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India's Claim of Laser Weapons: Bluff or Threat?

Seriously, i think India should stop advertising every proposed project like this. keep things under wraps and just 'do it'. like we did with PAD and AAD. If we are working on laser weapons, good. Just keep quiet about i and one fine morning, just SHOW the world like China did with ASAT.

I totally agree with you in most cases. However, there is a political\military calculation when a country would tell the whole world that it is testing a system. For example, the US test of the mid course missile interceptors was made very public. On certain areas such as stealth plane, F-117, the plane was in service and still people did not know about it until it had been in service for quite some time.
Seriously, i think India should stop advertising every proposed project like this. keep things under wraps and just 'do it'. like we did with PAD and AAD. If we are working on laser weapons, good. Just keep quiet about i and one fine morning, just SHOW the world like China did with ASAT.

While it should be true for most projects, imo deterrents like Nuke and BMD should be advertised. Like Dr Strangelove said, "Yes, but the whole point of the doomsday machine is lost if you keep it a secret! Why didn't you tell the world Eh?" :azn:
I don't intend on putting Foot in mouth ,
but a decade ago , When India was developing A BMD system. People said similar things.

Today India want's to develop Laser based systems , it's no surprise that the same thing is happening again. Even though DRDO has already the smart Choice of getting the Israelis on board

NEW DELHI, Aug. 31 (UPI) -- Bent on becoming a regional superpower, India is pursuing ways to develop laser-guided anti-ballistic missiles.

Dubbed direct energy weapons and developed by the Defense Research and Development Organization, the new weapons are intended to kill incoming, hostile ballistic missiles "by bombarding them with subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves," the Defense News Web site reported.

In a planning document written earlier this month, India's Defense Ministry said it would place what it called its highest priorities on direct energy weapons for the next 15 years. Trials of the weapons are expected within the coming years should scientists stay on schedule with the development program.

Indian scientists say they have already begun testing. The defense dazzler was reported to be one of the first weapons put to test, engaging enemy aircraft and helicopters within a range of 6 miles.

This system alone, Defense News reported, will be inducted into the country's defense apparatus by 2012.

"Lasers are weapons of the future. We can, for instance, use laser beams to shoot down an enemy missile in its boost or terminal phase," The Times of India recently quoted Anil Kumar Maini, who heads the Indian Defense Research and Development Organization's Laser Science and Technology Center.

The direct energy weapons are capable of producing 25-kilowatt pulses that can destroy intruding missiles. They are said to be considered by the Indian navy for deployment on submarines and destroyers. They may also be mounted on combat aircraft and transport planes.

India's designs come amid efforts to establish a defense shield capable of knocking down hostile ballistic missiles.

Should India succeed, it will join Israel, Russia and the United States in both developing and owning such defense technology.

Although manufactured domestically, the system's tracking and fire control radars have been developed with Israel and France.

Bent on bolstering its military might, India announced plans recently to spend up to $30 billion on its military by 2012.

The Times of India reported that laser-based weapons would comprise one component of a wider India missile defense network now under development. The newspaper noted, however, that the country's Defense Research and Development Organization is known to make claims regarding technology that it cannot ultimately produce.

India prepares laser-guided missiles - UPI.com

Every one is working on DEW's , what so surprising that it involves India as well.
DRDO Develops New Laser-Based Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems

The Directed Energy Weapons bombard incoming ballistic missiles with electromagnetic waves or subatomic particles to destroy them. The laser weapons are suitable for Air Force transport planes and fighters, and Navy’s destroyers and submarines.

According to a DRDO scientist, the laser-based anti-ballistic missile systems have gone through standard testing procedures. An air defense dazzler, one of the weapons, can engage enemy helicopters at a 10 km range. The laser weapon will be set for induction in the next two years.

The scientist added that the DEW can generate 25 kW pulses, which can shoot down a missile within 7 km. Scientists are currently testing the Prithvi anti-ballistic missile system, which is scheduled for induction by 2013. The Prithvi can destroy ballistic missiles at a range of 80 km. The scientist informed that Indian scientists are developing the second-phase Prithvis, which is capable of destroying incoming ballistic missiles.

DRDO Develops New Laser-Based Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems
Report the trolls, don't reply to their posts!
For those actually interested in the Kind of Dazzlers India is implementing


Something we would probably use

__________________________________________________ _________

DRDO's Laser Dazzler

When turned on, the gadget, called laser dazzler, sends out radiation to immobilise individuals or crowds without causing permanent injury. The green rays can throw a wave of agony nearly 250 metres away.

AK Maini, who heads the DRDO’s Laser Science and Technology Centre, told HT hand-held laser dazzlers with a range of 50 metres would be supplied to paramilitary forces by October for feedback on performance.

He said a vehicle-mounted weapon system for engaging mobs at nearly 250 metres would be ready by the end of next year.

What makes the laser effective is that it doesn’t have to be aimed and shot, it moves like a large circle with a spread of almost 20 metres. It will allow security forces to disperse crowds without inflicting life-threatening injury.

Maini said the system was different from Western gadgets that employed millimetre wave technology to repel crowds by targeting different parts of the body.

He explained, “It’s not a stun gun. The laser dazzler targets only the eyes. It could be the perfect solution to de-escalate aggression such as the kind caused by Kashmir’s stone-throwing mobs.”


Seems mounted on INSAS maybe still not sure.

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Well,why would Pakistanis enjoy India creating a Laser weapon?Its obvious for some people to flame and make a joke out of it,but that will turn opposite when the laser strikes them in their a$$.
I think that the development of such weapons, if they are indeed being developed, should probably be kept a secret and preferably a secret until they are used.
To Molawchai

Wow a Thai who speaks English, Probably learn't from Farangs visiting to Soi cowboy...National pride of Thailand.

Don't worry about our guns, they are being produced and improved. I don't see Thailand moving anywhere ahead from Somtam.
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Even if we ever end up possessing one,we should remain mum on it.

PS:was there a Hindu newspaper based report regarding India possessing such capability in the 1st place?
I don't think its a bluff ... we can already see the colaboration of India and Israel in weapons development ... and as far as I come to know through internet, Israel has DEW which is already fielded ... now about India, its only the matter of willing, not capacity, although capacity counts but I think will counts most that are they willing to have such thing ... So now India is a growing economic nation which can afford to have such weapon by co-development with different nations ... no doubt about it ...
Why is it a surprise to many?

USA or Russia haven't patented the word 'Innovation'

A breakthrough can come from anywhere and at anytime,i wouldn't have been shocked if an African nation would have done so,because there are brilliant minds all over the world.

USA and Russia are not the only big daddies of the world.
Why is it a surprise to many?

USA or Russia haven't patented the word 'Innovation'

A breakthrough can come from anywhere and at anytime,i wouldn't have been shocked if an African nation would have done so,because there are brilliant minds all over the world.

USA and Russia are not the only big daddies of the world.

Yeah, so true, why should it be surprise from an India point of view?
But the reality by claiming so-called "Laser Weapon" when you lack the basis ability to produce a decent "rifle" for decades doesn't sound too convincing though, one must know their own limitation and ability, otherwise being a laughing stock will be next. :argh:
Becareful what you wish for "Laser weapon" here you go!!:D

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