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India’s Emerging Blue-Water Navy

It was in reply to, I am sure the two aircraft CBG's, dedicated naval satellites, And one of the biggest Naval air arm will be no threat to any party in the implied scope of influence......

So who will see it as a threat?
The pirates may be?
brilliant demonstration of threat assessment acumen.... you could have a bright career as military planner in Pakistan if not surpassed the age...
brilliant demonstration of threat assessment acumen.... you could have a bright career as military planner in Pakistan if not surpassed the age...

Arrey, anti piracy is a task given to Indian Navy and the international community expects that Indian Navy would perform this role admirably as it has done so many times before. Indian government itself has said it many many times that Indian Navy is not a threat to any of the littoral states - why are you surprised.
Arrey, anti piracy is a task given to Indian Navy and the international community expects that Indian Navy would perform this role admirably as it has done so many times before. Indian government itself has said it many many times that Indian Navy is not a threat to any of the littoral states - why are you surprised.
So who will see it as a threat?

Don't be shy about India's blue navy capability. India plan to take full control of Indian Ocean and project power to the Pacific and Atlantic. A truly global power navy on its way to be a superpower by 2030.
Don't be shy about India's blue navy capability. India plan to take full control of Indian Ocean and project power to the Pacific and Atlantic. A truly global power navy on its way to be a superpower by 2030.

take a break troll...
Don't be shy about India's blue navy capability. India plan to take full control of Indian Ocean and project power to the Pacific and Atlantic. A truly global power navy on its way to be a superpower by 2030.
Don't be shy about India's blue navy capability. India plan to take full control of Indian Ocean and project power to the Pacific and Atlantic. A truly global power navy on its way to be a superpower by 2030.
Aspirations dont need limits... reality might turn out to be different but there is no need to curb aspirations
Aspirations dont need limits... reality might turn out to be different but there is no need to curb aspirations

So India should come out saying that it would be in control of Indian Ocean by 2020. And be a major player by 2030. India will require Britain to leave Diego Garcia by 2025 as India will not tolerate any outside interference in Indian Ocean. If not, India will take it by force like Goa.
So India should come out saying that it would be in control of Indian Ocean by 2020. And be a major player by 2030. India will require Britain to leave Diego Garcia by 2025 as India will not tolerate any outside interference in Indian Ocean. If not, India will take it by force like Goa.
Or Indian Naval establishment envisages protection of Indian Interests Which will include but not limited to the following
  • In conjunction with other Armed Forces of the union, act to deter or defeat any threats or aggression against the territory, people or maritime interests of India, both in war and peace;
  • Project influence in India's maritime area of interest, to further the nation's political, economic and security objectives;
  • In co-operation with the Indian Coast Guard, ensure good order and stability in India's maritime zones of responsibility.
  • Provide maritime assistance (including disaster relief) in India's maritime neighbourhood.
So India should come out saying that it would be in control of Indian Ocean by 2020. And be a major player by 2030. India will require Britain to leave Diego Garcia by 2025 as India will not tolerate any outside interference in Indian Ocean. If not, India will take it by force like Goa.

No need, Diego Garcia will probably sink into the sea by 2030 due to global warming :lol::
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