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Indigenously-built F22P Frigate Commissioned


Wow! That's one sexy looking anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue (SAR) chopper! :smitten: It resembles the naval variant of the French Eurocopter AS 565 Panther.
Wow! That's one sexy looking anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue (SAR) chopper! :smitten: It resembles the naval variant of the French Eurocopter AS 565 Panther.

its a licenced copy by china with a chinese engine.


Karachi, Apr 17 2013: An impressive ceremony on the event of commissioning of 4th F-22P ship PNS ASLAT, indigenously built at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd was held today. Admiral Mohammad Asif Sandila, Chief of the Naval Staff, graced the occasion as Chief Guest. The ceremony was attended by high ranking officials/dignitaries from China and Pakistan including HE Ambassador of Peoples Republic of China, Vice President China State Shipbuilding Corporation. (CSSC).

The commissioning of PNS ASLAT and its handing over to Pakistan Navy’s Fleet culminates the historic contract signed in 2005 for construction of three F-22P ships in China and transfer of technology for indigenous construction of fourth ship at Karachi Shipyard. The timely and successful delivery of all ships including the indigenously built 4th ship, speaks volumes of cooperation and commitment of CSTC/HZ Shipyard, Karachi Shipyard and Naval Headquarters.

PNS ASLAT is fitted with state of the art weapons and sensors, which make it a highly potent platform capable to operate under multi threat environment. Inclusion of this unit in Pakistan Navy’s Destroyer Squadron shall further strengthen and augment its capabilities to defend the sea frontiers.

Chief Guest congratulated all those who participated in this project, especially, workers and management of KS&EW and Chinese Engineers/Technicians for their support, cooperation and untiring efforts. Construction of PNS ASLAT has certainly enhanced capabilities of Karachi Shipyard in the indigenous construction of warships, not only for Pakistan Navy but for other navies of the region. Construction of warship and other platforms like Fast Attack Craft (Missile), Small Tanker cum Utility Ships, Tugs etc at Karachi Shipyard reflects indigenization policy of the government especially attaining self-reliance in defence capabilities.

Read more: Terminal X: Pakistan Navy commissions indigenously-built F22P frigate 'PNS ASLAT'

goes for sea trials i guess to fix the 'kink's.
Wow! That's one sexy looking anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue (SAR) chopper! :smitten: It resembles the naval variant of the French Eurocopter AS 565 Panther.

Z-9D is an Upgrade to the C variant operated on F-22P..I hope the next ships will have the D variant and the previous helos can be upgraded.


It has an upgraded radar and can carry TL-10 ASM.



Karachi, Apr 17 2013: An impressive ceremony on the event of commissioning of 4th F-22P ship PNS ASLAT, indigenously built at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd was held today. Admiral Mohammad Asif Sandila, Chief of the Naval Staff, graced the occasion as Chief Guest. The ceremony was attended by high ranking officials/dignitaries from China and Pakistan including HE Ambassador of Peoples Republic of China, Vice President China State Shipbuilding Corporation. (CSSC).

The commissioning of PNS ASLAT and its handing over to Pakistan Navy’s Fleet culminates the historic contract signed in 2005 for construction of three F-22P ships in China and transfer of technology for indigenous construction of fourth ship at Karachi Shipyard. The timely and successful delivery of all ships including the indigenously built 4th ship, speaks volumes of cooperation and commitment of CSTC/HZ Shipyard, Karachi Shipyard and Naval Headquarters.

PNS ASLAT is fitted with state of the art weapons and sensors, which make it a highly potent platform capable to operate under multi threat environment. Inclusion of this unit in Pakistan Navy’s Destroyer Squadron shall further strengthen and augment its capabilities to defend the sea frontiers.

Chief Guest congratulated all those who participated in this project, especially, workers and management of KS&EW and Chinese Engineers/Technicians for their support, cooperation and untiring efforts. Construction of PNS ASLAT has certainly enhanced capabilities of Karachi Shipyard in the indigenous construction of warships, not only for Pakistan Navy but for other navies of the region. Construction of warship and other platforms like Fast Attack Craft (Missile), Small Tanker cum Utility Ships, Tugs etc at Karachi Shipyard reflects indigenization policy of the government especially attaining self-reliance in defence capabilities.

Read more: Terminal X: Pakistan Navy commissions indigenously-built F22P frigate 'PNS ASLAT'
I hope Pakistan gets the other four really soon and also order some more
soon type -54b will be added

the export version of 054B will have modified HQ-16 which is HQ-16B SAM has maximum engagement range of 75 km (same as RIM-66C block I for Aegis), this is longer than any SAM your region's navies have```

U.S. Navy Standard Missile Family

and another two more things to add on, HQ-16B employed Passive/Active dual radar homing seaker which is more advanced than SM-2MR BlockI/II's passive radar seaker..and the VLS is the latest type that China has (on 052D), which is the most advanced VSL (same as U.S next generation VLS Mk.57) in the world ATM that is capable of carrying (quad pack) and cold/hot launching anti-ship, cruise, SAMs and Anti-submarine missiles```

PLA Navy to use the world’s most advanced vertical launching system - China Defense Mashup

so if PN got enough fund, they might add scaled down ASEA radar and HQ-9B (200km effective range) used on 052C/D, that will make the 054B a formidable area air defence platform, the capability no one has in your region``!
Sino-Pak naval cooperation reiterated

April 10, 2013

S M Hali

The history of Pakistan’s relations with its friends is replete with concrete examples of the contribution of People’s Republic of China towards building a strong and robust Pakistan, enabling the latter to stand on its own feet.

Pakistan and China enjoy diverse and intimate relationship since their creation six decades ago. Throughout this period, China has remained a steadfast ally of Pakistan and has extended assistance in all fields, including defence that commenced in the mid-sixties. The naval collaboration got off to a rather belated, but steady start.

Following the 1971 Indo-Pak war, the Sino-Pak naval cooperation grew multifold due to Western sanctions on the latter. The Pakistani navy, comprising vintage colonial era warships and lacking effective and agile naval platforms, was at the mercy of the Indian navy’s fast missile and gunboats in the conflict.

To plug this capability gap, China proceeded to supply naval craft of various types to Pakistan, which joined its navy in batches throughout the 70s and early 80s. These included Huchuan class fast attack hydrofoil craft, Hainan class submarine chasers, Shanghai-II class fast patrol/gun boats, Huang Fen class fast attack missile craft and Hegn class fast attack missile craft. They added a new dimension to the Pakistan Navy (PN) fleet and enabled it to effectively carry out surveillance of its southeast sector along the Pakistani coast whose vulnerability was exposed during the 1971 war.

In June 1978, China’s Vice President, along with his delegation and President of Pakistan, visited the PN fleet and witnessed firepower display of Chinese crafts in open sea. By 1984, the entire flotilla of promised Chinese ships had been integrated into the PN and was employed for surveillance and patrolling off our ports and coastal cities of Bin Qasim, Pasni and Gwadar.

The successful experience of Chinese naval platforms reiterated the PN’s confidence in China’s naval hardware, prompting Pakistan to venture into acquisition of larger naval vessels. A bilateral agreement was, therefore, signed with it for the construction of 20,000 tons fleet replenishment tanker in early 1986. The ship was constructed according to the navy’s requirements and commissioned as PNS NASR in August 1987, which still continues to provide sterling service.

In the 1990s, the slapping of Pressler Amendment on Pakistan by the US impelled its defence planners to seek further Beijing’s assistance and cooperation in the field of naval construction and aim for indigenisation. So the construction and induction of missile craft, PNS JALALAT and later PNS SHUJAAT in late 90s, bore fruitful results.

Besides undertaking bilateral naval visits, the relationship blossomed in 2005 when the deal to acquire four F-22P frigates under Transfer of Technology (ToT) package was signed with China. Under this agreement, three ships were to be constructed in China, while the fourth one in Pakistan with Chinese assistance. The arrangement have gone ahead as planned and to-date three frigates have been commissioned and integrated into the PN fleet, while the fourth one, constructed by Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works, is scheduled to be commissioned this month. These state-of-the-art ships are designed to operate in multi-threat environment and are fitted with sophisticated sensors suite and weapons.

They also carry Z-9EC helicopters that have been delivered to the PN, optimised for anti-submarine warfare operations. Our navy’s experience of F-22P ships and Z-9EC helicopters has been an unqualified success that has encouraged it to enter into various major acquisition projects with China.

In the same context, PN signed a deal under ToT with China in 2011 for the construction of two fast missile crafts. They were to be constructed one each at China and Pakistan and would also carry advanced missiles capable of hitting targets at extended ranges with precision.

In addition, it has signed a deal with China for the induction of radar controlled guns and low level air defence radars for the terminal air defence of its vital installations. It will not only boost the PN’s quest to attain self-sufficiency in the construction of naval hardware, but also provide it with quality equipment to address its shortfalls.

The high point of Sino-Pak relations has culminated in China’s assistance in the construction of the first phase of Gwadar port, while its administrative control has also been acquired by it.

Side by side, the People's Liberation Army Navy’s regular participation in bilateral and multilateral naval exercises with Pakistan Navy have enriched the experience of both navies in meeting maritime challenges and reiterates naval cooperation.

The writer is a former group captain of PAF, who also served as air and naval attaché at Riyadh. Currently, he is a columnist, analyst and host of programme Defence and Diplomacy on PTV. Email: sultanm.hali@gmail.com Twitter@nairangezamana
May be Pakistan acquiring 052C Destroyer from china on Lease and most of time the F22p will be close to the land under air cover from JF-17 .for ASHM it have CIWS and FN90.

More or less, YES!
this is the intended use. Its essentially a platform designed keeping in mind the requirement of DEFENDING Pakistani seas. Not much of an aggressor. However, it will be wise not to forget the C-802/803 and stuff it will be carrying!

More or less, YES!
this is the intended use. Its essentially a platform designed keeping in mind the requirement of DEFENDING Pakistani seas. Not much of an aggressor. However, it will be wise not to forget the C-802/803 and stuff it will be carrying!


052C is equipted with Y-62 missile, the best one PLAN has in its inventory
I hope Pakistan gets the other four really soon and also order some more

PN have placed an order for four F23s (an improved variant of the F22P). The F22P was a learning curve for the PN and KSEW. I know the vessel has taken a lot of flak due to the absence of an effective AAD capability but the vessel was never designed to be an AAD vessel like the RN Type 45. Lessons learned and as new capabilities and technologies emerge will be incorporated in future batches. The Type 052 is no where on the cards for the PN.
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