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mau ikut acara adat bakar babi mungkin, btw i don't think we have much problems about his visit. In contrary it will show his or US commitment about Papua as part of Indonesia as Unitary state. It will coming in their media as, "US President to visit Papua, Indonesia."
I couldn't imagine if Obama wearing Koteka....:omghaha:
mau ikut acara adat bakar babi mungkin, btw i don't think we have much problems about his visit. In contrary it will show his or US commitment about Papua as part of Indonesia as Unitary state. It will coming in their media as, "US President to visit Papua, Indonesia."
maybe our goverment concern about Obama visit because OPM. OPM says they will make some rush on incoming presidential election.

lol sorry for bad grammar
maybe our goverment concern about Obama visit because OPM. OPM says they will make some rush on incoming presidential election.

lol sorry for bad grammar

don't worry too much about that scums.

Build Factory in Malang, PINDAD so Confident to Become the Largest Ammunition Manufacturers in ASEAN

Today 19:38
PINDAD PT (Persero) to build a factory ammunition in Malang (East Java) with Rheinmetall Denel Munition holding (RDM), a company from South Africa. It will boost the business sector in the division PINDAD ammunition.

Director PINDAD Sudirman Said said, with the construction of this plant will have access to the company's entry into the market of ammunition on an international scale starting from Southeast Asia, so PINDAD could boost the company's business in ammunition production sector.

"In PINDAD there are two lines of industry. Firstly weaponry and combat equipment., Both industrial ammunition. Till now the ammunition division has accounted for more than 50% to our profit. So did most of the ammunition," Sudirman said after the signing in Shangrilla , Jakarta, Thursday (08/07/2014).

Until late 2013, PINDAD recorded a profit of Rp 97 billion. This means that during this period, ammunition business has donated more than USD 49 billion of the total profits of the company.

"It's not a big number, but it is important that trend. We see this trend increase. In this three-year average of 24% growth per year, that's what we want to improve. We expect this cooperation, the increase will be more aggressive for company, "he stated.

Sudirman optimistic that this strategic move to boost the company's overall performance. Because according to him in Southeast Asia has not been a lot of ammunition industry. This plant will be the largest in Southeast Asia.

"Not many countries in Southeast Asia that can produce ammunition as we (PINDAD). Cooperation will make this ammunition production facility as the Most serious in Southeast Asia," he stated.

Associated with the munitions factory to be built with RDM, he mentions the construction area will be equipped with blasting trials.

"We have been building, already so its location in Malang. Besides the building, there is also an open area. Area a total of 168 acres. Blasting There is a trial. Unfortunate distance of 20 km. Much of the settlement that is suitable for the industrial development of the explosion," said Sudirman .

Investments that have been disbursed for the building is approximately USD 20 billion. "It's not a significant figure, because the building just was not anything. We still have to bring in machinery, equipment and others," he continued.

In addition, the RDM PINDAD and agreed to build a college or training institution in order to improve the quality of human resources.

"To operate this building of course we need experts. Existing in our Malang 1,000 experts., But if we want to enter the next level because we want to reach the Asian market, means we need more experts. We do not know how, but all we are prepared, "he said.

Added Sudirman, from this collaboration will also set up a joint venture or a joint venture (JV) which will be the company implementing the development plan of this ammunition industries.

Sudirman said that, as a first step it was with the realization of the plan will RDM talks routine to determine the details of the business development strategy or plan details.

"We expect to end this year has been no detail of his plan. So in 3-4 months we expect already obtained planning basically like," said Sudirman.

After a detailed plan is obtained, further Sudirman, it will be directly addressed the technical planning, including the division of the investment portion on each side of this joint venture.

"What I want, the skills we've got a lot of experts, depending on the investment of our ability, but if we can also put money (financial investment). So we are not just a local partner who only care licensing., But true partner, is really as partner who developed the industry, "said Sudirman.

Bangun Pabrik di Malang, Pindad Pede Jadi Produsen Amunisi Terbesar di ASEAN

Specifications Made Weapons Ammunition Plant PINDAD in Malang

Today 19:39
PINDAD PT (Persero) will build a munitions plant with South African arms company Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM). The plant will produce large ammunition that is 60mm up to 155mm.

"Our associates had a very long experience in the field of ammunition so maybe a lot of things that can be done., But first we will develop to a large size ammunition," said Director PINDAD, Sudirman Said in Shangrilla, Jakarta, Thursday (07/08/2014 ).

For Southeast Asia, the fulfillment of this size half Ammunition is supplied from countries outside the region. RDM is one of the suppliers of the size of the ammunition.

Sudirman said, RDM as its got a lot of experience of producing and supplying ammunition to Southeast Asia. During this time, all ammunition manufactured in South Africa and exported to Southeast Asia.

With the construction of the factory located in Malang, East Java, is expected to process the distribution and supply of ammunition to the Southeast Asian region will become smoother.

"The most important part of explosive goods (explosives) was right there in transportation. If you can wake up in Indonesia, then there will be efficient in terms of transportation so much easier to reach markets of Malaysia, Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries," he said.

In the same occasion, the Chief Executive Offixer RDM Nobert Shulze revealed, in the ammunition industry, access a very important role.

"It could build a munitions industry in Indonesia is a strategy that has been prepared 1 year ago not only to produce ammunition in Southeast Asia., But also create new possibilities for the building industry with the same quality ammunition that we have developed throughout the world," said Nobert .

PINDAD ammunition that will be produced and the RDM-caliber 155 mm and has a specification that is very supportive of long range battle. Weighs 47 kg, has a pointy shaped ammunition firepower of up to 39 Km.

Physical giant ammunition is divided into two. The first part is the tube containing gunpowder. The second part is the fuse (fuse) which is located at the sharp corner.

Typically, this ammunition is used as a weapon on the completeness of combat vehicles such as the Leopard. This type of ammunition is also commonly used as cannon fodder Cesar helpless shoot 39 KM 155 are normally transported by large vehicles such as trucks.

South African based company that has a product portfolio that is very diverse and ammunition has experienced in more than 84 countries around the world.

The company produced munitions portfolio is:

1 Artillery ammunition (105mm and 155mm)
2 Mortar ammunition (60,81mm and 120mm)
3 Bomb aircraft
4. ammunition for naval combat vehicles
5. Ammunition 40mm caliber infantry weapons
6 As well as a variety of ammunition and other components.

Ini Spesifikasi Amunisi Senjata Buatan Pindad di Pabrik Malang
First batch of one battery of Astros II, munition and simulator arrived in Jakarta


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat menerima alat utama sistem persenjataan baru berupa multiple launcher rocket system atau senjata peluncur roket bernama Astros II. Senjata baru untuk Divisi Artileri Medan tersebut didatangkan dari pabrik Avibras Indústria Aeroespacial, Brasil.

"MLRS Astros II telah tiba di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok kemarin (6 Agustus 2014), sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB," kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AD Brigjen TNI Andika Perkasa lewat pesan pendek kepada Tempo, Kamis, 7 Agustus 2014. (Baca: TNI AD Pamerkan Meriam Kaliber Terbesar)

Menurut Andika, Astros II yang tiba kemarin terdiri atas tiga paket, yakni satu baterai peluncur roket, amunisi roket, dan simulator peluncur roket. Ketiga paket tersebut akan segera didistribusikan ke beberapa markas TNI Angkatan Darat sesuai dengan kebutuhan. (Baca: Panglima TNI Tabrak Tameng Prajurit)

Satu baterai peluncur roket, kata dia, akan digunakan untuk Batalyon Artileri Medan 1/Malang, amunisi roket bagi Batalyon Artileri Medan 10/Bogor, dan simulator dikirim ke Pusat Pendidikan Artileri Medan.

Andika mengatakan Astros II tiba di Indonesia lebih cepat daripada rencana semula.TNI AD, kata dia, senang karena Astros bisa dipamerkan dalam perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun ke-69 TNI yang rencananya akan digelar di Markas Komando Armada Laut Timur, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 5 Oktober mendatang.

Astros II, Andika melanjutkan, merupakan alat utama sistem persenjataan berupa peluncur roket yang memilki mobilitas dan fleksibilitas tinggi. Musababnya, Astros II berbentuk kendaraan tempur sebesar truk yang pada bagian belakangnya menggendong peluncur roket. Rudal Astros bisa ditembakkan dari mana saja.

Kerja sama pembelian Astros II antara pemerintah Indonesia dan Brasil sudah terjalin sejak 2012. Dalam kerja sama tersebut, Kementerian Pertahanan sebagai perwakilan pemerintah meminta perjanjian alih teknologi. Perjanjian tersebut, menurut Andika, meliputi pengadaan simulator Astros II MKS, Ammunition Mobile Acclimated Depot (AV-DMMC), revalidasi roket, dan dukungan teknis pembangunan fasilitas perawatan MLRS Astros.

Sebelumnya, pada April lalu, TNI Angkatan Darat menerima senjata baru berupa 18 pucuk meriam Hyundai howitzer tarik 155 milimeter/L52 Kh-179 dari Korea Selatan. Kaliber 155 mm pada meriam ini adalah kaliber terbesar yang dimiliki TNI AD untuk meriam jenis tarik. Daya tembak meriam ini mampu mencapai jarak 30 kilometer.

Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Darat saat itu, Jenderal Budiman, mengatakan pembelian satu unit meriam ini menghabiskan dana sekitar US$ 980 ribu pada saat kurs rupiah 9.000 per dolar Amerika Serikat

TNI AD Terima Peluncur Roket Baru dari Brasil | -nasional- | Tempo.co
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Six more F-16 Block 52ID will arrive on October 1, for a total of 24 units by the end of 2015


Penambahan alutsista untuk melengkapi pengamanan udara di Tanah Air terus dilakukan TNI AU. Salah satu yang didatangkan dalam waktu dekat yakni pesawat tempur F-16 buatan Amerika.

"Pada 1 Oktober (2014) nanti akan datang 6 unit (F16)," kata Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Ida Bagus Putu Dunia, di sela-sela acara peringatan Hari Bakti ke 67 TNI AU di Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU), Yogyakarta, Kamis (7/8/2014).

Pesawat tersebut nantinya akan ditempatkan di Skuadron 16 yang ada di Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Roesmin Nurjadin, Pekanbaru. Kawasan ini nantinya akan dijadikan kekuatan pengamanan udara di wilayah barat.

IB Putu Dunia menuturkan, pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (Alutsista) masih tetap mengikuti koridor berupa renstra (rencana strategis) minimum essential force lima tahunan.

"Alutsista kita melanjutkan program renstra kita, yang datang terbaru adalah F16 yakni 6 unit tadi. Tapi ini masih tahap awal saja. Nanti pada tahun 2015 diharapkan sudah lengkap 24 unit," kata IB Putu Dunia.

Dia menargetkan, pada 2014 pencapaian untuk alutsista sudah bisa mencapai sepertiga dari keseluruhan. "Pesawat tempur masih terus kita lengkapi sesuai dengan renstra. Pada akhir 2014 pencapaian kita sudah sampai 38 persen, sesuai rencana nantinya akan berakhir pada 2024," jelasnya.

detikNews : KSAU: 6 Pesawat Tempur F16 Tiba di Indonesia 1 Oktober 2014
Densus-88 (Police Anti Terror Unit) in Real Action






Just now, this troops has been able to break ISIS network in Indonesia and capture 5 weapons
Densus-88 (Police Anti Terror Unit) in Real Action






Just now, this troops has been able to break ISIS network in Indonesia and capture 5 weapons

That's why in other thread i has been said we need a lot of body bags, after all this Police group has been notoriously been known as "Death Squads" rather than an ordinary Civil enforcer.
That's why in other thread i has been said we need a lot of body bags, after all this Police group has been notoriously been known as "Death Squads" rather than an ordinary Civil enforcer.

They are also targeted, there is "hate" thing happening between the predator and the prey, our judiciary system is also not really protected and afraid to impose hard punishment. But I believe the best remedy for this is to work with the terrorist mind by bringing good priest to their leaders at prison, hoping to cure their ideology from the top into the bottom.
They are also targeted, there is "hate" thing happening between the predator and the prey, our judiciary system is also not really protected and afraid to impose hard punishment. But I believe the best remedy for this is to work with the terrorist mind by bringing good priest to their leaders at prison, hoping to cure their ideology from the top into the bottom.

Doesn't work in Ba'asyr case, he and his follower has already too corrupted with their own ideal
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Just a lil jokes

A conversations between wife and husband in peaceful morning :p:

Wife: Darling, why your face is looking so serious, what you've been reading right now?
Husband: oh Honey, i am examining our marriage certificate, err is just weird to me?
Wife: weird? how? o_O
Husband: I've made a comparison between this license for driving, vehicle ownership documents, and my identity card with our marriage certificate, and i've found all of my documents has an expiry date, but not with this marriage certificate. That's just weird
Wife: Honey, i've a question to you .... :)
Husband: Surely, what it is darling?
Wife: What if i hasten your expiry date in this world instead? :butcher:
Pindad and Rheinmetall-Denel sign ammunition deal
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
07 August 2014

Indonesian company PT Pindad and Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM) from South Africa - a joint venture between Germany's Rheinmetall Waffe Munition and South Africa's Denel - have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to manufacture ammunition for the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and other export customers.

Under the MoU, which was signed in Jakarta on 7 August, the two companies intend to form a joint venture in 2015 to oversee the building of a new 168-hectare factory in Malang, East Java, to produce ammunition across a range of calibre, from 30 mm to 105 mm.

The joint venture will be geared initially towards meeting TNI requirements but will also explore opportunities to sell ammunition to armed forces across Asia Pacific.

Pindad and Rheinmetall-Denel sign ammunition deal - IHS Jane's 360
credit to Jhatiex @kaskus.co.id


credit to bayi ngesielin dan mailanakemak
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