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Indo Israel alliance -- Think again !

Israel will heed to US demands....it realizes that the US is its best ally. The article is dated and at the present time, Israel has been warned not to proceed with sharing of sensitive tech to China. It has obliged willingly or unwillingly but it has obliged...
Zionism is the extreme political manifestation of Jewism. So it is not atheist.

Zionism has little or nothing to do with the mainstream religion of Judaism.

It is a secular political ideology which champions the cause in which the Holy Land belongs to the Jews. Some say it goes as far as the whole of middle east.
Zionism is the extreme political manifestation of Jewism. So it is not atheist.

Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to this, Zionism was first formed by "secular Jews" in Europe, and is a primarily political ideology, that supports the idea of a Jewish homeland (Israel).

So it seems entirely possible for a person to be both a Zionist and an Atheist at the same time.
Israel Second Only To Russia In Providing Arms To China.

Is nt the warning more suitable for China..??????????????
1> Israel does not sale ayn major weapon to China , that news of selling weapons is 10 years old.

2> Russia largest arms supplier to China but we have alliances for decades.

3> We do not need such advise , we know how to maintain alliances. Look India-Afghanistan, India- US, India - Russia, India - Iran, India- Israel, India- Saudi Arabia.

So think about yourself not us. :lol:

India is still very much non-aligned.

And Israel and India are not 'allies'. Partners in many fields maybe, not allies.
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