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Speaking of vests, what is the current (or near future) standard issue vest for TNI? What is the status of SAKTI carrier system?
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Len Industri & Thales To Modernise Indonesian Frigate KRI Usman-Harun

Thales press release

Thales has been a leading partner of the Indonesian Navy for the last forty years, as the appointed supplier of combat systems for all warships in service. In addition, Thales has a long-standing relationship with Len Industri, who is the systems integrator for the KRI Usman-Harun’s Mid Life Modernisation (MLM) programme.

The KRI Usman-Harun frigate has more than 15 years of service under its belt. Building on the long collaboration Thales has with the Indonesian Navy, the contract will see Len Industri and Thales install the TACTICOS Combat Management System, the SMART-S Mk2 air and surface surveillance radar, the STIR EO Mk2 radar and EO fire control system and the Vigile Mk2 tactical multi-purpose R-ESM system. These systems are currently also installed on the Indonesian Navy’s new Raden Eddy Martadinata class frigates, enabling consistency in operations for the Navy, and ensuring that their fleet remains one of most advanced in the region.

Modernisation programmes are a cost-effective means of extending the lifecycle of any naval fleet and upgrading the critical mission systems ensures that the latest developments in combat management and sensors are installed for optimum performance. This upgrade for the KRI Usman-Harun is expected to be completed by the end of 2023, and it will considerably extend the life of the frigate.

Thales has established strong credentials in naval modernisation worldwide. In Indonesia, Thales has supplied and integrated the naval combat electronics for four Sigma class corvettes and is also the supplier and integrator of the naval mission systems for the current Indonesian Raden Eddy Martadinata Frigate programme.

Aligned with Indonesia’s vision of building indigenous capabilities in the defence sector, Thales has worked closely with Len Industri over the last decade, including signing Memorandums of Understanding and naval combat management systems, through research and transfer of technology. The modernisation of the KRI Usman-Harun is Len Industri’s first major mission modernisation and its first mission systems integration programme.

“This contract underlines the excellent relations between the Republic of Indonesia, Len Industri and Thales. The program will strongly contribute to the independence of the Indonesian defence industry and lays a strong foundation for future naval contracts, both for new builds as well as modernisations.”

Erik-Jan Raatgerink, Country Director, Thales in Indonesia.

next , VL-MICA (most probable) to replace the seawolf , or if you want more intercept range , a quad packed extended range Sea Ceptor (CAMM-ER) could also be a decent replacement .
TNI AL Bangun 2 Unit KAL di Palindo Batam

11 Maret 2020

Peletakan lunas pembangunan dua unit KAL milik TNI AL di PT Palindo Shipyard Marine, Batam (photo : Suryakepri)

BATAM, SURYAKEPRI.COM – Komandan Pangkalan Utama TNI Angkatan Laut (Danlatamal) IV Laksamana Pertama TNI Arsyad Abdullah,mengahadiri acara peletakan lunas/keel laying pembangunan kapal.

Di galangan kapal PT. Palindo Shipyard Marine Tanjung Uncang Batam Kepri, Selasa (10/3/2020).

Pembangunan dua unit kapal type Kapal Angkatan Laut (KAL) 28 M ini, dikerjakan oleh putra-putra terbaik bangsa.

Hal itu ditandai dengan penandatanganan Berita Acara Peletakan Lunas/Keel Laying pembangunan kapal, antara Kepala Dinas Material Angkatan Laut (Kadismatal) selaku Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK) Laksamana Pertama TNI Budi Sulistyo.

Dengan Dirut PT Palindo Shipyard Marine Harmanto yang disaksikan oleh Asisten Logistik (Aslog) Kasal Laksamana Muda TNI Moelyanto.

Progres pembangunan 2 unit KAL ini nantinya akan dilengkapi dengan persenjataan untuk kepentingan pengamanan di laut, sesuai kontrak yang telah ditandatangani hari ini.

“Ketepatan waktu, kualitas dan berbagai kegiatan tentu menjadi sangat penting, bukan saja berapa rupiah yang kita belanjakan, tetapi yang lebih penting adalah bagaimana pembangunan kapal tersebut nanti output dan outcome yang kita dapat,” kata Aslog Kasal dalam keterangan tertulisnya diterima Suryakepri.com.

“Keberadaan Lantamal IV didalam konteks pembangunan yang kebetulan PT. Palindo Shipyard Marine masih dalam wilayah kerja Lantamal IV, merupakan menjadi bagian penting yang tidak dapat dipisahkan yaitu bantuan pengwasan dan hal-hal yang bersifat formatif antara Mabesal, Lantamal IV dan Satgas yang berada di PT Palindo Shipyard Marine,” tegas dia.

Hadir dalam acara tersebut Kadislaikmatal Laksma TNI Rahmat Hidayat, Dansatgas KAL 28, Aslog Danlantamal IV Kolonel Laut (T) Cok Bagus Alit Y.

Danguskamla Koarmada I diwakili oleh Aslog Danguskamla Kolonel Laut (T) Gatut Setiawan, Danlanal Batam diwakili Palaksa Lanal Batam Letkol Laut (P) Didit Hermawan.

(Surya Kepri)
Speaking of vests, what is the current (or near future) standard issue vest for TNI? What is the status of SAKTI carrier system?

Looks like they opt for simplify model of SAKTI vest, there is more fewer feature on their gears
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Latest news about Philippine Army Light Tank Acquisition Program where our Harimau compete with Israel and South Korea Tank/IFV

Ada yang mau Nazar kalau kita beneran jadi exportir Tank :D?
The problem is whether or not Pindad can actually fulfill those orders ON TOP of the ones for the Indonesian government? As of right now Pindad struggles to maintain productions quotas for the Indonesian military. A big reason why the majority of our equipment is bought from abroad is because of Pindad's inability to maintain strict quotas.
Latest news about Philippine Army Light Tank Acquisition Program where our Harimau compete with Israel and South Korea Tank/IFV

Ada yang mau Nazar kalau kita beneran jadi exportir Tank :D?

Indonesia armed forces is such recommend customer, we are bold enough to become first customer for many big items defense product beyond origin manufacturing country. Example, Makassar class, T50 GE, Hercules C130 a/b, Tu 16, FN FNC, SIGMA class corvettes /frigates and so on.

I think, the chance is big for Indonesia to export Medium tank. Considering the utility is beyond fighting against other armor, but including firing support and module for network centric units.
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Some sources indicated Russian successfully jamming Turkish Airforce F 16 when they launching their amraam, several days of combat let the Russian to collect intelligen data on Electronic residue when Turkish AEW/C supported and guided their F 16 when destroying Syrian aircrafts. Thus led the incident happened. And thus led the Erdogan to accept peace talk with Putin in Moscwa.

It just show us on how fucked up our armed forces compared to the big boys. What happened in Natuna its just a kid pushover. China actually held back as much as possible to cover their real capability, in case of US trying to spying on them.

We are lacking in fighter number, lacking in electronic warfare aircraft and other type support not to mention we dont have intelligen data gathering units.

Transfer Persenjataan Indonesia 2019

11 Maret 2020

F-16A/B TNI AU yang telah dipasang Sniper Targeting Pod (photo : Indonesian Air Force)

SIPRI kembali mengeluarkan laporan mengenai transfer persenjataan dunia, berikut disampaikan data impor dan ekspor persenjataan Indonesia selama kurun waktu 2019. Untuk negara-negara lainnya akan menyusul kemudian secara berseri.

Impor persenjataan ke Indonesia

Ekpor persenjataan dari Indonesia

Sebenarnya hampir semua data ini telah muncul di media massa, namun dari sisi jumlahnya ada yang perlu dicatat disini :
- Badak FSV telah dilakukan order sebanyak 14 unit,
- UCAV CH-4 pada tahun ini tercatat jumlah ordernya 8 unit dibanding tahun lalu 4 unit,
- Pesawat tempur KFX pada tahun ini tercatat 80 unit dibanding tahun lalu 50 unit,
- Artileri pertahanan udara Skyshield tahun ini tercatat 4 unit pesanan baru
- Sniper Targeting Pod ternyata jumlah pesanan 24 unit, ini artinya paket upgrade dapat dilakukan untuk 10 F-16A/B dan 14 F-16C/D.

do pt.pindad have any plan to follow US into standarizing 6,8mm Munition and also creating NGSW weapon ?

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