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Indonesia PINDAD confirm cooperation with Cockeril to made turret tanks

Pindad Gandeng Belgia Produksi Meriam Besar
Today 11:08
BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com - PT Pindad (Persero) mengambil langkah strategis jangka panjang untuk pengembangan sistem persenjataan kendaraan tempur dan tanknya. Senin (15/9/2014) Pindad resmi menggandeng perusahaan asal Belgia, Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenierie SA Defense (CMI), untuk pengembangan sistem meriam atau turret. Untuk tahap awal, produsen amunisi senapan dan kendaraan tempur asal Bandung itu akan memproduksi turret kaliber 90 mm dan 105 mm untuk dipasang di kendaraan tempur produksi Pindad.

Penandatangan nota kesepahaman antara kedua perusahaan diresmian di hanggar produksi panser Anoa milik Pindad, di Kiara Condong, Bandung. Direktur Utama Pindad Sudirman Said mengungkapkan, kesepakatan ini membawa dampak positif bagi pengembangan Pindad sebagai perakit sistem persenjataan. Selain itu, kerjasama sekaligus bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan teknologi perusahaan dan membawa Pindad masuk dalam global supply chain industri pertahanan bersama CMI.

Pindad dan CMI akan membentuk komite untuk menyusun proses alih teknologi dan pelatihan teknis untuk mendukung tujuan memproduksi turret kaliber besar. "Pindad juga memperoleh kesempatan untuk mengirimkan beberapa putra-putri terbaik kita untuk belajar masalah sistem persenjataan di CMI," kata Sudirman.

Kesempatan ini sangat sesuai dengan tujuan manajemen untuk membangun kapasitas perusahaan agar bisa maksimal dalam menjalankan amanah UU Nomor 16/2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan.

Sementara itu, Executive Vice President CMI James Caudle menyatakan, CMI sebenarnya sudah lama hadir dan dikenal oleh Tentara Nasional Indonesia sebagai pengguna sistem persenjataan, meski hanya berupa nama. "Brand 'Cockerill' sudah akrab dikenal dan telah lama melengkapi sistem persenjataan TNI Angkatan Darat," katanya. "Ini akan menguntungkan bukan saja kami tetapi juga Pindad dan Indonesia".

CMI percaya kerjasama ini akan meningkatkan potensi besar industri pertahanan lokal dan mendukung sistem pertahanan nasional Indonesia lewat pembangunan kapasitas sumber daya manusia dan transfer of technology. "Kami senang bisa meneken kerjasama dengan Pindad sebagai langkah awal jangka panjang dalam bidang perakitan dan teknologi sistem persenjataan," ujar Caudle.

Setelah meneken nota kesepahaman, Pindad dan CMI akan duduk bersama merampungkan detail kerjasama yang memuat secara rinci kesepakatan dan komitmen yang telah dijalin dalam bentuk skema kerjasama yang memuat hak dan kewajiban kedua belah pihak. Kerjasama dengan CMI ini adalah kali kedua Pindad meneken kerjasama dengan industri pertahanan dunia. Bulan lalu, Pindad meneken kerjasama dengan Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM) untuk pengembangan amunisi kaliber besar.

Pindad memang sedang tencar mendorong tenaga ahlinya membangun sendiri kekuatan alat utama sistem persenjataan di dalam negeri. Untuk kendaraan tempur misalnya, sudah lahir kendaraan lapis baja Anoa dan kendaraan taktis Komodo.

Pindad juga sudah mengantongi kepercayaan TNI Angkatan Darat untuk melakukan retrofit tank AMX 13. Di tangan para insinyur Pindad, tank tua ini telah mengalami perubahan total mesin, sistem transmisi, elektronik hingga sistem senjata lewat pemasangan meriam kaliber 105 mm.


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Mbak diingrisin dong. Masa harus aku melulu sih... Kacian aye dong.
Mbak diingrisin dong. Masa harus aku melulu sih... Kacian aye dong.

eh lali je .............

BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com - PT Pindad (Persero) to take measures for the long-term strategic development of combat vehicles and weapons systems his tank. Monday (15/09/2014) PINDAD official Belgian holding company, Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenierie SA Defense (CMI), for the development of cannon or turret system. For the first phase, a rifle and ammunition manufacturers from Bandung combat vehicles it will produce the turret caliber 90 mm and 105 mm to be installed in combat vehicles PINDAD production.

Signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two companies diresmian in a hangar belonging PINDAD Anoa armored production, in Kiara Lean, Bandung. Director PINDAD Sudirman Said said the agreement brings positive impact to the development of weapons systems PINDAD as an assembler. In addition, once cooperation aimed at improving the ability of technology companies and bring PINDAD included in the global defense industry supply chain with CMI.

PINDAD and CMI will form a committee to arrange the transfer of technology and technical training to support the goal of producing a large caliber turret. "PINDAD also have the opportunity to send some of our best sons and daughters to study problems in the CMI weapons systems," said Sudirman.

This opportunity is in accordance with the management objectives to build up the capacity of the company in order to carry out the mandate in the Act No. 16/2012 of the Defense Industry.

Meanwhile, Executive Vice President James Caudle stated CMI, CMI has actually been long present and known by the Indonesian Army as a weapons system users, although only a name. 'Brand' Cockerill 'already known and have long been familiar weapons systems complement the Army, "he said. "This will benefit not only us but also PINDAD and Indonesia".

CMI believes this partnership will increase the potential for local defense industries and support the Indonesian national defense system through capacity building of human resources and transfer of technology. "We are delighted to be signing a cooperation with PINDAD as a first step in a long-term field assembly and technology weapons systems," said Caudle.

After signing a memorandum of understanding, PINDAD and CMI will sit together finalize the details of cooperation, which contains a detailed agreements and commitments that have been woven in the form of co-operation scheme that includes the rights and obligations of both parties. CMI cooperation with this is the second time PINDAD signed defense industry cooperation with the world. Last month, PINDAD signed with Rheinmetall Denel Munition cooperation (RDM) for the development of large-caliber ammunition.

PINDAD is being tencar encourage experts to build their own power force main weaponry system in the country. To combat vehicles, for example, already born Anoa armored vehicles and tactical vehicles Komodo.

PINDAD also has won the confidence of the Army to retrofit tanks AMX 13. In the hands of the engineers PINDAD, old tanks has undergone a total change of engine, transmission systems, to electronic weapon system through the installation of 105 mm caliber cannon.

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Good News.....I like it ............. :sniper: :sniper:
Good news! btw is it technically possible to fit the 105mm cannon to our PT.76 tank turret? or it must be completely changed with new turret?

Indonesian Super Tucano arrive in Tenerife, Spain, 14/09/2014
Credit photo: : Javier de la Cruz @airplane picture

credit posting gombaljaya@timawa

Indonesia To Build New Air Search Radar Base


Kasau Marsekal TNI I. B. Putu Dunia bersama staf menandatangani prasasti pembangunan Pura sebagai tempat ibadah umat Hindu di Tambora, Jumat (12/9). Peresmian Pura dilakukan sebelum Kasau bertolak ke Kahale, lokasi pembangunan markas Satrad TNI AU.


Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Indonesia plans to establish a special unit that operates the radar on the island of Sumba in East Nusa Tenggara Province Radar 2015 is part of the national air defense system, is placed at the border with the task of detecting aircraft that crossed from and out of the country.

During this Unit Radar (satrad) military operations are under Kohanudnas. Kohanudnas a Major Command of the military in charge of organizing the defense and security efforts on the national airspace independently or in cooperation with other Main Command Operations, in order to realize the sovereignty and integrity as well as other interests of the Republic of Indonesia.

Around the area of Sumba, in fact there have been satrad Air Force on the island of Timor is satrad 226 Buraen, Amarasi Subdistrict, Kupang. But along with the high intensity of aircraft flight and to the south (Australia), the Air Force should also build new satrad in Sumba Island, particularly in the area Tambolaka. Satrad is planned to be built in 2015 includes headquarters offices, residential complexes and supporting infrastructure facilities. Satrad is expected to carry out national defense duties in Sumba and surrounding region.

Air Force Chief of Staff (Rafters) Marshal Ida Bagus Putu World with relevant staff to realize the construction of satrad in Tambolaka, a visit to the Southwest Sumba, Friday (12/9). By using the Fokker Air Force, the group received by Southwest Sumba Regent Markus Dairo Talu with the officials at the airport Tambolaka. Regent Mark will deliver ready to help and do anything for the sake of the country, including the national air defense efforts with development satrad Air Force headquarters.

Furthermore, the group changed by helicopter to the Kahale, satrad construction site that greeted Vice Regent Southwest Sumba Tanggu Dara Kaha and some legislators. In reviewing the rafters to see the technical details satrad development planning office. At the end of the visit Rafters expressed his appreciation to the Government District which is concerned with the defense of the nation to donate land for the construction of satrad.

TNI AU Berencana Bangun Satuan Radar Baru di Tambolaka, NTT | Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Udara

TNI AU bangun radar pemantau perbatasan di Nunukan (air force to monitor the border with new radar base)

Senin, 15 September 2014 18:05 WIB | 1.920 Views
Pewarta: M Rusman

the news in Indonesian
TNI AU bangun radar pemantau perbatasan di Nunukan - ANTARA News
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Police sweeping and arrest against ISIS sympathizer in Poso, Central Sulawesi


Densus Geledah Kos Terduga ISISSejumlah anggota Densus 88 menggeledah rumah kos terduga anggota jaringan Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Senin (15/9). Penggeledahan itu terkait dengan ditangkapnya 4 warga Turki di Parigi Moutong pada Sabtu (13/9) lalu. (ANTARA FOTO/Basri Marzuki)


Densus Geledah Kos Terduga ISISSejumlah Brimob bersenjata berjaga saat Densus 88 menggeledah rumah kos terduga anggota jaringan Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Senin (15/9). Penggeledahan itu terkait dengan ditangkapnya 4 warga Turki di Parigi Moutong pada Sabtu (13/9) lalu. (ANTARA FOTO/Basri Marzuki)


Densus Geledah Kos Terduga ISISSejumlah anggota Densus 88 mengamankan seorang warga saat menggeledah rumah kos terduga anggota jaringan Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Senin (15/9). Penggeledahan itu terkait dengan ditangkapnya 4 warga Turki di Parigi Moutong pada Sabtu (13/9) lalu. (ANTARA FOTO/Basri Marzuki)
Good news! btw is it technically possible to fit the 105mm cannon to our PT.76 tank turret? or it must be completely changed with new turret?
Why on PT76?it's an obsolete platform, and I heard the Marine will get BTR4 from Ukraine and if PINDAD successfully reverse enginering that vehicle, then sure you can put the 105 canon on it for MGS vehicle

But you should done with retrofitting older and obsolete vehicle, obsolete weapon do not deter
female satpol PP in Surabaya (local Government law enforcement agency)



Super Tucano tail number seven in Tanarife Spain

Why on PT76?it's an obsolete platform, and I heard the Marine will get BTR4 from Ukraine and if PINDAD successfully reverse enginering that vehicle, then sure you can put the 105 canon on it for MGS vehicle

But you should done with retrofitting older and obsolete vehicle, obsolete weapon do not deter

Whats the difference between retrofitting PT76 and retrofitting AMX13 technically? Both are obsolete platform.
PT76 should be able to be retrofitted as AMX13 (?)

I prefer 30mm than 105mm.
Why on PT76?it's an obsolete platform, and I heard the Marine will get BTR4 from Ukraine and if PINDAD successfully reverse enginering that vehicle, then sure you can put the 105 canon on it for MGS vehicle
The deal with Urkaine is over, TNI will not proceed because of internal situation in that country.
Why on PT 76? because the Marine's Cavalry Regiment still need the tank. Especially with the plan to form a 3rd Marine Corps (Pasmar 3), it means we need to form a 3rd Cavalry Regiment (Menkav 3) and one Battalion on each Regiment will be amphibious Tank Batt. So far there is no plan to procure additional BMP 3F so we definitely need those PT 76 to fill the gap until there is a replacement for it.
The deal with Urkaine is over, TNI will not proceed because of internal situation in that country.
Why on PT 76? because the Marine's Cavalry Regiment still need the tank. Especially with the plan to form a 3rd Marine Corps (Pasmar 3), it means we need to form a 3rd Cavalry Regiment (Menkav 3) and one Battalion on each Regiment will be amphibious Tank Batt. So far there is no plan to procure additional BMP 3F so we definitely need those PT 76 to fill the gap until there is a replacement for it.

errr the deal with the Ukraine is going to be continued after taking several consideration
Well for AMX 13, I kind of understand the reason why the army retrofitting some of it (not all) as a stopgap, but I'm sure they understand too that AMX is obsolete platform

I'm pretty sure they go for modified marder and soon to be PINDAD medium tank rather than keeping the AMX

And beside getting Marder is equal or even cheaper than retrofitting the AMX

Whats the difference between retrofitting PT76 and retrofitting AMX13 technically? Both are obsolete platform.
PT76 should be able to be retrofitted as AMX13 (?)

I prefer 30mm than 105mm.

Ooo I'm sure the marine cavs need spearhead armor vehicle, but I won't suggest retrofitting PT76 and putting a new 105 gun on it

If they really need fighting vehicle for spearhead, it can be done by PT76 with current configs and BMP3

And it would be best, in my opinion, if investment related to new gun is for new or newer platform such as Marder, PINDAD medium tank and future PINDAD 8x8 fighting vehicle based on BTR4

The deal with Urkaine is over, TNI will not proceed because of internal situation in that country.
Why on PT 76? because the Marine's Cavalry Regiment still need the tank. Especially with the plan to form a 3rd Marine Corps (Pasmar 3), it means we need to form a 3rd Cavalry Regiment (Menkav 3) and one Battalion on each Regiment will be amphibious Tank Batt. So far there is no plan to procure additional BMP 3F so we definitely need those PT 76 to fill the gap until there is a replacement for it.
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errr the deal with the Ukraine is going to be continued after taking several consideration
Good to hear that, so what is the deal? more BTR-80 or BTR-4?
Good to hear that, so what is the deal? more BTR-80 or BTR-4?

five units BTR-4 xixixi

Garuda Shield exercises 2014



Pindad, CMI develop weapons systems
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Tue, September 16 2014, 6:47 AM

State-owned land-systems and weapons maker PT Pindad inked a strategic partnership on Monday to develop weapons systems for armored vehicles and tanks with Cockeril Maintenance & Ingenierie SA Defense (CMI) from Belgium.

Pindad president director Sudirman Said said he expected his company would become a supplier of weapon turrets, ranging from 25 millimeter (mm) to 105 mm calibers, for CMI’s international markets.

“In this industry, there is no producer that makes all of its products. Everyone will seek the best,” said Sudirman.

“CMI is the best in weapons systems and it trusts Pindad in the production of armored vehicles.”

Sudirman was speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony for the signing of a memorandum of understanding in Bandung, West Java, during which CMI was represented by executive vice president James Claude.

Claude said this partnership was the first for his company, saying that Pindad had the needed technical ability to produce the turrets.

“It is a beautiful marriage. We do turrets. We do not do vehicles, while PT Pindad does vehicles today, but not turrets. It’s perfect,” he said.

Claude also said that CMI would help Pindad in selling the products in the world market. “Because we have the global network,” he said.

Both Sudirman and Claude expect the partnership could become a permanent venture in the future. They also set a target of one year for the initial partnership to come up with a jointly produced weapons system.

Pindad, CMI develop weapons systems | The Jakarta Post

PT Pindad and CMI enter weapons systems collaboration - IHS Jane's 360
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