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Due to your army committing mass atrocities on it's own people. As for poverty India has reduced it's poverty figures and is continuing to do so. As for the rest of your wild claims about India sponsoring separatists in Nepal and Bhutan that is just crap.

Bangladesh war: The article that changed history - BBC News

Now there have been hundreds of missing persons in Baluchistan which is why you are witnessing these events.

'Voice of Baloch Missing Persons' caravan reaches Islamabad - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Baluchistan is the breeding ground for soldiers in Pakistan army. RAW is sponsoring these actions, but question is when same sort of action will happen in India, what they will do?

Best thing for India is to stop these proxy wars. India is a big country and the reaction would be very severe. India has to decide they will keep on sponsoring terrorism in neighboring countries or they want to grow and a reasonable country in the world.
This is a very simplified version of thw whole situation. Indian army has done same sort of activities in East Pakistan. Mukti Bani was trained, sponsored and funded by the Indian army. Every action has a reaction. These sort of Indian action will also hurt India. India is sponsoring separatist movements in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. This will do no good to India. Ultimately this will start more separatist movements in India which even now, there are lots of movements going on. India has lots of poverty, diseases and hunger they should have to spend their defense budget on their manpower. Otherwise India could be another Russia.

As far as Zia's doctorine is concerned, he has done lots of damage to Pakistan. Modi will do same sort of damage to India. In comming years India will see the result of Modi's doctrine.

Why would India be interested in encouraging separatist movements in Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh?

Two of them are our protectorate states, and third was created by us.

A statement should make some basic sense at least.
Baluchistan is the breeding ground for soldiers in Pakistan army. RAW is sponsoring these actions, but question is when same sort of action will happen in India, what they will do?

Best thing for India is to stop these proxy wars. India is a big country and the reaction would be very severe. India has to decide they will keep on sponsoring terrorism in neighboring countries or they want to grow and a reasonable country in the world.

No proof just idle words, but fact remains that your army is responsible for it's actions and that's why you suffer as you do.

The missing persons of Balochistan | Asia | DW.DE | 06.12.2013

Pakistani activists from Balochistan have demanded Islamabad return hundreds of 'missing persons' allegedly abducted by security agents. The authorities are reluctant to bring these people to court.
Why would India be interested in encouraging separatist movements in Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh?

Two of them are our protectorate states, and third was created by us.

A statement should make some basic sense at least.

What goes around comes around.
This sort of actions will bite India very badly. India is on a volcano, they need to decide they want to live peacefully with their neighbors or they want to destroy them. Destruction is not one sided.
"According to the AHRC, the Pakistani army operates dozens of illegal underground torture cells in different parts of the country and various intelligence agencies do not share complete information with each other about their operations and torture cells."
Rights groups believe the missing people are languishing in these cells.
Baluchistan is the breeding ground for soldiers in Pakistan army. RAW is sponsoring these actions, but question is when same sort of action will happen in India, what they will do?

Best thing for India is to stop these proxy wars. India is a big country and the reaction would be very severe. India has to decide they will keep on sponsoring terrorism in neighboring countries or they want to grow and a reasonable country in the world.

Then why has the international community labelled Pakistan as a "terrorism hub" and not India?
No proof just idle words, but fact remains that your army is responsible for it's actions and that's why you suffer as you do.

The missing persons of Balochistan | Asia | DW.DE | 06.12.2013

Pakistani activists from Balochistan have demanded Islamabad return hundreds of 'missing persons' allegedly abducted by security agents. The authorities are reluctant to bring these people to court.

when India will face same sort of reactions from their separatist movement, then say the same sort of words, that Indian army is responsible for these actions. Kashmir, Bombay attack, Khalistan, Assam, Nagalim, Tripura all are then examples of Indian army's action?
What goes around comes around.
This sort of actions will bite India very badly. India is on a volcano, they need to decide they want to live peacefully with their neighbors or they want to destroy them. Destruction is not one sided.

India already destroyed half of Pakistan in 1971, remaining half will destroy itself on it's own, India's help not needed..
Then why has the international community labelled Pakistan as a "terrorism hub" and not India?

Really, what about International community has labelled Modi? I think very soon international community will give Noble peace prize to Modi for Gujrat Massacre.

Read today's New York Times and they are mentioning this activity is carried out by Indian army.
when India will face same sort of reactions from their separatist movement, then say the same sort of words, that Indian army is responsible for these actions. Kashmir, Bombay attack, Khalistan, Assam, Nagalim, Tripura all are then examples of Indian army's action?

Bombay attacks were carried out by Indian army?

Then I guess Mr. Saeed and Mr. Lakhvi are working for Indian army..
India already destroyed half of Pakistan in 1971, remaining half will destroy itself on it's own, India's help not needed..

Thats what we are saying India is sponsoring state terrorism. State terrorism is part of Indian policies. But time is coming when India will pay the price for this, these sort of games are not one sided.
Really, what about International community has labelled Modi? I think very soon international community will give Noble peace prize to Modi for Gujrat Massacre.

Read today's New York Times and they are mentioning this activity is carried out by Indian army.

Pakistan's opinion of Modi is not the same as world opinion..
Pakistan's opinion of Modi is not the same as world opinion..

Now Pakistan is aligning its opinion with the world opinion. Now Pakistan and world are on the same page. Pakistan will also declare him a terrorist and deny any future visa or travelling to Pakistan.

Bombay attacks were carried out by Indian army?

Then I guess Mr. Saeed and Mr. Lakhvi are working for Indian army..

Exactly for sure, they are working for Indian army. By the way, they never claimed Bombay attacks. They always denied it. They have always said that this is done by Indian army.
Thats what we are saying India is sponsoring state terrorism. State terrorism is part of Indian policies. But time is coming when India will pay the price for this, these sort of games are not one sided.

Yes they are one sided. RAW broke up Pakistan into two pieces in 1971. What part of India has ISI been able to break up since
Then why has the international community labelled Pakistan as a "terrorism hub" and not India?
Because the ''International community'' is a bunch of hypocrites that only does what is in its interest. They label India whatever they want to when the time comes, just like they labelled Pakistan and Iran and North Korea or whatever country disagrees with their hegemonic policies.

Before your beloved India becomes an actual 'superpower', it will have to get past the Westerners who fear their global dominance is declining. Then, India will face labels similar to Pakistan, regardless of what you do. They may be shaking hands and praising you very much right now, and everything seems very well for India - just remember, they used to shake Saddam Hussein's hands and praise him in the same way.

India already destroyed half of Pakistan in 1971, remaining half will destroy itself on it's own, India's help not needed..
Oh really? The Bangalis would be surprised, they don't even know they've been destroyed by supa dupa powa India.
India already destroyed half of Pakistan in 1971, remaining half will destroy itself on it's own, India's help not needed..

Now its Indians' turn, and see what gonna come out of India, Khalistan, Kashmir, Nagaland, Tripure, Tamil land and Tibbet.
Very soon SAARC membership will increase, interesting.

Yes they are one sided. RAW broke up Pakistan into two pieces in 1971. What part of India has ISI been able to break up since

Thats not the policy of ISI, they are only defending Pakistan. Now RAW is in Baluchistan, they want to repeat history, but this time it will be other way around.
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