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India's fourth quarter GDP grows at 5.3%, 6.5% for FY 12

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The reason Yuan is pegged is because China does not want it to rise too much against the dollar. They are happy that its falling.

That is circular logic. The fall is recent and that is because of dollar strengthening and its within the limited float allowed.

The current fall of all currencies against the dollar is a fact, even yuan when in reality it should be becoming stronger purely on fundamentals.

Capich einstein???
For you ignited mind, my friend:

IBN survey:









Also key economic indicators:

Fiscal deficit at 5.8% (high)
jan-march 2012 quarter growth at 5.3% lowest in 9 years
steepest price rise in petrol in all time
inflation around 7%
investors does not want to invest because of retrospective tax laws
GDP growth of 6.5% is even lower than the 2008-09 recession period
Rupee at its all time lowest at around 56.5 (around 25% depriciation in 1 year)

Are these goverment supporting peoples from India. I cant belive it, now i am starting beliving in aliens living as Human
For you ignited mind, my friend:
Also key economic indicators:

jan-march 2012 quarter growth at 5.3% lowest in 9 years

GDP growth of 6.5% is even lower than the 2008-09 recession period

Buddy you are clearly blinded by your bias towards the government, otherwise you would understand that during the recession most western countries SPEND money to keep their economies alive, that combined with the big demand from India, China and other emerging markets saved them. So when the world has money to spend, they can also buy things from India, that's why China and India remained with high growth rates during that time.
Today things are different, half of Europe is in deep trouble because of the financial crisis. These governments stopped spending, are saving in where ever it is possible, incrasing taxes and so on, with the downside that most of the industries or just the public don't have the money to buy anymore. When there is no demand from Europe for goods from China or India, it's should be obvious that the growth is reducing!
All over the world people are looking with big worries to the EU, because it's a key for the world economy and problems there will effect all countries and different currencies as well. It's naiv to belive that India could remain with 8+% growth rate, when such a big market suddenly set backs their spendings and that all this has only to do with our own government. They surely could have done certain things better, but we have to see the bigger picture to understand why these things happens.

0.92% Fall in the Yuan. Is this even news worthy or are you guys just grasping at straws.

Depends on if you read the part that says it is falling for 3 month in a row now, so it doesn't matter how far it falls, but it shows that there is currently a general problem in the world economy, that effects all countries, not only India.

Not true, its the US and China that drive the world economy. Not India and China. Outrageous statements such as India's growth fuel the world economy is what make India a joke to many members here.

Oh please, a 1 billion market with a over 300 million middle class is not driving world economy? Why do you think the whole world wants a part of this market, even your beloved US? Not that is surprises me, but please get at least some unbiased opinions and not only US is the best :blah: Actually, the whole world crisis is only caused by the US and other countries are suffering!
Not true, its the US and China that drive the world economy. Not India and China. Outrageous statements such as India's growth fuel the world economy is what make India a joke to many members here.

Mate please, China and US play a big part but are you saying the rest of the world is irrelevant?? Other countries are increasingly having a part to play and the fact is India by all measures will be in the top three economies by 2030 and with the largest and fastest growing middle class in the world it is becoming more and more relevant.

The mess the world is in is BECAUSE of the US so the US driving the global economy is a double edged sword and becoming more and more untrue.
Mate please, China and US play a big part but are you saying the rest of the world is irrelevant?? Other countries are increasingly having a part to play and the fact is India by all measures will be in the top three economies by 2030 and with the largest and fastest growing middle class in the world it is becoming more and more relevant.

The mess the world is in is BECAUSE of the US so the US driving the global economy is a double edged sword and becoming more and more untrue.

Even if the USA grows at only 1.5%, their base economy is $14 trillion.

Which means they are adding far more to their economy every year than India is. Even if India was growing at 10%, India's base economy is only $1.6 trillion... So America would still be adding more every year.

On the other hand, China's base economy is $7.3 trillion. Which means we don't need to grow as fast in order to add more to our economy than America does.
Story of India is not even written yet we just started economic reforms in 1990's, still got a long way to go and many more roads to cross to reach the mountain.
Story of India is not even written yet we just started economic reforms in 1990's, still got a long way to go and many more roads to cross to reach the mountain.

but we were still late than China+Thailand+ASEAN type countries who adopted the similar economic reforms since 70s but we could learn from them after more than a decade :hitwall:. even if we might have learnt from Chinese One Child Policy since 1990, our population could still be 850mil as it was in 1990, while we now have 350mil poor out of 1.2bil population? :hang2:

Congress governments will always be know for being 'late' or 'ignorant' on the key policies which were the most important to its civilians than any other goodies they could offer to Indians.............
Another thread that becomes a d*** measuring contest.

India's economic growth is slowing due to parliament being fragmented and paralyzed.

The sale to private entities of the 2G licences, along with many
other scandals (defense deals anyone?) has put the brakes on the following badly needed reforms:

Privatizing Air India

Disinvestment of OFB

Allowing foreign companies into retail (maybe then 50% of Indian crops wouldn't go to waste due to improper storage and lack of refrigeration)

Abolishing laws that hurt national unity ( not allowing non Kashmiris to buy Land in Kashmir, etc.)

There are so many other reforms that are needed. With the current parliament none of them will occur. This is the price of consesnus building through democracy. Deadlock occurs from time to time.
pranab dada was right when he said: GDP WILL RISE THIS YEAR

only thing we forgot to ask him was it's full form



Mate please, China and US play a big part but are you saying the rest of the world is irrelevant?? Other countries are increasingly having a part to play and the fact is India by all measures will be in the top three economies by 2030 and with the largest and fastest growing middle class in the world it is becoming more and more relevant.

The mess the world is in is BECAUSE of the US so the US driving the global economy is a double edged sword and becoming more and more untrue.

when will india be a hyper powaar?
Oh please, a 1 billion market with a over 300 million middle class is not driving world economy? Why do you think the whole world wants a part of this market, even your beloved US? Not that is surprises me, but please get at least some unbiased opinions and not only US is the best :blah: Actually, the whole world crisis is only caused by the US and other countries are suffering!

Indian middle class does not have the influence of the rich and powerful because of bureaucracy in India. Even people who own land can easily have their land taken away for little or no compensation because of corruption and cronyism.
Indian middle class does not have the influence of the rich and powerful because of bureaucracy in India. Even people who own land can easily have their land taken away for little or no compensation because of corruption and cronyism.

China News : Wukan Villagers Protests Implications – Against Murder & Land grab by Government

China Does Not Want You To See This ! CLICK on These Links: (1) YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (2) YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (3) YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (4) YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (5) YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (6) Uprising Archive (7) http For more analysis, visit: Stratfor | Geopolitical intelligence, economic, political, and military strategic forecasting China Director Jennifer Richmond discusses the recent protests in Wukan, Guangdong province, and the characteristics that set them apart from previous incidents of social unrest in China. Tens of thousands of villagers are protesting in Wukan, in Guangdong Province. Now the situation has become a standoff as villagers have kicked out both local officials and police. That came after the suspicious death of one villager in police custody. Here’s the latest. The over twenty-thousand residents of the village of Wukan in south China’s Guangdong Province have expelled all local Communist Party authorities, including police, and blocked road access to the village. The British newspaper The Telegraph was able to get a journalist on the ground in Wukan on Tuesday. Malcom Moore called the current incident the first time on record that the Party has “lost all control” in a situation of “open revolt.” This marks the latest escalation in an ongoing confrontation between villagers and local Communist Party officials they’ve called corrupt and abusive. For three months, Wukan residents have been staging occasional large-scale protests against a longstanding series of abuses committed by local Party officials. The villagers’ biggest grievance was …

China News : Wukan Villagers Protests Implications – Against Murder & Land grab by Government | Livingate News Central
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Indian middle class does not have the influence of the rich and powerful because of bureaucracy in India. Even people who own land can easily have their land taken away for little or no compensation because of corruption and cronyism.

Its not because of corruption, its lack of awareness or education. Not to forget even a rent paying tenant has a law in India where not even the owner of the house can evacuate him without mutual concern forget the property holder cheated by the govt.

Yes such instances do happen, but with warrant. There are also instances where people live on a govt land for long time and claim it as theirs using the very same resident act against the govt.

People have freedom, some know it and hence use it while some dont and hence suffer..
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