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Indonesia Defence Forum

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Should've been ordered

Great news

TNI AU said contract for six C130j had been signed

this closing is really hurt, bantingan??? :o:

Sobat AR, pada penyelenggaraan Indo Defence, November 2018 di Jakarta, Angkasa Review berkesempatan hadir dalam media briefing Lockheed Martin tentang C-130J dan F-16V.
Saat dikonfirmasi, pihak Lockheed Martin saat itu mengatakan bahwa belum ada kontrak dari Indonesia untuk pembelian C-130J. Lockheed Martin bahkan menunggu untuk segera dilaksanakan kontrak pembelian pesawat ini.
…….So, mari kita tunggu saja kabar baik selanjutnya. Lebih cepat, lebih baik.
this closing is really hurt, bantingan??? :o:

Sobat AR, pada penyelenggaraan Indo Defence, November 2018 di Jakarta, Angkasa Review berkesempatan hadir dalam media briefing Lockheed Martin tentang C-130J dan F-16V.
Saat dikonfirmasi, pihak Lockheed Martin saat itu mengatakan bahwa belum ada kontrak dari Indonesia untuk pembelian C-130J. Lockheed Martin bahkan menunggu untuk segera dilaksanakan kontrak pembelian pesawat ini.
…….So, mari kita tunggu saja kabar baik selanjutnya. Lebih cepat, lebih baik.

Well from October to March is plenty of time ....
airforce ground unit in Sutan Sjahrir AFB conducting firing exercise using SS 2 assault rifle, it seems SS 2 had reach other units beside frontline combatant units

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With many weapons system made in our country hopefully we can reduce weapons imports by percentage in near future


This just opinion, came from one of our senator who joint defence comitte program. Apparently he doesnt read if Indonesia is part of free Nukes Asean region treaty or Bangkok treaty


Anggota Komisi I DPR RI Effendi Simbolon berharap kekuatan TNI setara dengan militer dunia. Seperti Korea Utara dan China di Asia, agar Indonesia disegani. Sebab, hanya dengan TNI yang kuat, negara akan dihormati dan disegani dunia.

“Saya berharap ke depan Presiden Jokowi memprioritaskan kekuatan TNI dengan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) yang canggih dan prajurit yang sejahtera,” tegasnya dalam forum legislasi ‘Quo Vadis TNI’ di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan Jakarta, Selasa (12/ 3/ 2019).

Dilansir dari laman Senayan Post (12/ 3), Dia menyontohkan bagaimana segannya Presiden AS Donald Trump terhadap Presiden Korea Utara, Kim Jong Un, dalam pertemuan di Vietnam pada 28 Februari 2019 lalu. Meski pertemuan itu tanpa hasil, tapi Donald Trump tetap datang dan hormat pada Kim Jong Un.

“Itu karena Korea Utara memiliki kekuatan nuklir. Kita ingin TNI mempunyai kekuatan nuklir. Tapi, dari beberapa kali uji kelayakan dan kepatutan calon Panglima TNI di DPR, tak ada satu pun yang mempunyai program kekuatan nuklir itu,” kata Effendi

.Karena itu Effendi berharap, kalau Presiden Jokowi jika terpilih lagi bisa merealisasikan program kekuatan militer tersebut. Apalagi, sebelumnya akan mengalokasikan anggaran dari PDB sebesar 1,5 persen atau sekitar Rp 270 triliun, jika pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 7 persen.

“Setidaknya itu sudah 25 persennya dari anggaran militer China. Sehingga TNI bisa kuat dan kesejahteraan prajurit terpenuhi. Untuk itu pula agar tak ada lagi TNI yang melakukan kegiatan komersial pengelolaan limbah dan sebagainya,” katanya.

Hanya saja dilematisnya kata Effendi, pengelolaan keuangan TNI harus diperbaiki dan transparan. Sebab, sejak tahun 2009 hingga 2017 laporan keuangan TNI menurut BPK masih mendapat opini wajar dengan pengecualian (WDP), belum WTP (wajar tanpa pengecualian). Bahkan masih disclaimer (opini tidak menyatakan pendapat) nilainya ada yang Rp 8,7 triliun.

“Kita ingin posisi TNI itu ideal dan setara dengan kekuatan militer dunia. Karena itu dibutuhkan keberanian pemerintah membuat persenjataan nuklir,” pungkasnya.
TNI Takeover Construction Work for 21 Bridges in Papua's Nduga
Ririe Ranggasari
Laila Afifa
12 March 2019 20:57 WIB

TNI) will complete the construction of 21 bridges in Nduga Regency, Papua. The construction would be carried out by 600 additional TNI personnel who were dispatched on March 12.

More soldiers were set to be stationed in Papua following gun contact between the TNI and the criminal group led by Egianus Kogoya last week. The incident killed three TNI soldiers.

The newly stationed soldiers will take over construction work of the Nduga Bridge heading for Wamena, as the project constructor is having difficulties bringing in new workers.

Read: TNI Sends 600 Personnel to Secure Papua's Nduga Region

"The work will be carried out by one army battalion, while another battalion will work to secure the area," Colonel Inf. M Aidi told Tempo on Tuesday, March 12.

On March 7, a number of TNI soldiers were attacked by a group of armed men in Mugi District, Nduga. The incident occurred during a security shift change at the Trans Papua Wamena-Mumugu construction project. Three TNI soldiers died in the incident.

In December last year, construction workers were killed by a group of armed men. The men were b a bridge at Yigi River and Aurak River at Nduga Regency.

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Indonesia leans towards Iver Huitfeldt class for frigate acquisition

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
12 March 2019


Denmark’s first-of-class Iver Huitfeldt frigate. Indonesia is considering a variant of the ship for its requirements. Source: Guy Toremans

Key Points

• A variant of Denmark's Iver Huitfeldt class has emerged as a front-runner in Indonesia's USD720 million two-frigate acquisition programme
• Development follows a defence industry co-operation agreement signed between Denmark's Odense Maritime Technology, and the Indonesian Navy's Naval Design Centre

Defence planners from the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) are increasingly leaning towards a variant of the Iver Huitfeldt class in their quest to acquire two more frigates for the country's navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL).

The frigates are being acquired as part of the second phase of the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) modernisation blueprint, which runs from 2015 to 2019. Indonesia acquired two SIGMA 10514 vessels from Damen that now serve as the Martadinata class as part of this programme, but the country has a requirement for at least four more hulls in the longer term as part of wider MEF requirements.

A piece of unclassified correspondence between the country's defence minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu, and the cabinet secretary of President Joko Widodo that was provided to Jane's on 13 March made the case for the Iver Huitfeldt class as one that features "reliable combat capabilities, and can operate in the extremities of Indonesia's exclusive economic zone".

"In reference to the TNI-AL's frigate acquisition programme, and how we are now approaching the final year of the 2015-19 strategic plan without a decision, we hereby would like to request for a closed meeting [with the cabinet] to further discuss an acquisition plan for these ships," the correspondence reads.

The meeting, which was originally requested for 5 March 2019, would have also been used by MoD officials to further present their case for selecting the variant of the Iver Huitfeldt class offered by Danish company Odense Maritime Technology (OMT), including its technical specifications.

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With many weapons system made in our country hopefully we can reduce weapons imports by percentage in near future

View attachment 545852

This just opinion, came from one of our senator who joint defence comitte program. Apparently he doesnt read if Indonesia is part of free Nukes
Indonesia leans towards Iver Huitfeldt class for frigate acquisition

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
12 March 2019


Denmark’s first-of-class Iver Huitfeldt frigate. Indonesia is considering a variant of the ship for its requirements. Source: Guy Toremans

Key Points

• A variant of Denmark's Iver Huitfeldt class has emerged as a front-runner in Indonesia's USD720 million two-frigate acquisition programme
• Development follows a defence industry co-operation agreement signed between Denmark's Odense Maritime Technology, and the Indonesian Navy's Naval Design Centre

Defence planners from the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) are increasingly leaning towards a variant of the Iver Huitfeldt class in their quest to acquire two more frigates for the country's navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL).

The frigates are being acquired as part of the second phase of the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) modernisation blueprint, which runs from 2015 to 2019. Indonesia acquired two SIGMA 10514 vessels from Damen that now serve as the Martadinata class as part of this programme, but the country has a requirement for at least four more hulls in the longer term as part of wider MEF requirements.

A piece of unclassified correspondence between the country's defence minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu, and the cabinet secretary of President Joko Widodo that was provided to Jane's on 13 March made the case for the Iver Huitfeldt class as one that features "reliable combat capabilities, and can operate in the extremities of Indonesia's exclusive economic zone".

"In reference to the TNI-AL's frigate acquisition programme, and how we are now approaching the final year of the 2015-19 strategic plan without a decision, we hereby would like to request for a closed meeting [with the cabinet] to further discuss an acquisition plan for these ships," the correspondence reads.

The meeting, which was originally requested for 5 March 2019, would have also been used by MoD officials to further present their case for selecting the variant of the Iver Huitfeldt class offered by Danish company Odense Maritime Technology (OMT), including its technical specifications.


In this video Denmark built 3 Iver Huitfeldt for USD 870 million.

Indonesia USD 720 million for 2 Iver Huitfeldt.
Hmmmm is it possible that it comes already fully equiped?rather than FFBNW
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