Nah, i personally dont want any cut, we already have a pretty low soldier-citizen ratio, and now we wnt it even lower? what country is this? 4th most populous with such an underwhelming number? If i'm to choose, i would go more into reforming the military organization maybe? the Wehrkreis system that we have is derived from Prussian Canton system, that suits the model of a decentralized countries, like Germany pre-unification, and also, Indonesia in general due to it's geography. So rather than changing the whole doctrine entirely, why not just "modernized" we constantly doing with the introduction of Kostrad for example, we just ned to do the same thing in accordance to current threats, but not dismantling the whole core doctrine thing.
It may not be the best model for contemporary peer-to-peer conflict, but hell how often we fought peer-to-peer these days? Military district is all-around better for country with fractured geography like Indonesia, especially so as we mostly encounters internal threat rather than external one, it made regional control and low-intensity/early military response is possible to execute rapidly while not waiting too long for the central's authority's response.
It may sound like a joke, but in my wargames experience (LOL), having only Division-level units in archipelagic country of Indonesia for a mostly rebel/separatism threat, is very cumbersome to manage, and too slow for such an demanding situation where speed is key, and troops needed are rarely even reach a division level number, Tens of thousands of troops available in one place cannot beat the function of a few thousand troops available anywhere in COIN scenario. But that does not justify low troops number either, as any model, divisional or battallional alike, still needs quantity no matter the doctrine.
Heck man, we already have low budget-to-GDP ratio, and now we put extra on it by having low troops-to-citizen ratio also? we're frickin big and small military for our size is stupid no matter what situation. So more budget, better organization and modernization effort, and same or more troops number, that's it.