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India's Rising status in East Asia

every thread which has to do anything with India or China finally end at this point and with obvious contribution from Pakistani friends,who always provide oil to the discussion(post no. 4)
@ challenger
I am not hostile towards china.I just stated the facts.That does not mean I advocate an attack or hostility towards china.china is like any other opportunistic nation.If the door is open it will loot.Its the widely prevailing mentality today.Hell they are better than Indian political establishment who has looted the country every single day for 63 years.What I was pointing out to the myopic and foolhardy people in India(like one of our friends in the thread) that friendship with china will be really possible when it knows that it will get a bloody nose if it tries to poke one in into India.And you should loose this "we dare you" attitude.If recent developments are anything to go by then next time India is not alone.

India should make the all out effort to tame Pakistan(tame as in realign its objectives from confrontation to development) and assist it in prospering by liberalizing trade.That country has a lot of potential.
explain how the post abets inflammation or any evidence of trolling.......just stated what chinese mouthpiece media publish every now and then with their government's approval.........and anything wrong in advocating strong ties with Pak?
Or is it that you want to confront a weaker rival and try hard to pander to an unscrupulous neighbor ,my fellow Indians?
There exist difference bet China and India.
usa dont like china because of their agression, dont care mentality.
India doesnt possess such quality.

what "aggression" ???

You mean China went and attacked Iraq, Cuba, Afghanistan and nuked Japan etc etc?
China and India are good friends as long as their roles and goals donot intersect.As either or them is not more powerful enough than other to attack and win a conventional war one can only apply diplomatic and geopolitical pressures on each other which humiliate their blossoming ties so India and China are unlikely to scale a full on war of any kind against each other in near future but yes they can act through a third party agent like Pakistan or many others to win over little issues whatever they are!!!

Now for example China approved India's bid for UNSC and on the other hand blamed India for being aggressive thus balancing the acts.Our governments are smarter than us all...sooner you get it better is it for the forum!!
This is the real indian mentality. As I always say, China's enemy is not USA, China's enemy is india.

If india has guts, it should attack China. China welcomes indian attack.

And if China has the guts,they are welcomed to do so,you are not aware of our response.
what "aggression" ???

You mean China went and attacked Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc?

I compare two country.

And for d last part u can consult with ur govt. only they can give u right ans.
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