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India's Misplaced water diplomacy

1) The OP @Adnan Faruqi, somehow, gives me an impression of an Indian Muslim going out of his way to prove his 'loyalty' to a mostly Hindu India. It's not just this post--he has a pattern of it. I have always said and truly believe that Indian Muslims truly belong to India but an over-compensating belligerence sounds like another Uncle Tom...

No its just that all the Pakistanis for whatever reasons expect Indian Muslims to support Pakistan and not India! and when that doesn't happen Pakistanis start calling them names and what not :cheesy:

He doesn't have to prove his loyalty to anyone, he is just as Indian as any other Hindu or Sikh or Christian.
If u really think that India don't need water or we have sufficent of it then u must be from mars not living in India.

1. There can't be any justification of giving more then 80% of India's water to pakistan.

2. Even if India have made such pact it should revoke it as India blames pakistan for revoking many pacts like border peace etc. etc. If Govt. of India thinks that pak is behind terrorism then it should take step otherwise stop accusing pakistan.

Dude are you high?
Water is Human Right! And you're saying take water away from people? i hope you're stable. India has loads of water, it's just efficiency they need to concentrate on
I wish it were a simple as that...
When the Gujarat Riots (more like state-sponsored pogroms) happened in 2002, I was very concerned about what was happening there. I have dozens of relatives, including some first cousins, who were/are living in Ahmadabad (Gujarat), India. I finally got hold of one--he said the Muslims did their part in paying back to the Hindu mobs. I trust his statement. It was matter of life and death to them.
I hope things have improved much since then.

How many of these type of incident happened in your country ????
Bomb blast on specific group of people(shia, sunni) is most common in your country

If muslims are doing with each other so brainwash mind of others are not that tough ... what you say ??

Only you people involve religion in every thing but here in India its not happened
How many of these type of incident happened in your country ????
Bomb blast on specific group of people(shia, sunni) is most common in your country

If muslims are doing with each other so brainwash mind of others are not that tough ... what you say ??

Only you people involve religion in every thing but here in India its not happened

Muslims killing Muslim is a-ok. Muslims and Hindus both killed in riots is not.
wow Indian living out their genocidal drams in public.

The reason Pakistan get's 80% of the water of the Indus is because the flow of the Indus is 80% in Pakistan.
Pakistan did not do some kind of magic to get 80% of the water, it is merely the natural flow of the river.

Also there was no duress on India when it signed the treaty. You guys signed it and now you must live with it.

Rusty, I remember as a kid I went from Karachi to Hyderabad with my family and on the way stopped at the Indus River crossing. It felt like we were crossing a sea with huge body of water between the two banks. Recently on a trip to pakistan I retraced the same trip and Indus looked like a small stream. Indians have been building Dams on waters coming to Pakistan and consequently our rivers are drying up.

Check this out:

indus river is dry - Google Search
How many of these type of incident happened in your country ????
Bomb blast on specific group of people(shia, sunni) is most common in your country

If muslims are doing with each other so brainwash mind of others are not that tough ... what you say ??

Only you people involve religion in every thing but here in India its not happened

I have to hang my head in shame over what happens in Pakistan in the name of religion--the biggest example was when even a prominent Sunni Muslim like Salman Taseer was killed.
However, Mr. Faruqi has a pattern of hateful, over-patriotic, and over-compensating behavior here. Both India and Pakistan suffer from over-religiosity. Yes, India too, although to considerably lesser extent than Pakistanis do.
India is not a truly secular country. May be one day. But it is far, far from it. And, yes, what I narrated to you about the Gujarat Pogroms was not pulled out of my a@@.
The world's most generous water-sharing pact is the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty, under which India agreed to set aside 80.52% of the waters of the six-river Indus system for Pakistan, keeping for itself just the remai-ning 19.48% share.

Yeah but if you look at the the map, much of Indus river flows in Pakistan. So, Indian hasn't done any charity here. In fact I don't think 20% of Indus flows in India even.

This seems pretty reasonable solution. Just look at Brahmputra most of it flows in India, so India gets the biggest share of water, China doesn't divert the water to Beijing or Shanghai. India has more rivers by it's area if you compare it to Pakistan. Like Ganga, Brahmputra, Narmada, Kaveri being the major river systems. and so many other branches.

Pakistan only has 1 river system (Indus) and it's five rivers (Sutlaj, Ravi, Beas, Chinab, Jhelum).
Rusty, I remember as a kid I went from Karachi to Hyderabad with my family and on the way stopped at the Indus River crossing. It felt like we were crossing a sea with huge body of water between the two banks. Recently on a trip to pakistan I retraced the same trip and Indus looked like a small stream. Indians have been building Dams on waters coming to Pakistan and consequently our rivers are drying up.

Check this out:

indus river is dry - Google Search

India hasn't built a single dam on the Indus. Stop spreading bs. Punjab and its irrigation canal sucks all the water out of the Indus system leaving very little for Sindh downstream. You are only going to fool your fellow Pakistanis with this India bogeyman, no one else is going to buy that bs.

Paying lip service to a crisis
1) The OP @Adnan Faruqi, somehow, gives me an impression of an Indian Muslim going out of his way to prove his 'loyalty' to a mostly Hindu India. It's not just this post--he has a pattern of it. I have always said and truly believe that Indian Muslims truly belong to India but an over-compensating belligerence sounds like another Uncle Tom...
2) Indus Water Treaty (IWT) is also widely criticized in Pakistan, especially in Pakistani Punjab, for being overly generous to India. To this day, there are Punjabis--even Ayaz Amir (the Dawn, and now The News, journalist) who has brought up IWT as part of the Punjab's grievances. According to many angry Pakistani Punjabis Ayub Khan gave away too much to India in IWT--the rivers had their natural flow into Pakistan, according to them.
3) India may be 'parched' etc but that is, just like in Pakistan, due to ill-management of available water. But India, unlike Pakistan, is blessed with so much water from the sky. That water needs to be utilized properly. Much as Pakistan needs to utilize the water--the floods of 2010, 2011 are grave reminders of that.
4) And, yes, India was generous in 1971 as a victor. As a Pakistani, I have no reservation about that. And I think India is not as brutal in Kashmir as Israel is to the Palestinians. India could have turned Kashmir into a 99% Hindu majority state. But it has not done so--unlike the obvious Israeli slow-genocide. So I will give India the credit when due. I am not unaware of the Indian security role in Indian part of Kashmir but still...
5) Breaking the IWT will almost certainly lead to a nuclear holocaust in the Sub-continent. Perhaps the Indian strategists are well aware of that. It is not a threat--it is common sense. Trying to starve 180+ million people is just asking for it.

@ Meengla, you may be overlooking the most obvious reason for Adnan Faruqi's Vitriolic. It is obvious to me that he is not Muslim but uses that name to TROLL. If he used a name like Narendra Modi, it would obviously not have the same effect.
India is not a truly secular country. May be one day. But it is far, far from it.

Not incorrect but that's not for want of trying. You certainly can't get there if you even refuse to try.

@ Meengla, you may be overlooking the most obvious reason for Adnan Faruqi's Vitriolic. It is obvious to me that he is not Muslim but uses that name to TROLL. If he used a name like Narendra Modi, it would obviously not have the same effect.

Kindly stop issuing certificates. What all are obvious to you might, in the eyes of many, be a reason to suggest a requirement of counseling. As for calling someone a troll. that's a bit rich coming from you.
India has too many people. It's straining the earth with its never ending thirst for natural resources. Water is being mismanaged. Rivers are populated.
I take back my comment about Mr. Faruqi; it was inappropriate. My regrets.
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