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This is from PTDI IG stories

What make me curious is PTDI meetings with Boeing. What are they talking about? What makes me even more curious is there's F15 model scale right there
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Tontaipur? Rupanpur?
Well maybe, you can call it whatever you want. In M.E in urban area where there are a lot of sniper nest, IED planted at strategic point, suicide bombing using vehicle, ATGM / RPG threat, having this unmanned vehicle can come in handy.
It can be sent as vanguard unit to the enemy occupied zone. TNI should utilize small drone too, quadcopter that allow the operator to see in first person view from the drone camera, very helpful to scout buildings.
Sayang kalau ranpur kena RPG atau ATGM.
Should be acting as a pair, one to support the other (to carry spare battery for electric powered type, parts or maybe fuel for conventional units) , meanwhile the other one to support the rest of platoon unit. The combat doctrine should be emulated to perfected the usage of this unit and how to cope with potential problem

And in which units this type of vehicles should be operated, regular Infantry units? Mechanized infantry? Cavalry? Or special ops?
Mechanized Infantry would be the best go, especially useful if they are being "dismounted" for a period of time. But i believe any frontline unit would make a good use out of it, and that it could serves well in Papua, Infantry squads would feel less concern operating away from their convoy and their body would be relieved of much burden carrying logistics and manually scouting the area.
Mechanized Infantry would be the best go, especially useful if they are being "dismounted" for a period of time. But i believe any frontline unit would make a good use out of it, and that it could serves well in Papua, Infantry squads would feel less concern operating away from their convoy and their body would be relieved of much burden carrying logistics and manually scouting the area.
Even 4x4 pick up truck having a hard time in some of road in Papua, this ground unmanned vehicle won't survive, infantry is the king here.
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They got a lot of potential, either to use them as mule carrier while giving limited fire support for the accompanying platoon or enlarged the systems, made the armor more hardened and give them medium range caliber weapons to support at least 20/30 mm caliber, so as they will be capable to take care a more broad type of threats including enemy soft skins vehicles, hardened positions and such from a more longer range.

either way this is a very good news and future warfare combat doctrine must be learned to absorb the lesson from conflicts in middle east

yeah, that's a good idea.
for more implementations, maybe if this tank drone can be modified a bit, as a tactical vehicle unit, with droppable from plane capabilities.
so it could be tested with smaller plane like c-295/cn-235 or helicopters.
i think our special combat units would love accompanied by this beast, of course
alongside with others tactical vehicle like atav-6 :enjoy:



Sentry Gun


Even 4x4 pick up truck having a hard time in some of road in Papua, this ground unmanned vehicle won't survive, infantry is the king here.

no worries, the gods is arrived..lols



  • Trailer Sentry Gun Robotik ( UGCV ) Tahap I - II.mp4_000143776.jpg
    Trailer Sentry Gun Robotik ( UGCV ) Tahap I - II.mp4_000143776.jpg
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S. Korea, Hanwha Flight Test KF-X Radar Tech Demo

Aerospace Daily & Defense Report

SEOUL—South Korea’s defense technology organization and Hanwha have flight tested a technology-demonstration fighter radar in cooperation with Elta, while proceeding in parallel with full-scale development of the sensor for the KF-X fighter. The demonstrator, mounted in Elta’s Boeing 737 testbed, was flown 10 times in Israel and six times in South Korea, said a researcher of the technology organization, the Agency for Defense Development (ADD).


KF-X Prototype Manufacturing Begins

Aerospace Daily & Defense Report

SEOUL—Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has begun building the first prototype for the KF-X fighter program, following completion of the critical design review in September. Development is running on schedule, a source close to the program said. Rollout of the first prototype is due in June 2021 and its first flight in May 2022, the source said, giving more precise timings than those that have been published.


Indonesia maintains its participation in the KF-X program

October 18, 2019, 09:55

114 engineers from the Indonesian aviation company PT Dirgantara (PTDI) remain involved in a project with South Korea to develop a new generation Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) fighter aircraft.

The bonds connecting PTDI and Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), the company running the KF-X program, were one of the topics of talks during ADEX 2019 (Seoul International Aerospace and Depence EXposition - International Air and Defense Exhibition in Seoul). It was emphasized that the links between Korea and Indonesia remain strong, even if Seoul and Jakarta have not reached full agreement as to what Indonesia's contribution to the program will be. So far, it is only known that employees delegated to work on KF-X on behalf of PTDI are working not only (but mainly) on the design of the aircraft, but also on the engineering of production processes. The Indonesian company expects that the involvement of engineers in the program will contribute to the long-term development of the company and strengthen its ability to apply the acquired competences while working on its own platforms.

Conversations are continuing Representatives of PTDI and KAI did not directly comment on talks at the government level that were supposed to allow for reaching a consensus after the authorities in Jakarta in October 2018 ruled that due to budget difficulties they want to renegotiate the financial arrangements concluded in 2015 regarding participation in the program budget. Initially, it was expected that renegotiations would be completed within a year, but would continue to this day. Despite persistent controversies related to the financial commitment of this South Asian country to the KF-X program, Indonesia maintains its willingness to participate in it and intends to honor its commitment to cover 20% of the total cost of aircraft development, which is estimated at around USD 8 billion. The share structure is to change. This is equivalent to the contribution that KAI will make. The South Korean government is to pay the rest.

C-130J Super Hercules Bukukan Dua Juta Jam Terbang

Posted on October 17, 2019 by Roni Sontani

AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Pesawat angkut militer C-130J Super Hercules telah berhasil membukukan pencapaian akumulatif dua juta jam terbang sejak penerbangan pertamanya pada 5 April 1996 hingga akhir Juli 2019.

Lockheed Martin menyatakan, 22 operator dari 18 negara di seluruh dunia berkontribusi dalam pencapaian angka dua juta jam terbang C-130J.

Pengumpulan jam terbang ini, lanjutnya, diperoleh dari misi semua varian Super Hercules termasuk varian angkut, tempur, tanker, operasi khusus, medik udara, misi kemanusiaan, SAR, pemadaman api, pengintaian cuaca, hingga angkut logistik komersial.


C-130J, kata Rod McLean Wakil Presiden dan Manajer Umum Mobilitas Udara & Misi Maritim Lockheed Martin, telah berhasil membuktikan reputasinya sebagai kuda beban dunia. Kemampuan pesawat ini, tambah dia, tak tertandingi.

Hingga saat ini C-130J sudah diproduksi lebih dari 400 unit. Pesawat ini digunakan oleh militer Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Australia, Italia, Denmark, Norwedia, Kanada, India, Qatar, Irak, Oman, Tunisia, Israel, Kuwait, Korea Selatan, Arab Saudi, Perancis, dan Bahrain.


Lockheed Martin
Indonesia termasuk negara yang akan mengoperasikan C-130J. Kementerian Pertahaan Republik Indonesia telah memesan lima unit Super Hercules untuk digunakan oleh TNI Angkatan Udara.

Roni Sontani


Raytheon to begin production of upgraded AMRAAM missile with new guidance section

Aircraft missile experts at the Raytheon Co. are gearing-up to produce an upgraded version of the U.S. Air Force and Navy AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) to extend the missile’s lifetime well into the 2020s.

John Keller
May 14th, 2018

EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. — Aircraft missile experts at the Raytheon Co. are gearing-up to produce an upgraded version of the U.S. Air Force and Navy AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) to extend the missile’s lifetime well into the 2020s.


The latest version of the Raytheon AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) will have an upgraded guidance section.

Officials of the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., announced nearly a half-billion-dollar order for a redesigned AMRAAM missile with a new guidance section.

The Air Force is awarding Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Ariz., a $523.1 million order for AMRAAM production lot 31, as well as for AMRAAM production lot 32 missiles and other AMRAAM system items. The contract involves foreign military sales to Japan, Kuwait, Poland, Indonesia, Qatar, Germany, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

AMRAAM lot 32 is expected to be the first batch of production missiles that integrate the Form, Fit, Function Refresh (F3R) of the AMRAAM guidance section.

The Air Force’s AMRAAM F3R project is a comprehensive effort to mitigate the effects of parts obsolescence and diminishing manufacturing sources in the missile’s guidance section to enable AMRAAM production beyond lot 31.

The Air Force and Navy AMRAAM is one of the nation’s most sophisticated radar-guided, air-to-air missiles, and one of the world’s most advanced all-weather, all-environment, medium-range, air-to-air missiles for engaging enemy aircraft and missiles from beyond visual ranges.

AMRAAM is an active radar-guided intercept missile with inherent electronic protection capabilities for air-to-air applications against massed penetration aircraft. AMRAAM has been in service since 1991, and was designed to replace the AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missile.

Raytheon won a $573 million order in March 2016 for AMRAAM lot 30 production. Each AMRAAM lot roughly consists of 400 to 500 missiles.

Mitigating the effects of obsolescence and diminishing manufacturing sources can involve the substantial redesign of subsystems by replacing electronic chips and other components that the original manufacturers no longer can produce.

In 2015, Raytheon experienced technical difficulties with the AMRAAM F3R application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design, hardware integration, and guidance section performance demonstration, which delayed the program’s critical design review (CDR) for a year.

In January 2017, Raytheon officials announced a project to develop a new signal processor for the AMRAAM under the F3R project to help ensure AMRAAM production well into the 2020s. Air Force officials say they plan to cut F3R technology into the latter part of AMRAAM lot 31 production in 2019 or 2020.

On this order, Raytheon will do the work in Tucson, Ariz., and should be finished this month.

For more information contact Raytheon Missile Systems online at www.raytheon.com, or the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center at www.wpafb.af.mil/aflcmc.

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This parade means a lot, in remote KODAM area such as Pattimura XVI, their armaments is very absymal and in very appaling condition. Imagine, in a big area such as Maluku, they dont have meaningful armor, they dont have Artillery, they dont have Air defense unit, and the number of their infantry units is in small number too. The Marines corps there dont have landing amphibious units, even though Maluku is islands provinces. Why Armed forces doesnt find Excess Defense Article from country such as South Korea or US if they cant made budget for new equipments, this situation cant be dragged anymore. You know even US give away their M198 and M113 along with their humvee toward incompetent armies like Iraq and Afghanistan just to let them to fall for ISIS or Taliban, we can bought them in second hand prices and put the armor into regional units who needed them the most.

Cerita JK Minta Rp2,5 T Buat Belanja Kendaraan Polri dan TNI
CNN Indonesia
Jumat, 18/10/2019 13:28
Bagikan :

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla. (CNN Indonesia/Andry Novelino)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla hari ini menghadiri acara penghantaran purna tugas Wakil Presiden yang dilaksanakan oleh Mabes Polri. Dalam acara itu, JK banyak bercerita mengenai Polri, salah satunya tentang upaya mengganti kendaraan dinas Polri.

Penggantian kendaraan dinas itu diusahakan JK ketika momen Menteri Keuangan meminta izinnya untuk menaikkan pajak sekitar 30 persen atau sekitar Rp50 triliun hingga Rp60 triliun.

Lihat juga:
Sandi Akui Gerindra Sempat Terbelah, Oposisi atau ke Jokowi JK mengaku setuju namun dengan syarat, salah satunya dengan meminta jatah uang sekitar Rp2,5 triliun.

"Tapi ada syaratnya, kasih saya uang Rp2,5 triliun, (dia tanya) mau diapain., Enggak ngaku dulu mau ngasih Rp2,5 T? (Menteri bilang) Ya oke tapi dia tawar Rp2 T. Enggak saya bilang, lalu oke kita kasih tahu, baru saya buka," kata JK di Auditorium PTIK Jakarta, Jumat (18/10).

Di depan polisi, JK bercerita relevansi kendaraan polisi dengan tingkat keamanan negara. Menurutnya sudah sewajarnya mobil di lingkungan Polri diganti untuk mengimbangi pemberantasan kejahatan.

Lihat juga:
Survei: Kerja Jokowi Biasa Saja, Tak Maksimal di Periode Awal "Bagaimana mau aman, bagaimana mau berusaha, kalau Polri mobilnya kijang tua, bagaimana, sedangkan perampoknya mobil lebih baru dan kapolsek-kapolsek tidak ada kendaraan," ujar JK.

"Kalau aman, investasi juga pasti datang," lanjut JK.

Tak sampai di situ, JK pun datang ke pengusaha mobil meminta penjualan mobil ke negara dengan harga pokok. JK meminta diskon 10% dengan pembelian 3.000 hingga 5.000 mobil.

"Kasih diskon 10% dari harga pokok, jualanmu pasti naik, karena negara aman lalu setuju. Jadilah itu beli mobil 5.000, 2.500 untuk TNI dan 2.500 Polri dalam waktu hanya satu minggu," cerita dia.

Lihat juga:
Tak Berdaya Rakyat Jokowi Dicekik Asap Karhutla Dari cerita itu, JK mengatakan bahwa keamanan negara selalu berkaitan erat dengan ekonomi bangsa.

"Aman betul jadi selalu ada hubungan, jadi ada hubungan antara ekonomi dan ketertiban dan keamanan. Tanpa itu tidak bisa, akan lebih aman kita semuanya," tutup dia. (ctr/wis)
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