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The vehicle as a whole? Nope. This variant maybe. Note that PT Pindad has been buying license to build 105mm turrets and ammos. I guess with the medium tank coming, the 8x8 IFV project spec will be adjusted to standardize the supply.

The variants is special request from the Army and research between parties involved (including Chezch companies), Cockerill, TNI AD and PT PINDAD had been conducted since 2015. So far the project is in line to standardize the Army mainstay cannon toward 105 mm cal.
Indonesian Navy outlines specifications for seventh LPD

Key Points
  • The Indonesian Navy is finalising parameters for a seventh landing platform dock ship
  • Vessel is projected to be the most complex LPD yet, given its secondary role as a command ship

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) is in the process of outlining requirements for a seventh landing platform dock (LPD) ship, and is expected to request a sum of about USD72 million from the government for this acquisition, sources from the service’s headquarters in Cilangkap confirmed with Jane’s on 18 September.

This information has since been corroborated with an official from shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya, who confirmed that the company is in discussions with TNI-AL for a seventh LPD, but emphasised that a formal contract for the platform has yet to materialise. “The LPD is similar to the five vessels [already in fleet] and the one under construction, but it will be more complex”, the official told Jane’s , without giving further details.

PT PAL laid down the keel for the sixth vessel in Surabaya on 28 August. The platform is based on a design by South Korea's Dae Sun Shipbuilding and Engineering. The shipyard had previously constructed two similar platforms, KRI Banjarmasin (592) and KRI Banda Aceh (593), for the TNI–AL in-country.

Three earlier ships in the class, KRI Dr Soeharso (990), KRI Makassar (590), and KRI Surabaya (591), were built in Busan, South Korea by Dae Sun, with officials and engineers from PT PAL understudying the construction works under a knowledge transfer agreement. Dr Soeharso is currently operated by the TNI–AL as a hospital ship.

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Indonesian Navy outlines specifications for seventh LPD

Key Points
  • The Indonesian Navy is finalising parameters for a seventh landing platform dock ship
  • Vessel is projected to be the most complex LPD yet, given its secondary role as a command ship

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) is in the process of outlining requirements for a seventh landing platform dock (LPD) ship, and is expected to request a sum of about USD72 million from the government for this acquisition, sources from the service’s headquarters in Cilangkap confirmed with Jane’s on 18 September.

This information has since been corroborated with an official from shipbuilder PT PAL in Surabaya, who confirmed that the company is in discussions with TNI-AL for a seventh LPD, but emphasised that a formal contract for the platform has yet to materialise. “The LPD is similar to the five vessels [already in fleet] and the one under construction, but it will be more complex”, the official told Jane’s , without giving further details.

PT PAL laid down the keel for the sixth vessel in Surabaya on 28 August. The platform is based on a design by South Korea's Dae Sun Shipbuilding and Engineering. The shipyard had previously constructed two similar platforms, KRI Banjarmasin (592) and KRI Banda Aceh (593), for the TNI–AL in-country.

Three earlier ships in the class, KRI Dr Soeharso (990), KRI Makassar (590), and KRI Surabaya (591), were built in Busan, South Korea by Dae Sun, with officials and engineers from PT PAL understudying the construction works under a knowledge transfer agreement. Dr Soeharso is currently operated by the TNI–AL as a hospital ship.


Seven LPD, quite a landing forces isn't....

meh always think if the navy properly being funded and can get their ambitious programme to be on track. Its get me irritated to see Nations without much naval tradition like Egypt, Algeria or even Saudi can get much fund and leeway to expand their Naval forces tremendously
Ada Rencana Pabrik PTDI Hingga Pindad Dipindah ke Lampung
Mochamad Solehudin - detikFinance

Foto: Pool
Bandung - Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Ryamizard Ryacudu berencana memindahkan semua industri pertahanan mulai dari PT Pindad, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) dan PT PAL ke Lampung. Bahkan pihaknya telah menyiapkan 10 ribu hektar lahan untuk merealisasikan rencana tersebut.

Rencana itu menurutnya melihat kebutuhan industri pertahanan yang semakin maju. Maka perlu ada satu tempat yang cukup besar sehingga bisa mengembangkan industri pertananan nasional secara maksimal.

"Industri pertahanan makin lama makin maju. Dibuat modern. (Maka) perlu tempat besar," kata Ryamizard di kantor PT Pindad, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, Senin (18/9/2017).


Dia mencontohkan ketika PT DI melakukan uji coba untuk produksi pesawatnya. Landasan pacu yang dimiliki PTDI relatif pendek hanya sekitar 2,5 kilometer. Selain itu di sekitar lokasi juga terdapat banyak pemukiman. Sehingga saat melakukan uji terbang bisa berisiko membahayakan penduduk.

"Contoh PTDI di sini. Landasan 2,5 kilometer. Pertama kali terbang, kalau (sukses) terbang enggak masalah. Tapi kalau (gagal) mendarat lagi kan mendarat di rumah orang. Jadi kita perlu membuat 5 kilometer," katanya.

Kemudian, bila terus melakukan uji coba penerbangan khawatir bisa menganggu jadwal penerbangan komersil.

"Makanya saya sudah menyiapkan di Lampung ada 10 ribu hektar (untuk memusatkan pengembangan industri pertahanan dalam negeri)," ucap Ryamizard.

Tapi dia tidak menjelaskan secara rinci lokasi pasti lahan tersebut. Hanya saja dia menegaskan lahan itu sudah ada. Rencananya tahun depan sudah memulai pekerjaan. Minimal merapikan terhadap lahan tersebut.

"Tahun depan dibereskan dulu lahannya. Karena kan bergunung-gunung," ujar Ryamizard.(ang/ang)
Seven LPD, quite a landing forces isn't.... meh always think if the navy properly being funded and can get their ambitious programme to be on track. Its get me irritated to see Nations without much naval tradition like Egypt, Algeria or even Saudi can get much fund and leeway to expand their Naval forces tremendously

Let's wait for Malaysian MRSS, 163 meter LPD project. If PT.Pal could get the contract, then we certainly can hope that TNI AL would get similar or even better ships in the future. And looks like that these days, TNI are willing to spend a bit more on domestic industry, just look at the 7th LPD which cost around $72 Million... it's almost twice the cost for Makassar class LPD.

The needs for Medium tank is around 300 units for the Army. The procurement for 100 units which is targeted for the first phase, will be started next year.


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President proposes update of communist party insurgence film
Selasa, 19 September 2017 05:05 WIB - 419 Views

Magelang, C Java (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has proposed that the G30S/PKI communist insurgence film be updated so that the younger generation would well understand the history of the PKI.

"Yes, watching movies, especially about history, is important. But, of course, the children of the millennium, have to watch a film they can understand," Jokowi stated, after reviewing the Mangunsuko Suspension Bridge in Dusun hamlet, Magelang, Central Java, on Monday.

The president made the statement following the plan of Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo to screen the G30S/PKI film within the TNI internal institution.

"Let them (young people) understand the dangers of communism, and let them know about the PKI," he added.

The latest version of the film is important for the millennial generation to understand the movie, which was first released in 1984.

"Yes, it would be best to have the most recent and updated version of the film, so that it can be understood by the millennial generation," Jokowi reiterated.

Nurmantyo had earlier stated that the minister had allowed him to instruct his members to watch the movie, which was produced during the New Order government.

The TNIs plan to hold a joint watch of the G30S/PKI movie has sparked a polemic because there are some parties who judge that the movie was not worth watching again. But there are also those who support the TNI plan as it constitutes an effort to remind the people of the Indonesian history.(*)
Editor: Heru

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Indonesia dan Perancis melalui Kementerian Pertahanan masing-masing mengadakan forum pertemuan dialog bilateral pertahanan rutin tahunan kelima atau the 5th Indonesia-Frace Defence Dialogue (IFDD), tanggal 19 sampai dengan 20 September 2017 di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).

Pertemuan ini merupakan implementasi dan juga tindaklanjut dari Letter of Intent (LoI) tentang Peningkatan Kerja Sama Pertahanan yang belum lama ditandatangani oleh Menteri Pertahanan Republik Indonesia Ryamizard Ryacudu bersama Menteri Pertahanan Republik Perancis Jean-Yves Le Drian pada bulan Maret yang lalu di Jakarta.

Dalam LoI tersebut Indonesia dan Perancis sepakat untuk memperdalam dan meningkatkan kerja sama pertahanan dengan memperluas kerangka dan ruang lingkup Dialog Pertahanan Indonesia – Perancis yang disertai semangat saling menguntungkan dan kemitraan.

Kerjasama pertahanan yang dibicarakan oleh kedua negara dalam forum IFDD tersebut meliputi tiga hal pokok yakni Strategic Dialog, Military Cooperation dan Defence Industry Cooperation. Dalam forum IFDD tersebut, Delegasi Indonesia dipimpin oleh Dirketur Kerjasama Internasional Drektorat Jenderal Strategi Pertahanan (Dirkersin Ditjen Strahan) Kemhan Brigjen TNI Rizerius Eko Hadisancoko. Sedangkan Delegasi Perancis dipimpin oleh Director Asia Pasific at Direction Generale de I’ammement (DGA) Ministry of Defence of the Republic of France RDML (Engineer) Guillaume de Garidel.

Dirkersin Ditjen Strahan Kemhan dalam sambutannya berharap Dialog Pertahanan Indonesia – Perancis ini dapat menjadi kesempatan bagi kedua negara untuk mendiskusikan tentang bagaimana upaya -upaya untuk memperkuat dan meningkatkan kerja sama pertahanan yang telah telah terjalin baik selama ini kearah yang lebih konkret lagi.

Menurutnya, hubungan pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Prancis sangat penting karena tidak hanya untuk keamanan dan kesejahteraan kedua negara, namun juga untuk berkontribusi menjaga perdamaian dan stabilitas kawasan dan global.

“Indonesia dan Perancis adalah dua negara yang berperan penting dalam promosi perdamaian dan stabilitas dunia. Hubungan pertahanan Indonesia dan Perancis akan membantu pengembangan kapasitas pertahanan Indonesia yang pada gilirannya juga memperkuat peran Indonesia dalam menjaga perdamaian dan keamanan di wilayah ini dan sekitarnya”, jelasnya.

Lebih lanjut diungkapkan Dirkersin Ditjen Strahan Kemhan RI, bahwa saat ini kedua negara menghadapi tantangan yang berasal dari ancaman keamanan tradisional. Kedua negara juga dihadapkan oleh ancaman keamanan non-tradisional, yaitu gerakan radikal yang sekarang mewujudkan diri mereka dalam bentuk aksi terorisme global. Melihat dari tantangan-tantangan tersebut di atas, maka pentingnya untuk memperkuat kerjasama pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Perancis.

Photo : The 5th Indonesia-Frace Defence Dialogue (IFDD) at Lombok. (Kemhan)

Sumber : Kemhan
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DSEI 2017
Fox features [DSEI17D4]
15 September 2017
Shown for the first time at a defence exhibition by Jankel (Stand N6-370) is latest Fox Rapid Reaction Vehicle-x (RRV-x). This is a modified Toyota Hilux-based platform, and is entering production for the Belgian Ministry of Defence, which is the first customer for this latest variant.

The Hilux-based RRV-x retains the proven OEM base chassis reliability alongside Jankel upgrades specific to user mobility and operational requirements. Upgrades include brakes, suspension, steering, electrical systems, environmental protection, engine management system and frame as required. The design ethos remains that while fully militarised (in accordance with military standards), both structurally and automotively the RRV-x benefits wherever possible from the extensive durability trials conducted during development by the OEM over eight generations of Hilux.

The entire composite body of the RRV-x is Jankel-designed, the primary design aim being to maximise payload, mobility and stowage space as well as providing CH-47 Chinook (both standard and narrow 1.8m) air transportability. A purpose designed composite ‘pod’ re-profiles the internal envelope of the vehicle to maximise user space and ergonomics.

The removable armoured side panels/doors and floor can be fitted/removed by a team of two in under four hours. The rollover protection structure is equipped with a ring-mount; main armament options include light or heavy machine guns (MGs), or a 40mm automatic grenade launcher (AGL). A front swing-arm mount can mount a 7.62mm light MG.

The rear cargo area is developed to maximise space for equipment fits such as communications and Spike missiles, as well as being able to accommodate a standard NATO pallet. The modular self-recovery winch can be fixed to the front or rear of the vehicle to maximise off-road capability and performance. The rear body is also configurable for a medevac role and can accommodate one or two stretchers.

Fox family vehicles are known to be in service worldwide with users of the original Land Cruiser 79 Series-based Long Range Patrol Vehicle (LRPV) variant including Botswana, Brunei, Jordan, South Korea, Oman and Indonesia.

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