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Indo-Pak 'Berlin Wall' must be brought down

There is no wall..... we are two seperate nations with 180° opposite cultures, values and beliefs.
Actually, Pakistan will be better off errecting a wall on the border.
If possibel i rather like to see Khalistan as our bordering state in south.
Jaswant Singh..... is he a Sikh?

Khalistan to the South? I always believed you were weak in history, but it seems your Geography isn't great either. :lol:
Lets cut down your big talk and assume a joint india-Pakistan and now tell us who desrved most to be the first President of joint inidan Pakistan?
Nehru or Jinnah?

none of them was good.......can we have manmohan singh......lol!
Lets cut down your big talk and assume a joint india-Pakistan and now tell us who desrved most to be the first President of joint inidan Pakistan?
Nehru or Jinnah?

My personal opinion.. None of them.. We should have Sardar Patel as first PM... reasons:-

1) He was the hardliner and believer of one Nation theory and that is how he added 526 "riyasats" by hook or crook to build one Nation India.

2) Logically, He won the highest no of state wise congress comitte's vote which would be true even if rest states (moved to Pakistatn) are calculated.

3) Let me make it clear, People think he was a hardliner Hindu but thats not true.. He was just part of "Garam Dal" and hence a hardliner and not like Gandhiji and Nehru who were part of "Naram Dal" ..
There is no wall..... we are two seperate nations with 180° opposite cultures, values and beliefs.
Actually, Pakistan will be better off errecting a wall on the border.
If possibel i rather like to see Khalistan as our bordering state in south.
Jaswant Singh..... is he a Sikh?

He is Rajput from rajasthan.

It would be wonderful if pak were to erect a wall, however, have we got our directions wrong ? Even if so called 'Khalistan' were to come about, it would be to the East. BTW Lahore was the capital of the last sikh state.
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Gandhi was the true person...........his ideals were true........he was always right........and jinnah is equal to nehru.........worthless.....partition was mainly due to drift between sir syed ahmed khan and gandhi.......is sir khan would have been with gandhi.....pakistan and india would have been together.

as far as the differences between the nations are concerned.......they are the result of Nehru Jinnah policy.....fueled by western powers......that why India and Britain and Pakistan and Britain are friends but India and Pakistan are not.......both the nations are the victim of western shrudeness......they ruled us for 200 yrs and we still put them high......its a fact..is Pakistan and India recombine........world's most powerful military and economy will be created......

Sir Syed lived in the latter part of the 1800s while Gandhiji's time was in the early part of the 1900s. They were not together.

And I'm not sure what you mean Sir Syed "drifted" form Gandhi's policy. He was the one who referred to the Hindu and Muslim Community as the two eyes of the beautiful bride which is India. One of the first graduates of the AMU was a son of a close Hindu friend of his. He had seen the devastation that the Muslim community had to suffer in the aftermath of the revolt of 1857. Hence he advocated to not adopt a hostility to the British although still not favoring their continued colonialism in India.
Sir Syed lived in the latter part of the 1800s while Gandhiji's time was in the early part of the 1900s. They were not together.

And I'm not sure what you mean Sir Syed "drifted" form Gandhi's policy. He was the one who referred to the Hindu and Muslim Community as the two eyes of the beautiful bride which is India. One of the first graduates of the AMU was a son of a close Hindu friend of his. He had seen the devastation that the Muslim community had to suffer in the aftermath of the revolt of 1857. Hence he advocated to not adopt a hostility to the British although still not favoring their continued colonialism in India.

iin his later years he formed all india muslim league against indian national congress which was resposible for the creation of pakistan!
Eventually, the "Berlin wall" has to be brought down for Pakistan's benefit but also for India to assume a greater responsibility in the world at large.
There were recent talks of India-Bangladesh opening all pre-1965 links which is sure to spur investment and development in Bangladesh and hopefully stop the illegal economic migration of Bangladeshis into India if any and vice versa.

And lets not forget that Jinnah himself is quoted to have said that he expected India Pakistan relations to be like that of US-Canada. So Pakistanis who oppose any links with Pakistan should take heed and know that Jinnah after all was ethnically from Gujarat. Not to mention the sizable population of muhajirs and Punjabis who migrated from India as well.
iin his later years he formed all india muslim league against indian national congress which was resposible for the creation of pakistan!

Ok, you really need go take a history lesson. You seem to have no idea of dates and context. Sir Syed died in 1898. Muslim League was formed in 1906! How can he be a founder of the league?

Like I said he favored a cooperative attitude with the British and to gain education which most of the Hindus were doing at that time instead of a confrontational one. While at the same time he was against the colonialism of the British.

And Muslim League only advocated Muslim rights until the mid 1930s and not a creation of a separate state.

It was only post 1938, particularly after 1940 that it started advocated for a more separatist and later an independent state. In this process the Hindu parties like the Hindu Mahasabha played an equal role by scuttling any consensus to be reached.

This was one of the reasons where the Congress asked all members in 1936-37 to sever links with both the Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha for it being communal organizations and causing great problems for the freedom movement. Before that many Congress members had dual membership of both the league and Congress or Mahasabha and Congress. Example Sardar Patel and Maulana Azad, MA Jinnah and many others
Not a bad deal! if it helps to end the misery of the region.
But tell us how does both provinces of ours matters to you the same way as indian punjab matters to us being a border province?

you want to divide each and everything to a very tiny part dont you?? were you a descendant of British???
We can have more prosperity and good economy when we are not divided... people of Pakistan are more brainwashed in the name of religion i think...:agree:
the problem is a SUPERIORITY COMPLEX! indians believe they are superior! when they clearly are not!

there is a great ad run on tv by AJJ TV it saYS:


the problem is we are not nepal or maynamaar that india can bully around! give respect if you want respect!

indians need to trying to listen to their media that for TRP ratings shows what scares people to death about Let & ISI always sitting and making plans to attack great india!

indians if you want peace solve kashmir and then the "berlin wall" can come down!

I agree with your observation about some section of Indian media. Rest is all wrong.
Lets cut down your big talk and assume a joint india-Pakistan and now tell us who desrved most to be the first President of joint inidan Pakistan?
Nehru or Jinnah?

No one, who was doing petty politics that time.

Subhash Chandra Bose was the ultimate leader.
the problem is a SUPERIORITY COMPLEX! indians believe they are superior! when they clearly are not!

there is a great ad run on tv by AJJ TV it saYS:


the problem is we are not nepal or maynamaar that india can bully around! give respect if you want respect!

come down!
"Pessimism is just one example of narrow-minded thinking"

Listen Mr. great historian your ability to match points to your argument shows how low, stuck up, and selfish you get, to get what you want. :no:

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