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India's Wrong Priorities: As Children Go Hungry PM Modi Buys Fighter Jets In France

Please cut your crap Lungi!You guys are good for nothing,you are living on our mercy!The day we decide to stop the flow of water from the Farakka barrage Bangladesh will turn into a desert.So before criticizing India always remember the fact that your entire country is on our mercy:coffee:!!

Oh c'mon save your bravado B/S for your kitchen. We have never felt intimidated by dhoti banyas.
The nuclear weapon was for preventing a full scale war 2 front war with china with a mind of enslavement, not the pakistani examples you quoted. We are capable of dealing with a short war war with both the aforeshore mentioned countries, and even that is a probability.
That's the point...it is a probability....and you are forgetting that if we are not prepared then probability will keep on increasing...the moment Pakistan had those nukes they were emboldened enough to do Kargil to us...Now thanks to those LGB's from israel which we bought at exorbitant prices(bcoz we were caught pants down with not enough of those LGB) and Mirages which we bought from France that practically saved our a$$....In 62 we were also under the impression that there is hardly any probability of threat from China and what they did to us is well known....

And your entire post is riddled with 'ifs' and 'buts' and scenarios of probability, and whose probability wont even matter a thing if you replace these costly aircraft with a cheaper MiG-29 or whatever aircraft,
That is how you think...however that is not true...The kind of Aircraft your adversary is producing and the sheer numbers with which it is producing(read China) you won't be able to do zilch with an Mig-29's...why because you can't match China with quantity and thus you need Quality...now do you wanna compare Mig-29 and rafael??...Please understand when you buy something you don't buy them for 5-10 years....Also if you buy something today then it takes about 4-5 years before the system is completely integrated into your strategies(offensive/defensive).

What you need is a good fighting punch because if you loose Air in a theater of war then your forces are going to be practically cooked....So in short you will have prime fighters in combination of a little less capable one(to make the combo cost effective)....
Rafael is going to be that prime fighter in its class and 12-15 years from now will act as a little less capable when those 5th generations will start pouring in....This cycle keeps going....

while we are dealing with real and sure-shot people dying here because of poor food and medical infrastructure each and every moment.It's funny dealing with people behind laptops and smartphones with a burger or a coke beside them happily munching away without a care in the world, and talking about their hobbies, while people are dying each day because this country is too busy spending 1/5 of what it earns on overpriced shyt from developed countries.
You know what is funny..."lying" just to prove a point...I challenge you to prove that India spends 20% of its GDP on defense procurements....If you can't prove it then either acknowledge that you were wrong or else please excuse me because this would be my last reply on our discussion.
Don't let this hunger issue overshowed by india's huge civil achievements in say infrastructure (india now can produce 90 watts/person/year, and has over 1200km of expressways, 254km of metro ...), as the other poster said india has surpassed the biggest enemy China!

With that perfect infrastructure together with huge pile of forex ($273/person), massive manufacturing base ($223B manufacturing value added, close to Brazil and Indonesia), even good results in international sports arena (the Union Master of Home has proudly declare), india has all the rights to as many weapons as india sees fit.

“Dear President, how can we help your country?” - AIIB


Ignore that troll. China has done very well by its people. It is an worthy nation to emulate for any country.
That's the point...it is a probability....and you are forgetting that if we are not prepared then probability will keep on increasing...the moment Pakistan had those nukes they were emboldened enough to do Kargil to us...Now thanks to those LGB's from israel which we bought at exorbitant prices(bcoz we were caught pants down with not enough of those LGB) and Mirages which we bought from France that practically saved our a$$....In 62 we were also under the impression that there is hardly any probability of threat from China and what they did to us is well known....
We will be still prepared if we cut out the costly french toys and make do with a much cheaper one. Adding those measly 36 costly french jets wont change anything! And its still a probability versus people literally dying due to lack of proper infrastructure, healthcare and food!

That is how you think...however that is not true...The kind of Aircraft your adversary is producing and the sheer numbers with which it is producing(read China) you won't be able to do zilch with an Mig-29's...why because you can't match China with quantity and thus you need Quality...now do you wanna compare Mig-29 and rafael??...Please understand when you buy something you don't buy them for 5-10 years....Also if you buy something today then it takes about 4-5 years before the system is completely integrated into your strategies(offensive/defensive).

What you need is a good fighting punch because if you loose Air in a theater of war then your forces are going to be practically cooked....So in short you will have prime fighters in combination of a little less capable one(to make the combo cost effective)....
Rafael is going to be that prime fighter in its class and 12-15 years from now will act as a little less capable when those 5th generations will start pouring in....This cycle keeps going....
First of all, do you even know the radar which the chinese use on their jets? Go and read about that and come back with MiG-29s cant match their Sukhois.

You know what is funny..."lying" just to prove a point...I challenge you to prove that India spends 20% of its GDP on defense procurements....If you can't prove it then either acknowledge that you were wrong or else please excuse me because this would be my last reply on our discussion.
Lying? And its not GDP noob. Did you even read what i was saying?
Military expenditure (% of central government expenditure) | Data | Table
A country whose 80% of the population lives on less than $2 a day with close to 20% of the annual budget on defence.
"Indeed, an alarming 80% of Indians live on less than $2 a day, giving it a similar level of poverty to Bangladesh and Pakistan. Alarming disparities exist across the population in terms of health and nutritional status, education and skills, as well as access to clean water and sanitation." India's paradoxes

Its nice to spew all this nonsense behind a computer after have a full meal. Try to make all these points you mentioned above by being hungry for just 2 days!! Do that and i'll take your fanboy-dom seriously.
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Look i am all for a debate and there is nothing wrong in listening to views even if they are poles apart...however please don't behave as if you are some messiah of poors and rest are evil war mongers...So next reply without this standard line of yours will be appreciated
Try to make all these points you mentioned above by being hungry for just 2 days!! Do that and i'll take your fanboy-dom seriously.

We will be still prepared if we cut out the costly french toys and make do with a much cheaper one. Adding those measly 36 costly french jets wont change anything! And its still a probability versus people literally dying due to lack of proper infrastructure, healthcare and food!
This means you have not been listening to anything what has been said so far...In fact its ironical that you have ignored all those examples that i shared with you where our preparedness was found wanting....

Unless and until you want to challenge allotted 42 squadron strength of IAF then perhaps the only premise you are putting here that we should buy but something cheaper than Rafael...I have already explained that...Mix of high end fighters with cheap one's to make the numbers...and rafaels with Tejas is perfectly going in that direction...

Even after giving you scenario of how these high end gadgets saved our A$$ in Kargil yet you choose to ignore them is something beyond me...I will once again repeat....Bofors, Mirage and LGB's saved us in Kargil...all were high end and so called costly weapons of their times....there was no cheap stuff that helped us there...in fact our rifles(so called cheap) proved to be disastrous.

of all, do you even know the radar which the chinese use on their jets? Go and read about that and come back with MiG-29s cant match their Sukhois.
Do you know?? Once again i will repeat...defense preparedness has short term and long term perspective...If you are going to junk the Chinese defense preparedness then i guess i have nothing more to speak...

Lying? And its not GDP noob. Did you even read what i was saying?
Military expenditure (% of central government expenditure) | Data | Table
A country whose 80% of the population lives on less than $2 a day with close to 20% of the annual budget on defence.

My bad!!....Well defense expenditures are always(or shall i say usually) measured in terms of GDP...In general 2.5%-3% of defense budget is acceptable limit. Anyhow there are budget allocations and every sector has its share...I can understand your pain if defense sector allocations are going up at the cost of other sectors which is clearly not the case...In fact if you will read the link below and check the numbers/graph you will find that govt. spend less that what Finance Commission have suggested... and allocations to other sectors are much higher than defense...In other words share of other sectors is increasing way faster than defense spending's...which is a clear proof that social schemes are not being compromised..check out yourself....

India’s Affordable Defence Spending | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

I mean seriously when the kind of massive subsidy programs like Food Security, MNREGA are already running in our country yet you accuse govt. of not spending enough?? The real problem as pointed by many is corruption and leakages here and not the money or allocations....

"Indeed, an alarming 80% of Indians live on less than $2 a day, giving it a similar level of poverty to Bangladesh and Pakistan. Alarming disparities exist across the population in terms of health and nutritional status, education and skills, as well as access to clean water and sanitation." India's paradoxes
and there are not enough schemes and money already?? That is the problem we are suffering from...we are not evaluating if those schemes are helping us in removing poverty or not...We have spend enough money on social factors, however due to massive corruption it has not reached its deserving recipient...you and i both know this..yet keep on ignoring it...and anyways real game changer in terms of poverty is skill development and jobs(well a different topic for a different thread)...

Its nice to spew all this nonsense behind a computer after have a full meal. Try to make all these points you mentioned above by being hungry for just 2 days!! Do that and i'll take your fanboy-dom seriously.
I can use the same words about your wisdom on defense...Just once face what our boys faced when they had to face enemy from those heights.....and then come and talk...since we both can't do that let's just use our wisdom in a civil way...
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