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Baluchistan is the breeding ground for soldiers in Pakistan army. RAW is sponsoring these actions, but question is when same sort of action will happen in India, what they will do?

Best thing for India is to stop these proxy wars. India is a big country and the reaction would be very severe. India has to decide they will keep on sponsoring terrorism in neighboring countries or they want to grow and a reasonable country in the world.
U must understand there is a indigeneous freedom struggle movement going on in Balochsitan, Indians don't come to Balochistan to attack gas pipelines,thraten & kidnap Baloch activists or protest on the streets of Quetta. Balochistan doesn't share any land border with India & the rebels are local Balochis. First it was Nawab Akbar Bugti & now it is Brahma Bugti,one goes another comes. About Nawab Akbar Bugti,he was once the Chief Minister of Balochistan,why did he picked up the gun bcoz he could not see the sufferings & plight of Balochis

LMAO whatever rapist. You will be forced to join anti-rape program. All Indian men must qualify and prove that they are not rapists. Otherwise you'll not be allowed to participate in a normal society. LMAO

You mean like this?
U come from Peshawar which is heavily brutally raped by Taliaban everday.
Yes they are one sided. RAW broke up Pakistan into two pieces in 1971. What part of India has ISI been able to break up since

At least don't take credit for someone else's achievements and planning. I mean come on you have new friend(s) now but Russians were once very solid strong friends of yours..................

And we took our revenge from the one's who really did 1971, you were just the pawns.
At least don't take credit for someone else's achievements and planning. I mean come on you have new friend(s) now but Russians were once very solid strong friends of yours..................

And we took our revenge from the one's who really did 1971, you were just the pawns.

International politics has no permanent friends or enemies..

If we were the pawns, who were the masterminds?
International politics has no permanent friends or enemies..

I hope Bangladeshis keep this in mind forever.

If we were the pawns, who were the masterminds?

Please read my comment again, I have already mentioned them.

@Dalit I could never get this marrying of cousins bit man. Obviously you Hindus would not be doing something like that, but do your muslims marry first cousins also?

I mean for crying out loud man. That's like marrying your sister man.

Dos this not lead to a slew of genetic diseases and demented kids? What's the rationale behind this practice?

Pakistani Hindus don't marry their first cousins.

Islam does not encourage it too, but it also does not prohibit it. Islamic preaching of Mahram and Na Mahram is different from how you associate with first cousins.
Pakistani Hindus don't marry their first cousins.

Islam does not encourage it too, but it also does not prohibit it. Islamic preaching of Mahram and Na Mahram is different from how you associate with first cousins.

Bro, religion and theology cannot change genetics.

First cousin union progeny is bad bad news.
Bro, religion and theology cannot change genetics.

First cousin union progeny is bad bad news.

We know and that's why I told you Islam does not encourage it (recommend it) but does not prohibit as well. And its not like every other marriage is cousins marrying. Our sisterhood is mainly linked to same mother and father or same mother breastfeeding even if the children fed have no blood relation.
We know and that's why I told you Islam does not encourage it (recommend it) but does not prohibit as well. And its not like every other marriage is cousins marrying. Our sisterhood is mainly linked to same mother and father or same mother breastfeeding even if the children fed have no blood relation.

I was given to understand that Islam being the youngest major religion, your holy book was also the most up to date and scientific.

By the sound of it, our gotras are way more scientific.
We were quite happy to be pawns in that episode.. Without India there could never be a Bangladesh.. ;)

Then accept that you being pawns spared you from our wrath, otherwise look what happened to the real planners of the 1971 episode.

I was given to understand that Islam being the youngest major religion, your holy book was also the most up to date and scientific.

By the sound of it, our gotras are way more scientific.

Well I did not get your conclusion at all. And how Our Holy Book came into this I am still guessing...........
Well I did not get your conclusion at all. And how Our Holy Book came into this I am still guessing...........

Marrying and having kids with cousins is bad science. Nothing in the Koran banning it is unscientific. Very. Especially when it is pretty detailed on so many other things of life.

Marrying per gotra is extremely scientific. And has come down from our ancient texts.
U must understand there is a indigeneous freedom struggle movement going on in Balochsitan, Indians don't come to Balochistan to attack gas pipelines,thraten & kidnap Baloch activists or protest on the streets of Quetta. Balochistan doesn't share any land border with India & the rebels are local Balochis. First it was Nawab Akbar Bugti & now it is Brahma Bugti,one goes another comes. About Nawab Akbar Bugti,he was once the Chief Minister of Balochistan,why did he picked up the gun bcoz he could not see the sufferings & plight of Balochis

U come from Peshawar which is heavily brutally raped by Taliaban everday.

Again this is a very simplified and out of context analysis. RAW is providing the funding and technical assistance to these Baluchs. Baluchistan is one of the breeding gournd for Pakistan army recruitment. Or you could say a marshal area. India is playing the same game which they played in East Pakistan (mukti banni).
My question is very simple, what will India do when same assistance will be provided to Khalistan movement, Tamil, Taripure, Nagalim etc.
Right now India is doing what India wants to do, what will happen when it's gonna come back to India. After East Pakistan operation, what India got in return? still struggling with long list of movements in the area.
Modi is Zia of Pakistan, Zia sow the seeds of conflict in this region to strengthen himself in this region. Modi is on the same footprints. India will see the results in the comming years.

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