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Indonesian Air Forces decided to establishing Third Air Group at Biak

Panglima TNI : Koopsau III Bermarkas di Biak

02 Februari 2018


Komando Operasi Angkatan Udara III akan bermarkas di Biak, Papua (photo : TNI AU)

Biak (ANTARA News) - Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto mengemukakan bahwa pihaknya tengah mempersiapkan pembentukan Komando Operasi Angkatan Udara (Koopsau) III, yang akan bermarkas di Pulau Biak, Provinsi Papua.

"Saya melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Biak dalam rangka pelaksanaan program TNI yakni pembentukan Koopsau III di Pulau Biak," kata Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto dalam keterangan pers di Biak, Kamis.

Ia mengakui untuk mewujudkan pembentukan Koopsau III maka Mabes TNI harus menyiapkan berbagai sarana prasarana, utamanya markas komando serta fasilitas penunjang lainnya.

Panglima TNI berharap rencana pembentukan Koopsau III dapat terealiasi secepatnya sehingga akan menambah kekuatan TNI dalam mengawal dan menjaga kedaulatan wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia di Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat.

"Saya minta doa dan dukungan dari masyarakat Biak sehingga program pengembangan Koopsau III dapat terealisasi dalam waktu dekat," ujarnya.

Sejauh ini, TNI AU memiliki dua komando operasi yakni Koops AU I mencakup wilayah Indonesia bagian barat yang meliputi seluruh Sumatra, Kalimantan Barat, sebagian Kalimantan Tengah, Jawa Barat, Banten, Jakarta dan sebagian Jawa Tengah.

Koops AU I bermarkas di Halim Perdanakusumah Jakarta.

Sedangkan Koops II mencakup wilayah Indonesia bagian timur yang meliputi seluruh Sulawesi, Kalimantan Timur, sebagian Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan, Jawa Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, sebagian Jawa Tengah dan Papua.

Koopsau II bermarkas di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan.

Komando ini mempunyai tugas yaitu pembinaan kemampuan dan kesiapsiagaan operasional satuan-satuan TNI AU dalam jajarannya, dan melaksanakan operasi-operasi udara dalam rangka penegakan kedaulatan negara di udara, mendukung penegakan kedaulatan negara di darat dan di laut.

Selain mengunjungi Biak, Panglima TNI bersama rombongan KSAU Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna, KSAD Jenderal TNI Mulyono, Wakasal dan pati Mabes TNI akan mengunjungi Sorong, Papua Barat.

"Untuk Sorong saya akan melihat juga persiapan untuk pembentukan Pasmar III, ya semua ini masih dalam penjajakan Mabes TNI," ujarnya.

Saat tiba di pangkalan udara STAB Manuhua Biak, rombongan Panglima TNI disambut dengan prosesi adat Mansorandak (injak piring adat) dipimpin tokoh adat Mika Ronsumbre dan Marthinus Randokir.

Ikut menjemput rombongan Panglima TNI, diantaranya Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih Mayjen TNI George E. Supit, Kapolda Papua Irjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar, Danrem 173/PVB Kolonel Inf Bachman, Guskamla Armatim, Danrem 173/PVB, Pangkosek Hanudnas IV, Danlanud Kolonel Pnb Fajar Adriyanto, Kapolres AKBP Rachmad Amsori SiK, Dandim 1708 Letkol Inf DC Somoukil serta Asisten 1 Sekda Biak Frits G Senandi.
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Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Republik Korea Selatan (Korsel) Song Young-moo tiba di PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Selasa Siang (30/01). Jajaran Direksi dan Manajemen PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) menyambut di gedung PIP PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

Menhan Korsel yang didampingi Kepala Pusat Penelitian Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan (Kapuslitbang Iptekhan Kemhan) Republik Indonesia Marsekal Pertama TNI Bambang Wijanarko meninjau perkembangan Kerjasama Pertahanan Indoensia dengan Korea Selatan.

PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) mendapat tugas untuk menguasai teknologi kelautan pada proses pembangunan kemandirian industri maritim. Melalui kerjasama pembelian 3 Kapal Selam oleh kementerian Pertahanan RI kepada Korea Selatan yakni Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME). Serta Undang-Undang 16 Tahun 2012 yang mensyaratkan adanya Alih Teknologi, ratusan Insan PAL Indonesia dikirim untuk penguasaan Alih teknologi pembangunan kapal selam. 208 Putra-Putri Pilihan Bangsa dikirim untuk pencapaian perkembangan teknologi kelautan yang handal dan berkualitas.

Direktur Utama Budiman Saleh menuturkan Kunjungan Menhan Korsel ini merupakan progres yang membanggakan dari Insan PAL Indonesia setelah dikirim ke Korsel. “Capaian untuk progres kapal selam ke-3 mendekati pengetesan akhir sebelum diserahterimakan, sekitar 80% progress pembuatan” tuturnya.

Penguasaan teknologi kapal selam ini membuktikan capaian Industri kemaritiman di Dalam negeri mulai berbenah. Memenuhi kebutuhan program pemerintah dalam emnjadikan Indoensia sebagai Poros maritim Dunia.

Inovasi dan pencapaian teknologi kelautan menjadi fokus Insan PAL Indoensia dalam memandirikan Industri maritim Indonesia. Setelah capaian prestasi memenuhi pasar luar negeri utnuk Kapal perang diserahterimakan pada tahun lalu, sebelumnya Insan PAL Indoensia telah menyerahkan Kapal Niaga.

Photo : Menhan KORSEL Tinjau PAL INDONESIA untuk Kemandirian Industri Maritim. (PT PAL)

Sumber : Pen PT PAL

A picture of one of the two Indonesia-built ships handed over to the Philippines.
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Philippine Navy Public Information Office
What’s Next for Indonesia’s Shipbuilding Ambitions in 2018?
Though new targets offer promise, achieving them will require addressing old challenges.


By Prashanth Parameswaran
January 25, 2018

Earlier this week, the head of Indonesia’s state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Budiman Saleh charted out some ambitious goals for the firm for 2018, which were widely publicized in local media outlets. Though his comments reflect Indonesia’s stated desire to advance the country’s shipbuilding ambitions over the next few years, they also belie the significant challenges that need to be addressed if these ambitions are to be realized.

As I have noted previously, Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has signaled early on since taking office in November 2014 his desire to boost the country’s domestic shipbuilding industry as part of a broader effort to strengthen the country’s maritime capabilities as well as to revolutionize its domestic defense industry (See: “An Indonesian Defense Revolution Under Jokowi?”).

PT PAL has been a major part of this effort, which includes not just servicing the Indonesian military but also targeting export opportunities in Southeast Asia and beyond. But, as I have noted previously, despite some initial successes, PT PAL has faced a range of problems that are tied to broader challenges for Indonesia’s shipbuilding industry, from a comparatively low level of expertise and technology to corruption to low production capacity. Indeed, last year, PT PAL was rocked by bribery allegations linked to the sale of Strategic Sealift Vessels (SSVs) to the Philippines, which was a significant development as it constituted the inaugural export of locally-built warships (See: “Indonesia: A Shipbuilding ‘Magnet’ from ASEAN to Africa?”).

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On Monday, following consultations with Vice President Jusuf Kalla in Jakarta, Saleh said that PT PAL was hoping for a significant growth in revenue for 2018. He told state-run news agency Antara that after a “difficult time” in 2016, with revenues last year doubling to 1.2 trillion rupiah (around $96 million), he hoped that in 2018 revenue could be doubled once again to 2.4 trillion rupiah.

Part of this revenue for PT PAL, Saleh said, will be from work done for the Indonesian military. In 2018, that is expected to include the construction for the Indonesian Navy of a submarine, landing platform docks, and four additional KCR-60 guided missile fast attack craft following the three that it had already produced, in addition to other routine repair and maintenance requests.

But Saleh also pointed out that a big part of this projected increase in revenue could be exports. As he has been saying for the past few months, Saleh said that given that Indonesia has already had some success with deliveries to Southeast Asian states such as the Philippines and Malaysia, in 2018 it would look to other emerging markets, including African countries such as Senegal, Congo, Burkina Faso, and Guinea Bissau.

Though he was not specific in terms of numbers of new vessels that could be in the pipeline, his comments that were reported in local media outlets suggested that at least seven would be set for 2018 – four domestic, three for export to Malaysia and Thailand, along with an unspecified number to African countries. He also said that the value of new contracts being targeted for 2018 was around 4 trillion rupiah, which, when added to the carry over contracts from 2017 of 3 trillion rupiah, would add up to around 7 trillion rupiah.

Though these targets sound promising and would constitute gains for Indonesia’s shipbuilding ambitions in 2018, the key question is whether or not they can be achieved. Indonesian officials, including Kalla and Saleh, have spoken about the significant challenges the country faces as well as a whole series of steps that would be needed to realize its true potential, including investing in skilled manpower, lowering prices, and improving quality and delivery times. As we hear more about new prospects in this realm, it is important to remember these old issues that continue to remain.
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Minister Gajdoš meets with Indonesian Ambassador A. Adiwoso

Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic Peter Gajdoš today met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Slovakia, Her Excellency Ms Adiyatwidi Adiwoso. This has been her first visit to the SVK MOD since taking up her Diplomatic Service appointment in Slovakia. Their discussions centred on the SVK-IDN relationship and common defence and armaments industry cooperation.

Looking forward to developing stronger ties, Head of the SVK MOD said: “Defence industry cooperation with Indonesia has been grounded in a longstanding tradition. A cooperation agreement would definitely contribute to further enhancing our mutual relations.” In this regard, he filled in Ambassador Adiwoso on the potential options for the IDN military to use Lešť Training Area and CBRN Training and Testing Centre Zemianske Kostoľany, and the courses at the SVK Armed Forces Academy in Liptovský Mikuláš for training and education purposes.

Minister Gajdoš briefed Ambassador Adiwoso on the strategic documents adopted by the MOD thus far and the 2018 MOD priorities. He further reflected on the significance of Slovakiaʼs EuroArtillery project within the EUʼs PESCO initiative, as well as informing the Ambassador of Slovakiaʼs ongoing Chairmanship of the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC).
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BSSN to team up with Australia to deal with cyber attacks
Kamis, 1 Februari 2018 05:08 WIB - 4 Views

Reporter: antara



Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The State Code and Cyber Agency (BSSN) said it will team up with Australian counterpart in creating standard of handling cyber attacks.

"Yesterday we organized a workshop with friends from Australia and we will cooperate technically at least in incident handling, in creating the standard," BSSN spokesman Anton Setiawan told ANTARA News Agency on the sidelines of Indonesia-Australia Digital Forum 2018 here on Wednesday.

BSSN and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics and the Coordinating Ministry of Law, Security and Political Affairs, exchanged experience for capacity building with Australia, Anton said.

BSSN, which was established only a month ago, learned from the sharing of experience in the application of national cyber security policy.

"We only need to carry on with more centralized as those from Australia was counterpart, also a national agency of Australia," Anton said.

He said a number of similar agencies from other countries have expressed interest in cooperation with BSSN and follow up steps have been take with some of them.

In addition to cyber security, Indonesia-Australia Digital Forum 2018 also discussed creative industry, digital health, fin-tech and start-up as well as smart government.

The Australia-Indonesia Digital Forum was a joint initiative of President Joko Widodo and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at a meeting in Sydney in 2017 discussing promotion of cooperation in sciences, technology and innovation.

The 31 January-1 February 2018 activity is a forum of exchange of ideas in digital sector to catch potential trade and development backed up by technology.

Editor: Heru Purwanto


Blast from the past --- Periscope locked view from the undetected Indonesian Navy Whiskey Class submarine RI Alugoro looking at the Royal Navy HMS Victorious aircraft carrier with her support ships while passing the Lombok Strait on September 28th 1964. HMS Victorious only noticed RI Alugoro after it surfaced in front ahead of the HMS Victorious and send a morse code "Bon Voyage". Unknown also to HMS Victorious are 3 more Indonesian Navy Whiskey Class submarines lurking around working alongside with RI Alugoro.

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Blast from the past

Indonesian Air Force main fleets from time to time


A4 Skyhawk, Indonesia acquire 32 samples from Israel and became the mainstay of air Forces througout late 80 to early 2000 decade.


Lockheed T33 A, bird. This Indonesian variants is special because dedicated towards ground attack roles, and modification being done by incorporating Sovyet made cannon and rack bombs by Indonesian technician. The armaments is salvaged from ex Indonesian aircraft made in Sovyet.
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