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India's Cold Start Is Too Hot

Action :what:? After the Mumbai attacks when your AVM and FM threatened us with surgical strikes, PAF responded by flying CAPS 24/7. PAF was patrolling our skies in aggressive mode, massively maneuvering their planes right on the border bypassing the 10KM buffer daring the IAF to engage them. Pakistan Army began to mobilize; IV Corps, 10-11-14th Divisions and the 3rd Armoured Division took their war time positions daring the Indian Army to come forward. This is called action, not making empty threats on the T.V. Last two times when both Armies were looking at each other eye ball to eye ball, we all know whom backed off. And please, dont insult my intelligence by saying that your politicians stopped the war because i am sick of hearing this excuse.

Story maker , give us some source. To escalate war Pakistan govt promised to bring the terrorists under justice but they failed.
Lahore is the eternal city of Pakistani Punjab and any indian who comes as an aggressor, will leave his mortal remains in the sewers of that magnificent and ancient city.

Mod Edit: Offensive term removed.
The very name Lahore comes from Luv (the son of Lord Rama), not any barbaric invaders. Anything good in its culture comes from Hinduism, not from invaders and converts.
With due respect these are all myths.....Economies just don't collapse like that....They take a hit and bounce back...How quickly depends upon how efficient your market it....Any reason that even in these tough times, GOP has not economically collapsed???

As an example just after Kargil Indian economy thrived where as Karachi stock exchange plunged....So all this is feel good factor....


Actually---it is not a myth----tsunami in japan----nuclear reactor meltdown in japan has worldwide issues----.

Kargil was a different time for india and pakistan---india was not the elctronic hub of the world as it is today---any war bvetween india and pakistan will escalate to those industrial centers right away----and the world that is connected through that would see terrifying results of the war---.

Americans are economically effected by wars---their wars or other peoples wars---as I am in the sales business here---I see the effects of foreign wars---with nothing to do with the americans and the americans stop buying right away----. Which means the unrest in tunisia and egypt and libya had severe effects on u s economy---american consumer immediately hol;ds back their spendings right away---.

The destruction in japan has greatly effected the american economy----even though america imports minimal oil from the middle east----it is effected by the war in libya.

So---a clash / war between pak and india would destroy the economies of the world----a massive blow to the industrial world.

Actually---it is not a myth----tsunami in japan----nuclear reactor meltdown in japan has worldwide issues----.

Kargil was a different time for india and pakistan---india was not the elctronic hub of the world as it is today---any war bvetween india and pakistan will escalate to those industrial centers right away----and the world that is connected through that would see terrifying results of the war---.

Americans are economically effected by wars---their wars or other peoples wars---as I am in the sales business here---I see the effects of foreign wars---with nothing to do with the americans and the americans stop buying right away----. Which means the unrest in tunisia and egypt and libya had severe effects on u s economy---american consumer immediately hol;ds back their spendings right away---.

The destruction in japan has greatly effected the american economy----even though america imports minimal oil from the middle east----it is effected by the war in libya.

So---a clash / war between pak and india would destroy the economies of the world----a massive blow to the industrial world.

With all due respect sir....i not even once said that economies will not have effect...They take a dent and then bouce back depending upon how effective your market is....One may find it weird but there are enough empirical results which will prove beyond doubts how wars actually improved economy......Not that i am saying if you want to improve your economy start a war, all i am saying is that a war between Pak and India will simply destroy the world economy is taking the argument a bit too far....No doubt there will be impacts however nothing that cannot be recovered....Now if you are considering a nuke war then that's a different ball game...

In a global world you will definitely see impact of unrest in Libya or mid-east in your day to day activities, however if you listen to the experts they will say this is the best time to invest in Japan....Law of Economics are very tricky and they do surprise you...Since you are in sales business your knowledge will definitely will be far better than mine however i do know a thing or two as well...

Antony to go on western front visit

TNN | Apr 30, 2011

NEW DELHI: Even as the Army has launched a major combat exercise in the Thar desert to practice "high tempo" operations, defence minister A K Antony will be visiting Rajasthan on Monday to review operational preparedness of Indian troops along the western front with Pakistan.

Accompanied by Army chief General V K Singh and defence secretary Pradeep Kumar, Antony will tour the forward areas, review the border infrastructure and interact with soldiers.

As reported by TOI earlier, the Army is conducting the "Vijayee Bhava" (Be Victorious) exercise in Suratgarh region to finetune its "pro-active" war strategy.

The main formation taking part in the simulated wargames, under "a NBC (nuclear, chemical, biological) overhang", is the armoured corps-intensive 2 Corps, considered to be the most crucial of the Army's three principal "strike" formations tasked with virtually cutting Pakistan into two during a full-fledged war.
NBC overhang as the article is saying .What use are TNW's in such a scenario ?Again are the pakistani generals read to give to commanders at the lower nperational level
All indian members just call this TNW thing bluff and move on TNW's cause more headaches to pakistanis than solutions.By the way we need to modify NFU wrt to Pakistan
All indian members just call this TNW thing bluff and move on TNW's cause more headaches to pakistanis than solutions.By the way we need to modify NFU wrt to Pakistan

If it is a bluff then why do you want to change your NFU wrt to Pakistan. Confused much??? :lol:
Lahore is the eternal city of Pakistani Punjab and any indian who comes as an aggressor, will leave his mortal remains in the sewers of that magnificent and ancient city.

Mod Edit: Offensive term removed.

Big mouth , ask this to Khalistan patriot. Lahore was the capital of Sikh empire. Most of pakistani punjab is part of Khalistan.
Big mouth , ask this to Khalistan patriot. Lahore was the capital of Sikh empire. Most of pakistani punjab is part of Khalistan.

Come and get it, every home will have a warrior that will make sure it will become a graveyard for the aggressors.
The very name Lahore comes from Luv (the son of Lord Rama), not any barbaric invaders. Anything good in its culture comes from Hinduism, not from invaders and converts.
yes thats why you have cast system in your Religion you dont even touch people who are from lower casts indirectly you dont even consider them humans
If God forbid there is another attack like 26/11 linked to Pakistan based militants, India this time will come under great pressure to strike even after the Mumbai attack Obama himself said India has 'the right to defend itself'.

International sympathy will be with India and the first 24hours will be important we can strike using the Brahmos cruise missiles to hit the terror camps in Pak occ Kashmir and in the Punjab region where the LET HQ is located.

Rapid action forces can be used behind enemey lines to flush out the culprits and our Spy sats will play a important role together with our drones

---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 PM ----------

yes thats why you have cast system in your Religion you dont even touch people who are from lower casts indirectly you dont even consider them humans

That is why in Quran it says to beat women lightley and capture sex slaves? please get a life you troll
If it is a bluff then why do you want to change your NFU wrt to Pakistan. Confused much??? :lol:
I know what iam speaking my idea is to destroy pakistan first rtrike capability as it second strike
Capability is quiet infantile
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