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India’s bid for ‘second strike capability’ to put pressure on Pakistan, says SPD official

Sir, I like ur sensible posts it is explained many times that Pakistan was going to loose 71 war due to a number of reasons, but now scenario is different . India is more vulnerable as it has got many economic hubs which are heart of whole Indian economy , in any future war (which I hope should not happen) Pak shall require to target only few big economic hubs of India to destroy Indian spinal cord. Meanwhile in case of Pakistan no such hubs exist moreover many big Pak cities are few miles away from Indian territory so India may not be technically in position to target many cities without compromising lives of own population.

Economy hubs means more economic resources which can easily converts in to diplomatic clout and technological advancement .
It is not that easy my friend .Our economy is integrating with world economy especially with West ,China ,Japan,GCC etc .
So we can manipulates some connection ,something that you cant do.
That is what I said Pakistan is no match for India .
I sincerely hope you work for the Indian Military planning division or something.


It is pretty easy for a former defense secretary to make claims, when he does not need to back them up, or be held liable for them.

He could neither tell wether Pakistani second strike capability was land based , air based or sea based.

He could neither tell us, wether Pakistan had an assured second strike capability, in form a sea based nuclear deterrent.
On which platform , which missile.

If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this second strike capability to present itself , just because some loud mouth,claimed it so, at some seminar.

The truth is Pakistan does not have a proven sea based nuclear deterrent, essential for an assured second strike capability.
But India as a country aspires to be a super power militarily and economically that is our vision and that is why we are acquiring these technologies.

These have nothing to do with Pakistan.
You cannot be a super power untill you resolve all pending disputed issues with your neighbors. Also to be a super power you must have strong voice in UNSC as a permanant member which is also very unlikely.
It is pretty easy for a former defense secretary to make claims, when he does not need to back them up, or be held liable for them.

He could neither tell wether Pakistani second strike capability was land based , air based or sea based.

He could neither tell us, wether Pakistan had an assured second strike capability, in form a sea based nuclear deterrent.
On which platform , which missile.

If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this second strike capability to present itself , just because some loud mouth,claimed it so, at some seminar.

The truth is Pakistan does not have a proven sea based nuclear deterrent, essential for an assured second strike capability.

Just as leading officials claimed pre May 1998 that it is "proven" that Pakistan does not have and never will have the ability to make nuclear weapons even with Chinese assistance. It is impossible to do so. Just as this indian dribble and nonsense was proven to be absolute rubbish then so will it now.
Just as leading officials claimed pre May 1998 that it is "proven" that Pakistan does not have and never will have the ability to make nuclear weapons even with Chinese assistance. It is impossible to do so. Just as this indian dribble and nonsense was proven to be absolute rubbish then so will it now.
No one said , its always a open secret that China/ NK help Pak to get nuclear missiles and bomb.

Indian also intercept the missile components / lathe machine from NK bounded for PAK.

Now things are change, India already told China .... We put the same thing in your SCS and backyard. India hit the china Tail , they are bouncing like anything....... India already told to put their oil Dill despite china objection.

Next thing is missile / nuke follow like that.
It is pretty easy for a former defense secretary to make claims, when he does not need to back them up, or be held liable for them.

He could neither tell wether Pakistani second strike capability was land based , air based or sea based.

He could neither tell us, wether Pakistan had an assured second strike capability, in form a sea based nuclear deterrent.
On which platform , which missile.

If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this second strike capability to present itself , just because some loud mouth,claimed it so, at some seminar.

The truth is Pakistan does not have a proven sea based nuclear deterrent, essential for an assured second strike capability.
Because we dont need to disclose or tell you in which form we have second strike capability nor we have to take a certificate from you about an assured second strike capability. Its not our problem that you do believe or not but off course your high level officials in armed forces must have know how that we have second strike capability. This is enough for a credible minimum deterrence.
You cannot be a super power untill you resolve all pending disputed issues with your neighbors. Also to be a super power you must have strong voice in UNSC as a permanant member which is also very unlikely.

Super Power , the kind which India aspires has nothing to do with the term Super Power you are assuming.

On the topic , I wonder why don't these so called experts make noise when China does it . Its simple , they have it , they are a threat to us, and we will eventually get it too.
No one said , its always a open secret that China/ NK help Pak to get nuclear missiles and bomb.

Indian also intercept the missile components / lathe machine from NK bounded for PAK.

Now things are change, India already told China .... We put the same thing in your SCS and backyard. India hit the china Tail , they are bouncing like anything....... India already told to put their oil Dill despite china objection.

Next thing is missile / nuke follow like that.

THE indians DID SAY THAT. In 1998, the indian military was so confident that Pakistan did not have nukes that they even advocated invading and nuking Pakistan, to teach Pakistan "a lesson". They were totally shocked and disturbed when Pakistan tested our nukes. Pakistan is WAY MORE advanced and powerful than you indians think. The indian military high command know this fact very well. That's why they were so powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 26/11/2008.
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Because we dont need to disclose or tell you in which form we have second strike capability nor we have to take a certificate from you about an assured second strike capability. Its not our problem that you do believe or not but off course your high level officials in armed forces must have know how that we have second strike capability. This is enough for a credible minimum deterrence.
lol, no one asking u to disclose, it will be knows to others.....if u have or have not
You cannot be a super power untill you resolve all pending disputed issues with your neighbors. Also to be a super power you must have strong voice in UNSC as a permanant member which is also very unlikely.

So china become power, since it solves all disputes with neighbours ? India become at least this stage with 7th largest economy,3rd largest as per gdp ppp,4th most powerful military,world largest economic growth in 2015,2016 and so on from major countries.India is developing and in many major parameters, we are 1st,2nd,3rd,4th in world ranking, be it steel production,coal production,electricity production,cement production,gold consumption,space power,arms importer,software services,pharma sector,retail market size,population,agricultural output,oil consumption,telecommunication sector etc.For your information currently almost 20-30% youth in the world are none other than indians.Do you think that india attained this position since it resolve all pending disputes? Yes we have shortcoming, but going in right path and india increasing its political clout in world stage.In a decade time when india become 3rd most powerful country in the world in economically,militarily,politically and its a matter of time india will be one of the permanent member in UNSC.Don't worry a time comes, when china comes in a sense that keeping pakistan in their lap always will be more bad than good.Thanks to their policy which itself makes India-US closer.
THE indians DID SAY THAT. In 1998, the indian military was so confident that Pakistan did not have nukes that they even advocated invading and nuking Pakistan, to teach Pakistan "a lesson". They were totally shocked and disturbed Pakistan tested our nukes. Pakistan is WAY MORE advanced and powerful than you indians think. The indian military high command know this fact very well. That's why they were so powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 26/11/2008.
Indian didn't said , it made PAK to do, The talks which only know though behind closed doors came into open. After that Your F-16 Fleet is in dare state.

Lol, Not powerless.... if you check your military / PM, your send SOS to every country incl , SA, Russia, China , EU, US pleading them to Stop India to attack , so deperate , you acknolwdge in Record time, it was your citizen , ( First time happen)
Because we dont need to disclose or tell you in which form we have second strike capability nor we have to take a certificate from you about an assured second strike capability. Its not our problem that you do believe or not but off course your high level officials in armed forces must have know how that we have second strike capability. This is enough for a credible minimum deterrence.

Actually you do, and not for Indians but for satisfying the Pakistani populace.. the very same reason, you had to conduct nuclear explosion, after India did it's.

Good news for Pakistan.

The thing is it wont take much to convert a Babur into an SLCM.

Given that China is always there to help, all Pakistan needs to do is provide some incentives in gwadar, may be a 100 year lease, and 5-6 SSBN's will appear in no time, with a top secret fully indigenous MIRV 8000km SLBM named - chengez khan or alike within no time.

India will be on the losing side of this game, We can't afford to spend what Pakistan can.

China is not the only player on the field here, with sea based nuclear capability another dimension comes into play.

With a SSBN, SSGN hypothetically pakistan could strike , USA, Israel or for that matter any country in the world.

If Americans are following Pakistani nuclear program closely as we think they are, they would not allow China to proliferate a means of mass destruction, which could be used against America or its allies .
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lol, no one asking u to disclose, it will be knows to others.....if u have or have not
That's why i mentioned that high ranked officials in your armed forces have know how that what Pakistan have so no need to tell you about any assured second strike capability.
THE indians DID SAY THAT. In 1998, the indian military was so confident that Pakistan did not have nukes that they even advocated invading and nuking Pakistan, to teach Pakistan "a lesson". They were totally shocked and disturbed Pakistan tested our nukes. Pakistan is WAY MORE advanced and powerful than you indians think. The indian military high command know this fact very well. That's why they were so powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 26/11/2008.

Pakistan is WAY more advanced and powerful and that's why your airforce could not do any thing to counter IAF attack on Kargil.India have a lot other priorities than thinking day and night about nukes and a responsible country will not talk daily that we have nukes, as it will be too childish.Have you ever seen any russians or americans talking always that 'We are a nuclear power' blah blah ! Since pakistan have nothing to proud about any parameter on world stage and that's why they are talking every thread about nukes,as if other does not have.India is using nuclear energy for its own growth like we attain more than 300GW of electricity(When pakistan hardly have 20GW) and adding more production IN A YEAR than current pakistan whole electricity production.Yes we are a big country, but even according to population and size also you do not have any match.We are in race with major developed countries and not with pakistan.
Indian didn't said , it made PAK to do, The talks which only know though behind closed doors came into open. After that Your F-16 Fleet is in dare state.

Lol, Not powerless.... if you check your military / PM, your send SOS to every country incl , SA, Russia, China , EU, US pleading them to Stop India to attack , so deperate , you acknolwdge in Record time, it was your citizen , ( First time happen)

More indian propaganda! If india had the ability then they would have attacked regardless of what the world says or does. Yet you were powerless to attack a nation 8 times smaller than your country.
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