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India's Claim of Laser Weapons: Bluff or Threat?


Feb 23, 2009
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United States
India's Claims of Laser Weapons: 'Nonsense' or Threat?
(Aug. 31) -- An elaborate bluff? A case of overly optimistic technology? Or perhaps just old-fashioned boasting? Whatever the explanation, India's claims that it is on the brink of deploying advanced laser weapons is attracting attention from Pakistan.

Defense News, a military trade publication, reported in a recent article that India was developing a variety of new energy-beam weapons, including one that "can kill incoming ballistic missiles by bombarding them with subatomic particles or electromag

netic waves."
In this infrared image released by the U.S. Department of Defense, the Missile Defense Agency's Airborne Laser, right, destroys a short-range ballistic missile

Other lasers under development include a laser "dazzler" weapon that could be directed at aircraft from up to 10 kilometers away or aimed at people for use as a nonlethal device. The weapons are being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation, a government agency that develops technology and weapons for the Indian military.

But there's a large difference between missile-destroying laser beams, which typically require large amounts of energy, and lower-powered laser dazzlers, which can be used to disorient or temporarily blind people.

Regardless, India's archrival, Pakistan, is following the news closely. "The Indian government has decided to equip its police and paramilitary forces in the Occupied Kashmir valley with slew of 'Directed Energy Weapons,' also called 'laser dazzlers,' to tackle Kashmiri protesters," Pakistan's The Nation newspaper reported.

U.S. scientists who have worked on military weapons expressed skepticism about India's claims. That's not surprising, since the Pentagon, for example, has invested some 30 years and billions of dollars in creating directed-energy weapons designed to shoot down ballistic missiles, and so far nothing has been deployed.

The U.S. Air Force has worked for years on the airborne laser, a megawatt-powered chemical laser housed on a Boeing jumbo jet that successfully shot down a missile target earlier this year in a test. But the Pentagon has shelved plans to deploy the weapon, citing concerns about its feasibility.

Laser weapons certainly have military applications, Mark Lewis, a former Air Force chief scientist, told AOL News, but he doubted that India has made a huge breakthrough in the field. "I have never seen anything to suggest they are very far along," he said.

Peter Zimmerman, the former chief scientist of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, was equally dubious about the prospects of India possessing advanced laser weapons. "Laser dazzlers are straightforward," he told AOL News, noting that commercially available green lasers can be aimed at landing aircraft to distract the pilots.

But missile-destroying laser weapons are less likely, he said. "Laser weapons from India?" Zimmerman asked. "Probable nonsense."
thats what they say about our Balestic Missile, nuclear bomb, 1971, arihant, AC-1 & INDIA beaing a economic power. hum!
We prove them always wrong and this time too we will do it.
they have to admit that they r wrong about INDIA in general
India's Claim of Laser Weapons: Bluff or Threat? do you really need an answer? :D
Come on, get real, for a country like India still struggling making a capable"rife" for the last 50 plus yrs. :hang2:
It will be like i am asking you is this picture the real deal or movie one?

Its a bird, no its a plane, no, its "Superman" watch out, i think he is holding a "laser gun" :lol: :yahoo:
But apparently our nukes work just fine !!..and has been so for last 36yrs..so maybe making a nuke is much easier...making a making a laser too.

Actually making a nuke is much easier compared to a high energy laser, the know how is there the only think lacking for most countries is the materials.
Actually making a nuke is much easier compared to a high energy laser, the know how is there the only think lacking for most countries is the materials.

Yes, now it is much easier because nuclear weapons are already in existence for over 6 decades..but India did not acquire nukes todays ..it did nearly 4 decades back..when India hardly had any industrial capacity..so maybe laser based weapons may take a decade or more , but eventually we will.
I will not say it a non-sense but I'll say its one of 'a sweet fruit' of Indo-Israel friendship.:cool:

there were reports that Israel got mobile version and India has static version.

Indian scientists are developing laser-based anti-ballistic missile systems called Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs).

Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), DEW weapons can kill incoming ballistic missiles by bombarding them with subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves. The weapons could intercept missiles soon after they were launched toward India.

A DRDO scientist said laser-based weapons have been tested. One of these weapons is the air defense dazzler, which can engage enemy aircraft and helicopters at a range of 10 kilometers. This weapon will be ready for induction in two years.(Brahmastra Edit:We don't know how many years have been passed, so its possible.)

India's laser weapons can be deployed in the Navy's submarines and destroyers, and Air Force fighters and transport planes.

The DEW laser weapon is capable of producing 25-kilowatt pulses that can destroy a ballistic missile within seven kilometers, the scientist said.

In addition, Indian scientists are testing the Prithvi homemade anti-ballistic missile system, which can kill ballistic missiles at a height of up to 80 kilometers. The first-phase Prithvi is likely to be inducted by 2013, said the DRDO scientist.

Scientists are working on developing second-phase Prithvis capable of killing incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles.


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Seems like a personal problem :lol:

R u talkin abt chernobyl!! damn u russians coz of u it doesnt even rain in some parts of my province and according to our elders when it happened it used to rain acid with ashes n stuff tht would even burn people n stuff!!
We are only one of 4/5 nations to have a real BMD system.

So if We do come up something new in the same field... Why at all it should be a surprise ???
I will not say it a non-sense but I'll say its one of 'a sweet fruit' of Indo-Israel friendship.:cool:

there were reports that Israel got mobile version and India has static version.

YouTube - MTHEL THEL Mobile / Tactical High Energy Laser


Laser weapon passes biggest test - Technology & science - Science - msnbc.com

25 kilowatts sounds a bit low for an anti-missile laser. Those are usually in the megawatt ranges. Kilowatt lasers are used against ground targets (the U.S. Advanced Tactical Laser is a good example) and even those are in the 100 kilowatt range.
R u talkin abt chernobyl!! damn u russians coz of u it doesnt even rain in some parts of my province and according to our elders when it happened it used to rain acid with ashes n stuff tht would even burn people n stuff!!

No, i was refering to Zagas dollar store contraption.

I would image that people with the need for such a device would order it discretely :whistle: instead of waiting at the checkout line? :undecided:
25 kilowatts sounds a bit low for an anti-missile laser. Those are usually in the megawatt ranges. Kilowatt lasers are used against ground targets (the U.S. Advanced Tactical Laser is a good example) and even those are in the 100 kilowatt range.

may be the countries who already have this technology, do not want others to get one. so, they are not giving real measures.
moral of the story,
Probability of the news being true is higher than the nonsense.

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