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India's rise as a superpower has China on edge

kid check the very first post of ours apart from Hongwu you will get a clear picture why we join as peace but then all calling you have inferior complexity, everything has a reason

We should thank those Indian members here, they made the Chinese members to become more pro-China than ever.
kid check the very first post of ours apart from Hongwu you will get a clear picture why we join as peace but then all calling you have inferior complexity, everything has a reason


I m 33 yrs old ha ha ha
then you are not worth the ago of wisdom, shame``what else you want me to say?
You get your spellings right kiddo. And before you call somebody else kiddo, your quality of posts have not improved. In fact, you post the exact same thing over and over again.
Super power India.
This was expected from you.Pakis can't listen the story of India rising but it is music to our ears.

Well, they will watch from the sidelines and complain loudly at how unfair the world is. That is the lot that has been chosen for them and nothing they can do about it.

As Gandhiji said: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

The sheer numbers are telling a story that no one can ignore. This century is an Asian century and it is an Asian century because of the rise of China and India.

Those who matter know this and are adapting themselves as they have a stake and they want to be on the right side of the reality.

Those who don't matter and are getting passed by, well why even bother? ;)
If Indians want to believe that India is a super power, they have all the rights to do so. It doesn't matter if the rest of the world laugh at them. What they believe in their heart is more important to them than reality.

But why couldn't India be a superpower. India itself is just an invented country by the British. And now, India make itself a 5 thousand year old nation. They are good at created something out of nothing at all.

Before start trolling, India is a 5 thousand year old civilization. But the concept of India as a nation started in 1947.

I see that a lot of Chin are now self proclaimed Indo expert.

I like it, I seriously do.

Do you even know when the concept of nation states come into being? Is Taiwan a nation?

Is China a nation? Has it had the same boundaries and always been united? What makes for a Chinese nation with 55+ non Han minorities (I am not even talking of the semi cooked or uncooked Hans like Hakkas for now)?

Where was the outer wall built?

Really, don't show your ignorance like you do so frequently.
India is not a Superpower now and can't be in the next 15 years at least.

Beyond that, it is in the realm of the possible and feasible. No major untoward natural disaster or major war and an economy growing at 8% plus, a commensurate strenthening of the military, a drastic reduction in poverty (less than 10% of population), rise in middle class, better infrastructure, better education and healthcare for all etc. can make India a major global power if not a Superpower.

India will be among the top three economies and military forces in the world in the next two decades for sure. Barring something really exceptional.
^^^ these indians remind me of the story about a guy sitting under a shade under a tree on a hot day. He had an egg in his hand in he started to daydream, in his dream the egg hatched and then he had a chicken whiuch laid some more eggs and then these hatched and then he had several chickens who all had eggs and then he had a chicken farm, he then exchanged some of those chickes for cows and then so the story went but just as he was dreaming of the wealth coming his way he woke and accidently broke the egg
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