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India’s bid for ‘second strike capability’ to put pressure on Pakistan, says SPD official

Former defence secretary retired Lt Gen Naeem Khalid Lodhi had claimed last year that Pakistan possessed second strike capability against India.

A SLCM has been in the works since years.. The new AIP subs will be quipped with it..

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Canister launched Babur CMs have been tests since long.
What is the purpose/benefit of canister launch babar????
And did you know how many baburs we have???
And how many we are producng anually are they enough to enough to counter wannabe supa pawas misadventure/Coward start doctrine???
You are an Idiot.
@Irfan Baloch @waz @HRK

Bro, this user is spreading false claims and spamming posts related to certain topics.
He was banned in past for same reason and he is still on ''mission'' to derail and divert discussion from real topic. plz take good care of him.
Yes,but in a nuclear sub even if the main engine is shut off, the air purification system, the generators and many other machinary are still running and making detectable sound.
Plus Indian sea based second strike capability is for now limited to 700 km as that's the maximum range of K-15. so to have any chance of hitting deep inside Pakistan, Arihant will have to come closer than 700 km, which is within Pakistani detection and strike range.
Pakistan has home made towed array sonars made by GIDS which are very good for long range submarine detection.

Well India declared K-15 700, it doesn't means it will have 700 km , it will have more then that. More then that India has K-5 , which is 3500 KM rage

If I got by Name , K-15 =1500km and K-5 = 5000 km Range ...., depending on warhead.
Well India declared K-15 700, it doesn't means it will have 700 km , it will have more then that. More then that India has K-5 , which is 3500 KM rage

If I got by Name , K-15 =1500km and K-5 = 5000 km Range ...., depending on warhead.
Nuclear subs dont carry tactical warheads ,only strategic ones which have to be heavy. So if you are rooting on decreasing warhead size to increase K-15 size,that will only be possible if K-15 is fired with small tactical warhead and there is no point in doing that.
Also the small size of K-15 is indicative of short range,by simple logic that it carries less fuel.
Yes,but in a nuclear sub even if the main engine is shut off, the air purification system, the generators and many other machinary are still running and making detectable sound.
Plus Indian sea based second strike capability is for now limited to 700 km as that's the maximum range of K-15. so to have any chance of hitting deep inside Pakistan, Arihant will have to come closer than 700 km, which is within Pakistani detection and strike range.
Pakistan has home made towed array sonars made by GIDS which are very good for long range submarine detection.

No only coolant pumps have to be kept running, so that reactor does not go critical .

So yes Nuclear submarine makes slightly more noise than a SSK running on batteries. So why does US exclusively uses nuclear subs and not even a single SSK.

That is because difference in noise levels is insignificant, and pales away, in face of advantages a nuclear sub offer compared to SSKs.

Beside Arabian sea has excellent noise canceling properties, because different thermal layer present. It is a submariner's paradise.

Ariahant just test fired 3500 Km K 4 missile last month.
No only coolant pumps have to be kept running, so that reactor does not go critical .

So yes Nuclear submarine makes slightly more noise than a SSK running on batteries. So why does US exclusively uses nuclear subs and not even a single SSK.

That is because difference in noise levels is insignificant, and pales away, in face of advantages a nuclear sub offer compared to SSKs.

Beside Arabian sea has excellent noise canceling properties, because different thermal layer present. It is a submariner's paradise.

Ariahant just test fired 3500 Km K 4 missile last month.
US scaled back all forms of war machine because they dont face the same level of threat they did in cold war era. Bt back in Cold war era they did have SSK.

India Pakistan nuclear war means one thing = Creation of Akhand Bharat .

The nukes with India and Pakistan is finite in number and destructive strength and their number is close to 100 .

Let me explan why :
So imagine with those 100 nukes , If india kills 15 to 20Cr Pakistanis , then there would be hardly Pakistani left out of her 20cr population .

And with her nukes if Pakistan kills 20Cr indians then there would be still some 110cr people left who call themselves as indian .

So now many Pakistan make fun of India saying why cant india attacks Pakistan though Pakistan has been bleeding India for decades though terrorism and other subversive activities . Answer is hindu indian leaders just don't know what to do with extra 20cr muslim inside greater or Akhand Bharat .

But after indo pak nuke war , india will capture punjab , sindh and *** Kashmir as muslim population of punjab would have turned into ashes . And you will see the fulfillment long cheris dream of hindus go to get back original hindu lands that that now resides in pakistan .
:lol: :rofl:
And the Hindutva brigade comedy show begins
Nuclear subs dont carry tactical warheads ,only strategic ones which have to be heavy. So if you are rooting on decreasing warhead size to increase K-15 size,that will only be possible if K-15 is fired with small tactical warhead and there is no point in doing that.
Also the small size of K-15 is indicative of short range,by simple logic that it carries less fuel.

K-4 has a 3500 Km range with a 2 tonne warhead.

Where as K-15 has a range of 750 Km with 1 tonne warhead and 1900 km with 190 Kg warhead.

Whereas India's 200 KT , thermonuclear warhead weighs 270 Kgs.

US scaled back all forms of war machine because they dont face the same level of threat they did in cold war era. Bt back in Cold war era they did have SSK.

:lol: :rofl:
And the Hindutva brigade comedy show begins

Last diesel electric submarine was built by US in year 1959. Long before cold war was over.
K-4 has a 3500 Km range with a 2 tonne warhead.

Where as K-15 has a range of 750 Km with 1 tonne warhead and 1900 km with 190 Kg warhead.

Whereas India's 200 KT , thermonuclear warhead weighs 270 Kgs.
To fit nuclear warhead on a missile,the only factor is not just the weight but also dimensions. It is not easy to change anything about a Nuclear warhead,and complete new design is required. For K-series with different dimensions than Agni series,India will have to make completely new design and class of nuclear warheads. Thats why the weights you mentioned are not credible for K series as they were built for A series.
India Pakistan nuclear war means one thing = Creation of Akhand Bharat .

Let me explan why :

The nukes with India and Pakistan is finite in number and destructive strength and their number is close to 100 .

So imagine with those 100 nukes , If india kills 15 to 20Cr Pakistanis , then there would be hardly Pakistani left out of her 20cr population .

And with her nukes if Pakistan kills 20Cr Indians then there would be still some 110Cr people left who call themselves as Indian .

So now many Pakistan make fun of India saying why cant India attacks Pakistan though Pakistan has been bleeding India for decades though terrorism and other subversive activities . Answer is Hindu Indian leaders just don't know what to do with extra 20cr muslim inside greater or Akhand Bharat .

But after indo pak nuke war , india will capture punjab , sindh and *** Kashmir as Muslim population of punjab would have turned into ashes . And you will see the fulfillment long cherished dream of Hindus to get back original Hindu lands that now reside in Pakistan .
Plz one more joke I love this.hindutva day dreaming
I really love jokers with big red & white tatto on their dfore head
Do post videos if you can ..in joke section
To fit nuclear warhead on a missile,the only factor is not just the weight but also dimensions. It is not easy to change anything about a Nuclear warhead,and complete new design is required. For K-series with different dimensions than Agni series,India will have to make completely new design and class of nuclear warheads. Thats why the weights you mentioned are not credible for K series as they were built for A series.

All nuclear warheads for missiles have a similar design, Conical shaped warhead, to fit the nose cone of a missile.
Also anybody knows what happened of VLS Brahmos? The cap on this battery is indicative of he type being submarine launches.

All nuclear warheads for missiles have a similar design, Conical shaped warhead, to fit the nose cone of a missile.
No its not that simple,try reading more on the topic and will discuss it further
Nuclear subs dont carry tactical warheads ,only strategic ones which have to be heavy. So if you are rooting on decreasing warhead size to increase K-15 size,that will only be possible if K-15 is fired with small tactical warhead and there is no point in doing that.
Also the small size of K-15 is indicative of short range,by simple logic that it carries less fuel.

Nuclear Warheads come 50 KT , 200KT warhead ...has diff weight.....

Billi ke khwab me chichde.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

You claimed that your SLCM is pretty much a reality, and to prove that you posted some pics of a land based CM!!!!

Don't you know the difference between the two?

So why does US exclusively uses nuclear subs and not even a single SSK.

The reason why US does not use SSKs is that SSKs are designed for littoral warfare and have a very short range of only around 200 nautical miles, and USA does not have any enemies near its coast so it does not need short legged SSKs.

+ SSNs/SSBN's could compensate for their noise by diving below thermocline layer. SSKs could not as themocline layer does ot exist in their area of operation and neither are they sturdy enough to resist extra pressure.
The thing is it wont take much to convert a Babur into an SLCM.

Given that China is always there to help, all Pakistan needs to do is provide some incentives in gwadar, may be a 100 year lease, and 5-6 SSBN's will appear in no time, with a top secret fully indigenous MIRV 8000km SLBM named - chengez khan or alike within no time.

India will be on the losing side of this game, We can't afford to spend what Pakistan can.

For TTA, that is a Stupid Post from you .. ( no offense ) , you think SSBN's are RC toys ? and SLBM's are kids entertaining stuff ? you know there is a limit to export Missiles with Over 300km ? yeah Pakistan did not Sign but China did ..
5-6 SSBN's are not even in Pakistani Fanboy's dreams .. our dotraine is not to be offensive but to keep minimum defensive Capability which we will get from 8 AIP disel Electric Subs , which are able to Fire CM's ..
Maybe Indians have habit of calling Russian stuff their indeginous but we don't ..

Post reported for Trolling ..
Also anybody knows what happened of VLS Brahmos? The cap on this battery is indicative of he type being submarine launches.

No its not that simple,try reading more on the topic and will discuss it further

I have read enough.. What di you want to discuss here.

If your question is can K 15 carry India's 270 kg.. 200 kt thermonuclear warheads.. Then answer is, it most certainly can.
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