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indigenous cryogenic eng. : GSLV launch with cryogenic engine in 2012: ISRO

Mining at moon for rare metals in future huh.... . I think it is practically impossible and it is quite expensive . lot of resources already we have in planet earth even now v need extra terrestrial source .how much payload that earth can tolerate? When the human's resources thirst will end up? man want to challenge nature which is quite impossible. IMO human extinction is gud for nature.
Mining at moon for rare metals in future huh.... . I think it is practically impossible and it is quite expensive . lot of resources already we have in planet earth even now v need extra terrestrial source .how much payload that earth can tolerate? When the human's resources thirst will end up? man want to challenge nature which is quite impossible. IMO human extinction is gud for nature.

Charity starts from Home.

Cut your Nerves now :hang2:
Charity starts from Home.

Cut your Nerves now :hang2:

I am telling the truth. For human betterment v shouldn't destroy nature ,earth is solely not created for man alone .already we corrupted the biological cycle many living beings ruled out frm earth because of human activities.

According to evolution no species dominated for so long eg: b4 earth is dominated by lizards family ,then cat family now human next????? anything. Nature is book of mysteries and surprises.

Cut ur nerves now :hang2:
GSLV with inbuilt cryogenic engine set for 2013 launch
The Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) is all set to launch a GSLV rocket with an indigenously built cryogenic engine next year. Speaking to reporters after delivering the convocation address at Dr M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University on Thursday, Isro chairman Dr K. Radhakrishnan said that the Organisation planned to launch Geo-Stationery Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) with India’s indigenous cryogenic engine in the beginning of next year.
“A lot of ground tests have already been conducted and we need to do two more major ground tests, scheduled from September to November, this year. Once the tests are successful, the cryogenic stage will be integrated into the GSLV vehicle for the 2013 launch,” he said.
Asked about India’s mission to Mars, Dr Radhakrishnan said that the mission would be ready for launch next year.
“We are working for November’s target and it is very challenging for us to complete the mission before that,” he said, adding that Isro would come out with reusable launch vehicles in the next two years.
Earlier, addressing the students and faculty, the Isro chief lamented that India spent only 7.5 per cent of NASA’s total budget.
“Isro’s budget is only 0.34 per cent of the central government expenditure at present and 0.08 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
But we are one of the six space agencies in the world having capability to build and launch satellites from our own soil”, he pointed out.
A total of 440 post graduate and 1,953 undergraduate students from B.Tech, B.D.S, B.Sc (Nursing) and other programmes received their degrees on Thursday.
GSLV with inbuilt cryogenic engine set for 2013 launch | Deccan Chronicle
Let's roll baby. Fingers crossed. I'm waiting for you baby.
Living in America, I have a lot of freedom. I'm certain you and all the people of Indian in this forum have freedom. But the poor, the infirm and the untouchables of your country do not have freedom. If you ask them if they would celebrate any missile launches, they would rather celebrate that they have a meal for the day.

Wrong faithful....the poor in our INdia would rather eat dirt than eat plentiful if it means being able to compete with the West and other great powers....
Wrong faithful....the poor in our INdia would rather eat dirt than eat plentiful if it means being able to compete with the West and other great powers....

And you should try to eat dirt first before speaking for them. If breaking India apart means that that can feed their family, they would even support that. Dreaming of a super power is reserved for the few of you guys that have food to eat and troll on this forum. Most Indians do not have 3 meals a day.
And you should try to eat dirt first before speaking for them. If breaking India apart means that that can feed their family, they would even support that. Dreaming of a super power is reserved for the few of you guys that have food to eat and troll on this forum. Most Indians do not have 3 meals a day.

And why is it understood that India wants to be a global superpower?

So you think facebook groups dictate our national policy? That explains how low you can get and what your posts are based on, BS.

What India wants to be, is a developed nation, our economy is basically agriculture-based and we want to bring in industrial development so that we can create employment for more people and earn better profits. It is our bad luck that this Congress Govt. is in place and you don't know how much the poor are having to suffer becoz of them. Many of India's states like Gujarat & Bihar have now finally broke free of Congress rule and are prospering better than ever before.

Gujarat has now embarked on some leading infrastructure projects for more development and employment

And in Mumbai -

And in Kolkata, Delhi, Noida, Chennai & Hyderabad as well. We are developing and we'll develop further.

Now as for the reason why India is having to spend a lot on defence & military is bcoz we want to defend our territory thats all. We never lay claim to china's terriroties but they keep attacking us for no reason. We want deterrence against china and to achieve that we'll go to any level. All these
chinese mediapersons are completly under CCP-control and publish whatever BS the commies tell them to. Indian media is democratic and free. The chinese say India should look to its starving population first and then think of ICBMs, in April 2012 when India tested AGNI-5, 25% of our population was below poverty line, when China tested its first ICBM in the mid-70s, over 80% its population were below poverty line! So now you get a fair picture of who puts the people first and weapons later??

China just ordered killing of the poor to get rid of them. We don't. We want
to bring them up with effort. We are nowhere as wicked as Mao and his gang of
thugs coming to people's welfare.

You may tell your sorry stories now. Taiwan has world's least poverty index as per % people below P-L, what would you know about poverty and how difficult it is to get rid of it from a population of 1.21 billion while deterring a massive nuclear enemy right next door and sole real ally USSR is disintegrated long back...and still India is doing a lot better than most countries for its people.
And you should try to eat dirt first before speaking for them. If breaking India apart means that that can feed their family, they would even support that. Dreaming of a super power is reserved for the few of you guys that have food to eat and troll on this forum. Most Indians do not have 3 meals a day.

China was a security council member and conducted first nuclear test when millions died because of no food or cultural revolution. Those Chinese advising us. :hang2::hang2:
Problem with India is not the amount of money that the government allocates to the poor but the corruption that means that a lot of the poor never get the funds.
Problem with India is not the amount of money that the government allocates to the poor but the corruption that means that a lot of the poor never get the funds.

Better today than 10 years ago. Gujarat & Bihar are only 2 examples...soon many other
states will follow and then entire India. Poverty can't be reduced in a day or two.

I'm sure India will emerge as a developed nation, it'll take time but it will happen.
And we'll do that in the rightful way.
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