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It seems Mr nametag was questioning what was writen in the articles, its writen
" Alutsista yang lama yaitu Meriam 76 MM/Gunung dengan yang baru Meriam 105/LG1 buatan Meksiko dengan jarak capai sekitar 10 Km, yang nantinya untuk memback up satuan Batalyon Para Raider."

It seems that the article in the link Kostrad had typed error, but now in the link Kostrad already corrected with the word "Perancis".
U.S., Indonesian Air Forces Conclude Exercise Cope West 2018
By Air Force Tech. Sgt. Richard Ebensberger Pacific Air Forces

MANADO AIR BASE, Indonesia, March 29, 2018

Exercise Cope West 2018, a Pacific Air Forces-sponsored, bilateral tactical fighter aircraft exercise involving the U.S. and Indonesian air forces, concluded with a closing ceremony at the Sam Ratulangi International Airport, Indonesia, March 23.

The exercise is designed to advance interoperability and build upon established partnerships between the air forces, officials said.

"Cope West highlights the importance of airpower and international interoperability, as we work toward expanding our capabilities together," said Air Force Maj. Gen. Walter J. Sams, mobilization assistant to the commander of the 7th Air Force. "The professional bond and friendships that developed during this exercise are very important to enhancing security cooperation and advancing the strategic partnership between Indonesia and the United States.”

Sharing Techniques

During the exercise, the air forces flew a combined 136 sorties and shared techniques in aircraft generation and recovery, close air support training and air-to-air fighter training, combat search and rescue and aircraft maintenance.

"The airmen here have exchanged ideas and tactics, developed means for a better common operating picture to ensure improved communications, and have taken steps toward an even better cope west in the future," Sams said.

The exercise was developed to advance interoperability and build upon established partnerships between U.S. military forces and Indonesian air forces. Approximately 110 U.S. personnel participated in the exercise, along with approximately 150 service members from the Indonesian air force.

The exercise involved U.S. Air Force F-16C/D Fighting Falcons from the 13th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, 35th Fighter Wing, based out of Misawa Air Base, Japan, and F-16 fighters from the Indonesian air force as well as U.S. airmen from the 353rd Special Operations Group assigned to Kadena Air Base, Japan.

Security Partnership

"It is important to remember that no single nation can ensure security and stability on its own. A combined effort is required, and this exercise serves as an example to other nations in the region about the benefits of working together," Sams said. "All of the mission briefings, cross-talk and lessons learned gained from this exercise are instrumental to our respective countries and services."

The exercise wasn’t only about building military partnerships; it was also a chance for airmen to interact with the community. To show apparition, the air forces joined together to host a public open house, March 17.

“Without the support of the community, we wouldn’t be able to have exercises like Cope West,” said Air Force Lt. Col. Christopher Moeller, commander of the 13th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron. “This open house was one way we could show our appreciation for their continued hospitality.”

On display was a U.S. Air Force F-16C Fighting Falcon aircraft assigned to the 13th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron. The Indonesian air force also displayed their F-16C, an H-225M Cougar helicopter and a CN-295 military transport aircraft.

“This was a great opportunity for our airmen to interact with the community and to show them our aircraft,” Moeller said. “Open houses like this also help build upon our growing military partnership and fosters a positive relationship between the U.S. and Indonesian community.”

Cope West is a recurring exercise that has occurred since 1989. This year marked the sixth time Cope West has been hosted in Indonesia.

Pesawat Tempur Generasi 4,5 Gantikan Skadron 12

30 Maret 2018

Kandidat pesawat tempur pengganti Hawk 100/200 adalah IF-X/KF-X (medium), F/A-50 (ringan) (photo : Jane's)

Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal Yuyu Sutisna menyatakan, pesawat tempur Hawk "Black Panther" 100/200 yang memperkuat Skuadron Udara 12 Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Roesmin Nurjadin akan diganti dengan generasi 4,5.

"Ke depan Hawk 100/200 akan diganti dengan yang baru. Generasi 4,5, itu akan dimasukkan ke Renstra (rencana strategis) IV, tahun 2020," kata Marsekal Yuyu kepada Antara dalam kunjungan kerjanya ke Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru, Riau, Kamis (29/3/2018).

Pesawat generasi 4,5 memiliki kelebihan pada mesin yang dapat beroperasi dalam jangka panjang serta kemampuan pesawat dalam mengangkat beban seperti senjata dan bahan bakar dalam jarak jauh. Karena itu, dianggap cocok untuk Indonesia yang memiliki wilayah luas.
Marsekal Yuyu menuturkan, dipilihnya pesawat tempur generasi 4,5 dianggap tepat untuk menggantikan Hawk 100/200 yang telah beroperasi sejak 1994-1995 silam.
"Pesawat Hawk sudah beroperasi dari tahun 1994-1995. Sehingga sampai 2020 usianya sudah 25 tahunan. Sehingga harus dilakukan peremajaan dan diganti pesawat tempur 4,5," ujarnya.
Meski nantinya bakal diganti dengan pesawat generasi 4,5, Yuyu mengatakan, nama Skuadron 12 tidak akan diganti.
Lebih jauh, selain peremajaan pesawat Hawk 100/200, Lanud Roesmin Nurjadi yang juga diperkuat dengan Skuadron Udara 16 dengan berisikan F-16 Block A/B akan tetap dipertahankan.
Hanya saja, dia menuturkan, F-16 yang ada saat ini secara bertahap akan diganti dengan F-16 "fighting falcon" Block 52ID yang saat ini berada di Lanud Iswahyudi, Madiun.
"Untuk F-16 masih tetap. Kita sudah miliki tipe lama A/B. Kemarin kita kedatangan 24 F-16 tipe C/D dan akan diganti secara bertahap," ujarnya.
Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin merupakan satu-satunya pangkalan militer tipe A di Sumatra yang dilengkapi dua skuadron pesawat tempur TNI AU, yaitu Skuadron Udara 12 yang bermaterikan Hawk 100/200 buatan British Aerospace, dan Skuadron Udara 16 yang bermaterikan F-16 Fighting Falcon Block 52ID.
Selain Skuadron Udara 16, masih ada "saudara tua" mereka yang juga bermaterikan F-16A/B, yaitu Skuadron Udara 3 yang berpangkalan di Pangkalan Udara Utama TNI AU Iswahyudi.
Ke-12 unit F-16A/B di Skuadron Udara 3 itu dibeli baru sama sekali sehingga Indonesia termasuk negara pertama ASEAN operator pesawat tempur itu, setelah Singapura dan Thailand.
Indonesia Air Force officially wanted to add more fighter to address their chronic lacks of fighter. Beside 48 F 16 Viper on plan to forming additional 3 squadrons for eastern region, they had another plan at their table, to replace Hawk at Roesmin Nurjadin AFB with high performance interceptor like Euro fighter
Indonesia Air Force officially wanted to add more fighter to address their chronic lacks of fighter. Beside 48 F 16 Viper on plan to forming additional 3 squadrons for eastern region, they had another plan at their table, to replace Hawk at Roesmin Nurjadin AFB with high performance interceptor like Euro fighter

Are you sure Mado we also interested to kind of Thypoon fighter?
Are you sure Mado we also interested to kind of Thypoon fighter?

Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal Yuyu Sutisna menyatakan, pesawat tempur Hawk "Black Panther" 100/200 yang memperkuat Skuadron Udara 12 Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Roesmin Nurjadin akan diganti dengan generasi 4,5.

"Ke depan Hawk 100/200 akan diganti dengan yang baru. Generasi 4,5, itu akan dimasukkan ke Renstra (rencana strategis) IV, tahun 2020," kata Marsekal Yuyu kepada Antara dalam kunjungan kerjanya ke Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru, Riau, Kamis (29/3/2018).

Pesawat generasi 4,5 memiliki kelebihan pada mesin yang dapat beroperasi dalam jangka panjang serta kemampuan pesawat dalam mengangkat beban seperti senjata dan bahan bakar dalam jarak jauh. Karena itu, dianggap cocok untuk Indonesia yang memiliki wilayah luas.
Marsekal Yuyu menuturkan, dipilihnya pesawat tempur generasi 4,5 dianggap tepat untuk menggantikan Hawk 100/200 yang telah beroperasi sejak 1994-1995 silam.
"Pesawat Hawk sudah beroperasi dari tahun 1994-1995. Sehingga sampai 2020 usianya sudah 25 tahunan. Sehingga harus dilakukan peremajaan dan diganti pesawat tempur 4,5," ujarnya.
Meski nantinya bakal diganti dengan pesawat generasi 4,5, Yuyu mengatakan, nama Skuadron 12 tidak akan diganti.
Lebih jauh, selain peremajaan pesawat Hawk 100/200, Lanud Roesmin Nurjadi yang juga diperkuat dengan Skuadron Udara 16 dengan berisikan F-16 Block A/B akan tetap dipertahankan.
Hanya saja, dia menuturkan, F-16 yang ada saat ini secara bertahap akan diganti dengan F-16 "fighting falcon" Block 52ID yang saat ini berada di Lanud Iswahyudi, Madiun.
"Untuk F-16 masih tetap. Kita sudah miliki tipe lama A/B. Kemarin kita kedatangan 24 F-16 tipe C/D dan akan diganti secara bertahap," ujarnya.
Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin merupakan satu-satunya pangkalan militer tipe A di Sumatra yang dilengkapi dua skuadron pesawat tempur TNI AU, yaitu Skuadron Udara 12 yang bermaterikan Hawk 100/200 buatan British Aerospace, dan Skuadron Udara 16 yang bermaterikan F-16 Fighting Falcon Block 52ID.
Selain Skuadron Udara 16, masih ada "saudara tua" mereka yang juga bermaterikan F-16A/B, yaitu Skuadron Udara 3 yang berpangkalan di Pangkalan Udara Utama TNI AU Iswahyudi.
Ke-12 unit F-16A/B di Skuadron Udara 3 itu dibeli baru sama sekali sehingga Indonesia termasuk negara pertama ASEAN operator pesawat tempur itu, setelah Singapura dan Thailand.
Udh lama di rencanain. Cm budget blm mendukung dr tahun ke tahun

30 Maret 2018

TNI AD berencana membeli heli CH-47 Chinook (photo : Keith Newsome)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto mengaku akan melakukan pengadaan helikopter angkut kapasitas besar yang bertujuan mendukung pasokan logistik bagi pasukan pengamanan perbatasan.

Hal itu dikatakannya saat berbicara tentang penguatan pengamanan perbatasan yang akan dimasukkan dalam Rencana Strategis (Renstra) TNI periode 2019-2024.

"Ke depan kita akan rencanakan untuk pengadaan pesawat Heli yang berkapasitas besar pada Renstra II TNI," ujarnya, dalam keterangan tertulis yang didapatkan CNNIndonesia.com, Kamis (29/3).

Menurut Hadi, heli angkut yang saat ini dimiliki TNI masih berkapasitas kecil sehingga pengiriman logistik bagi pasukan satuan pengamanannya perbatasan (Pamtas) kurang maksimal.

Terkait penguatan pengamanan perbatasan, Panglima juga berencana memasukan isu itu ke dalam Renstra 2019-2024.

"Tentu semuanya akan dirangkum dan dimasukkan dalam Renstra," kata Hadi.

TNI AU belum mengoperasikan heli AW-101 yang sudah dimilikinya (photo : RMOL)

Hadi menuturkan sejumlah isu lain yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengamanan perbatasan, yakni soal patok batas negara dan jalur-jalur tikus yang kerap dimanfaatkan sebagai jalur penyelundupan.

Lebih lanjut, Hadi mengaku perlu ada kerjasama dengan kepolisian dalam rangka pengamanan perbatasan dan untuk itu akan ada pertukaran informasi antara TNI dan Polri, khususnya dalam rangka mencegah terjadinya penyelundupan.

Di sisi lain, Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian menilai kerjasama antara TNI dan Polri dalam pengamanan perbatasan diperlukan karena jumlah personil Polri di perbatasan jumlahnya terbatas.

"Dalam keadaan tangkap tangan, si pelanggar hukum misalnya teroris melalui lintas batas membawa senjata, siapapun boleh menangkapnya apalagi prajurit TNI yang sedang bertugas menjaga perbatasan," tutur Tito.

Sebelumnya, TNI AU saat dipimpin Marsekal Agus Supriatna pernah melakukan pengadaan helikopter angkut berkapasitas besar Augusta Westland (AW) 101.

Pengadaan itu menuai masalah karena diduga ada penggelembungan harga atau mark-up nilai proyek. KPK dan Propam TNI AU kemudian menetapkan sejumlah pihak sebagai tersangka.


Mirisnya, bahkan jika sampai tahun 2024 pemenuhan MEF indonesia hanya mencapai 60 %. Ini karena lebih fokus kepada pembelian persenjataan kecil dari pada persenjataan berat seperti kapal,pesawat dan tank.
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Hawk replacement ?

Still a long time to go, may be on 2026.

Hawks are light fighters thus will be replaced with light fighters also. Due to commonality reason, since we already have T50i golden eagle so I prefer FA-50.
Not su35 or rafale nor fa50, but kfx/ifx to replace the hawk. I dont know what to feel about this.

Pesawat Tempur Generasi 4,5 Gantikan Skadron 12

30 Maret 2018

Kandidat pesawat tempur pengganti Hawk 100/200 adalah IF-X/KF-X (medium), F/A-50 (ringan) (photo : Jane's)

Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal Yuyu Sutisna menyatakan, pesawat tempur Hawk "Black Panther" 100/200 yang memperkuat Skuadron Udara 12 Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Roesmin Nurjadin akan diganti dengan generasi 4,5.

"Ke depan Hawk 100/200 akan diganti dengan yang baru. Generasi 4,5, itu akan dimasukkan ke Renstra (rencana strategis) IV, tahun 2020," kata Marsekal Yuyu kepada Antara dalam kunjungan kerjanya ke Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru, Riau, Kamis (29/3/2018).

Pesawat generasi 4,5 memiliki kelebihan pada mesin yang dapat beroperasi dalam jangka panjang serta kemampuan pesawat dalam mengangkat beban seperti senjata dan bahan bakar dalam jarak jauh. Karena itu, dianggap cocok untuk Indonesia yang memiliki wilayah luas.
Marsekal Yuyu menuturkan, dipilihnya pesawat tempur generasi 4,5 dianggap tepat untuk menggantikan Hawk 100/200 yang telah beroperasi sejak 1994-1995 silam.
"Pesawat Hawk sudah beroperasi dari tahun 1994-1995. Sehingga sampai 2020 usianya sudah 25 tahunan. Sehingga harus dilakukan peremajaan dan diganti pesawat tempur 4,5," ujarnya.
Meski nantinya bakal diganti dengan pesawat generasi 4,5, Yuyu mengatakan, nama Skuadron 12 tidak akan diganti.
Lebih jauh, selain peremajaan pesawat Hawk 100/200, Lanud Roesmin Nurjadi yang juga diperkuat dengan Skuadron Udara 16 dengan berisikan F-16 Block A/B akan tetap dipertahankan.
Hanya saja, dia menuturkan, F-16 yang ada saat ini secara bertahap akan diganti dengan F-16 "fighting falcon" Block 52ID yang saat ini berada di Lanud Iswahyudi, Madiun.
"Untuk F-16 masih tetap. Kita sudah miliki tipe lama A/B. Kemarin kita kedatangan 24 F-16 tipe C/D dan akan diganti secara bertahap," ujarnya.
Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin merupakan satu-satunya pangkalan militer tipe A di Sumatra yang dilengkapi dua skuadron pesawat tempur TNI AU, yaitu Skuadron Udara 12 yang bermaterikan Hawk 100/200 buatan British Aerospace, dan Skuadron Udara 16 yang bermaterikan F-16 Fighting Falcon Block 52ID.
Selain Skuadron Udara 16, masih ada "saudara tua" mereka yang juga bermaterikan F-16A/B, yaitu Skuadron Udara 3 yang berpangkalan di Pangkalan Udara Utama TNI AU Iswahyudi.
Ke-12 unit F-16A/B di Skuadron Udara 3 itu dibeli baru sama sekali sehingga Indonesia termasuk negara pertama ASEAN operator pesawat tempur itu, setelah Singapura dan Thailand.
30 Maret 2018

The Republic of Singapore Air Force's MBDA Aster 30 SAMP/T medium- to long-range ground-based weapon mounted on a militarized MAN TG-series eight-wheel drive vehicle. (photo : DefenseNews)

MELBOURNE, Australia ― Singapore has given the first glimpse of its latest addition to the multilayered air defense network defending the southeast Asian island nation.

A video posted on social media Wednesday by the Republic of Singapore Air Force as part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations showed the MBDA Aster 30 SAMP/T medium- to long-range ground-based weapon mounted on a militarized MAN TG-series eight-wheel drive vehicle.

The video, which was taken down Thursday afternoon local time, also included close-ups of the front and the rear of the eight missile canisters.

Singapore announced that it had ordered the Aster 30 SAMP/T in 2013 to replace the Raytheon MIM-23 Improved HAWK missiles currently in service with the Air Force’s 163 Squadron. The country has not disclosed the number of systems it ordered. However, Sweden’s Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said in its annually updated arms trade register that Singapore acquired two systems and 200 Aster 30 missiles, with a reported contract value of €651 million (U.S. $805 million).

The think tank also reported that one system and 100 Aster 30 missiles were delivered in 2017, with an industry source corroborating for Defense News the number of systems delivered so far. The source was unable to comment on the number of missiles delivered. A typical system comprises four to six missile-launch units.

“The RSAF has taken delivery of the Aster 30 missile system,” a Singapore Ministry of Defence spokesperson told Defense News in a statement, adding that the system is undergoing local testing and integration into Singapore’s enhanced Island Air Defence system.

The Republic of Singapore Air Force's close up of the Aster 30 launchers. (photo : DefenseNews)
The Aster 30’s weapon is a vertically launched, two-stage, 16-foot surface-to-air missile weighing 990 pounds. The solid-propellant booster shapes the missile trajectory in the direction of the target before separating a few seconds after the launch, with the missile inertially guided up to the midcourse phase using refreshed target data transmitted by the engagement module through the multifunction radar, before switching to an electromagnetic active seeker in the terminal homing phase.

MBDA lists the Aster 30 as having a range in excess of 100 kilometers, or about 63 miles.

Manufacturer MBDA describes the SAMP/T, which stands for Sol-Air Moyenne Portée/Terrestre in French, or Surface-to-Air Medium Range/Land, as a mobile anti-aircraft defense weapon for protection of deployed forces and sensitive sites against missile threats, including cruise, stand-off and ballistic missiles, as well as aircraft.

Upgrades to the Aster 30 are planned by development partners France and Italy, with the Block 1 New Technology upgrade to allow the Aster 30 to hit ballistic missiles with a range of 1,000 kilomters. The further-improved block to expected to be able to engage ballistic missiles with a range of up to 3,000 kilometers. The current Aster 30 Block 1 can intercept incoming missiles with a range of 600 kilometers.

Singapore joins France and Italy as customers of the ground-based SAMP/T. However, the Asian nation has decided not to adopt the upgraded Arabel radar and the European command-and-control systems alongside its Aster 30 SAMP/Ts, instead opting for the Thales Ground Master 200 radar and merging it into its own integrated air defense network.:nono:

Singapore’s Navy already uses the Aster missile, operating the Aster 15 on its six Formidable-class frigates that began entering service in 2007. Each frigate contains 32 vertical launchers for the shorter-range Aster 15, although it is unknown if the service plans to use the Aster 30 onboard the ships.


jangkauan Missile singapura VS pengambil alihan FIR.

Kemenhan semoga gak tutup mata dan gerak cepat. Harus ada penyusunan ulang pengadaan. Singapura perlu di beri pengertian yang sebesar-besarnya dengan penempatan sista jarak jauh Selevel S 300 di kepri. Dengan radar dari S 300 kita juga memiliki deterrence effect dan kemampuan untuk memata-matai seperti yang mereka miliki.
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30 Maret 2018

The Republic of Singapore Air Force's MBDA Aster 30 SAMP/T medium- to long-range ground-based weapon mounted on a militarized MAN TG-series eight-wheel drive vehicle. (photo : DefenseNews)

MELBOURNE, Australia ― Singapore has given the first glimpse of its latest addition to the multilayered air defense network defending the southeast Asian island nation.

A video posted on social media Wednesday by the Republic of Singapore Air Force as part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations showed the MBDA Aster 30 SAMP/T medium- to long-range ground-based weapon mounted on a militarized MAN TG-series eight-wheel drive vehicle.

The video, which was taken down Thursday afternoon local time, also included close-ups of the front and the rear of the eight missile canisters.

Singapore announced that it had ordered the Aster 30 SAMP/T in 2013 to replace the Raytheon MIM-23 Improved HAWK missiles currently in service with the Air Force’s 163 Squadron. The country has not disclosed the number of systems it ordered. However, Sweden’s Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said in its annually updated arms trade register that Singapore acquired two systems and 200 Aster 30 missiles, with a reported contract value of €651 million (U.S. $805 million).

The think tank also reported that one system and 100 Aster 30 missiles were delivered in 2017, with an industry source corroborating for Defense News the number of systems delivered so far. The source was unable to comment on the number of missiles delivered. A typical system comprises four to six missile-launch units.

“The RSAF has taken delivery of the Aster 30 missile system,” a Singapore Ministry of Defence spokesperson told Defense News in a statement, adding that the system is undergoing local testing and integration into Singapore’s enhanced Island Air Defence system.

The Republic of Singapore Air Force's close up of the Aster 30 launchers. (photo : DefenseNews)
The Aster 30’s weapon is a vertically launched, two-stage, 16-foot surface-to-air missile weighing 990 pounds. The solid-propellant booster shapes the missile trajectory in the direction of the target before separating a few seconds after the launch, with the missile inertially guided up to the midcourse phase using refreshed target data transmitted by the engagement module through the multifunction radar, before switching to an electromagnetic active seeker in the terminal homing phase.

MBDA lists the Aster 30 as having a range in excess of 100 kilometers, or about 63 miles.

Manufacturer MBDA describes the SAMP/T, which stands for Sol-Air Moyenne Portée/Terrestre in French, or Surface-to-Air Medium Range/Land, as a mobile anti-aircraft defense weapon for protection of deployed forces and sensitive sites against missile threats, including cruise, stand-off and ballistic missiles, as well as aircraft.

Upgrades to the Aster 30 are planned by development partners France and Italy, with the Block 1 New Technology upgrade to allow the Aster 30 to hit ballistic missiles with a range of 1,000 kilomters. The further-improved block to expected to be able to engage ballistic missiles with a range of up to 3,000 kilometers. The current Aster 30 Block 1 can intercept incoming missiles with a range of 600 kilometers.

Singapore joins France and Italy as customers of the ground-based SAMP/T. However, the Asian nation has decided not to adopt the upgraded Arabel radar and the European command-and-control systems alongside its Aster 30 SAMP/Ts, instead opting for the Thales Ground Master 200 radar and merging it into its own integrated air defense network.

Singapore’s Navy already uses the Aster missile, operating the Aster 15 on its six Formidable-class frigates that began entering service in 2007. Each frigate contains 32 vertical launchers for the shorter-range Aster 15, although it is unknown if the service plans to use the Aster 30 onboard the ships.


jangkauan Missile singapura VS pengambil alihan FIR.

Kemenhan semoga gak tutup mata dan gerak cepat. Susun ulang pengadaan. Singapura perlu di beri pengertian yang sebesar-besarnya dengan penempatan sista jarak jauh Selevel S300 di kepri.
Daripada s300 ga jelas......mending buat nambah f16 + munisi standoff, rudal s300 ntu cuma barang overhype, sama aja kyk produk russia umumnya
jangkauan Missile singapura VS pengambil alihan FIR.

Kemenhan semoga gak tutup mata dan gerak cepat. Susun ulang pengadaan. Singapura perlu di beri pengertian yang sebesar-besarnya dengan penempatan sista jarak jauh Selevel S300 di kepri.

Why S-300 ?

Just buy the same missile system Aster 30 SAMP/Ts to be put at Riau, Tanjung Pinang and Natuna.
jangkauan Missile singapura VS pengambil alihan FIR.

Kemenhan semoga gak tutup mata dan gerak cepat. Susun ulang pengadaan. Singapura perlu di beri pengertian yang sebesar-besarnya dengan penempatan sista jarak jauh Selevel S300 di kepri.
Mate, RSN (Singapore's Navy) operate the Aster 30 on their Formidable class frigate since a while ago. If you hit the panic button now due to the stationary GBAD, then you're way too late my friend.
Why S-300 ?

Just buy the same missile system Aster 30 SAMP/Ts to be put at Riau, Tanjung Pinang and Natuna.
Terlalu mahal
Mate, RSN (Singapore's Navy) operate the Aster 30 on their Formidable class frigate since a while ago. If you hit the panic button now due to the stationary GBAD, then you're way too late my friend.
Read again mate and U will know why
Not su35 or rafale nor fa50, but kfx/ifx to replace the hawk. I dont know what to feel about this.

Bro Jek,

KFX/IFX will replace our old F16 MLU and 24 unit of grand, since these F16s will be used until 2029.

I predict that Eurofighter will be used as additional air superiority squadrons.

May be our hawks in squadron 12 will be moved to another squadrons.

I do not know what gen 4.5 fighters to replace our hawks.

Or " the gen 4.5 fighters to replace hawks" is another ambiguity episode as same the "f5 tiger replacement", it will be whistle blow for 5 years with "interested and put interest,etc" until we know exactly what kind of fighters in the next 5 years.
. .
Indonesia Air Force officially wanted to add more fighter to address their chronic lacks of fighter. Beside 48 F 16 Viper on plan to forming additional 3 squadrons for eastern region, they had another plan at their table, to replace Hawk at Roesmin Nurjadin AFB with high performance interceptor like Euro fighter
Palingan FA-50, kan buat LSI... tipun? Kemehongan, mosok tipun seken :o:

Two of the combat-ready Su-35s have already been delivered and another three are expected to land in August, giving the air force a greater ability to patrol its vast airspaces. As with the initial deal, part of the cost will be paid through Indonesian exports of palm oil, rubber and other commodities.


Mabok kali ya :crazy:
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