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India's strategic cooperation with Southeast Asia

Well go back a few years u find us havin more per capita then india...
all this crap is due to the USAs imported wot tht destroyed our booming economy n growth.

But we have hope n the vision ... the WOT wont always remain nor this bad economic or security situation.

No that is not the only reason...... many more...
Well go back a few years u find us havin more per capita then india...
all this crap is due to the USAs imported wot tht destroyed our booming economy n growth.

But we have hope n the vision ... the WOT wont always remain nor this bad economic or security situation.
Easy to blame others for your follies, isn't it? :). Don't go blaming USA for the bad times you are having alone. They've been with you throughout the cold war as well when you had your good times.

The fact is, you got similar corruption as we have got. For example, until Musharaf all was going cool; but then as soon as Zardari stepped in, economy hit the bottom. Is this US fault? I think its more to do with your president.
Easy to blame others for your follies, isn't it? :). Don't go blaming USA for the bad times you are having alone. They've been with you throughout the cold war as well when you had your good times.

The fact is, you got similar corruption as we have got. For example, until Musharaf all was going cool; but then as soon as Zardari stepped in, economy hit the bottom. Is this US fault? I think its more to do with your president.

We have a section reguarding our economy and national issue.

Post ur rant there .
Well go back a few years u find us havin more per capita then india...
all this crap is due to the USAs imported wot tht destroyed our booming economy n growth.

But we have hope n the vision ... the WOT wont always remain nor this bad economic or security situation.

So who do you think is responsible for that? Getting into WOT was a decision taken by your Govt and Army and they got paid pretty well for the same and there is a plan of more money flowing through in years to come. If WOT is so bad take a stand and say no to US.

You do have a hope and vision and at the same time other countries have vision so don't think that you will surge ahead and others will keep sitting. So stop cribbing about others progress and concentrate of your economy.
Well, USA must have started somewhere in some condition because of which it got today where it is now isn't it? Unless we start, how'd we know. Regarding the bolded part, I assure you that Pakistani members here will beg to differ in opinion.

US has a 200 year head start on India and also China. So its almost no comparason here.
The same thing can be said about China isn't it? The only reason why it is able to cultivate ties is because small countries prefer the cost-effective goods that China exports en masse. It is kind of opposite to what we offer. We have a small presence but we intend to make it bigger in future and that's the point why I asked for a separate sticky thread on this as we are emerging into defense manufacturer market as well gradually.
China does export a lot of cheap goods. As for India, I guess its all about future. That is why the time to create a separate thread as you suggest is why India is about to colonialize Jupitor.

You're right here. 100% agreed that we should crush all terrorism such as Maoism and Kashmiri separatist-terrorists with brute force since we've spent years trying to talk peacefully with them. But then again, we should multi-task in order to get all the matters going together.

Per capita is pretty low yes and we are very slightly higher than Pakistan.. because of corruption. But that doesn't mean we can overlook our strategic concerns. For example, we're not exactly giving these countries a nuclear shield and rather are trying to be like how Russia is with us--on a mixture of commercial and military partnership. It helps to build trust and that's most important.

You lot taught us a valuable lesson about "when heading towards development, take your friends and make new friends alongside with you". :)

First of all, India need to take care of the internal rebellion first. Take a cue from Pakistan and see how they throw all their efforts into defeating their militarists. India, on the other hand, do not take the internal rebellion seriously. As a result, the rebellion has no ending.

Finally, what do you mean by

You lot taught us a valuable lesson about "when heading towards development, take your friends and make new friends alongside with you". :)
Considering that India has 10 times the population that is actually makes Pakistan look in a really bad light...for comparison war ravaged Sri Lanka and Bhutan have close to 2 times the per capita of India and Pakistan.

So I guess this make India look good? Can others also point out the disparaty between India's GDP per capita vs that of Sri Lanka and Bhutan, a land locked country?
So I guess this make India look good? Can others also point out the disparaty between India's GDP per capita vs that of Sri Lanka and Bhutan, a land locked country?

The population of Bhutan is 0.7 million as of 2010 and its per captia income is $1822 about 600$ more than India's.

Anyway,were missing some examples from Africa,please fill the void :devil:
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Yeah its an indian defense section, which means its for defense related stuff. So unless its indian defense ties with southeast Asia, then why should this given importance? Like I said, even though theres way too many indians on here this is still a Pakistan forum which deals with things that have to do with Pakistan. Who cares about your ties to southeast Asia?

Good point...however please remember that geo-politics and defence are pretty much related.....Anyways lets leave it to mods and trust that they will take a fair decision....
eh,You know about the history of the war?
China betrayed India,we Indians decided to withdraw our troops from the borders,but the coward Chinese back stabbed,dare to fight?Come face to face..
what make u think u r that influencial in south east asia? no body talk or care about india, they think india is a backward , poor and always having a wet dream to become the superpower in the region that s all.


How many developed cities do you have,leave Shanghai or Beijing or shenzhen, the other part of China sux and i know it very well,Japanese people aren't full of ego as you are,though Japan is miles miles ahead of China,but Chinese keep daydreaming and soaking themselves in the water of foolishness.

You people have no sense and keep posting delusional comments.

First try to make quality toys and tee-shirts and then daydream of a glorious China.
BTW China trolling on India is a traditional thing,all you people learn is derail the topic if you can't tolerate it.
Well go back a few years u find us havin more per capita then india...
all this crap is due to the USAs imported wot tht destroyed our booming economy n growth.

But we have hope n the vision ... the WOT wont always remain nor this bad economic or security situation.
Its your own mistake, dont blame US for that....
US has a 200 year head start on India and also China. So its almost no comparason here.

Which means it had started somewhere. So are we simultaneously as we gradually go about solving our problems as well. We don't want to involve in others' internal matters like US does and it would be mainly in the fashion of what we and Israelis have. It is not comparing it is taking a leaf out of the American book.

China does export a lot of cheap goods. As for India, I guess its all about future. That is why the time to create a separate thread as you suggest is why India is about to colonialize Jupitor.

We're not a manufacturing country and nor are we going to be. Services and knowledge economy is the path we chose as your Communist counterparts chose the manufacturing option. Therefore we can go ahead with a strategy suitable to our conditions.

Well we could also open up a thread regarding how you can re-settle in the mainland as well. Future is there for everyone, you see.

You lot taught us a valuable lesson about "when heading towards development, take your friends and make new friends alongside with you".

By this, I was referring to the mutual benefit scheme PRC has while trading. Traders of other countries make money as well as the factories of China. So its a win-win situation which is a lesson we can learn from our neighbour.
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