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KRI Usman Harun – 359 will be Maritime Task Force XXVIII – J @ Lebanon

Asyik, gak ganti awak doank kan. John lie apa kabar nih? Sandarnya gak kelar kelar
Mattis, Indonesian Official Discuss Maritime Security
DoD News, Defense Media Activity



WASHINGTON, June 8, 2017 —Defense Secretary Jim Mattis met with Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan at the Pentagon yesterday to discuss maritime security challenges and defense cooperation, chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana W. White said.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis walks with Luhut Panjaitan, Indonesia’s coordinating minister for maritime affairs, following a meeting at the Pentagon, June 7, 2017. DoD photo by Army Sgt. Amber I. Smith

Mattis and Pandjaitan exchanged views on the regional maritime security environment in Southeast Asia, discussed cooperation on countering violent extremism from groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and addressed the threat posed by returning foreign fighters, White said in a statement summarizing the meeting.

Continued Cooperation

"Secretary Mattis relayed his appreciation for the broad range of U.S.-Indonesian defense cooperation and encouraged Indonesia's continuing contributions to regional maritime security," White said.

"They emphasized continued cooperation in maritime domain awareness and information sharing to combat transnational threats," she added. "They also discussed the importance of supporting Indonesia's defense modernization efforts through strengthening bilateral training, interoperability, and defense trade."

Rusia Plan Build Spareparts Sukhoi In Indonesia

Rusia Berencana Bangun Pabrik Suku Cadang Sukhoi di Indonesia

12 Juni 2017

Perakitan pesawat Su-30 (photo : Broadsword)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu mengungkapkan bahwa Rusia berencana membangun pabrik suku cadang pesawat Sukhoi di Indonesia.

Hal itu merupakan imbal dagang dari pembelian pesawat tempur Sukhoi antara Indonesia dan Rusia.

Sementara pihak Rusia tertarik dengan produk karet asal Indonesia.

Adapun nilai imbal dagang yang akan dilakukan dengan Rusia sekitar 600 juta dollar AS.

"Mereka (Rusia) akan buat pabrik di sini untuk suku cadang. Jadi enggak usah dibawa ke Rusia, mahal itu," ujar Ryamizard saat ditemui di Kemenko Polhukam, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (12/6/2017).

(baca: Rusia Ingin Barter Sukhoi dengan Karet asal Indonesia)

Menurut Ryamizard, Indonesia akan mendapat keuntungan jika rencana tersebut direalisasikan.

Negara-negara tetangga yang menggunakan Sukhoi akan membeli suku cadang dari pabrik di Indonesia.

"Jadi nanti yang punya Sukhoi seperti Malaysia, perbaikannya akan sama kita," kata Ryamizard.

Sebelumnya, Ryamizard mengonfirmasi bahwa pemerintah Indonesia berniat membeli 10 unit pesawat tempur jenis Su-35 (NATO: Flanker-E) buatan Sukhoi dari Rusia.

Ia menegaskan, proses pembelian pesawat tempur tersebut masih dalam pembahasan dan belum terjadi penandatanganan persetujuan.

Arms show offers Japan venue to build military ties in Southeast Asia

By Tim Kelly and Nobuhiro Kubo | TOKYO
Defense firms will put out their wares on Monday at Japan's only dedicated arms show, a site for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government to promote industrial military ties that will bolster the country's influence in Southeast Asia.

Japan's defense ministry has invited Southeast Asian military representatives from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam to a separate military technology seminar, aiming to ensure attendance for the three-day Maritime Air Systems and Technologies Asia (MAST) show near Tokyo, two sources said.

"The Ministry of Defense is hosting the seminar right after MAST closes," said one of the sources with knowledge of the plan.

Abe's government wants to make arms sales and military technology collaboration a new plank of Japanese diplomacy in Southeast Asia as it counters China's growing influence in the South China Sea.

About $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes through the strategic waterway each year, much of it to and from Japan.

In 2014, Abe ended a decades-old arms export ban, partly to cut procurement costs by widening arms production, but also, for the first time since World War Two, to allow Japan to offer arms technology as a lure for closer military ties.

The small Southeast Asian arms market is growing as economic growth boosts defense spending. Japan is likely push to back against China's offers to supply military equipment to the region.

"The only thing that really matters in Southeast Asia is cost and China will offer at low cost," said Paul Burton, director of aerospace, defense and security at IHS Markit in Singapore.

"They will quite happily give away the family jewels in terms of enabling indigenous production, training the local workforce and offset into other sectors."


In their first outing at MAST Asia in 2015 Japanese firms were still reluctant to advertise their defense work to a public wary of any return to militarism. Only NEC Corp exhibited alone, with other firms clustering together in a single display.

That hesitation seems to have eased. At least 16 Japanese firms are exhibiting alone, from leading arms maker Mitsubishi Heavy Industries , to the maker of the sub-hunting P-1 patrol jet, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and ShinMaywa Industries, which builds the US-2 amphibious plane.

"We intend to showcase our wide range of products and technologies to event participants," said a spokesman for Mitsubishi Heavy.

Showcased items include a guided missile destroyer display, a prototype amphibious vehicle model, minehunting technology and demonstrations of a laser radar surveillance system.

The three-day show will include overseas exhibitors, such as F-35 stealth fighter maker Lockheed Martin Corp and France's Thales SA, and will have double the floor space of the 2015 event, a spokeswoman for the organizer said.

(Reporting by Tim Kelly and Nobuhiro Kubo; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)


last time, Jakarta interest in US 2 amphibious plane ... any info what else Jakarta needs from japan ?

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If you meant Malfinas BDU is TNI's British stye DPM pattern then i disagree, obsolete maybe since they were introduced in '80s, however in reality it's still heck the most effective camo for our rain forests like shown in the videos, compared to digital pattern worn by Kostrad or Kopaska. Kostrad and Kopaska pattern however are quite good blending in with savannah type environment and.

I agree with the NKRI pattern being not that good, that's why i always prefer the British DPM one. IMHO
I second this,
DPM (dispatch pattern material) or popularly called "loreng malvinas" by TNI (because it is first widely used in malvinas war by the British) is among the most popular and effective camo in the world

Nowadays the NZ, netherland, PNG, even russia still uses this camo.. Each country has it owns minor modification, such as lighter green in TNI's DPM compared to the original.. But the widespread adoption is a testimony of its value.

Thing is, there's no such thing as "universal camo".. DPM is highly effective in dense jungle but not so much in a forest, open field or urban area

Up until today, there's a rule that every branch is allowed to have its own camo for ceremonial purposes, but have to Use DPM camo in a real campaign.. This needs to change.. I suggest TNI approved the uses of different camo in different environment
I second this,
DPM (dispatch pattern material) or popularly called "loreng malvinas" by TNI (because it is first widely used in malvinas war by the British) is among the most popular and effective camo in the world

Nowadays the NZ, netherland, PNG, even russia still uses this camo.. Each country has it owns minor modification, such as lighter green in TNI's DPM compared to the original.. But the widespread adoption is a testimony of its value.

Thing is, there's no such thing as "universal camo".. DPM is highly effective in dense jungle but not so much in a forest, open field or urban area

Up until today, there's a rule that every branch is allowed to have its own camo for ceremonial purposes, but have to Use DPM camo in a real campaign.. This needs to change.. I suggest TNI approved the uses of different camo in different environment

I agree with this, as i say TNI's DPM is highly effective in dense jungle, However TNI needs to approved different type of camo in different type of environment and terrain.

I Think Kostrad airborne already using their camo for real campaign, that camo suits their typical landing site. even Kopassus have several special camo which actively used for their campaigns.

The only one branch need camo adaptation is our Marine Corps, they need special camo suits for beaches environment.
I agree with this, as i say TNI's DPM is highly effective in dense jungle, However TNI needs to approved different type of camo in different type of environment and terrain.

I Think Kostrad airborne already using their camo for real campaign, that camo suits their typical landing site. even Kopassus have several special camo which actively used for their campaigns.

The only one branch need camo adaptation is our Marine Corps, they need special camo suits for beaches environment.

their loreng macan tutul camo (adopted from US Marines old camos in which turn being adopted by Netherland army during war of independence of Indonesia) actually blended quite well in tropical islands beaches sands, coral and mangrove dense jungle

their loreng macan tutul camo (adopted from US Marines old camos in which turn being adopted by Netherland army during war of independence of Indonesia) actually blended quite well in tropical islands beaches sands, coral and mangrove dense jungle

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yes, the indonesian marine camo is based on frog skin pattern from US marine 1942
actually the US frog skin is a reversible-dual sided uniform with blotch pattern for beach-head operation and olive green on the other side
the concept are, once they're reach the beach, they will flip their uniform inside-out for inland operation

great in concept but poor in execution, since the dual layer of fabric makes their uniform thick and heavy
not ideal for hot tropical climate

i think we should revive this idea, how about a uniform with reversible-dual camo? NKRI pattern for jungle area and Linud pattern for open field and urban area
the current technology such as ripstop pattern material enabling us to use thinner material but stronger resistance to wear and tear
Garuda contingent's firing exercise @ Sudan.





Indonesia has IS sleeper cells in almost all provinces says military chief


JAKARTA: Radicalism has spread to almost all provinces in Indonesia and the country's military is beefing up security in its Sulawesi border area amid the ongoing siege in the southern Philippine city of Marawi, the Indonesian military (TNI) said.

"Almost in all Indonesian provinces, except for Papua, there are IS sleeper cells," TNI chief General Gatot Nurmantyo said in a speech during a forum attended by media chiefs on Monday night.

Members of sleeper cells have been radicalised but remain inactive. They may resort to action when there is a trigger, the military warned.

Army major general Ganip Warsito, a territorial military commander overseeing Sulawesi and the border with the Philippines, said such citizens may be open to harbouring any escaping IS fighters from the Philippines if any of them ever managed to cross over to Indonesia.

General Ganip told reporters that security has been stepped up in anticipation of either the Philippines military clinching victory against the local militants or losing the battle in Marawi.

"If the Philippines wins, Indonesia would get a spill-over effect from the retreating militants, but if the Philippines loses, Mindanao would be a strong regional IS base that threatens Indonesia among others," he said.

This has prompted the Indonesian military to set up more military bases, locally known as Kodim, in the outlying areas on the border, he added.

Gen Ganip said intelligence and territorial defence operations around the border with the Philippines has not given any indication of any militant having crossed over and that the Indonesian military is striving to keep it that way.

Indonesian troops were previously stationed in only three islands on the border with the Philippines. As part of the stepped-up security, reinforcement was sent to all other islands in the area deemed to have the potential to be used in escape routes.

"All islands that are potential targets for infiltration, we have sent troops there. Those islands include Matutuang and Kawio," Gen Ganip said.

But since the border areas with the Philippines are traditional trading routes, escaping militants may attempt to cross over to Indonesia with the help of rogue merchants. Gen Ganip said the military is working to prevent this from happening. – The Straits Times

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Credit : Indomiliter
Leopard 2Ri driver's room (It's rusty)

Commander's room

Gunner's sight

Ammo storage room (in the bustle)
MAST Asia 2017: ShinMaywa outlines options for industrial collaboration in Indonesia
Ridzwan Rahmat, Tokyo - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
13 June 2017
Japanese aerospace company ShinMaywa has confirmed that it is prepared to distribute work on the US-2 aircraft with local companies, should it be selected for Jakarta's amphibious search-and-rescue (SAR) requirements, but played down the option of a final assembly in Indonesia.

A model of the US-2 amphibious aircraft on display at MAST Asia 2017. (IHS Markit/Ridzwan Rahmat)

Speaking to Jane's at the MAST Asia 2017 exhibition in Tokyo, Masayuki Tanaka, from ShinMaywa's export division, confirmed that the company is prepared to make concessions for technology transfers in line with Jakarta's defence acquisition policies.

However, he noted that these will depend ultimately on the Japanese government, which is taking the lead on the potential deal. The Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia: TNI) is reportedly considering an initial contract for three US-2 aircraft.
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