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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

F 16 Refurbished and Upgrade Program


Taking Off

FEBRUARY 18, 2020

Lockheed Martin engineers conducted test flights for newly upgraded Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) F-16 fighter jets at the Iswahjudi Air Force Base in Magetan, East Java, on Tuesday. The upgrade to 10 of TNI AU's F-16 jets was carried out by TNI AU and Dirgantara Indonesia engineers under the supervision of Lockheed Martin.




There are only 2 Lockheed Martin engineers who supervise the work.

4 F 16 A/B have been refurbished and upgraded into Block 52 variant, there are remaining 6 planes

Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) MALE UCAV Program


Just heard from one of BPPT researcher for drone that Elang Hitam MALE UCAV will use Artificial Intelligent. He is Phd from one of US universities.

BPPT official is not sure whether the drone will have maiden flight in August as BPPT Chairman stated repeatedly since beginning of this year, but look like the official is quite sure for the drone to have maiden flight this year.
Closer look....

Jakarta, 25 Juni 2021

Infoglobal Gets AMARS Certificate From Ministry Of Defence Of The Republic Of Indonesia
Marketing Infoglobal


CEO of Infoglobal, Adi Sasongko receives AMARS certificate from Head of Worthiness Centre, Teguh Sugiono at Worthiness Centre, Ministry of Defence of RI (25/06/21).

On June 25th, 2021, Infoglobal gets Certificate of Approval Approved Military Aircraft Repair Station (AMARS) from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemhan RI). This certificate is signed and handed over by Commodore Teguh Sugiono, S.E., M.M as Head of Worthiness Centre, Ministry of Defence RI to Adi Sasongko as the CEO of Infoglobal at Worthiness Centre Ministry of Defence RI, Jakarta.

The AMARS certificate is important considering Infoglobal is an Indonesia defense industry that capable of developing avionics of military aircraft.

The certificate is obtained by Infoglobal after going through the assessment process conducted by Indonesia Military Airworthiness Authority (IMAA), such as document verification, conformity inspection, and functional test. The certification process focuses on some criteria, including: qualified personnel, tool equipment, quality system, and facilities.

With this AMARS certificate, Infoglobal is stated to have worthy facilities and capability of doing maintenance on primary weapons system (Alutsista TNI), especially aircraft.


PT INFO GLOBAL company profile

PTDI's flagship products are the NC212i, CN235 and N219 aircraft, and PTDI has a collaboration project with Airbus Defense & Space for the CN295 aircraft. In addition, PT DI also has a project of cooperation with Airbus Helicopters for different types of helicopters and Bell Helicopters in producing tail boom, door assembly, door post, pylon and ducts for Bell 412 helicopters and Huey II . In addition, PTDI and Bell Helicopters also cooperate in conducting joint sales & marketing for the Bell 412EPI, customization and maintenance.


PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesia Aerospace) human resources

University level :

Bachelor (below 25 years old) : 51

Bachelor ( 25-35 years old) : 678
Master/Phd graduates ( 25-35 years old) : 55

Bachelor ( 36-45 years old) : 167
Master/Phd graduates ( 36-45 years old) : 31

Bachelor ( 46-55 years old) : 253
Master/Phd gaduates ( 46-55 years old) : 55

Bachelor ( more than 55 years old) : 258
Master/Phd graduates (more than 55 years old) : 34

Explanation : Indonesian term : S 1 (Bachelor), S 2 (Master graduate), S 3 (Phd/Doctorate graduate)


Diploma Level

3 years diploma (colleges) ( below 25 years old): 81
3 years diploma (25-35 years old) : 326
3 years diploma ( 36-45 years old): 76
3 years diploma (46-55 years old) : 39
3 years diploma (Above 55 years old) : 51

High School (STM / Technic School )

Lowest education is High School (more likely STM (High school level but focus on engineering for 3 years) : 1928

3 years diploma and High School graduates are the ones that mostly handle production.


Total employees : 3794
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Air Force commander visited PTDI production facility


Something interesting seen on the banner in the background saying "Prioritize Sholat (5 times pray) and safety"
Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) MALE UCAV needs to use winglet in its wings to improve its range


Just like Protector UCAV


New color of Indonesian Presidential plane


Previous color


N 219

As expected, delay again. I expect the maiden flight will likely be conducted in first semester 2022.....

Domestically Made Drones Ready to Fly for the First Time in late 2021
Tuesday 10 Aug 2021 16:39 WIB
Rep: Rizky Suryarandika/ Red: Agus Yulianto


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) plans to make the first flight of the PUNA Elang Hitam (Medium Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Aircraft) at the end of 2021. This technological innovation in the defense sector is part of the Commemoration of Awakening Day. National Technology (Hakteknas) every August 10.

Head of BPPT Hammam Riza said, PUNA Elang Hitam is a leap in today's technology to reach advanced technology in the future. PUNA Black Eagle can operate automatically and has a flight endurance of more than 24 hours.

This project was jointly developed in a national consortium involving the Ministry of Defense, Indonesian Air Force, BPPT, LAPAN, ITB, PT DI, and PT LEN. BPPT was appointed as the coordinator of the National Research Priority (PRN) of PUNA Elang Hitam in accordance with the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation No. 38 of 2019.

"The ultimate goal of the PUNA Elang Hitam Consortium is to accommodate the needs of the main weapon system (Alutsista) TNI, especially combatant drones that are in the same class as the advanced drones belonging to Turkey (AnKA), the United States (Predator), and Israel (Heron)," Hammam said in a statement. press statement, Tuesday (10/8).

Hammam assessed that the mastery of the Black Eagle PUNA technology could be a means of advancing national defense technology. Then gradually build the technological independence of the MALE type PUNA sub-system by the consortium members. So that it can produce MALE combatant drone products that can be accepted by the Indonesian Air Force according to the requirements.

Hammam explained that the work on preparing the PUNA Elang Hitam drone was divided into three supporting sub-activities, namely the construction of platforms (rides), the construction of the flight control system (FCS) and mission system, as well as the development of weapons systems and their integration.

"We invite all parties to succeed so that PUNA Elang Hitam can fly for the first time in 2021 and carry out the best possible stages to be able to realize the combatant mission in 2025," said Hammam.

Hammam hopes that the Black Eagle PUNA can save national foreign exchange. Thus, a lot of added value from the design and manufacturing process can be absorbed into the country.

"Savings on the procurement of the Black Eagle PUNA, mastery of the design and design of the Black Eagle PUNA will grow the unmanned aircraft industry and other component/support industries, such as servo electric motors, landing gear," said Hammam.

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