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Indonesia Files WTO Lawsuit Against EU Over Palm Oil Limits
Karlis Salna
December 15, 2019, 4:02 AM ESTUpdated on December 15, 2019, 8:36 PM EST
  • Legal action marks deepening rift between EU and Indonesia
  • Move comes after EU imposed curbs on palm oil in green fuels

Workers lift harvested palm fruit in Kisaran, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Photographer: Dimas Ardian/Bloomberg

Indonesia has taken legal action against the European Union over stricter limits on how palm oil can be used in green fuels,
marking a further deepening in trade tensions.

The nation filed a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization on Dec. 9 alleging discrimination against Indonesian palm-oil exports, the trade ministry said Sunday. Indonesia, the world’s biggest producer of the oil, warned earlier this year it would retaliate after the European Commission restricted the types of biofuels from it that may be counted toward the EU’s renewable-energy goals.

“The Indonesian government objected to the elimination of the use of biofuel from palm oil by the EU,” Indonesia’s Director General of Foreign Trade Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana said in a statement. “In addition to having a negative impact on exports of Indonesian palm oil to the EU, it will also create a bad image for oil palm products in global trade.”

The EU has said the restrictions were required by a broader law agreed by the 28-nation bloc last year, when the European Parliament pushed for curbs on the use of palm oil on concerns its production caused deforestation and aggravated climate change.

The lawsuit underscores a worsening in relations between Indonesia and the EU, after the bloc last week imposed five-year tariffs on biodiesel from the Southeast Asian nation to counter alleged subsidies to producers in the country.

Indonesia Files WTO Lawsuit Against EU Over Palm Oil Limits
Karlis Salna
December 15, 2019, 4:02 AM ESTUpdated on December 15, 2019, 8:36 PM EST
  • Legal action marks deepening rift between EU and Indonesia
  • Move comes after EU imposed curbs on palm oil in green fuels

Workers lift harvested palm fruit in Kisaran, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Photographer: Dimas Ardian/Bloomberg

Indonesia has taken legal action against the European Union over stricter limits on how palm oil can be used in green fuels,
marking a further deepening in trade tensions.

The nation filed a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization on Dec. 9 alleging discrimination against Indonesian palm-oil exports, the trade ministry said Sunday. Indonesia, the world’s biggest producer of the oil, warned earlier this year it would retaliate after the European Commission restricted the types of biofuels from it that may be counted toward the EU’s renewable-energy goals.

“The Indonesian government objected to the elimination of the use of biofuel from palm oil by the EU,” Indonesia’s Director General of Foreign Trade Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana said in a statement. “In addition to having a negative impact on exports of Indonesian palm oil to the EU, it will also create a bad image for oil palm products in global trade.”

The EU has said the restrictions were required by a broader law agreed by the 28-nation bloc last year, when the European Parliament pushed for curbs on the use of palm oil on concerns its production caused deforestation and aggravated climate change.

The lawsuit underscores a worsening in relations between Indonesia and the EU, after the bloc last week imposed five-year tariffs on biodiesel from the Southeast Asian nation to counter alleged subsidies to producers in the country.


Karena palm oil yields nya lebih besar dibanding rapessed n kuwaci, jadi untuk melindungi petani2 EU jadinya mereka diskriminatif ke kita, kalah bersaing produk mereka. Terus pengrusakan hutan di Indonesia juga nambah buruk imej palm oil.

Giliran kita pengen memberi nilai tambah produk ekspor dan membangun industri smelter mereka juga komplain, pengenya untung terus mereka, sekarang jaman udah beda bukan lagi penjajah vs yang dijajah, orang bule gak bisa lagi seenak jidat tanpa ada konsekuensi. Pengennya cuman beli bahan mentah yang murah trus diolah lalu dijual biar dapet untung banyak.
Perang dagang malah semakin ngetrend. :hitwall:
Karena palm oil yields nya lebih besar dibanding rapessed n kuwaci, jadi untuk melindungi petani2 EU jadinya mereka diskriminatif ke kita, kalah bersaing produk mereka. Terus pengrusakan hutan di Indonesia juga nambah buruk imej palm oil.

Giliran kita pengen memberi nilai tambah produk ekspor dan membangun industri smelter mereka juga komplain, pengenya untung terus mereka, sekarang jaman udah beda bukan lagi penjajah vs yang dijajah, orang bule gak bisa lagi seenak jidat tanpa ada konsekuensi. Pengennya cuman beli bahan mentah yang murah trus diolah lalu dijual biar dapet untung banyak.
Perang dagang malah semakin ngetrend. :hitwall:

Sedikit banyak economy war udah jadi medan perang modern, gak kalah devastating compared with conventional wars. Perang dagang US versus China costing trillion US dollar dalam bentuk ekspor impor dan potensi bisnis juga kebangkrutan beberapa perusahaan dan pasar di China dan US, jauh lebih besar dibanding biaya yang dikeluarkan US buat invasi ke Afghanistan selama hampir dua dekade
Imo NKRI camo, i've seen them up close when i had that Bela Negara thingy, one instructor wears NKRI and the other one wears DPM and they both were chatting near bushes, needless to say, NKRI blends much better than the DPM in their ideal terrain.

NKRI camo is like DPM in color but pixelated, i have read in kaksus or maybe some blog, that nkri camo to bright than DPM. Dont know but in your experience you see nkri more blended. Still wonder why we not change to nkri camo
(Btw seragam kok bisa gado2)

Turki juga kenak tuh ama AS (yu know dri kasus pendeta sampe f35nya) akhirnya lira ambrol, trus ekspor besi mrk ke AS terhambat.

The pressure from the US still exists. Seems like Su-35 order for our inventory will face long delay.. at least until US willing to give an exception to us..

I'm very curious with the below statement from the article :
"...The Indonesian National Armed Forces received almost $1.2 billion dollars aid from the US..."
Really..? Anyone had more info regarding this aid...? Or is this just a misstatement from the article..?

Clicking on the link provide no details.. the below is the closest thing to the US$ 1.2 Billion value... which is actually not aid at all...

"...Such uncertainty has driven Indonesia to diversify its arms suppliers. Not only did Indonesia’s arms imports jump from US$36 million in 2005 to almost US$1.2 billion last year, but the number of country suppliers rose from 6 to 23..."

and actually confirms that we reaallyy like to diversify our arms supplier and not depend on a single source...


Prabowo Subianto (ANTARA FOTO – Detik)

Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia Prabowo Subianto kunjungan ke China untuk kerja sama pertahanan dengan Tiongkok.

“Untuk melanjutkan kerja sama pertahanan dengan RRT, beliau akan diterima dalam kunjungan kehormatan oleh Menteri Pertahanan RRT,” kata Juru Bicara Prabowo, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak saat dikonfirmasi, Senin (16/ 12/ 2019).

Dilansir dari laman Liputan6 (16/ 12/ 2019), Dahnil menyebut kunjungan Prabowo ini untuk mendorong potensi kerja sama dengan China.

“Beberapa bulan ini sebagai upaya mendorong dan memperkuat industri pertahanan dalam negeri, Menhan juga terus menjajaki potensi-potensi kerjasama industri pertahanan yang menguntungkan negara,” katanya.

Pertemuan kali ini, menurut Dahnil juga membahas terkait alutsista. Khususnya terkait dengan upaya alih teknologi alutsista.

Meski demikian, Dahnil tidak menjelaskan spesifik siapa saja yang mendampingi dan jenis alutsista yang dibahas Prabowo bersama pejabat China.

“Spesifik nanti ya,” tandasnya.

Sebelumnya, Duta Besar RI untuk China, Djauhari Oratmangun mengatakan, Prabowo dijadwalkan bakal bertemu dengan Menteri Pertahanan Nasional China, Jenderal Wei Fenghe dan Wakil Ketua Komisi Militer Pusat China, Jenderal Xu Qiliang.

“Kunjungan ke Beijing ini direncanakan akan berlangsung selama tiga hari,” kata Djauhari seperti dilansir dari Antara, Minggu (15/12/2019).

Prabowo juga dijadwalkan berkunjung ke State Administration for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND) yang membawahi semua industri strategis dan pertahanan di China.

Editor: (D.E.S)
Should get the alternative from elsewhere, like Belarusian Sukhoi stocks
Are their sukhoi stock in good condition? How abt indian one? India has plant and maintennace facility too (but Sometimes their sukhoi "jatuh")
Which is more effective loreng nkri or loreng dpm?

IMO might as well pixelate the Woodland DPM rather than designing pattern such as NKRI.
NKRI pattern has too much green and the presence of black color always create complication if not NIR treated (black color tend to glow under IR). Even if they were NIR treated, an improper washing will render it useless.

So far the most effective and all weather camo pattern for jungle environment (that I'm aware of) are A-TACS FG and Kryptek Mandrake. Personally I love Kryptek Mandrake because in most case it will be misidentified as greenish colored batik rather than camouflage pattern.
Skuadron 200 Puspenerbal Berlatih dengan Pesawat TB Series

16 Desember 2019

Pesawat Socata TB-9 Tampico TNI AL. TB-10 Tobago dan TB-9 Tampico adalah buatan Socata Prancis, kata "TB" sendiri adalah singkatan dari Tarbes kota di selatan Prancis tempat pesawat ini dibuat. Ada beberapa tipe pesawat Socata TB ini meskipun perbedaannya hanya pada kekuatan mesin saja. TB-9 dilengkapi dengan mesin single engine piston 160 horsepower, sedangkan TB-10 dengan mesin 180 hp, ada lagi TB-200 dengan 200 hp, dan juga TB-20 dengan 250 hp dan TB-21 dengan 250 hp turbocharged engine. Selain TNI AL yang menggunakan pesawat ini adalah STPI Curug (photo : Antara)

Siswa Dik Penerbang Angkatan XXIV memasuki fase Pattern dalam rangka menghadapi terbang Solo Pattern

Siswa Dik Penerbang Angkatan XXIV yang terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok setiap hari bergiat di Skuadron 200 Wing Udara 2, kelompok pertama terdiri dari 7 siswa yang memasuki fase terbang familirisasi menggunakan pesawat latih jenis Tobago TB-10 dan kelompok kedua terdiri 6 siswa saat ini memasuki fase terbang Pattern menggunakan pesawat latih jenis Tampico TB-9C dan sudah memasuki fase Pattern.

Pesawat Socata TB-9 Tampico TNI AL, dipakai untuk terbang permulaan (photo : Puspenerbal)

Fase Pattern adalah fase dimana seorang Pilot melaksanakan terbang berdasarkan aturan circuit di aerodrome bandara tersebut. Seorang Pilot harus menguasai prosedur traffic entry dan radio telephony Bandara agar tidak terjadi incident maupun accident pada saat melaksanakan penerbangan, dimana pada aerodrome bandara telah berlaku aturan-aturan tertentu sesuai dengan kepadatan dari traffic yang akan arrival maupun departure, tutur Ltt. Aditya Mulyarajasa, salah seorang Instructor pilot TB-9 Tampico.

Lebih lanjut beliau menyampaikan tujuan dari Latihan ini agar siswa Dik Penerbang mampu melaksanakan terbang dengan baik dan benar serta dapat mengatasi segala permasalahan selama terbang mulai dari sebelum take off, setelah take off sampai dengan landing , menghadapi emergency, dan pada akhir nantinya siswa diharapkan dapat melaksanakan terbang solo pattern tanpa didampingi oleh Instruktur Penerbang dengan aman dan selamat.

IMO might as well pixelate the Woodland DPM rather than designing pattern such as NKRI.
NKRI pattern has too much green and the presence of black color always create complication if not NIR treated (black color tend to glow under IR). Even if they were NIR treated, an improper washing will render it useless.

So far the most effective and all weather camo pattern for jungle environment (that I'm aware of) are A-TACS FG and Kryptek Mandrake. Personally I love Kryptek Mandrake because in most case it will be misidentified as greenish colored batik rather than camouflage pattern.

Mandrake Like a snake scale btw. In tni inventroy camo likely the good one is kopaska and samar. Imho. Linud one too bright
. .
Indonesian defense minister visits China
16th Dec 2019 07:21


Beijing (ANTARA) - Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto arrived in Beijing, China, on Sunday to kick off his three-day visit that would pave the way for the two countries to strengthen their cooperation in the defense sector.

His arrival was welcomed by Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun, the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing's Deputy Chief of Mission Listyowati, Indonesian Defense Attache Brig.Gen.Kuat Budiman, and several staffers of the Indonesian Embassy.

Major General Song Yanchao from China's Directorate for International Military Cooperation, and several officials of China's Defense Ministry also welcomed Prabowo Subianto and members of the Indonesian Defense Ministry's delegation.

Ambassador Djauhari Oratmangun told ANTARA that during his three-day visit, Prabowo Subianto would meet his counterpart, China's Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe, and Head of China's Central Military Commission General Xu Qiliang.

Prabowo would discuss the two countries' collective efforts to strengthen defense cooperation. "Indonesia and China have had sound cooperation in the defense sector at both bilateral and regional levels," he said.

China has even become one of Indonesia's partners in modernizing its defense system, Ambassador Djauhari Oratmangun said.

During his first visit to China, Prabowo is also scheduled to visit the State Administration for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND).

According to NTI.Org, "SASTIND is the premier civilian regulatory authority in China whose primary responsibilities include drafting guidelines, policies, laws and regulations related to science, technology and industry for national defense".

"Researching future weapon systems, scientific development of dual-use systems, and managing the exports of developed weaponry" are part of SASTIND's primary responsibilities.

In his visit to China, Prabowo is accompanied by several Defense Ministry's top officials and his advisers, Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin and Suryo Prabowo.

Before going to China, Prabowo visited Turkey to strengthen the two countries' cooperation in defense industry.

At a recent limited meeting on programs and activities in the political, legal, and security fields, President Joko Widodo stressed the need for the government to make use of the budget in the defense sector to spur the development of the domestic strategic industry.

Related news: Minister Prabowo upbeat about Indonesia having strong defense industry
Related news: Indonesia-China hold defense consultation meeting
Translated by: M. Irfan Ilmie, Rahmad Nasutio
Editor: Suharto


I am gotten interested for type 056 corvettes class of China, they are quite reliable and cheap and also within our reach to be produced locally and they are compatible with our Panther helicopter , a suitable platform to replace most of our Parchim class
Indonesian defense minister visits China
16th Dec 2019 07:21


Beijing (ANTARA) - Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto arrived in Beijing, China, on Sunday to kick off his three-day visit that would pave the way for the two countries to strengthen their cooperation in the defense sector.

His arrival was welcomed by Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun, the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing's Deputy Chief of Mission Listyowati, Indonesian Defense Attache Brig.Gen.Kuat Budiman, and several staffers of the Indonesian Embassy.

Major General Song Yanchao from China's Directorate for International Military Cooperation, and several officials of China's Defense Ministry also welcomed Prabowo Subianto and members of the Indonesian Defense Ministry's delegation.

Ambassador Djauhari Oratmangun told ANTARA that during his three-day visit, Prabowo Subianto would meet his counterpart, China's Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe, and Head of China's Central Military Commission General Xu Qiliang.

Prabowo would discuss the two countries' collective efforts to strengthen defense cooperation. "Indonesia and China have had sound cooperation in the defense sector at both bilateral and regional levels," he said.

China has even become one of Indonesia's partners in modernizing its defense system, Ambassador Djauhari Oratmangun said.

During his first visit to China, Prabowo is also scheduled to visit the State Administration for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND).

According to NTI.Org, "SASTIND is the premier civilian regulatory authority in China whose primary responsibilities include drafting guidelines, policies, laws and regulations related to science, technology and industry for national defense".

"Researching future weapon systems, scientific development of dual-use systems, and managing the exports of developed weaponry" are part of SASTIND's primary responsibilities.

In his visit to China, Prabowo is accompanied by several Defense Ministry's top officials and his advisers, Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin and Suryo Prabowo.

Before going to China, Prabowo visited Turkey to strengthen the two countries' cooperation in defense industry.

At a recent limited meeting on programs and activities in the political, legal, and security fields, President Joko Widodo stressed the need for the government to make use of the budget in the defense sector to spur the development of the domestic strategic industry.

Related news: Minister Prabowo upbeat about Indonesia having strong defense industry
Related news: Indonesia-China hold defense consultation meeting
Translated by: M. Irfan Ilmie, Rahmad Nasutio
Editor: Suharto


I am gotten interested for type 056 corvettes class of China, they are quite reliable and cheap and also within our reach to be produced locally and they are compatible with our Panther helicopter , a suitable platform to replace most of our Parchim class

Can this chinese corvette use western made weapon? Exocet, oto melara 76mm, Or use thales sensor that navy commonly used

Buy and designing hull, and we configure the system
Wait2, to replace parchim so it must have amti sub weapon like rbu 2000
Can this chinese corvette use western made weapon? Exocet, oto melara 76mm, Or use thales sensor that navy commonly used

Buy and designing hull, and we configure the system
Wait2, to replace parchim so it must have amti sub weapon like rbu 2000
Thai Navy's Naresuan class (type 053) are equipped with western weapons, sensors and engines




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