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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

Trust the Hindus would have learned enough from this single case to not make us go through another century long agony for justice to be done for the next temples in line.

Ek ek Kar ke saare Mandir waapis banao. Murtiyon ki sasammanit sthapna ki Jaye. Ye Shraddha hai. Isme kisi kism ki adchan ya basha nahin aani chahiye. Gaanth baandh lo.

Jai Sri Ram.

Bum bum Bhole.

Jai Hind. Jai Maharashtra.

Cheers, Doc
you full of the forgot the main one

Chattrapati ShivaJi Maharaj.....
Threads like these reaffirm the fact that we are fighting an Enemy that in spite of having its own lands, it's own temples, will burn with hate at us reclaiming our own.

Just one and see the uproar and hate.

The mind boggles at the hypocrisy and warped world view.

Regardless, the temple will be built. And the nation and all her people will celebrate it.

And it will be televised around the world to billions. And be a spectacle for the ages.

Ushta te.

Cheers, Doc

No one cares for stuff like this. If someone does Google it, all they'll see is rampaging sanghis tearing down a building which will be great.


Even our Next PM is also ready with Sword


No one cares for stuff like this. If someone does Google it, all they'll see is rampaging sanghis tearing down a building which will be great.


Got to give it to the Sangh crowd. They know how to put on a show.

It will be glitzy.

It will be colorful.

It will be slickly managed and choreographed.

There will be liberal doses of traditionalism, pomp, culture, history.

We are BHARAT Bhai.

The oldest longest unbroken civilization in the world.

And you were part of it.

Cheers, Doc
I used to have two opinion on it. But seeing the reaction of Muslim posters with respect to Hagia Sofia, with a clear history, I do not really feel anything. This is land of our ancient civilizations. If in our current land, where we cannot rightly build our temples where will we build? Nehru had an wonderful chance to solve these issues like Somnath back in 50's. To solve Ayodhya, Mathura, Kashi etc. But he let them Scott free even opposing Somnath move. Its end result is what we see today. Whatever BJP do today, it's end result will be seen in few decades.

Some temples like Kashi has clearer undisputed view of what happened to original structures. This movement should be over in a short span of time so it can enable all people of India to move forward and no more temple politics again.

No valid reason here for you to use turkey as an example. For your wanted destruction of other people’s places of pray in your country

And as for the use of Sofia hagia . It can easily be returned back in his origin by any future or present governments if they wish too

And Sofia Hagia, is still standing in its original design .... lol

Can you say the same thing about your mob vandalism in the destruction of Babri masjid and now the others you are wanting to remove.

Stealing land of your fellow Indian Muslim citizens now. by your mobs or the courts is still theft .

And doing it with speed and stealth as the preferred method in your words.

You think have no impact on your country communal harmony hahaha ... lol on this

And carry on normally

Muslims living in Peshawar, Quetta , Islamabad, Karachi , Lahore , not effected by your laws .... ancient history you talk about is in Pakistan
No one cares for stuff like this. If someone does Google it, all they'll see is rampaging sanghis tearing down a building which will be great.


No one really cares - no one really gives a hoot. Please try to comprehend the wannabe doctors mindset. He’s not Hindu - but doesn’t it puzzle you - he seems desperately hard to be more Hindu than the Hindus? Its called Stockholm syndrome.
Muslims can and will pray anywhere - last 4 months have been praying at home - no biggie.
This thread has no relevance to anyone but those try to antagonise Muslims. I find it an eye rolling session to think that these in need trolls think this gets under my skin? Lol
Btw I reckon he’s a toilet cleaner in a hospital whose got access to the internet
A December 1992 riot following the destruction of the mosque sparked communal violence in which about 2,000 people were killed, mostly Muslims.
I shall simply state that this is false testimony by omission. The simple fact that many Muslims protecting that mosque were murdered during the destruction has been omitted.

"Riots", "communal violence" suggests some sort of bipartisan culpability. Such misrepresentation is the core of the problem in terms of reporting. It should be clear - zealots violently razed a functional mosque and murdered its patrons who were there at the time. This led to inevitable retaliation, which led to a premeditated massacre.
I shall simply state that this is false testimony by omission. The simple fact that many Muslims protecting that mosque were murdered during the destruction has been omitted.

"Riots", "communal violence" suggests some sort of bipartisan culpability. Such misrepresentation is the core of the problem in terms of reporting. It should be clear - zealots violently razed a functional mosque and murdered its patrons who were there at the time. This led to inevitable retaliation, which led to a premeditated massacre.
the cultural temblor from hell, Advani Ji will die an unhappy man with a bad guilty conscience from it.

dil sabka hota hai

but those tremors were felt across Hindu temples all over Pakistan as well, dangerous destructive ones even, weren't they ?
As an Indian Muslim, this is all indeed disappointing. Some of the disappointment originates from the travesty of justice that was done at the hands of the Supreme Court of India, and some of course, as symbolic of the decline of Muslims in India.

This was certainly a battle worth fighting till the end. At least we Indian Muslims can stand in front of Allah and say that we tried our best, with all the legal means at our disposal, and did not voluntarily give up a Masjid to become a place of idol worship.

Some Hindus (and some Muslims as well) might find this attitude as obstructionist and antagonistic, and wonder why did we never give up our claim to the mosque despite the tremendous odds stacked up against us? But if you are a believing Muslim, idol worship is one of the biggest sins in Islam, and we cannot voluntarily, and in good conscience, give up a place of worship to Allah to become a place of idol worship.

Surely even if you had offered us mountains of gold in exchange for the mosque, our answer would be the same. Our imaan is not for sale.
beta itna dukh hai to mandir ko bomb rakh ker ura do jab raat ko khali ho bus or kya rona dhona laga rakha hai :lol:
Got to give it to the Sangh crowd. They know how to put on a show.

It will be glitzy.

It will be colorful.

It will be slickly managed and choreographed.

There will be liberal doses of traditionalism, pomp, culture, history.

We are BHARAT Bhai.

The oldest longest unbroken civilization in the world.

And you were part of it.

Cheers, Doc

Dude really this is glitzy?

Dude really this is glitzy?


Very sleepy. Got up because dogs were barking. Some roving bands hot inside and were repulsed by my alphas.

Will try n remember to send you some Aarti videos tomorrow. Varanasi. Very classy.

Cheers, Doc
Very sleepy. Got up because dogs were barking. Some roving bands hot inside and were repulsed by my alphas.

Will try n remember to send you some Aarti videos tomorrow. Varanasi. Very classy.

Cheers, Doc

Seen them, tacky comes to mind. Hope your dogs are ok.
No valid reason here for you to use turkey as an example. For your wanted destruction of other people’s places of pray in your country

And as for the use of Sofia hagia . It can easily be returned back in his origin by any future or present governments if they wish too

And Sofia Hagia, is still standing in its original design .... lol

Can you say the same thing about your mob vandalism in the destruction of Babri masjid and now the others you are wanting to remove.

Stealing land of your fellow Indian Muslim citizens now. by your mobs or the courts is still theft .

And doing it with speed and stealth as the preferred method in your words.

You think have no impact on your country communal harmony hahaha ... lol on this

And carry on normally

Muslims living in Peshawar, Quetta , Islamabad, Karachi , Lahore , not effected by your laws .... ancient history you talk about is in Pakistan

Mob vandalism is wrong. If you ask me those involved in the demolition should be punished. But at the same time, justice to the devotees of Ram should be given. Even if it's 500 years Justice should be provided.
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