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Indonesian defense company, PT Info Global, proposes its avionics product for Indonesian KFX fighter version (IFX) during Indo Defense Event in 2016. Info Global avionics has been used for several Indonesian planes like Hawk 100/200, Boeing 737-200, Hercules C-130, KT-1B, and NC 212 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA).

Infoglobal 1.jpg

N 219 Flutter Test Day 7 in Nusawiru Airfield, West Java.

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Habibie’s historic N250 prototype aircraft to be on display at Yogyakarta museum
  • Arya Dipa
    The Jakarta Post
Bandung / Thu, August 20, 2020 / 03:24 pm

Aerospace expertise: The N250 Gatotkaca prototype is parked inside the fix wing hangar of state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia on Sept. 12. The aircraft was produced under the supervision and based on the design of Indonesia’s former president, the late BJ Habibie, when he served as president director of PT Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara. (JP/Arya Dipa)

State-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) in Bandung, West Java, is set to hand over the Gatotkaca N250 Prototype Aircraft 01 (PA01) to the Dirgantara Mandala Central Museum in Yogyakarta.

The N250 was the first aircraft produced from the grand strategy of technology development launched by the late president BJ Habibie when he was the research and technology minister.

PTDI corporate communications and promotion manager Adi Prastowo said the transfer of the aircraft was stipulated in Air Force Chief of Staff Decree (SKEP) No. 284/2020.

“The handover of the N250 to [the museum] is a way to safeguard state assets since the N250 has high historical value,” Adi said in a statement on Thursday.

The aircraft, he said, marked the establishment of the aerospace industry and thus it was expected to provide educational and motivational value for younger people visiting the museum. The PTDI had dismantled the aircraft’s access panels in the main parts, including the engine and propeller, as well as the main structure, consisting of the body, wings and vertical stabilizer, he said.

Dismantling the aircraft would reduce the risk of damaging the aircraft's parts, which would be transferred by land, before they were reinstalled in Yogyakarta, Adi added.

A number of officials from the PTDI and the military, including Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Air Force chief of staff Air Chief Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo and PTDI president director Elfien Goentoro, are scheduled to attend the reception on Aug. 25 at the museum.

In 1989, Habibie introduced the N250 turboprop aircraft at the Paris Airshow, Le Bourget, France. On Nov. 10, 1994 it left the hangar and was taken by 50 employees of the Nusantara Aircraft Industry (before becoming PTDI).

The name Gatotkaca was given by then-president Soeharto. He also named three other three prototypes, namely the Krincingwesi, Koconegoro and Putut Guritno.

On Aug. 10, 1995, the N250 under the PK-XNG registration successfully made its first flight, witnessed by Soeharto and then-first lady Tien Soeharto, as well as then-vice president Try Sutrisno and his wife Tuti Sutiawati.

Following the monetary 1998 crisis, the certification of the N250 was hampered as the International Monetary Fund, while lending funds to Indonesia, included the terms of the N250 project termination.

National Technology Awakening Day is now celebrated every year on Aug. 10. (syk)



First Prototype of N 250 airplane, Gatot Kaca, has been placed in Aerospace Museum in Jogyakarta owned by Armed Force. Indonesian Armed Force Chief, Hadi Tjahyanto, witnessed the hand over ceremony. In total there are two prototypes that have been made and both planes have flown for about 800 hours.


One of RMAF's CN235 has now been flown to PTDI to start the conversion process into a MSA/MPA aircraft... Hopefully this project will run smoothly and on schedule... I wonder what surveillance package will be installed in this plane... Will it be similar to existing TNI-AU or AL MPAs...?


One of RMAF's CN235 has now been flown to PTDI to start the conversion process into a MSA/MPA aircraft... Hopefully this project will run smoothly and on schedule... I wonder what surveillance package will be installed in this plane... Will it be similar to existing TNI-AU or AL MPAs...?


Nice, good news for PT Dirgantara Indonesia.......Alhamdulillah.

It could be similar like our Navy MPA but it could be different as well since DI has flexible offer on MPA plane which make any customer actually can decide what system they are going to put on their MPA plane. I heard this from previous DI Director interview, there is big possibility that the company still has that kind of offering after new Director comes.
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R 80 planes should get government support and PTDI help. I doubt Jokowi will provide the fund but I am quite optimistic for the new younger leaders with I think have more ambition on technological things. Being a developed country is not only about reaching 12.000 USD GDP percapita threshold as what Jokowi thinks (World Bank definition), but rather it is about transforming the economy with high tech local production and modern service industry just like what UNESCO definition on developed country is.

With the new optimist projection about Indonesia air passenger market by IATA, there should be more ambition and motivation held by our planners and leaders to bolster our aerospace industries. R 80 project should be helped since the market for this planes are quite prospective in our own market, there is also possibility to export the plane to India as the third largest passenger market in the world in 2039.

For the mean time, the focus on N 245 should be intensified next year as N 219 program is expected to already start mass production phase at that time, inshaAllah. So for the 2020-2025 period PTDI will have on going KFX/IFX (with the assumption the deal can be reached with SK) and N 245 program.

Starting from 2025 the focus should be directed to R 80 program and this should be a join program between private owned company (PT RAI) and state owned company (PT DI). Indonesians should join force in this very important project.

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Good to see, is the AESA prototype for a fighter?

If we look on the radar physycal, it looks intended for the fighter nose. It was presented in Indodefense 2018 event. Indodefense is planned to be held again in April 2021 so I hope there will be more story about the radar. The current CPU unit of the radar is still too large though for fighter plane.
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