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Indonesia Defence Forum

Exercise Malindo 2019


Hope can repurposing some Hawk 109/209 into Intelligent and recon gathering aircraft with DJRP pod, we are lacking such capability in first place
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why does our tactical helmet and vest are not painted with green color rather than black ?

Most of our Mechanized infantry units is being purposed for CT action and urban warfare
Most of our Mechanized infantry units is being purposed for CT action and urban warfare
i was actually hoping to see more of this kind of gear & equipment for our Mech infantry battalions .




the camo scheme looks like the IDF and actually blends extremely well with the surrounding environment
. .

If he want like that and trying to bargain and promoting industrial export, there is a very opportunity times to start negotiation with US and bags the deal for F 35 as US give sanction to Turkey and froze their involvement in F35 project. F 35 got at least 500 population today and will reach more than 1500 in less than decade ahead, such large number is opportunity for us to bargain with the US to be involved as spare parts producer not to mention other sub system and the likes. In the region we got Australia as user, and soon Singapore. If Indonesia can get their hand on F 35 even we can trying to become major MRO center in the region.

There is clear facts, F 35 is not peanuts and have real battle record
O shit

Jumat 22 November 2019, 18:08 WIB

Prabowo Kaji Pengadaan Sukhoi: Yang Kita Butuh Efisiensi
Andhika Prasetia - detikNews

Menhan Prabowo Subianto (Grandyos Zafna/detikcom)
Jakarta - Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto angkat bicara mengenai rencana pengadaan jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dan jet tempur KFX/IFX. Pihaknya akan mengkaji dan menekankan efisiensi anggaran.

"Ya kita kaji terus nanti cost benefit-nya gimana, yang kita butuh adalah efisiensi, penghematan, dan daya guna," ujar Prabowo di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (22/11/2019).

Baca juga: Ikuti Jokowi, Prabowo Prioritaskan Belanja Alutsista dari Dalam Negeri

Di pemerintahan periode 2014-2019, rencana pengadaan Sukhoi Su-35 menunggu barter hasil perkebunan milik RI. Kini Prabowo mengatakan bahwa pengadaan Sukhoi Su-35 masih terus dikaji.

"Ya sampai kajiannya selesai," kata Prabowo.

Baca juga: Prabowo Sisir Belanja Alutsista: Arahan Presiden Tak Boleh Lagi Ada Kebocoran

Saat ini Prabowo tengah menyisir pembelian alutsista yang berorientasi proyek. Namun ia memastikan Indonesia tetap membutuhkan kekuatan pertahanan yang mumpuni.

"Dan saya kira ini juga untuk kepentingan bangsa negara dan rakyat. Rakyat membutuhkan suatu kekuatan pertahanan yang baik, yang kuat. Kita selalu mengatakan kita tidak ada niat apa pun, kita tidak mau ganggu bangsa lain, tapi kita tidak mau bangsa lain ganggu kita," ujar Prabowo.

"Kita akan pertahankan kedaulatan kita dengan sekuat tenaga. Dan kita tidak mau dilecehkan, kita tidak mau di-bully oleh siapa pun," imbuhnya.
Thursday, 21 November 2019


Banten, Kamis (21/11/2019). Puslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan melaksanakan uji dinamis Radar Pasif serta Guidance system dan seeker di Satuan Radar 211 Tanjung Kait Kosekhanudnas I, Banten. Uji dinamis Radar Pasif disaksikan oleh Kabalitbang Kemhan Dr. Anne Kusmayati, Ses Balitbang Kemhan Brigjen TNI Abdullah Sani, Kapuslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan Brigjen TNI Rosidin, M.Si (Han), M.Sc., Kapuslitbang Iptekhan Balitbang Kemhan Marsma TNI Bambang Wijanarko, S.E., S.T., M.Si (Han), Pangkosek I Marsma TNI Zulfahmi, S.Sos., M.Si. (Han), Kabid Matra Udara Puslitbang Alpalhan Kolonel Lek Ir. Bambang Edhi Sahputro, M.T., Kabag Datin Set Balitbang Kemhan Kolonel Inf Fatih El Amin, S.IP., M.Si., Sesdis Komlek AU Kolonel Lek Farid H., Sesdis Litbang AU Kolonel Lek Teguh D., Srena AU Kolonel Pnb Arifaini N.D., Paban IV Pernika Skomlek TNI Kolonel Lek I. B. Ngurah M. P., Askomlek Kosek Kolonel Lek Enggar, Srenum TNI Letkol Inf A. Jaya Purba, PT LAPI ITB Bapak Hidayat, Manager PT. LEN Bapak Billy, Direktur PT. RTI Bapak Mashury Wahab, Direktur Poltek Pelayaran Bapak Jani T., para pejabat di lingkungan Kemhan, dan tim uji dinamis Radar Pasif serta Guidance system dan seeker dari PT. LAPI ITB Bandung serta personel yang terkait.

Kegiatan diawali paparan oleh Kabid Matra Udara Puslitbang Alpalhan selanjutnya sambutan oleh Kabalitbang Kemhan Dr. Anne Kusmayati, pembacaan doa, dilanjutkan uji dinamis Radar Pasif serta Guidance system dan seeker dari tim PT. LAPI ITB Bandung, terakhir evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan uji dinamis Radar Pasif serta Guidance system dan seeker. Pelaksanaan uji dinamis Radar Pasif tahap III – III ini adalah hasil kerjasama antara Balitbang Kemhan dengan PT. LAPI ITB Bandung yang telah melaksanakan uji dinamis yang ke-3. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pada uji dinamis tahap III ini sudah menghasilkan satu sistem Radar Pasif dengan menitikberatkan pada pembuatan 2 remote station dengan semua kelengkapannya, seperti mobil pengangkut double cabin, serta peningkatan sensitivitas antena, LNA, peningkatan kemampuan DSP, RPU serta display. Dan juga pengembangan tower mask untuk antena remote station. Pengintegrasian data untuk satu sistem radar pasif dilakukan dengan pengiriman data dari 3 remote sistem ke master station, sehingga data dapat ditampilkan di display master station.

Sedangkan pelaksanaan uji dinamis Guidance System dan Seeker untuk Missile tahap I – III ini adalah hasil kerjasama antara Balitbang Kemhan dengan PT. LAPI ITB Bandung yang melaksanakan uji dinamis yang ke-1. Dalam pelaksanaannya, litbang Guidance System dan Seeker untuk Missile merupakan tindak lanjut akan kebutuhan sistem Guidance dan Seeker Manpads, juga upaya dalam meningkatkan kekuatan dan kemampuan pertahanan negara secara mandiri yang semakin meningkat baik kebutuhan maupun penggunaannya. Selain itu litbang Guidance System dan Seeker untuk Missile dapat mendukung litbang lainnya seperti litbang Rudal/Missile yang merupakan salah satu program dalam PRN (Prioritas Riset Nasional).


RTAF just recently posted this in their official FB Page , some of the thai netizen told me its either new gripen or TA-50 or the launching of their new military satellite NAPA-1 , do we have satellite with same capability ?​
Mulai Tahun Depan, 24 Jet Tempur F-16 Akan Tiba di Tanah Air

Jumat, 22 November 2019 22:04Reporter : Arie Sunaryo

Kasau Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna. ©2019 Merdeka.com

Merdeka.com - Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (Kasau), Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna menyebut, mulai akhir Januari 2020 hingga 2024 mendatang, sebanyak 24 jet tempur F-16 akan tiba di tanah air.

"Pengadaan alutsista ini sudah masuk dalam rencana strategis (renstra) 5 tahun ke depan," ujar Yuyu, seusai melantik 240 perwira baru di Lapangan Dirgantara Lanud Adi Soemarmo, Solo, Jumat (22/11).

"Kita sudah rencanakan itu melalui program renstra. Tahun depan sudah masuk renstra tahap IV," imbuhnya.

Menurut Yuyu, tugas utama TNI AU adalah membangun dan memperkuat alutsista. Dia menyebut, proses pengadaan alutsista saat ini hampir mencapai 100 persen. Tahun ini, renstra pengadaan 24 jet tempur F-16 masuk tahap III.

Kontrak pengadaan pesawat, lanjut Yuyu, hampir diselesaikan. Hingga saat ini tinggal dua berkas kontrak lagi yang belum. Ia berharap tahun ini bisa diselesaikan.

"Kedatangan jet tempur F-16 dari Amerika Serikat kita lakukan secara bertahap. Mulai pertengahan tahun 2020 sampai 2024. Harapan kita tahun 2024 TNI AU sudah mempunyai kemampuan utuh alutsista sesuai minimal assesor," ucapnya.

1 dari 2 halaman
Perlu Upgrade
Yuyu menerangkan, 24 jet tempur F-16 yang dimiliki TNI AU saat ini perlu dilakukan upgrade. Baik strukturnya, airframenya atau bodinya harus diperbaharui. Setelah upgrade, lanjut dia, F-16 mampu membawa senjata-senjata canggih seperti rudal Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) yang mempunyai kemampuan jarak medium.

"Pesawat tempur kita upgrade dan dilakukan peremajaan. Termasuk sistem radar dan engineer pesawat terbang juga dilatih," ucap Yuyu.

so now 1 squadron in our airforce setup/layout was consisted of 12 planes only ?? i thought it was going to be 32 unit .​
South Korea to integrate MBDA’s Meteor missile onto KF-X fighter aircraft

MBDA has been awarded a contract from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) for the integration of the Meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missile onto the KF-X future Korean fighter aircraft.


The contract includes integration support to KAI, transfer of know-how and manufacture of test equipment for the KF-X integration and trials campaign.

Meteor is the world’s most advanced air-to-air missile, and has a unique ramjet propulsion system that allows it to fly further and faster than any other air-to-air missile – allowing it to defeat manoeuvring targets even at extreme ranges.

Éric Béranger, CEO of MBDA, said: “We’re very pleased to mark this next and important step in our partnership with KAI and the Korean Defence Acquisition Program Administration. South Korea is a strategic market for MBDA, and we’re proud that Meteor will be providing KF-X with the world’s most potent air-to-air capability.”
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Mulai Tahun Depan, 24 Jet Tempur F-16 Akan Tiba di Tanah Air

Jumat, 22 November 2019 22:04Reporter : Arie Sunaryo

Kasau Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna. ©2019 Merdeka.com

Merdeka.com - Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (Kasau), Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna menyebut, mulai akhir Januari 2020 hingga 2024 mendatang, sebanyak 24 jet tempur F-16 akan tiba di tanah air.

"Pengadaan alutsista ini sudah masuk dalam rencana strategis (renstra) 5 tahun ke depan," ujar Yuyu, seusai melantik 240 perwira baru di Lapangan Dirgantara Lanud Adi Soemarmo, Solo, Jumat (22/11).

"Kita sudah rencanakan itu melalui program renstra. Tahun depan sudah masuk renstra tahap IV," imbuhnya.

Menurut Yuyu, tugas utama TNI AU adalah membangun dan memperkuat alutsista. Dia menyebut, proses pengadaan alutsista saat ini hampir mencapai 100 persen. Tahun ini, renstra pengadaan 24 jet tempur F-16 masuk tahap III.

Kontrak pengadaan pesawat, lanjut Yuyu, hampir diselesaikan. Hingga saat ini tinggal dua berkas kontrak lagi yang belum. Ia berharap tahun ini bisa diselesaikan.

"Kedatangan jet tempur F-16 dari Amerika Serikat kita lakukan secara bertahap. Mulai pertengahan tahun 2020 sampai 2024. Harapan kita tahun 2024 TNI AU sudah mempunyai kemampuan utuh alutsista sesuai minimal assesor," ucapnya.

1 dari 2 halaman
Perlu Upgrade
Yuyu menerangkan, 24 jet tempur F-16 yang dimiliki TNI AU saat ini perlu dilakukan upgrade. Baik strukturnya, airframenya atau bodinya harus diperbaharui. Setelah upgrade, lanjut dia, F-16 mampu membawa senjata-senjata canggih seperti rudal Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) yang mempunyai kemampuan jarak medium.

"Pesawat tempur kita upgrade dan dilakukan peremajaan. Termasuk sistem radar dan engineer pesawat terbang juga dilatih," ucap Yuyu.

so now 1 squadron in our airforce setup/layout was consisted of 12 planes only ?? i thought it was going to be 32 unit .​
We don't know he's talking about new purchase or next 3rd step of further upgrade for 52id which we have 24 of them. (1 already crashed though)
We don't know he's talking about new purchase or next 3rd step of further upgrade for 52id which we have 24 of them. (1 already crashed though)
this , i hope it was the current 24 C/D in our inventory that will get upgraded to block 60 or block 70 standard .
this , i hope it was the current 24 C/D in our inventory that will get upgraded to block 60 or block 70 standard .
Well he did notice "butuh di upgrade" though

D&S 2019: PT Pindad partners Paramount on defence production
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
22 November 2019



PT Pindad has identified its Harimau medium tank as a potential platform for collaboration with South African company Paramount Group. Source: FNSS
Indonesia's PT Pindad has signed an agreement with South African defence company Paramount Group to explore opportunities for collaboration on military platforms.

The accord was signed at the Defense and Security (D&S) 2019 exhibition in Bangkok, which concluded on 21 November.

PT Pindad said the memorandum of understanding (MOU) will look at the prospect of joint production programmes between the two companies. The Indonesian company added that the agreement could support co-operation on the Harimau medium tank, which PT Pindad is developing with Turkey's FNSS Savunma Sistemleri.

Another platform identified by PT Pindad for possible collaboration was the X18 fire support vessel - more commonly referred to in Indonesia as the 'tank boat' - which the company developed in collaboration with Indonesian shipbuilder PT Lundin.

The MOU between PT Pindad and Paramount Group will "explore the potential for joint production and contracts", said the Indonesian company, suggesting that such deals would support sales to South Africa or additional markets.

In support of the Harimau, PT Pindad also signed at D&S 2019 a letter of intent (LOI) with Belgian company John Cockerill Defense to facilitate the supply of 18 Cockerill 3105 turrets for integration onto the tank. This is believed to be related to the production of initial batches of the Harimau for the Indonesian Army.

Jane's previously reported that PT Pindad signed an agreement with the Indonesian Ministry of Defence in April to support the production of an initial batch of the tank, although a formal contract has not yet been finalised.

During the D&S 2019 show, PT Pindad also signed a "strategic partnership" agreement with the Malaysian Ministry of Defence (MoD). PT Pindad said the accord supports "export sales of defence and security products" to Malaysia.

Well he did notice "butuh di upgrade" though

D&S 2019: PT Pindad partners Paramount on defence production
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
22 November 2019



PT Pindad has identified its Harimau medium tank as a potential platform for collaboration with South African company Paramount Group. Source: FNSS
Indonesia's PT Pindad has signed an agreement with South African defence company Paramount Group to explore opportunities for collaboration on military platforms.

The accord was signed at the Defense and Security (D&S) 2019 exhibition in Bangkok, which concluded on 21 November.

PT Pindad said the memorandum of understanding (MOU) will look at the prospect of joint production programmes between the two companies. The Indonesian company added that the agreement could support co-operation on the Harimau medium tank, which PT Pindad is developing with Turkey's FNSS Savunma Sistemleri.

Another platform identified by PT Pindad for possible collaboration was the X18 fire support vessel - more commonly referred to in Indonesia as the 'tank boat' - which the company developed in collaboration with Indonesian shipbuilder PT Lundin.

The MOU between PT Pindad and Paramount Group will "explore the potential for joint production and contracts", said the Indonesian company, suggesting that such deals would support sales to South Africa or additional markets.

In support of the Harimau, PT Pindad also signed at D&S 2019 a letter of intent (LOI) with Belgian company John Cockerill Defense to facilitate the supply of 18 Cockerill 3105 turrets for integration onto the tank. This is believed to be related to the production of initial batches of the Harimau for the Indonesian Army.

Jane's previously reported that PT Pindad signed an agreement with the Indonesian Ministry of Defence in April to support the production of an initial batch of the tank, although a formal contract has not yet been finalised.

During the D&S 2019 show, PT Pindad also signed a "strategic partnership" agreement with the Malaysian Ministry of Defence (MoD). PT Pindad said the accord supports "export sales of defence and security products" to Malaysia.

Noice , we should do cooperation with paramount group for our domestic MRAP , or other light armoured vehicle , such product made by them are top notch .
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