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India's Selective Rage Over Corruption

I don't think changing specific people in the Indian system will work. The only way is a total purge of the old system, and a new government. The Maoists may be violent, but they are right in 1 sense - trying to work within the system will just lead to more bribe paying.

You think Congress and BJP actually hate each other? No way! They're still fking girls, stealing cash, swiss bank accounts, BMW, vacations to australia and playing golf together after their "acts" on TV.

Buddy, The motive behind current movement is neither changing current government nor thrashing the existing system as a whole.

People are just asking the men in power to bring improvement in the system through stronger structure i.e. "Jana Lok Pal Bill", rather than "LokPal Bill" proposed by the government; after watching proven involvement of several ministers and authories in series of scams, and getting away lightly only through Non-violent means.Such change is required before its too late and all the wealth goes to swiss bank.
Yes, indian middle class paid bribe. But, those middle class people are not willingfully paying it, but forced to pay bribe.
There are few individuals who fight against it, but lost the fight because of enormous power of government offiicials and lack of support. Right now affected prople are gathering to fight against the corrupted people. What is wrong if those who are affected by corrupted people are gathering togather to fight against it?

Do you mean, people who has not other way, but forced to pay bribe should not fight against it? If you think like that, what is the answer? People will be forced to pay bribe for ever and nobody should rise their voice because they paid a bribe? There is something wrong in your logic.

Oh...not willingly pay bribe....what a joke. Showing lantern to himself. At least be truthful to you.

We Indians can not stand in a queue. We want shot cut. Staring from childhood we read that corruption is crime, but see parents (those work as public servant) looting common man. When it comes to us we do all that we can do to get driving license easily. Cut corners at drop of the hat.

In this India when one meets with an accident, we stop, but stop to watch him /her die. In this country when my father did not succumb to the pressure of his superior to contribute for his daughter's marriage he was transferred. Why did not the girl asked his father how he managed so much for her marriage?

In this India when somebody is being killed in broaday light we start following traffic rule as if we can not see anything other than the traffic lights.

This middle class is the contribution of the corruption of last 60 yrs. Their parents hoarded, they got educated and became coooool generation. Never asked their parents of their loot. If you want to change course, ask your parents to confess.

When it comes to us, "We don't want to bribe, it is only I don't have time to stand in queue. otherwise we are very honest. We are that honest that we don't vote the corrupt politicians."

This is the mentality of this selfish middle class. Take out TV coverage..this limelight thirsty middle calls will not be seen anywhere.
Why people became so concerned about corruption now a days? It is the Indian Citizens who should take the ownership of it.. The funniest part is that most of the people do not cast vote, otherwise the situation wud have been different.. Why we select those candidates who keep us starved and who are non performers? we are expert in Blame game but we lack on accountability.. So do not blame our corrupt leaders, they are the products of our ignorance.. Accept it or keep trolling.. Or better be a part with Change leaders, but nothing is going to happen till we become responsible and take the ownership of our own actions.
Oh...not willingly pay bribe....what a joke. Showing lantern to himself. At least be truthful to you.

We Indians can not stand in a queue. We want shot cut. Staring from childhood we read that corruption is crime, but see parents (those work as public servant) looting common man. When it comes to us we do all that we can do to get driving license easily. Cut corners at drop of the hat.

In this India when one meets with an accident, we stop, but stop to watch him /her die. In this country when my father did not succumb to the pressure of his superior to contribute for his daughter's marriage he was transferred. Why did not the girl asked his father how he managed so much for her marriage?

In this India when somebody is being killed in broaday light we start following traffic rule as if we can not see anything other than the traffic lights.

This middle class is the contribution of the corruption of last 60 yrs. Their parents hoarded, they got educated and became coooool generation. Never asked their parents of their loot. If you want to change course, ask your parents to confess.

When it comes to us, "We don't want to bribe, it is only I don't have time to stand in queue. otherwise we are very honest. We are that honest that we don't vote the corrupt politicians."

This is the mentality of this selfish middle class. Take out TV coverage..this limelight thirsty middle calls will not be seen anywhere.

This wasn;t always the case. This was conditioned to the psyche of our ppl by corrupt politicans and bureacrats. Do you think your grandparents were so corrupt? My folks were not and there are staunch nationalists for a New India. Stop blaming middle calss when the gov;t is not educating ppl properly anf not doing their job responsibly.
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