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Sabtu, 24 Nov 2018 15:41 WIB

Ini Dia Kapal Made in Banyuwangi yang Diekspor hingga ke Swedia
Ardan Adhi Chandra - detikFinance

Foto: Ardan Adhi Chandra

Banyuwangi - PT Lundin Industry Invest merupakan salah satu galangan kapal swasta yang ada di Indonesia. Bermarkas di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur Lundin sudah mengekspor kapal ke Australia hingga Swedia.

Sejak berdiri di 1997, Lundin sudah memproduksi 278 kapal. Kapal yang diproduksi juga melayani pesanan militer dalam negeri.

"Produksi sejak berdiri sampai sekarang sudah 278 kapal. Diekspor ke berbagai negara maupun kegiatan militer Indonesia," kata Manajer Logistik Lundin Eko Budi di kantornya, Banyuwangi, Sabtu (24/11/2018).

Kinerja ekspor Lundin terbilang apik. Kualitas kapal buatan Banyuwangi pun kualitasnya tidak kalah dengan produk serupa dari negara lain.

"Ekspor peningkatan bagus. Kualitas produksi Lundin bisa diadu dengan kapal-kapal dari galangan kapal di dunia. Produk kita nggak kalah sm dunia internasional," ujar Eko.

Baca juga: Detik-detik Kapal Perang Norwegia Kandas Ditabrak Tanker

Untuk pesanan dalam negeri, ia mengatakan bahwa TNI AL menjadi pemesan paling banyak. Selain itu, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) serta Bakamla juga memesan kapal buatan Lundin.

"Dominan militer Indonesia TNI AL, kemudian Bakamla kemudian ada KKP," tutur Eko.

Akan tetapi, pesanan kapal untuk dalam negeri belakangan ini menurun. Terakhir ia melayani pesanan dalam negeri pada pertengahan 2016 silam.

"2015 dapat pesanan 10 kapal dari KKP kemudian 15 TNI AL. Setelah 2015 pertengahan 2016 belum ada pesanan," kata Eko.
Our requirement of 12 ships (409-412) had been terminated


Menyusul proyek bersama RI-Korea Selatan dalam pembangunan tiga kapal selam, Kemhan berencana melanjutkan pemenuhan kebutuhan minimal 12 kapal selam sepenuhnya dari dalam negeri. Kemhan telah menjajaki PT PAL selaku pelaksana proyek pembuatan tiga kapal selam sebelumnya, untuk mewujudkan rencana itu.

“Kami dalam negosiasi dengan PT PAL untuk membangun kapal selam sendiri,” kata Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan Kemhan, Laksda TNI Agus Setiadji dalam diskusi dengan tema Membangun Indonesia dalam Perspektif Peningkatan Daya Saing Daerah, di Gedung Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur, sebagaimana dilansir dari laman Koran Jakarta(21/ 11).

Agus menegaskan meski beberapa tahun sebelumnya Kemhan sempat menjajaki untuk membeli kapal selam kelas ‘Kilo’ dari Russia yang dikenal dengan sebutan proyek 636, namun pemerintah bertekad akan memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan kapal selam TNI AL dari produksi dalam negeri.

“Sampai saat ini kami belum berpikiran untuk turut dalam proyek 636. Kami tetap fokus pada pembuatan di dalam negeri. Proyek 636 hanya kami gunakan sebagai pembanding. Karena untuk membuat kapal selam dibutuhkan infrastruktur dan anggaran pendahuluan yang cukup besar. Sehingga kalau kami beralih ke tempat (negara) lain, maka biaya yang kami keluarkan sebelumnya akan sia-sia,” kata Agus.

Photo: KRI Nagapasa 403 dalam rangka persiapan peringatan HUT TNI ke-72 tahun 2017 di Banten. (Istimewa)
:sniper:@striver44 pew pew pew

Btw, pembicaraan mengenai attack submarine jadi kalau membawa-bawa kapal selam mini ya melenceng.
Banyuwangi - PT Lundin Industry Invest bersama sejumlah perusahaan lainnya mengembangkan kapal tempur bernama Antasena. Seperti apa penampakannya?
6 dari 6


Ini merupakan tank boat pertama di dunia.

Banyuwangi - PT Lundin Industry Invest bersama sejumlah perusahaan lainnya mengembangkan kapal tempur bernama Antasena. Seperti apa penampakannya?
5 dari 6


Tank ini juga dilengkapi senjata RWS 30 mm dengan meriam yang mampu bergerak 360 derajat.

The rest can be seen here

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PT Pindad recently hosted members of the Philippines Army's Technical Working Group for the Light Tank acquisition Project, as PT Pindad provided a product demonstration for it's Harimau medium tank in Indonesia.




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Lah Yang bawa bawa kapal selam mini siapa ?
The news that the government decide to continue its requirement of 12 subs comes on the 23rd of november2018 .....i posted that based on this news https://www.google.co.id/url?sa=t&s...FjACegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw3CeheelhvtywJlygeNhLmQ

So not entirely my fault.....kemhan aja yg plin plan:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
sori maksud saya yang baris kedua dari komen saya mau menanggapi dari yang indos wkwk

:sniper:@striver44 pew pew pew <komen gua ke elu, cuman mention doang wkwkwk

Btw, pembicaraan mengenai attack submarine jadi kalau membawa-bawa kapal selam mini ya melenceng. < menanggapi indos
Ngetik pake hape males.1
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PT Pindad recently hosted members of the Philippines Army's Technical Working Group for the Light Tank acquisition Project, as PT Pindad provided a product demonstration for it's Harimau medium tank in Indonesia.




I do hope Philippine Army will buy our Harimau Tank, good for us and good for them hehe
I do hope Philippine Army will buy our Harimau Tank, good for us and good for them hehe
It goes without saying. Pindad needs to jack up their production output to cater both Export and domestic needs though.
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Army Chief reminds officers to remain neutral during election process
Senin, 26 November 2018 14:12 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


New Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army (KSAD) General Andika Perkasa (left) and his predecessor, General Mulyono . . ANTARA FOTO/Wahyu Putro A/foc.

Bandung, W Java (ANTARA News) - Chief of Staff of the Army General Mulyono has reiterated that Army officers must remain neutral during the process of the simultaneous presidential and legislative elections to be held on April 17, 2019.

Moreover, Army officers were not allowed to be involved in practical politics, the general stated here, Monday.

"We must fully understand that the TNI (the Indonesian Defense Forces) belongs to the nation, standing above all groups and not divided by practical politics," the outgoing chief of staff of the Army stated.

During the 2019 election process, the TNI officers must demonstrate neutrality in politics and help create a conducive, peaceful, and safe situation.

He reminded officers of possible threats, as a degree of polarization exists among members of the public with regard to political support that could potentially trigger violations and conflicts among supporters.

"Hence, I call on every party to remain committed to implementing peaceful elections that are free from riots, demonstrations, and social conflicts that could lead to anarchy and endanger national security and stability," he cautioned.

The TNI must also forge synergy with the national and local police officers in safeguarding security during the election process.

Indonesia will hold simultaneous presidential and legislative elections on April 17, 2018.

The presidential race will be a repeat of the 2014 elections wherein Jokowi and retired general Prabowo Subianto are set to go head-to-head.

In the next presidential election, Jokowi`s running mate is Ma`ruf Amin, a prominent ulema or Islamic scholar, while Subianto pairs with Sandiaga Uno, a successful young businessman.

President Jokowi on Nov 22, 2018, installed Andika Perkasa as new Chief of Staff of the Army to succeed Gen Mulyono.
Reporting by Asep Firmansyah , Fardah
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

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TNI must plan defense, security programs: Jokowi
Senin, 26 November 2018 17:56 WIB - 4 Views

Reporter: antara


President Joko Widodo gave a briefing to the Commander of the Military Resort Command (Korem) and the Military District Command Commander (Kodim) throughout Indonesia at the Yudha Wastu Pramuka Building in Bandung, West Java, Monday (11/26/2018). ANTARA PHOTO/Raisan Al Farisi/hp.?

Bandung, W Java (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) must begin working out short and long-term strategic defense and security programs to maintain the country`s stability.

"Security strategy is very important for our development now, both in the middle and in the long run," the president stated at a sub-district and district military ceremony here on Monday.

Jokowi explained that other things that the military could do is to conduct researches on moving headquarters commands, in an effort to map security and defense strategy in the future.

He noted that the initiative was to be done in response to the rapid changes in the world`s economic and political fields. Thus, a strategy is needed in the face of the situation.

"For example, a study and research must be conducted to decide whether to move the headquarters to the east or to the west or to the north," he remarked.

Jokowi not only touched on the issue of security strategy but also on TNI neutrality. He requested the TNI to continue to maintain the values of neutrality, especially in the face of 2019 General Elections.

"It means that the neutrality of the TNI must be maintained for the sake of political stability for development," he added.

In the meantime, Chief of Staff of the Army General Mulyono reiterated that Army officers must remain neutral during the process of the simultaneous presidential and legislative elections to be held on April 17, 2019.

Moreover, Army officers are not allowed to be involved in practical politics, the general revealed.

"We must fully understand that the TNI belongs to the nation, stands above all groups, and remains undivided by practical politics," the outgoing chief of staff of the Army stated.

During the 2019 election process, the TNI officers must demonstrate neutrality in politics and help create a conducive, peaceful, and safe situation.

He reminded officers of possible threats due to the existence of a degree of polarization among members of the public with regard to political support that could potentially trigger violations and conflicts among supporters.

"Hence, I call on every party to remain committed to implement peaceful elections that are free from riots, demonstrations, and social conflicts that could lead to anarchy and endanger national security and stability," he cautioned.

The TNI must also forge synergy with the national and local police officers to safeguard security during the election process.

Reporting by Asep Firmansyah
Editing by Andi Abdussalam, Sri Haryati
Editor: Heru Purwanto

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