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India's Rise as Great Power

The Westerners know very well the economic situation in our country but they keep propping up the great power agenda. It is upto us as to how we want ourselves to be perceived rather than what the Westerners force us to perceive.

We have a long long long way to have a decent living standard for a lot of people. We have to take care of health and education of the poorest of the poor... We should not fall for the great power slogan..

Poverty line is not the measure of a developed nation..Even US and Germany have double digit poverty lines..I would rather see my country rapidly rise in HDI.. In terms of economics I want to see free market capitalistic model.. in terms of socio economic conditions I want to see the Kerala model applied all over India..
Err....because the UN raised the poverty line from $1.00 to $1.25.

Regarding economic growth, it takes time to reduce it to zero, even China which once had 85% poverty, hasn't managed to reduce it to zero, it is at 16% or somewhere around 200 million people by the same standards.:coffee:

a detailed explanation. thank you
we should keep increasing our might and should spend more on infra and poverty alleviation

we can do both
With world largest number of insurgencies, poverty and crime..ohh and i discovered a new addition..in almost every major medical book taught around the world, India is mentioned as a worst case example for intestinal diseases caused by bad hygiene..such as worms and bacterial infections..
did you check the people?:tongue:

---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

From the article:

Why has the number of poor people in India increased by 100 million since 2004?

What happened to the economic growth?
what about China?
..Well the celebration is many a years down the road...
It's the time for hard work and bold decisions.
We may have reduce pakistan a non entity but China is far - far ahead of us in most , if not all , fields.
And we have some serious catching up to do.
Economic (all round) & Military growth are the way forward.

Request: Don't reply to trolls. Let their post sink as a stone in the water. By replying , U just revive it.
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