofit", or simply procure used M-113?

Many of my friends dislike the acquisition of these "ancient APC".
I got the information from Angkasa Readers community website (just click the link below my post about the M-113).
Its reliable source.
I am waiting for either Grippen or Euro fighter acquisition. Just forget SU 35 with its zero TOT offering.
I am waiting for either Grippen or Euro fighter acquisition. Just forget SU 35 with its zero TOT offering.

Gripen NG cost about $110m. I believe TOT does not include AESA radar and F414 engine TOT because even Gripen cant manufacture them. They are still supplied by other manufacturers. And for $110m not 100%TOT and single engine can be quite expensive.

As For Eurofighter Tranche 3A cost about $150m. Might be full TOT but Have some problems even Germany decided not to buy more.

SU-35 cost about $85m but very Stingy with their TOT. Better to just get their S400 SAM.

Is F-35 a good choice? cost about the same as Euro tranche 3. even UK is buying F-35 and germany also.No TOT though. Get 2 skuadron of F-35 including all munitions.
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Gripen NG cost about $110m. I believe TOT does not include AESA radar and F414 engine TOT because even Gripen cant manufacture them. They are still supplied by other manufacturers. And for $110m not 100%TOT and single engine can be quite expensive.

As For Eurofighter Tranche 3A cost about $150m. Might be full TOT but Have some problems even Germany decided not to buy more.

SU-35 cost about $85m but very Stingy with their TOT. Better to just get their S400 SAM.

Is F-35 a good choice? cost about the same as Euro tranche 3. even UK is buying F-35 and germany also.No TOT though. Get 2 skuadron of F-35 including all munitions.

We should buy the plane that can support KFX program. If there is no adequate TOT, it is better to allocate the money into another needs.
We should buy the plane that can support KFX program. If there is no adequate TOT, it is better to allocate the money into another needs.
With KFX you will still need another heavy jet for that either F-16 Block 60 or Grippen N can be good option at least 150 off them
We should buy the plane that can support KFX program. If there is no adequate TOT, it is better to allocate the money into another needs.
Gripen TOT cannot support IFX program. Only Eurofighter can support. Dont know if RAFALE will offer TOT. India failed to Procure 120+ Rafale prob due to TOT or price.
With KFX you will still need another heavy jet for that either F-16 Block 60 or Grippen N can be good option at least 150 off them

Well, buying a hundred of imported 4,5 gen fighter surely will hurt our currency.

Economic strength should be looked as one of key part of our defense strategy as well. Thus, Our military acquisition should be in line with our economy grand strategy.

Today we understand that we must add more value into our product so that we dont have to import so many things from abroad that results trade account deficit.
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Well, buying a hundred of imported 4,5 gen fighter surely will hurt our currency.

Economic strength should be looked as one of key part of our defense strategy as well. Thus, Our military acquisition should be in line with our economy grand strategy.

Today we understand that we must add more value into our product so that we dont have to import so many things from abroad that results trade account deficit.
Sir the size you are and the growth off economy you have you can afford 150 latest jets
Mewujudkan Mimpi RI Jadi Poros Maritim Dunia
Denny Armandhanu, CNN Indonesia
Rabu, 22/10/2014 12:40 WIB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Salah satu prioritas pemerintahan Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo dan wakil Presiden Yusuf Kalla adalah meningkatkan sektor kelautan Indonesia, untuk kepentingan ekonomi dan pertahanan Indonesia.

Sumber daya alam yang berlimpah di laut Indonesia harus bisa dikelola dengan maksimal untuk kesejahteraan rakyat, sembari memperkuat Angkatan Laut agar tidak ada lagi kekuatan asing yang melintas batas seenaknya atau mencoleng ikan semaunya.

Pengamat Pertahanan Universitas Indonesia sekaligus Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Defense and Security Studies, Connie Rahakundini Bakrie, kepada CNN Indonesia (22/10) mengatakan Jokowi punya tugas berat dalam mengoptimalkan potensi kelautan Indonesia.

Wanita yang disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu calon Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia 2014-2019 ini mengatakan sudah saatnya Indonesia berhenti menjadi penonton dan mulai bergerak dalam mempertahankan wilayah lautnya yang kaya.

Berikut wawancara lengkap CNN Indonesia dengan Connie Rahakundini Bakrie:

Jokowi akan mewujudkan maritim sebagai prioritas utama dalam mewujudkan kemandirian ekonomi dan sumber daya maritim, menurut anda apakah visi ini cukup rasional?

Justru sangat rasional. Seperti penasihat beliau Pak Andi Wijayanto dan juga kami yang beraliran realis sejati, maka jelas pendekatan akan pencapaian national interest dari Jokowi sangat berbeda dengan Presiden ke-6 yang menganggap negeri dengan 12 lautan dan 39 selat seperti Indonesia adalah negeri yang mampu melakukan visi politik "thousand friend, zero enemy".

Jokowi sangat paham bahwa posisi geostrategi, geopolitik dan geoekonomi Indonesia harus dijaga untuk dikelola dan dimanfaatkan nilai ekonominya. Jadi beliau rupanya paham betul akan defense for prosperity dan bukan lagi berpijak pada pakem lama defense from prosperity yang sejak periode Soeharto kita jalankan.

Saya kira, sejauh ini, hanya Soekarno dan Jokowi yang sangat rasional tentang posisi strategis Indonesia dan peran penting yang bisa dimainkan Indonesia di abad ini.

Perhatikan saja pidato perdana Jokowi tentang "memunggungi lautan" dan kutipan lain dari Pidato Soekarno dimana saat kepemimpinannya, Indonesia kemudian terbukti menjadi kekuatan terbesar di bumi bagian Selatan.

Apa yang perlu digarisbawahi oleh Jokowi dalam memajukan bidang maritim untuk kemajuan ekonomi Indonesia?

Hal ini sudah beliau garis bawahi sejak masih dalam konsep Nawa Cita-nya bersama JK saat beliau kampanye. Realisasinya adalah beliau sadar betul akan perlunya konektivitas antar pulau untuk saling bertukar hasil bumi andalannya masing-masing.

Saat bertemu dengan saya, beliau paparkan tentang rencana pembangunan 26 port tambahan Indonesia dan akan dibiayai secara mandiri melalui efektifitas penanganan keuangan Pelindo 1 dan 2.

Selain itu terkait data kemiskinan nelayan. Pada saat ini armada perikanan tangkap di dominasi armada tradisional, mencakup perahu tanpa motor 50%, motor tempel 26% dan kapal motor kurang dari lima GT (gross tonage) sebanyak 16% jadi total sekitar 90%.

Jumlah armada tersebut tidak otomatis menggambarkan jumlah nelayan, karena setiap kategori armada terdiri dari jumlah nelayan yang berbeda.

Diperkirakan jumlah nelayan dengan armada di bawah lima GT sebanyak 1,3 juta jiwa atau 66%. Sulit untuk mengatakan bahwa nelayan dengan armada ini pasti miskin, atau di atas lima GT pasti tidak miskin.

Nelayan perahu tempel yang menangkap ikan kerapu tentu hasilnya relatif lebih baik dari seorang ABK biasa yang ikut di kapal 50 – 100 GT selama 40 Hari.

Jadi Jokowi harus mendorong menteri dan kementerian terkait bahwa alat tangkap belum bisa menjadi indikator kemiskinan. Jelaslah, tidak adanya data kemiskinan nelayan ini mempersulit pertanggungjawaban pemerintah terhadap publik.

Tidak adanya data kemiskinan nelayan mempersulit pertanggungjawaban pemerintah terhadap publik. (REUTERS/Darren Whiteside)
Sebenarnya seberapa besar potensi laut Indonesia, sampai harus diperhatikan betul?

Kita telah mengabaikan potensi maritim kita yang luar biasa jumlahnya tanpa bisa mengambil manfaatnya, antara lain:

Pertama, potensi bioteknologi maritim Indonesia selama ini belum dikembangkan secara optimal.

Padahal dari nilai ekonomi yang terkandung di dalamnya diperkirakan mencapai US$40 miliar, di antaranya pemanfaatan untuk obat anti kanker, makanan laut, pembuatan kertas, hingga bioetanol.

Kedua, pembangunan sektor perikanan merupakan harapan bangsa Indonesia di masa depan. Potensi perikanan adalah harta karun yang belum termanfaatkan secara optimal.

Kita telah mengabaikan potensi maritim kita yang luar biasa jumlahnya tanpa bisa mengambil manfaatnya.Connie Rahakundini Bakrie

Kita selalu membanggakan dan menggembar-gemborkan bahwa, potensi sumber daya yang terkandung di dalamnya cukup potensial untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan masyarakat pesisir dan mampu menghasilkan devisa Negara untuk membayar hutang pemerintah yang belum terbayar.

Ketiga, terumbu karang merupakan salah satu komponen utama sumber daya pesisir dan laut utama, di samping hutan mangrove dan padang lamun.

Terumbu karang dan segala kehidupan yang ada didalamnya merupakan salah satu kekayaan alam yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia yang tak ternilai harganya.

Diperkirakan luas terumbu karang di perairan Indonesia adalah lebih dari 60 ribu km2, yang tersebar luas dari perairan kawasan barat sampai timur Indonesia.

Bidang pertahanan maritim juga jadi salah satu prioritas Jokowi, menurut Anda apakah yang perlu dibenahi dari pertahanan laut Indonesia?

Terkait pertahanan, mari bicara soal SLOC (Sea Lanes of Communications) atau Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI).

Tanpa disadari, sudah lima puluh tahun lebih, sejak Deklarasi Juanda 1957, bangsa ini seakan membiarkan potensi tiga ALKI yang dimiliki untuk dilalui begitu saja oleh kapal-kapal asing yang lalu lalang.

Padahal, melalui tiga ALKI yang masing-masing; ALKI I melintasi Laut Cina Selatan-Selat Karimata-Laut Jakarta-Selat Sunda, ALKI II melintasi Laut Sulawesi-Selat Makassar-Luat Flores-Selat Lombok, dan ALKI III melintas Sumadera Pasifik-Selat Maluku, Laut Seram-Laut Banda, Indonesia bisa meraup devisa miliaran rupiah setiap tahunnya.

Bandingkan dengan Singapura yang hanya senggolan jalur perdagangan dunia mampu memanfaatkan kondisinya dengan meraup devisa yang besar buat negaranya.

Permasalahannya, nampaknya ada yang kurang ketika Deklarasi Juanda tahun 1957, yang tidak memperhatikan kepentingan ekonomi Indonesia.

Deklarasi Juanda hanya fokus dalam memperjuangkan pengakuan bahwa Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan di tingkat PBB. Sementara sisi ekonomi terutama yang terdapat di jalur-jalur ALKI tidak mendapat perhatian serius para pemuka bangsa Indonesia waktu itu.

Untuk meningkatkan pertahanan laut, Indonesia harus menambah armada untuk mengantisipasi ancaman kekuatan asing. (CNN Indonesia/Safir Makki)
Sekarang Jokowi sudah datang sebagai pemimpin yang melanjutkan perjuangan Ir. Juanda untuk memperjuangkan sisi ekonomi dari pemanfaatan ALKI dan kekayaan SDA laut dan maritim kita.

Maka dari sisi defense sudah jelas rencana pembelian tiga drone sekelas Global Hawk meskipun mahal tapi menjadi murah jika kita bandingkan dengan kerugian ratusan ribu kali lipat jika kita tidak membelinya.

Angkatan Laut sudah jelas harus didukung faktor kapabilitasnya yang menurut saya untuk sementara harus konsentrasi untuk diperkuat dengan ratusan armada kapal cepat berbobot sekitar 186 ton, kru kecil sekitar 17 hingga 20 orang anggota TNI AL tetapi kapal ini bisa berkecepatan sekitar 12 knots dan cruising radiusnya 500 mil juga harus bisa dipersenjatai minimum dua misilles dan 20mm automatic gun serta radar navigasi dan warning receiver.

Indonesia ini kan besar, kalau kapal-kapal cepat, canggih dan lincah ini diadakan untuk melindungi nelayan dan resources kita yang sangat banyak dicuri, percaya deh, soon our economic wil be rocketing!

Soal pelanggaran batas wilayah oleh negara tetangga, Australia contohnya, apa yang harus ditingkatkan Jokowi dalam mempertahankan garis batas Indonesia dari kekuatan asing?

Australia AMIZ harus di counter dengan IMIZ atau Indonesia Maritime Identification Zone.

Itu mutlak menurut saya dilakukan oleh Jokowi dan JK. Ini menunjukan kita juga punya sikap dan harga diri bukan saja sebagai penonton yang melihat pertunjukan film di perairan kita tapi menjadi pemain di situ dan mengatur jalannya skenario keamanan dan ketertiban kawasan.

Bukan saja AMIZ tapi saya kira radius dan cakupan ADIZ (air defense identification zone) Indonesia harus disampaikan segera oleh Jokowi secara tegas, mumpung ADIZ masih bisa ditetapkan secara unilateral.

Karenanya, jelas visi misi Jokowi yang berwawasan Ocean Leadership ini juga harus didukung oleh Menhan dan Menlu yang memliliki visi misi serupa dan berani bersuara serta menunjukan sikap lebih sebagai pemain dari pada penonton.

Apa tantangan Jokowi dalam meningkatkan kekuatan maritim Indonesia?

Tantangan pertama, adalah untuk segera mewujudkan National Security Council. Kedua, dalam lakukan efektifitas dan efisiensi anggaran di 13 departemen yang bermain di laut kita. Jangan sampai 13 departemen ini berebut anggaran, mementingkan ego masing-masing.

Banyak pengamat mengatakan, Jokowi akan lebih inward-looking artinya lebih berpandangan ke dalam negeri, berbeda dengan SBY yang outward-looking. Bagaimana menurut Anda?

Saya melihatnya malah terbalik. Jokowi sangat outward-looking makanya beliau bermimpi menjadikan kembali Indonesia sebagai Negara Poros Maritim Dunia. Catat: Dunia, bukan kawasan.

SBY menurut saya sangat inward looking dengan paradigma "thousand friend, zero enemy" dan tetap berkutat di MEF (minimum essential force) untuk anggaran pertahanan misalnya.

Jadi, jikapun dinilai outward looking menurut saya lebih untuk self branding image-nya sebagai seorang SBY sendiri - bukan buat Indonesia - sebagai suatu bangsa yang membawa urgensi kepentingan-kepentingan nasional.

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