You don't understand.
A guy that follows no laws won't be good drivers in countries that you have to follow laws. It becomes a shock to the system.
If you drive in India, your driving skills will be way worse when driving in a western country for example.
Driving is not driving a car, it is following road rules. Anyone can drive a car, but not anyone can follow road rules. That's why you have driving tests to make sure you can follow the road rules. You don't get a driver's license just because you can drive a car.
India dont enforce these road rules so the driving habits of Indians are very poor which will cause accidents in countries that follow road rules.
I have lived in western countries and some of the worst drivers are Indians, they drive recklessly because they are used to bad habits such as changing lanes without signalling, driving too close to others, overall dangerous driving.
It's bad habits they have been used to in India but in western countries its dangerous driving. While talking, the driver usually forgets to concentrate and resorts to old habits they used in India and get into accidents.
If you drive in India, your driving skills become worse.