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Jakarta - Pencabutan embargo militer oleh Amerika Serikat dianggap sudah terlambat. Sebab alat-alat tempur milik TNI yang dibeli dari AS sudah kadung rusak semua."Kita menyambut baik sekalipun sudah sangat terlambat karena banyak alat militer TNI yang sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi," kata Ketua MPR RI Hidayat Nurwahid di sela acara sarasehan Dewan Pers di Gedung Dewan Pers, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Kamis (24/11/2005).Ia mencontohkan banyaknya pesawat F-16 yang tidak bisa terbang lagi akibat embargo tersebut. Meski begitu Hidayat mengingatkan agar pencabutan embargo itu jangan sampai menimbulkan bargaining yang bisa mencabut kedaulatan ekonomi, politik dan keamanan Indonesia."Misalnya, kalau AS terlalu intervensi terhadap Indonesia dalam perang melawan teroris, atau pun ikut campur dalam mengubah kurikulum pesantren. Sebab Indonesia berkomitmen berperang melawan teroris dengan cara-cara yang elegan," kata Hidayat.Pencabutan embargo militer oleh AS disapaikan pejabat Deplu AS, R Nicholas Burns, Rabu kemarin. Dalam siaran persnya, Burns menyebutkan, AS akan membantu militer RI dan membuka kran ekspor peralatan militer dari AS setelah bertahun-tahun diembargo.

this is from 2005 and abundace of sparepart you say, but you cant repair it, lol


sorry i just want to say my opinion

It seems no one share this yet.
Typical penerbad resupply mission in Papua.
Our frontline troops equipment are getting better.
I kind of got Vietnam vibe here

insert fortunate son song hehe
So far, the F-16V options seems to be the most reasonable, only if it comes with a "diplomatic favor packages" to both lessen the risk of "sanctions" and support our effort in the IFX projects, which should be our main fleet of fighters from 2030 onwards. We should stick along with the Koreans while they develops it further into 5th gen and becomes more and more independent in terms of spare parts, and so hopefully our local industries could gets some of these sweet techs back home. Honestly i dont think both Su-35 or Rafale is any prospective in the long-term, they are simply "inefficient" with minimal kickback.

For diplomacy sweetener, I am more prefer to get more ex USAF F 16 with option to MLU/upgrade them in Indonesia, including production of spare parts needed, thats what we need actually to get more flying fighter platform to do routine jobs as multipurpose fighter. For the actual deals, getting F16V should be priority.

Then use the spare money to acquire AEW /c aircraft like Wedgetail and option to purchase SIGINT aircraft system like Peregrine system and combined them with JSTAR like aircraft for ground surveillance. Thus with capable MALE/HALE UAV act as routine patroller and high end ASW/MPA like Poseidon we will get high end spectrum capability. Well we need to invest more into human resources and ground interception control system and integrated command system, and thats cost arm and legs!!!

Our coast guard too can act into the system by acquire low end budget MPA and UAV like KING AIR 350 MPA and LUNA NG.
Jakarta - Pencabutan embargo militer oleh Amerika Serikat dianggap sudah terlambat. Sebab alat-alat tempur milik TNI yang dibeli dari AS sudah kadung rusak semua."Kita menyambut baik sekalipun sudah sangat terlambat karena banyak alat militer TNI yang sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi," kata Ketua MPR RI Hidayat Nurwahid di sela acara sarasehan Dewan Pers di Gedung Dewan Pers, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Kamis (24/11/2005).Ia mencontohkan banyaknya pesawat F-16 yang tidak bisa terbang lagi akibat embargo tersebut. Meski begitu Hidayat mengingatkan agar pencabutan embargo itu jangan sampai menimbulkan bargaining yang bisa mencabut kedaulatan ekonomi, politik dan keamanan Indonesia."Misalnya, kalau AS terlalu intervensi terhadap Indonesia dalam perang melawan teroris, atau pun ikut campur dalam mengubah kurikulum pesantren. Sebab Indonesia berkomitmen berperang melawan teroris dengan cara-cara yang elegan," kata Hidayat.Pencabutan embargo militer oleh AS disapaikan pejabat Deplu AS, R Nicholas Burns, Rabu kemarin. Dalam siaran persnya, Burns menyebutkan, AS akan membantu militer RI dan membuka kran ekspor peralatan militer dari AS setelah bertahun-tahun diembargo.

this is from 2005 and abundace of sparepart you say, but you cant repair it, lol


sorry i just want to say my opinion

insert fortunate son song hehe
"Ia mencontohkan banyaknya pesawat F-16 yang tidak bisa terbang lagi akibat embargo tersebut."
Too late? Too late what?
All f16 block 15 are operational prior to current eMLU. Even our F5 did flying again. A lot of thing from this article are debunked now.
"Ia mencontohkan banyaknya pesawat F-16 yang tidak bisa terbang lagi akibat embargo tersebut."
Too late? Too late what?
All f16 block 15 are operational prior to current eMLU. Even our F5 did flying again. A lot of thing from this article are debunked now.
liat tahunnya gak? ini artikel pas tahun 2005 embargo baru dicabut udah banyak yang rusak
Jakarta - Pencabutan embargo militer oleh Amerika Serikat dianggap sudah terlambat. Sebab alat-alat tempur milik TNI yang dibeli dari AS sudah kadung rusak semua."Kita menyambut baik sekalipun sudah sangat terlambat karena banyak alat militer TNI yang sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi," kata Ketua MPR RI Hidayat Nurwahid di sela acara sarasehan Dewan Pers di Gedung Dewan Pers, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Kamis (24/11/2005).Ia mencontohkan banyaknya pesawat F-16 yang tidak bisa terbang lagi akibat embargo tersebut. Meski begitu Hidayat mengingatkan agar pencabutan embargo itu jangan sampai menimbulkan bargaining yang bisa mencabut kedaulatan ekonomi, politik dan keamanan Indonesia."Misalnya, kalau AS terlalu intervensi terhadap Indonesia dalam perang melawan teroris, atau pun ikut campur dalam mengubah kurikulum pesantren. Sebab Indonesia berkomitmen berperang melawan teroris dengan cara-cara yang elegan," kata Hidayat.Pencabutan embargo militer oleh AS disapaikan pejabat Deplu AS, R Nicholas Burns, Rabu kemarin. Dalam siaran persnya, Burns menyebutkan, AS akan membantu militer RI dan membuka kran ekspor peralatan militer dari AS setelah bertahun-tahun diembargo.

this is from 2005 and abundace of sparepart you say, but you cant repair it, lol


sorry i just want to say my opinion

insert fortunate son song hehe

Lol, Hidayat Nur wahid you said as reference. Speaker from PKS who very biassed against government (Yudhoyono era) and very much anti US sentiment they had, doesnt hold any position to said the matter even deal during Gusdur era with Sinkies and Netherland to keep our F 16 flying
jeez 98 riot because catsaa you exaggerating to much, sukhoi purpose its like side arm, you still can use it in case usa slapping HAM or whatever for their made equipment, anyway usa in not our biggest investor, maybe lose some money, but you show you cannot be steered, and how the hell SU 35 is measly it perform good in syria
Unless you have around $750 million growing somewhere, a CAATSA sanction is going to cause 98' level pandemonium. Our country is currently undergoing an economic slowdown, also our currency is the most under performing in Southeast Asia right now. A US led sanction isn't just going to effect things coming from the US, but it'll bring in other countries that are under their sphere of influence. You're right, they're not our biggest investor, but you know who is? Japan, with South Korea and the Netherlands also having sizable investments as well. Guess what country they're allied with?

Nothing good will come from a CAATSA sanction. This is the sort of blind patriotism I was talking about earlier. Get your head straight and realize that we're the underdogs when it comes to world geopolitics. 11 Flankers aren't worth it.

Also, those Flankers you talked about which are performing are supported by AWACS and tankers. Things that we don't have. I stand by my statement that they are garbage.
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. .
I dont believe such case, even during embargoe era, the one who intercept US hornets is our F 16 not to mention we only had 10 at the time , that alone speak much about their reliability and spare parts abundance. US arms is abundance in market, so with their components supplier. The same cant be said with Flanker who only got Russia, Belorusia, Ukraina and India who can act as components supplier but with India and Ukraine track record i am more inclined to retire them early than let those two to touch our inventory!!!

Actually Nike, the reason our F-16's were still flying to intercept the Navy Hornets back then was because of clandestine support from the Dutch Air Force, which they wouldn't have done unless the US didn't give them the go ahead. Basically the Dutch gave us a lot of their spare parts for their fleet of F-16's so that we can keep a certain amount flying during the embargo.

Keep in mind, not only are the Su-35 less capable in terms of capabilities and networking with our current infrastructure, it doesn't come with any sort of kickbacks in terms of ToT or even MRO support. General Dynamics/Lockheed Martin on the other hand has given us MRO certification as well as limited spare part manufacturing. This is true with other US procured equipment as well.

For diplomacy sweetener, I am more prefer to get more ex USAF F 16 with option to MLU/upgrade them in Indonesia, including production of spare parts needed, thats what we need actually to get more flying fighter platform to do routine jobs as multipurpose fighter. For the actual deals, getting F16V should be priority.

Then use the spare money to acquire AEW /c aircraft like Wedgetail and option to purchase SIGINT aircraft system like Peregrine system and combined them with JSTAR like aircraft for ground surveillance. Thus with capable MALE/HALE UAV act as routine patroller and high end ASW/MPA like Poseidon we will get high end spectrum capability. Well we need to invest more into human resources and ground interception control system and integrated command system, and thats cost arm and legs!!!

Our coast guard too can act into the system by acquire low end budget MPA and UAV like KING AIR 350 MPA and LUNA NG.

I think that's the plan, but change the EMLU-Falcon Star to the Block 72 V standard.

It seems no one share this yet.
Typical penerbad resupply mission in Papua.
Our frontline troops equipment are getting better.
I kind of got Vietnam vibe here

It's heartening to see them getting more professional by the day. We're by no means close to NATO standard, but I know we'll get there one day.
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liat tahunnya gak? ini artikel pas tahun 2005 embargo baru dicabut udah banyak yang rusak

Rusak sampe gak bisa dibenerin dan digunakan lg, tapi sekarang yang lagi di FALCON STAR pesawat yang mana ya? Trolololo, thats why you should look at who said that first
Lol, Hidayat Nur wahid you said as reference. Speaker from PKS who very biassed against government (Yudhoyono era) and very much anti US sentiment they had, doesnt hold any position to said the matter even deal during Gusdur era with Sinkies and Netherland to keep our F 16 flying

okay i will another source, you have sparepart but you dont have right to repair

Jakarta - Pemerintah RI meminta Korsel segera melepaskan suku cadang pesawat RI. Suku cadang itu hingga kini masih tertahan di negeri ginseng itu akibat embargo AS. RI berharap suku cadang itu bisa dikembalikan secepatnya."Kami bahas keinginan pemerintah Indonesia untuk bantuan Korsel melepas suku cadang pesawat RI yang sempat tertahan akibat diembargo AS," kata Menhan Juwono Sudarsono usai menerima kunjungan Menhan Republik Korsel Yoon Kwang Ung di Kantor Dephan, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Senin (23/1/2006).Suku cadang pesawat yang tertahan di Korsel adalah suku cadang untuk pesawat tempur jenis F-5 dan F-16. Korsel mengaku saat ini telah menyiapkan pengembalian suku cadang pesawat tersebut secepatnya ke Indonesia.Sebab izin ekspor seharusnya sudah diberikan oleh pemerintah AS secara otomatis setelah dicabutnya embargo militer terhadap Indonesia beberapa waktu lalu.Diakui Dirjen Sarana Pertahanan Dephan Marsekal Muda TNI Pieter Witimena, suku cadang yang tertahan di Korea kini dalam kondisi baik dan sedang di-packing serta siap dikirim.Saat ini suku cadang berada di gudang pemeliharaan dan perbaikan milik Samsung Industry. Ini berbeda dengan suku cadang di AS yang ternyata banyak yang rusak. "Yang penting kita tetap mendesak agar izin ekspor dikeluarkan AS," katanya.Ada beberapa suku cadang yang tertahan di luar negeri akibat embargo, antara lain suku cadang atau komponen pesawat F-5, Hawk 200, dan F-16 yang ada di Korsel, Brasil, Selandia Baru, Belgia dan AS

okay i will another source, you have sparepart but you dont have right to repair

Jakarta - Pemerintah RI meminta Korsel segera melepaskan suku cadang pesawat RI. Suku cadang itu hingga kini masih tertahan di negeri ginseng itu akibat embargo AS. RI berharap suku cadang itu bisa dikembalikan secepatnya."Kami bahas keinginan pemerintah Indonesia untuk bantuan Korsel melepas suku cadang pesawat RI yang sempat tertahan akibat diembargo AS," kata Menhan Juwono Sudarsono usai menerima kunjungan Menhan Republik Korsel Yoon Kwang Ung di Kantor Dephan, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Senin (23/1/2006).Suku cadang pesawat yang tertahan di Korsel adalah suku cadang untuk pesawat tempur jenis F-5 dan F-16. Korsel mengaku saat ini telah menyiapkan pengembalian suku cadang pesawat tersebut secepatnya ke Indonesia.Sebab izin ekspor seharusnya sudah diberikan oleh pemerintah AS secara otomatis setelah dicabutnya embargo militer terhadap Indonesia beberapa waktu lalu.Diakui Dirjen Sarana Pertahanan Dephan Marsekal Muda TNI Pieter Witimena, suku cadang yang tertahan di Korea kini dalam kondisi baik dan sedang di-packing serta siap dikirim.Saat ini suku cadang berada di gudang pemeliharaan dan perbaikan milik Samsung Industry. Ini berbeda dengan suku cadang di AS yang ternyata banyak yang rusak. "Yang penting kita tetap mendesak agar izin ekspor dikeluarkan AS," katanya.Ada beberapa suku cadang yang tertahan di luar negeri akibat embargo, antara lain suku cadang atau komponen pesawat F-5, Hawk 200, dan F-16 yang ada di Korsel, Brasil, Selandia Baru, Belgia dan AS


Lah namanya juga abis di embargo :undecided:
Rusak sampe gak bisa dibenerin dan digunakan lg, tapi sekarang yang lagi di FALCON STAR pesawat yang mana ya? Trolololo, thats why you should look at who said that first
itu berita dulu, jadi dulu itu rusak gk bisa diperbaiki, sekarang bebas embargo jadi bisa diperbaiki
okay i will another source, you have sparepart but you dont have right to repair

If we don't have the right to repair, then how is it that we were able to scramble F-16's to intercept US Navy Hornets in 2003?

Just accept you were wrong and let us continue the thread topic.
If we don't have the right to repair, then how is it that we were able to scramble F-16's to intercept US Navy Hornets in 2003?

Just accept you were wrong and let us continue the thread topic.

not all broken maybe few still airworthy

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