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indias misleading united voice


Mar 18, 2006
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India's misleading united voiceAhmed Quraishi

The Indian intelligentsia, at home and abroad, rarely dissents on the official Indian line on Pakistan. Within hours of the Mumbai blasts, Pakistan was the target of remarks by scores of Indian commentators appearing on international television networks. The unanimity of these opinions was remarkable. The Indian pundits spoke in mixed accents -- British and Indian -- but the message was the same: blame for the attacks rested with Pakistan.

Thanks to a few insensitive and hawkish Indian voices, the meticulous work of three years of people-to-people contacts between the two nations is being systematically eroded. The anti-Pakistan tirade, backed by no valid evidence, are threatening to dissipate the immense goodwill that developed within ordinary Pakistanis for their neighbours over the other side of the country's eastern borders.

There are more than 100 militant Indian organisations inside India fighting New Delhi. Most of them are non-Muslim and non-Kashmiri. All of them would love to give New Delhi a bloody nose if they got a chance. But no Indian commentator tried, if only for the sake of fairness, to include the possibility of the involvement of these forces in the blasts. It's funny. You will find more Pakistanis publicly disagreeing with Pakistan's position on Kashmir -- and being tolerated by Islamabad -- than you will find Indians publicly disagreeing with New Delhi on Kashmir. It's just one of a long list of contradictions in the world's largest democracy.

Now senior Indian officials are coming out to accuse Pakistan, in indirect ways, of involvement. Immediately after the blasts, Indians living outside their homeland, particularly those in the United States and Great Britain, came out strongly against Pakistan in an organised way. The Indian lobby in Washington DC is particularly fanatic when it comes to Pakistan. Within hours of the blasts, Ranendra Sen, Indian ambassador to the US, said the cause of the attacks "appear[ed] to emanate from our neighbourhood, which is the epicentre of global terrorism".

This was the opening salvo in an organized media trial of Pakistan in which almost no Indian 'media asset', so to speak, was left unutilised. This is a campaign of insinuations and suggestions that spares no trick in the media book to implicate Pakistan in the attacks. No trick except, of course, a direct accusation. In the absence of any concrete evidence linking Pakistan to the attacks, some hawkish elements in the Indian ruling elite are focusing now on saying and doing things that point the finger toward Pakistan without forcing New Delhi to directly accuse Islamabad.

Shayam Saran, India's foreign secretary, is a good example. Just read his recent, carefully worded statement that threw cold water on three-years of hectic backstage diplomacy to diffuse the tension between Pakistani and India. "As a result of these terrorist attacks it is becoming very difficult to take forward the peace process," he said last week.

This statement is a master-stroke; simple and lethal. It virtually freezes the peace talks with Pakistan without actually accusing Pakistan of sponsoring the Mumbai attacks. The implication is clear. The statement is not emphatic at the same time. It leaves the door open to return to the negotiation table, if the need arises.

This has to be the worst kind of manipulation on the part of a hawkish segment of the Indian ruling elite. In Pakistan, many Pakistanis feel a majority of Indians would want to resolve all outstanding disputes between the two nations. The only obstacle is a small clique of hawks in New Delhi who want to maintain an unreasonably hard-line policy toward Pakistan. All deals in the world require a win-win situation for all parties. Islamabad wants India to be equally a winner in any peace deal. But sorry, not the Indian hawks. They want a Pakistani humiliation as a precondition to any deal, if at all.

The worst part of all of this is that even the most liberal parts of the Indian intelligentsia are willing to encourage Pakistan-bashing. This, somehow, should send an ominous signal to liberal elements in Pakistan. The liberals in Pakistan pushed their government to give India more concessions in the peace negotiations. The Pakistani hawks opposed this but time and Indian actions are proving the hawks right.

One of the biggest casualties of the Mumbai attacks is the truth. New Delhi hawks want to give the impression that they are freezing the peace negotiations with Pakistan because of the Mumbai blasts. The truth is the Indian hawks have been stalling the Pakistani-Indian peace talks for months now. The Mumbai blasts have given the Indian hawks another lease on life.


Any comment to proffer on the article that you have reproduced?
Salim said:

Any comment to proffer on the article that you have reproduced?

Your absurd and childish remarks are quite taxing. Is flame baiting all you indians are taught? If you cannot post an intelligent sentence then why post your nonsense and make yourself look even stupider?

Will the MODS please note all his previous posts? Nothing but stupid remarks and childish flame baits.
A most amusing statement if nothing else.

A flame bait?

What makes you feel so?

There must be some reason to reproduce news articles or is that a wrong surmise?

Apparently, you see flames even in placid waters.

Do forgive me, I would not like to be in your class of intelligence (I state so since it appears you seem comment on the subject for everyone other than yourself. Do look within, please!)
RAPTOR said:
Your absurd and childish remarks are quite taxing. Is flame baiting all you indians are taught? If you cannot post an intelligent sentence then why post your nonsense and make yourself look even stupider?

Will the MODS please note all his previous posts? Nothing but stupid remarks and childish flame baits.

U the most uselss poster of all, is saying this!!!!

Whats the relevance of just posting such articles when you dont have any opinion to add.

If u have then state that.
Well most of us post articles or news and thn members start debating over these so nothing wrong of Raptor just posted an article without comment.

AS time passes and if members take it for discussion, he surely will post his comments:) .
Jana said:
Well most of us post articles or news and thn members start debating over these so nothing wrong of Raptor just posted an article without comment.

AS time passes and if members take it for discussion, he surely will post his comments:) .

Thank you Jana, I think its a beautifully written article exposing the true face of Ugly india. I only wish that all of our members read it and discuss it on here EXCLUDING these indians ofcourse because as you can see....they are getting heartburn and rashes already. :biggrin:
There are more than 100 militant Indian organisations inside India fighting New Delhi. Most of them are non-Muslim and non-Kashmiri. All of them would love to give New Delhi a bloody nose if they got a chance. But no Indian commentator tried, if only for the sake of fairness, to include the possibility of the involvement of these forces in the blasts. It's funny. You will find more Pakistanis publicly disagreeing with Pakistan's position on Kashmir -- and being tolerated by Islamabad -- than you will find Indians publicly disagreeing with New Delhi on Kashmir. It's just one of a long list of contradictions in the world's largest democracy.

Now senior Indian officials are coming out to accuse Pakistan, in indirect ways, of involvement. Immediately after the blasts, Indians living outside their homeland, particularly those in the United States and Great Britain, came out strongly against Pakistan in an organised way. The Indian lobby in Washington DC is particularly fanatic when it comes to Pakistan. Within hours of the blasts, Ranendra Sen, Indian ambassador to the US, said the cause of the attacks "appear[ed] to emanate from our neighbourhood, which is the epicentre of global terrorism".

I actually find this quite pathetic on the part of these indians...but what else can you expect from them?????

What's pathetic is your obsession with India...:lol:

Its quite amusing reading your posts ranting on about how bad India is and everything related to it…I’m glad the mods are being biased in your case and keeping you around for ‘entertainment’ purposes :wacko:
JSK said:

What's pathetic is your obsession with India...:lol:

Its quite amusing reading your posts ranting on about how bad India is and everything related to it…I’m glad the mods are being biased in your case and keeping you around for ‘entertainment’ purposes :wacko:

We do need comic relief on tihs forum....:wacko:
There are more than 100 militant Indian organisations inside India fighting New Delhi. Most of them are non-Muslim and non-Kashmiri. All of them would love to give New Delhi a bloody nose if they got a chance. But no Indian commentator tried, if only for the sake of fairness, to include the possibility of the involvement of these forces in the blasts. It's funny. You will find more Pakistanis publicly disagreeing with Pakistan's position on Kashmir -- and being tolerated by Islamabad -- than you will find Indians publicly disagreeing with New Delhi on Kashmir. ]It's just one of a long list of contradictions in the world's largest democracy.

Just to indicate how if one does not comment, but just reproduces an article and even makes a part of it higlighted and bold, it can lead to embarrassment for the one who has posted it and highlighted it.

I find it is repeated in another post by the same gentleman.

It indicates a desperation for a reply.

I would have not commented but since there appears a desperation, I thought he requires to be obliged.

Now, please note the underlined aspect (I have underlined it). It says " You will find more Pakistanis publicly disagreeing with Pakistan's position on Kashmir -- and being tolerated by Islamabad -- than you will find Indians publicly disagreeing with New Delhi on Kashmir".

Now, lets analyse it.

Could it be that since more Pakistanis disagree with the Pakistani position, it does indicate that Pakistan has a weak case and the Pakistanis are awakening to the fact?

Could it be that the citizens of the "world's largest democracy", namely, Indians are not disagreeing with the Indian position because they are convinced that the India facts on the issue is irrefutable?

Therefore, what so funny?

The funny aspect is that the writer has a funny logic.

Further, one must note he writes, "more Pakistanis publicly disagreeing with Pakistan's position on Kashmir -- and being tolerated by Islamabad.

What does he mean by that? Is he indicating that the Pakistan govt, in normal circumstances, gags its citizens when they disagree with the Pakistani govt? Now, that I find is funny!

As far as I am concerned, I am aware that it (the problem) will take time to solve the issue.
Jana said:
Well most of us post articles or news and thn members start debating over these so nothing wrong of Raptor just posted an article without comment.

AS time passes and if members take it for discussion, he surely will post his comments:) .

Ah! So, it is fishing?

Waiting for the bait to be caught?
I only wish one could do a lot more to help those 100 militant organizations fighting to free themselves of these terroristic hindu fundamentalists they live under. The world should open their arms and hearts to these brave freedom fighters ..
RAPTOR said:
The world should open their arms and hearts to these brave freedom fighters ..

They have already...


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