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Actually still many of TNI AD Amx APC version in operational


scorpion light tank
Indonesian Army Aviation Mi-35P Hind live firing during Latihan Bantuan Tembakan Terpadu TNI. Credit to Media Indonesia.

Panglima : TNI Kembangkan Sistem Network Centric Warfare Dalam Operasi Darat Gabungan

Lebih lanjut disampaikan Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto bahwa latihan ini diselenggarakan sekaligus untuk menguji pengadaan persenjataan pada Renstra ke-II tahun 2015-2019, apakah sesuai dengan peruntukannya dan ternyata hasilnya sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan termasuk di dalamnya adalah presisi ketepatan untuk menembak. “Untuk itu apa yang kita inginkan dalam pengadaan persenjataan di Renstra ke-II tahun 2015-2019 semuanya sudah sesuai,” ungkapnya.

“Dalam latihan tersebut, sistem interoperability yang utama karena merupakan bagian dari platform yang sedang dibangun oleh TNI yaitu Network Centric Warfare. Saat ini sedang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan bantuan satelit sehingga seluruh komunikasi kita tidak menggunakan BTS,” jelas Panglima TNI.


NCW dgn satelit
Does our system has West-East interoperability?
North Sea Boats G7 Fast Interceptor: Rebut Predikat Kapal Tercepat di Indonesia!

Selain tank boat X18 Antasena yang unit prototipenya telah dipesan Kementerian Pertahanan, yang menjadi primadona PT Lundin Industry Invest dalam Indo Defence 2018 adalah sosok kapal G7 Fast Interceptor, yakni jenis kapal berbasis RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) Carbotech. Selain digadang sebagai kapal permukaan tercepat buatan dalam negeri, G7 juga layak menjadi kebanggaan industri alutsista nasional, lantaran tujuh unit kapal serbu ini telah dipesan oleh militer Rusia.

Dalam beberapa pemberitaan, disebut G7 Fast Interceptor mampu dibawa ngebut hingga kecepatan 85 knot, atau setara 160 km per jam. Sebagai perbandingan, kapal interceptor andalan Bea Cukai Kementerian Keuangan, Lurssen VSV 15 buatan Jerman, paling mentok kecepatannya 50 knot (92 km per jam).

Untuk bisa mendapatkan kecepatan spektakuler tersebut, G7 Fast Inteceptor disokong mesin 3x 400 HP. Meski pihak Lundin juga menawarkan varian mesin 2x 400 HP, dengan kecepatan maksimum 60 knot. Jangankan kecepatan maksimum, kecepatan jelajah kapal serbu ini dipastikan mampu menguber perompak, yaktu masing-masing varian dengan cruise speed 50 knot dan 40 knot.

Selain sokongan mesin, kinerja G7 Fast Inteceptor juga diperoleh dari adopsi material pada hull yang menggunakan full carbon fibre, vacuum infused dan three stepped deep V. Bodi kapal ini dirancang mampu menahan impact kekuatan di atas gravitas 7 (G7).



Sistem kelistrikan kapal cepat mencomot teknologi yang sama dengan yang digunakan pada kapal cepat Combat Boat 90, menjadikan sistem kelistrikan aman dalam penggunaan di medan operasi yang menantang. 12 volt terbagi dalam dua seksi baterai lithium, bila di total ada empat baterai, yang dipersiapkan untuk mendukung 8 jam operasional tanpa pasokan kelistrikan dari mesin kapal.

Konfigurasi G7 dapat disiapkan sampai lima baris kursi untuk 10 kru, atau bagian belakang dapat disiapkan untuk cargo track. Yang paling menarik, kapal ‘balap’ ini dilengkapi peratanan navigasi dan komunikasi canggih. Untuk komunikasi misalnya, ada marine VHF radio, combat net radio HF/VHF dan UHF, serta wireless communication secure link full duplex multiuser conference simultaneous voice and built in GPS.

Tidak itu saja, di bagian atap kompartemen kemudi disematkan modul thermal imaging, night vision and infrared camera systems. Guna memindai adanya aktivitas sniper, G7 juga dibekali acoustic multi mission system. Berperan sebagai interceptor, pada bagian haluan dapat dipasangkan RCWS (remote control weapon system) untuk senapan mesin berat kaliber 12,7 mm. (Gilang Perdana)

Spesifikasi G7 Fast Interceptor
– Panjang: 11,8 meter
– Lebar lambung: 3 meter
– Bobot penuh: 3.800 kg
– Kecepatan maksimum: > 70 knot
– Kecepatan jelajah: 50 knot
– Jarak jelajah: 560 km

Indonesian Army 9th Field Artillery Battalion CAESAR 155mm SPHs. Credit to Deswanta_Titi 18.



Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian menghadiri peresmian 23 armada alutsista untuk korps Polairud Polri, Senin 3 Desember 2018. (Beritasatu)

Kepolisian Air dan Udara (Polairud) Baharkam Polri kini didukung alutsista baru sebanyak 23 unit yang terdiri dari kapal, pesawat serta helikopter. Armada tersebut diharapkan bisa menekan kejahatan di wilayah perbatasan Indonesia.

“Korps Polairud bisa survive selama 68 tahun. Tidak hanya sekedar bertahan tapi juga bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Peran di cross border membantu memberantas illegal fishing, smuggling, penyelundupan, human trafficking,serta kejahatan umum konvensional seperti perompakan,” ujar Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian di dermaga Markas Baharkam Polair Polri, Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara, sebagaimana dilansir dari laman Berita Satu, Senin (3/12).

Kapolri secara simbolis meresmikan alutista baru berupa satu unit kapal patroli lepas pantai, lima unit kapal patroli cepat, 15 unit kapal pemburu cepat, satu pesawat CN, dan satu helikopter Bell.

Tito menyebutkan, Polairud memiliki keunggulan dari segi peralatan dan alutsista untuk menjangkau wilayah NKRI.

Menurut Tito, penyelundupan senjata, terutama di garis pantai timur pulau Sumatera dan Sulawesi serta terorisme di perbatasan menjadi tantangan bagi korps Polairud. “Perlu memberdayakan masyarakat bahari (nelayan) untuk mencegah hal itu,” jelas Tito.

Selain itu, Kapolri meminta Polairud menjaga konservasi biota laut perairan Indonesia.

Dia juga memuji Polairud sebagai salah satu institusi yang berperan dalam membantu logistik saat bencana alam. “Saat gempa bumi di Lombok dan Sulawesi Tengah Polairud turut membantu mendistribusikan bantuan logistik, bahkan membantu pasokan air bersih dengan mengubah air laut menjadi air tawar,” jelasnya.
Does our system has West-East interoperability?

No. STANAG based communication protocol aren't compatible with Russian based protocol and vice-versa. Interoperability is a broad concept that not only cover communication protocol compatibility, but also others operational aspect such as establishing common SOP, radio discipline, logistic chain, etc
Modernization of "Alutsista" expected to suppress crimes in Indonesian waters
Selasa, 4 Desember 2018 14:14 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


A F-16 jet of the Indonesian Air Force. ANTARA FOTO/Budi Candra Setya/foc.

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - House of Representatives` Commission III member Ahamd Sahroni is optimistic that modernization of the Weaponry System (Alutsista) in the Water and Air Police (Polairud) Corps would help maintain security and suppress crimes in Indonesian waters.

"I support the modernization of Alutsista in Polairud that can suppress crimes in Indonesian territorial waters and air in future," Sahroni remarked here on Tuesday.

The Nasdem Party politician pointed out that the perpetrators of crimes in the waters not only constantly changed their modus operandi by involving traditional fishermen as a guise but also employed more sophisticated tools, such as telecommunications.

Furthermore, he noted that several alternative paths along the coast of Indonesia had posed a separate obstacle, in terms of supervision.

However, the modernization of Alutsista, including the addition of fleet, is expected to optimize the surveillance of crimes in Indonesian waters.

"The perpetrators of crimes continue to improve their modes of operation in addition to developing the tools they use, one of which is certainly telecommunications. They also make use of several loopholes in the form of small jetties, or commonly called "mouse paths," along the coast of Indonesia," he explained.

Sahroni then expressed hope that with the addition of a fleet of 23 ships and aircraft and Polairud helicopters, supervision in the waters will be maximized, so that smuggling into and out of Indonesia can be suppressed.

He also stressed the importance of synergy between stakeholders in the waters, including with the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla), Indonesian Navy, and Customs.

With the modernization of Alutsista, significant attention is expected to be directed to addressing serious crimes, such as the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and various natural resources as well as illegal sending of migrant workers abroad.

Reporting by Syaiful Hakim< Otniel

Editor: Fardah Assegaf


Rip for the construction workers they are martir
Jokowi orders military, policy chiefs to check on Nduga incident
Selasa, 4 Desember 2018 16:55 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


President Joko Widodo gives a statement after delivering a speech at an event to mark the World Anti-Corruption Day 2028 in Jakarta on Tuesday (4/12). (Desca Lidya Natalia)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) commander and the National Police chief to check the latest conditions in Nduga, Papua Province, after a shooting incident that reportedly killed 31 people.

Jokowi instructed TNI Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and the National Police Head General Tito Karnavian, after it was reported that the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) on Sunday attacked PT Istaka Karya workers and killed 31 of them.

"The incident occurred in Nduga District, a region which was given a red mark and a region that I once visited. This morning, I ordered the TNI commander and the National Police chief to check the conditions there, because the (information) about it is still confusing," Jokowi noted when opening the World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) 2018 event in Jakarta on Tuesday.

On Dec 2, 2018, 31 workers from PT Istaka Karya, who were engaged in construction and building the Trans Papua project, were killed by KKB in Kali Yigi and Kali Aurak in Yigi Sub-District, Nduga District, Papua.

"Since there is no signal there, it is important to check whether the conditions of the incident are same as those mentioned in the report. We realize that even though the development in Papua is indeed very difficult to carry out and can still be hindered by incidents such as the reported one, the development in Papua should continue," the president added.

In the meantime, Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono expressed regret for the murder of the workers in the fifth segment of the Trans Papua construction site under the government`s focus to improve connectivity in Indonesia`s easternmost province.

"The Wamena-Heberna-Kenyam-Mumugu section is the fifth segment of Trans Papua, stretching 278 kilometers," Hadimuljono informed the press here, Tuesday, following a report on the murders.

"I am waiting for information from the Kodam commander. I will go down there. Right now, we cannot as yet confirm the number of the victims -- whether 24 or 31 people -- since it is yet to be checked and confirmed," he revealed.

Reporting by Desca Lidya Natalia, Andi Abdussalam
Editing by Andi Abdussalam

Editor: Yosep Hariyadi

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