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India's Two-Front War Plans

Have you read the forum rules? I guess not. :cheesy:

(Don't worry, I won't report you).

Your Indian Armed forces have already admitted that: "India cannot hope to match China by conventional OR non-conventional means".

We don't need to match you,just deter you we are status quo power.
Say that to the tibetians setting themselves on fire,they certainly don't identify with ur kind and its brutal occupation.

The brutal occupation was from India, as Tibet was part of China for some hundreds years, while it had nothing to do with India. :coffee:

South Tibet was part of Tibet, so it doesn't make them part of India.
India knows that it cannot get the territory that it claims from China. So, in all probabilities, in case of any future india pakistan conflict, India would be prepared to provide guarantee to China to not interfere in its disputed regions or obstruct China's energy routes.

After that, the question is, would China risk intervening on behalf of pakistan and suffering considerable damage in return? Remember there are no "brother" relations but just relations based on strategic interests.

What damage could India causes to China without getting 10 times revenge in return?
Have you read the forum rules? I guess not. :cheesy:

(Don't worry, I won't report you).

o jeez :lol: thanks kiddo.

Your Indian Armed forces have already admitted that: "India cannot hope to match China by conventional OR non-conventional means".

Neither one works for you. And don't you remember the recent revelation that India only has 2 days worth of ammunition?

India cannot hope to match China by conventional OR non-conventional means.

true. but in 1967, and 1973, israel could not hope to match the surrounding arab states "by conventional OR non-conventional means"

how did that turn out?

and according to 'revelations', indian military cant to jack $hit and they need a lot of equipment
Is that why you claim Aksai Chin, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan as a part of India? :cheesy:

We claim all those because then it keeps our neighbors on toe, as for China there is no longer a problem with border issue. But Pakistan has a tendency of dragging things to international organizations like the UN so it keeps us on better footing by claiming those land.
o jeez :lol: thanks kiddo.

India cannot hope to match China by conventional OR non-conventional means.

true. but in 1967, and 1973, israel could not hope to match the surrounding arab states "by conventional OR non-conventional means"

how did that turn out?

Israel carried about strikes to wipe out the arab air forces not to mention got it's intelligence agents in Damascus, Cairo. so your going to start with a pre emtive strike and destroy the PLAAF airforce in tibet ? and also intelligence agents in china ?

if you actually know about the 1973 or 1967 wars you know how israel won.
As for energy supply, Easy. China got 70% of energy from COAL and half oil in home oil lands.

While India's domestic oil supply makes up to less than 1/4 of it's demand and most of it located in vulnerable north-east India which is well below the nose of Chengdu Military Region.
Have you read the forum rules? I guess not. :cheesy:

(Don't worry, I won't report you).

Your Indian Armed forces have already admitted that: "India cannot hope to match China by conventional OR non-conventional means".

Neither one works for you. And don't you remember the recent revelation that India only has 2 days worth of ammunition?

so what ? pakistan defence minister has also revealed that pak cannot match India militarily, your general revealed china cannot match USA militarily. you dont have to match your opponent militarily to put up a credible defence. your military superiority didn't help incase of vietnam war ;)

so you bought that India has 2 days of ammo :lol:...too bad for you
London got bombed into pieces. Thank you.

Good for you. Wish you guys a good appetite in our POW camp.

And what happened to Germany/German cities ??..there was not single man fighting age was left in Germany after the war.
Fact being by bombing London..to pieces German could not defeat British or lower their morale.

Bombing Civilians is ultimate act of a Coward armed forces..and If push comes to shove ..then all major Chinese cities will also be taken out..off course at this point the war would have gone nuclear ..but such is the price of war.
The brutal occupation was from India, as Tibet was part of China for some hundreds years, while it had nothing to do with India. :coffee:

South Tibet was part of Tibet, so it doesn't make them part of India.

u are accusing india of "brutal occupation" of AP, and the "legit" occupation of Tibet by china?

:rofl: oh the irony
true. but in 1967, and 1973, israel could not hope to match the surrounding arab states "by conventional OR non-conventional means"

What a poor analogy, Israel has always had a superior military force compared to their neighbours, and Israel has nuclear weapons too.

Powerful countries such as Iran and Turkey are more of a match, however neither one actually borders Israel.
And what happened to Germany/German cities ??..there was not single man fighting age was left in Germany after the war.
Fact being by bombing London..to pieces German could not defeat British or lower their morale.

Bombing Civilians is ultimate act of a Coward armed forces..and If push comes to shove ..then all major Chinese cities will also be taken out..off course at this point the war would have gone nuclear ..but such is the price of war.

India current nuclear arsenal isn't enough to take out all major Chinese cities maybe 3-4, china's on the other hand are can.

Israel carried about strikes to wipe out the arab air forces not to mention got it's intelligence agents in Damascus, Cairo. so your going to start with a pre emtive strike and destroy the PLAAF airforce in tibet ? and also intelligence agents in china ?

if you actually know about the 1973 or 1967 wars you how israel won.

That's impossible. China and India's third generation fighter is 3 to 1. And most of China's airforces located along the east coast which is well beyond IAF's ability.
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