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‘Indo-Pak trade can touch $50 billion'

I JUST WISH SANER SENSE PREVAIL,on both sides of the border...:-)...
there is so much potential in this region
Well Pakistanis have always showed that they are more mature when it comes to regional development....yet willing to see some positives from indian side....

loll keep urself updated bro. we r the ones who r forcing ur govt. india started trade talks.
Well Pakistanis have always showed that they are more mature when it comes to regional development....yet willing to see some positives from indian side....
sir,it all depends on person to person,i mean,there are many indians who are open minded,i personally believe in technological cooperation and research in our region...lets hope saner sense prevail in pakistan as well...:-)
why the hell Indian government is dying to increase bilateral trade with Pakistan.:angry:
why the hell Indian government is dying to increase bilateral trade with Pakistan.:angry:
well,dont you want some hard cash coming in,if you happen to have a company like TATA?infact it is a great oppurtunity for both the nations to increase cooperation and lessen the chance of war...we need to get outta our dogmatic approach
pak needs technology/consumer goods and we need $$$,it is as simple as that
well,dont you want some hard cash coming in,if you happen to have a company like TATA?infact it is a great oppurtunity for both the nations to increase cooperation and lessen the chance of war...we need to get outta our dogmatic approach
pak needs technology/consumer goods and we need $$$,it is as simple as that
dont u know even mighty china is not investing in Pakistan..can they provide sufficient infrastructure and safety to the world class companies like TATA..
obviously we would like to welcome some green cash by why are we rolling red carpet for them when most of the people there are not even Intrested in buying India stuff..
dont u know even mighty china is not investing in Pakistan..can they provide sufficient infrastructure and safety to the world class companies like TATA..
obviously we would like to welcome some green cash by why are we rolling red carpet for them when most of the people there are not even Intrested in buying India stuff..
sir,with due respect,china has interests in pakistan,they want energy and pakistan wants security...you can see the "dumping" of chinese goods in pakistan,but that NOT my point here,what i am trying to conceive here is,INDIA has the huge potential to develop trade with pak and from there to whole central asian region...
it also lessens the chances of war,if we have stakes involved in each other's countries,
we can provide pak with our technologies and the same way pak can export itz textiles and cement here
lets hope for better indo-pak relations
I don't think that the trade can go up to 50 billion $ in the next 10 years but sure it will grow from the current 2 billion and i welcome good trade accross the border, its good to regain trust and establish peace.
keep your tata in your hole...we dont need it....stay out of central asia....we want it clean.
sir,have some respect for TATA,it is as of now the 2nd largest manufacturer of buses and 3rd largest manufacturer of trucks,their annual profit is in billions of USD,EVEN TATA automobiles alone makes a net income of $30bn,then you have TATA SED,which does research in defense electronics(my favourite)
sir,with due respect,china has interests in pakistan,they want energy and pakistan wants security...you can see the "dumping" of chinese goods in pakistan,but that NOT my point here,what i am trying to conceive here is,INDIA has the huge potential to develop trade with pak and from there to whole central asian region...
it also lessens the chances of war,if we have stakes involved in each other's countries,
we can provide pak with our technologies and the same way pak can export itz textiles and cement here
lets hope for better indo-pak relations
well..i appreciate ur contribution here but u should know the u cannot build a castle of peace over sands...without solving the core issues b/w the two countries we cannot expect a peaceful business agreement as win-win for both. Pakistan is ruled by radicals and Army..not by the democratic gov..any Indian establishment there..they'll blow it whenever they feel like doing so.plus the hate vested in hearts of Pakistani people against India can by used by radicals and fundamentalist to dump the Indian manufacture goods and services!!!
and pls read post# 67 for the proof!!
well..i appreciate ur contribution here but u should know the u cannot build a castle of peace over sands...without solving the core issues b/w the two countries we cannot expect a peaceful business agreement as win-win for both. Pakistan is ruled by radicals and Army..not by the democratic gov..any Indian establishment there..they'll blow it whenever they feel like doing so.plus the hate vested in hearts of Pakistani people against India can by used by radicals and fundamentalist to dump the Indian manufacture goods and services!!!
and pls read post# 67 for the proof!!
there is no doubt that pakistan has a lotta these radical elements,but sir,just think for a second,there are also,liberal and moderate voices in pakistan who strive for peace with india,it is india's interest to cater to those who want peace with india NOT to those who want war and who share bullet-bullet,submarine-submarine apporach...lol...
well,having said that,it is in our own interests to export our products in pakistan,india can really sell itz lotta products in pakistan due to ease of transportation,competitive prices etc...
as of matter of fact our electromagnetic equipments,generators are already kinda hit in pakistani markets
so lets hope and work for greater peace...:-)
pakistan is going through energy crisis,it is where india can provide them boilers,gas turbines for power plants,refineries,industrial purposes,infact,there is huge BHEL manufacturing plant(tiruchirappalli) right in front of my college,where they produce huge boilers,turbines for industrial applications,i see them all the time lined up on the highway
keep your tata in your hole...we dont need it....stay out of central asia....we want it clean.

But look at the bright side,kid,. more trade between the two means, more better & relatively less priced Indian medicines on Pakistani drug stores and more likely your parents would put you in medication for schizophrenia that was overdue due to non affordability.
You see, the silver(lithium)lining?

On topic:
well, the above estimate is bit optimistic considering current scenario, but has great potential for improvement from current 2 billions if the situations between both the nations are to cool down even further coz sharing boundaries has its advantages(in trade) after all US's largest trading partners are Canada & Mexico.
sir,have some respect for TATA,it is as of now the 2nd largest manufacturer of buses and 3rd largest manufacturer of trucks,their annual profit is in billions of USD,EVEN TATA automobiles alone makes a net income of $30bn,then you have TATA SED,which does research in defense electronics(my favourite)

terrorism is so rampant in those parts of the world that any entrepreneurial sense has been long lost. They can't comprehend the idea of home-grown international behemoths like TATA.
terrorism is so rampant in those parts of the world that any entrepreneurial sense has been long lost. They can't comprehend the idea of home-grown international behemoths like TATA.
in any way,trade must be allowed,infact i see a huge possibility of indian engineering goods in pakistan,especially those related to energy sector,train locomotives etc...
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