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India's Ayni Military base in Tajikistan is Russia-Locked

Learn to read posts in context , I said that time is long gone when countries participated in other's war ... :azn:

Then , how do you expect Russia to burn hands for Indian and Tajik mistakes ? :azn:

Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is the mystery with regard to the Farkhor airbase . Some sources say that India is already there :undecided:

:lol: Yeah keep counting on them . History , as they say , will repeat itself

well even their army generals Counted on China in 71 war :D

Wake up ! The cold war has ended ... :azn:

Aren't you counting on the Russians to save the Tajiks in case of any attack by Pakistan in retaliation ? :rofl: ... Twisted logics ?
What is the mystery with regard to the Farkhor airbase . Some sources say that India is already there

In 1996-97, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) started negotiations with Tajikistan to use the Farkhor Airbase to transport high-altitude military supplies to the Afghan Northern Alliance, service their helicopters and gather intelligence. At that time, India operated a small military hospital in the Farkhor region. The hospital at Farkhor was used to treat Afghan Northern Alliance members injured in fighting with the Taliban, including military leader Ahmed Shah Massoud, who was rushed there after the suicide attack against him.In 2002, India acknowledged that it was setting up an airbase in Farkhor. It was secured with assistance from Russia. The airbase was in a dilapidated condition and was not used since the 1980s. The Indian Government awarded a $10 million tender to a private builder in 2003 to restore the airbase by 2005. After the builder defaulted, the Border Roads Organisation stepped in to complete the work. India has since station a squadron of MiG 29 aircraft at the base.


Wake up ! The cold war has ended ... :azn:

you should wake up that treaty is not ended since my dear friend one of the two has to abolish it :P
you should wake up that treaty is not ended since my dear friend one of the two has to abolish it :P

:lol: No ! Was it ratified again after the dissolution of USSR ? :azn: Besides , Indo-Russian relations now a days are nothing more than just business transactions , the same Kremlin provides weapons to China and Pakistan too ...

Wake up ! The cold war has ended ... :azn:

Aren't you counting on the Russians to save the Tajiks in case of any attack by Pakistan in retaliation ? :rofl: ... Twisted logics ?

really ??? ***** will attack tajiks

where India has since station a squadron of MiG 29 aircraft at the base and Secondly .... what about Russians ????

:lol: No ! Was it ratified again after the dissolution of USSR ? :azn: Besides , Indo-Russian relations now a days are nothing more than just business transactions , the same Kremlin provides weapons to China and Pakistan too ...

My dear friend Just read it first :)
What is the mystery with regard to the Farkhor airbase . Some sources say that India is already there :undecided:

:lol: Yeah keep counting on them . History , as they say , will repeat itself

I think Syama Ayas was referring to the speculations of the Ayni military base. Farkhor Air base isn't so much a secret anymore.
Relations with India have always been and I am sure will be one of the most important foreign policy priorities of our country. Our mutual ties of friendship are filled with sympathy, and trust, and openness. And we must say frankly that they were never overshadowed by disagreements or conflict. This understanding - this is indeed the common heritage of our peoples. It is valued and cherished in our country, in Russia, and in India. And we are rightfully proud of so close, so close relations between our countries.

— Dmitry Medvedev, about relations with India
really ??? ***** will attack tajiks

where India has since station a squadron of MiG 29 aircraft at the base and Secondly .... what about Russians ????

Yes , an attack from their soil will be considered an attack by Tajikistan ... So , what if India has a rumored never confirmed squadron of Mig-29's there ? :azn: Russians aren't foolish enough to burn their hands for your mistakes or to do anything that can invite other players in ...

I think you need to update yourself on the current status of Indo-Russian relations which are nothing but business transactions now ... The Cold war has ended and Kremlin seeks closer ties with Pakistan and understands the risks in case of hostile intent against Islamabad ... There can be too much instability in the CAR which the Russians do not want !
:lol: No ! Was it ratified again after the dissolution of USSR ? :azn: Besides , Indo-Russian relations now a days are nothing more than just business transactions , the same Kremlin provides weapons to China and Pakistan too ...

An India–Russia co-operation agreement was signed in December 1988.
Putin called Pakistan the most important Russian partner in South Asia sometime back , what did that change ? :azn: ... These statements are diplomatic niceties , actions speaks louder ...

"You must understand that we do not deal with your enemies. We don't deliver any arms to them.... If you see otherwise, you may spit on my face," Rogozin told reporters here when asked if Russia would supply arms to Pakistan.

Putin called Pakistan the most important Russian partner in South Asia sometime back , what did that change ? :azn: ... These statements are diplomatic niceties , actions speaks louder ...

i would care about this diplomatic niceties word if i was taking about China or USA ... :)
Who supplied RD-93 to Pakistan despite massive Indian protest ? :azn: Not to mention several other military hardware indirectly ... Do not you call China as your Number 1 enemy ? Do I need to tell you what has Russia sold to Beijing ? :azn: Everything almost ! So you may now want to spit on their face :D

But this was Putin talking ... :)
Just wonder if you know about this

Russia has extended its lease of a key military base in Tajikistan for 30 years in a deal that strengthens Moscow’s strategic position in the region ahead of NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan.

An agreement prolonging Russia’s military presence in Tajikistan till 2042 was signed by the Defence Ministers in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who paid a two-day visit to Dushanbe.

So, you are not only thinking to Disturb Idea of 4th Military power but , even the 2nd one Russians .. you need to re-think your fantasy of Attack on tajkis
Who supplied RD-93 to Pakistan despite massive Indian protest ? :azn: Not to mention several other military hardware indirectly ... Do not you call China as your Number 1 enemy ? Do I need to tell you what has Russia sold to Beijing ? :azn: Everything almost ! So you may now want to spit on their face :D

But this was Putin talking ... :)

you should be careful in this case...

be on the mercy of US and Russia in case of a war is suicidal :tongue:
Just wonder if you know about this

So, you are not only thinking to Disturb Idea of 4th Military power but , even the 2nd one Russians .. you need to re-think your fantasy of Attack on tajkis

Doesn't matter ... An attack from there on Pakistani soil would be a declaration of war and Islamabad wont give a damn just like it didn't when it shot Soviet planes in Afghan war :azn: ... and this is not fantasy , the idea of Russia getting involved in a war and causing instability just because of Tajikistan and Indian mistake surely is :)

you should be careful in this case...

Oh we are ! That is why Russians are warming up to Islamabad presently ... They know what can we do to CAR ...

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